CSIRO PUBLISHING Marine and Freshwater Research http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/MF13341 Population structure and biology of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, in the south-west Indian Ocean J. C. GroeneveldA,E, G. Cliff B, S. F. J. DudleyC, A. J. FoulisA, J. SantosD and S. P. WintnerB AOceanographic Research Institute, PO Box 10712, Marine Parade 4056, Durban, South Africa. BKwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board, Private Bag 2, Umhlanga Rocks 4320, South Africa. CFisheries Management, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Private Bag X2, Rogge Bay 8012, South Africa. DNorwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromsø, NO-9037, Tromsø, Norway. ECorresponding author. Email:
[email protected] Abstract. The population structure, reproductive biology, age and growth, and diet of shortfin makos caught by pelagic longliners (2005–10) and bather protection nets (1978–2010) in the south-west Indian Ocean were investigated. The mean fork length (FL) of makos measured by observers on longliners targeting tuna, swordfish and sharks was similar, and decreased from east to west, with the smallest individuals occurring near the Agulhas Bank edge, June to November. Nearly all makos caught by longliners were immature, with equal sex ratio. Makos caught by bather protection nets were significantly larger, males were more frequent, and 93% of males and 55% of females were mature. Age was assessed from band counts of sectioned vertebrae, and a von Bertalanffy growth model fitted to sex-pooled length-at-age data predicted a À1 birth size (L0) of 90 cm, maximum FL (LN) of 285 cm and growth coefficient (k) of 0.113 y .