Chapter 32 / DOPAchrome Tautomerase-Mediated Drug and Radiation Resistance 577 32 The Role of DCT/TYRP2 in Resistance of Melanoma Cells to Drugs and Radiation

Brian J. Pak and Yaacov Ben-David


Summary Intrinsic resistance to both chemotherapy and radiotherapy remains a major obstacle in the clinical treatment of malignant melanoma. Recent advances in cancer research have provided new insights into the molecular mechanisms governing their intrinsic resistance. We have recently demonstrated that DOPAchrome tautomerase (DCT), an enzyme that is well characterized for its function in melanin syn- thesis, is highly expressed in human melanoma cells that are resistant to both drug and radiation treat- ments. Conversely, melanoma cells expressing very low levels of DCT are highly susceptible to either type of treatment. Overexpression of DCT in melanoma cells by transfection could confer both radiore- sistance and chemoresistance. This review will summarize our findings, as well as discuss the possible mechanisms by which DCT overexpression contributes to intrinsic resistance of human malignant mela- noma. Key Words: Radioresistance; chemoresistance; malignant melanoma; DOPAchrome tauto- merase (DCT).

From: From Melanocytes to Melanoma: The Progression to Malignancy Edited by: V. J. Hearing and S. P. L. Leong © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ

577 578 From Melanocytes to Melanoma

INTRODUCTION Conventional cancer therapies involve the selective targeting of actively dividing cells by either the systemic administration of antineoplastic agents or localized treatment with ionizing radiation. There are several different classes of chemotherapeutic drugs that exert their anticancer effects by distinct mechanisms. For example, drugs such as cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (CDDP), cyclophosphamide, and dacarbazine gen- erate various forms of DNA damage (1). Other agents, such as paclitaxel and vinblastine bind tubulin, thereby inhibiting the formation of microtubules (2), whereas drugs such as methotrexate and 5-fluorouracil prevent nucleic acid synthesis (3). All of these agents act by blocking specific events during the mitotic cycle, thereby inducing cells to undergo apoptosis. Ionizing radiation, on the other hand, induces DNA strand breaks and dimer- ization, which, in turn, triggers the apoptotic cascade (4). Although radiation and chemotherapy remain first-line treatments for cancer, one of the major limitations of these approaches is that many malignancies either acquire resistance to these therapies during the course of treatment or are intrinsically resistant at the time of diagnosis. Several resistance pathways employed by malignant cells have been described in the literature. Drug efflux pumps consisting of groups of integral membrane proteins, such as P-glycoprotein (5), multidrug resistance protein (6), lung resistance protein (7), and breast cancer resistance protein, are expressed in a wide variety of different malignancies (8). Resistance to DNA damage by elevated expression of various DNA repair enzymes, including the nucleotide excision repair enzymes, ERCC1 and XPF, O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase, and O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase all have been widely described in resistant tumors (9,10). Resistance mechanisms employed by cancer cells are complex and multifactorial, and are likely heterogeneous within a tumor because of random mutations and differences in the tumor microenvironment. As such, a thorough understanding of these resistance pathways are of utmost importance in the effective clinical management of cancer using existing therapies, as well as in the development of novel therapeutic agents. The treatment of patients with melanoma can vary greatly depending on the stage at which melanoma is diagnosed. In its early stages, melanomas grow superficially on the epidermis and can be treated by surgical excision. However, once the primary tumor disseminates, melanomas become extremely difficult to treat. This is because most late- staged melanoma tumors display intrinsic resistance to chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Indeed, melanoma is virtually unresponsive to most chemotherapeutic drugs administered as a monotherapy (11,12). Combinations of such drugs, however, have been shown to improve tumor response, but rarely lead to complete remission or cures. Currently, the mechanisms underlying intrinsic resistance in melanomas remain poorly understood. Mutations in the tumor suppressor protein, p53, have been shown to enhance drug resistance in many cancer models. However, because most melanomas express wild-type p53, it is widely believed that this resistance phenotype is independent of a p53 mutation (13–19). It has been reported that more than 90% of melanomas express the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 (20–24) raising the possibility that Bcl-2 expression may contribute to their intrinsic resistance. Studies by Jansen and colleagues (25) have shown that the downregulation of Bcl-2 expression in xenograft models using antisense oligo- nucleotide therapy targeting Bcl-2, improved sensitivity of human melanoma cells to both dacarbazine and CDDP. Such results have also been obtained by treating melanoma Chapter 32 / DOPAchrome Tautomerase-Mediated Drug and Radiation Resistance 579

Fig. 1. Restriction map of murine stem cell virus retrovirus. cells with small interfering RNA (26,27). Other antiapoptotic factors, such as Bcl-xL, Mcl-1, and Survivin have also been reported to be highly expressed in melanoma cells and, therefore, may also contribute to the intrinsic resistance to therapies (28–31).

RETROVIRAL INSERTIONAL MUTAGENESIS AS A METHOD OF GENERATING RESISTANT CELL LINES In 1994, we described the use of retroviral insertional mutagenesis as a means of rapidly generating resistant variants of drug-sensitive melanoma cell lines (32). This method involves the infection of comparatively drug-sensitive melanoma cells with replication-defective amphotrophic retroviruses to generate mutants of the parental cell line. The integration of proviruses into the host cell genome generates random mutations that can lead to the activation or inactivation of cellular depending on the site of integration. For example, if the provirus integrates within a , the expression of the gene may be disrupted. Conversely, if the provirus integrates between genes, the transactivating property of the viral long terminal repeats may activate the transcription of adjacent genes. Therefore, mutant cells that harbor a dominantly selectable phenotype can be isolated and characterized. This approach has been used by our group, as well as others, and has yielded several important genes associated with cancer initiation, pro- gression, and resistance, including Fli-1, Spi-1, p53, NF-E2/p45, and CRL-1 (33–38). In an attempt to identify genes that may be associated with drug and radiation resis- tance in melanoma cells, retroviral insertional mutagenesis was used to create mutants of an early-staged, drug- and radiation-sensitive human melanoma cell line. The retrovirus used was a replication-defective, neo-containing murine stem cell virus with an amphotrophic host range (39). Murine stem cell virus is devoid of env sequences, and includes an extended packaging region (P+) for high viral titer and a modified 5'-untrans- lated region with a primer-binding site for tRNAGln instead of the usual tRNAPro. Long terminal repeats and pgk promoters are used for the expression of viral and neo RNA transcripts, respectively (Fig. 1). Melanoma mutants generated by retroviral insertional mutagenesis were subjected to treatments of lethal doses of CDDP. The rationale was that among the wild-type popu- lation of cells, some cells would have acquired a mutation that would confer CDDP resistance. These cells can then be isolated, expanded in culture, and characterized to determine which genes may be associated with CDDP resistance. By this approach, several independently derived CDDP-resistant clones were established. Quite interest- ingly, more than half of these clones showed the integration of a single provirus at an 580 From Melanocytes to Melanoma identical site, which was designated “CDDP resistance locus 1” (CRL-1). CRL-1 was mapped to human 3p21 (B. J. Pak et al., unpublished data). An analysis of approx 20 kb of genomic DNA flanking CRL-1 failed to identify exonic sequences. These results were not unexpected because proviruses often alter the expression of target genes located as much as 80 kb from the site of integration (40). Attempts to determine the gene(s) that are directly regulated by proviral integration have, thus far, been unsuc- cessful.

IDENTIFICATION OF DOPACHROME TAUTOMERASE AS A MEDIATOR OF DRUG RESISTANCE To screen for genes that are differentially expressed in the CDDP-resistant mutants, subtractive hybridization was employed. Messenger RNA from wild-type cells and from one of the virally derived mutant cells were compared and yielded a single transcript, DCT, also termed tyrosinase-related protein (TYRP)-2, which was upregulated in the CDDP-resistant clone (41). Subsequent Northern blot analysis showed that DOPAchrome tautomerase (DCT) was upregulated in each of the CDDP-resistant clones generated by retroviral insertional mutagenesis. A screen of several other human melanoma cell lines, which had been characterized as CDDP-sensitive or -resistant, showed a consistent correlation between the relative levels of DCT expression and their resistance to CDDP (41). That is, cell lines that express high levels of DCT were characteristically resistant to CDDP, whereas cell lines that express little to no DCT were highly sensitive to CDDP treatment. We further showed that the expression of DCT appeared to be restricted to cells of melanocytic lineage and its expression was not detected in a panel of nonmelanoma human cancer cell lines (42). Perhaps the best evidence that DCT may play a role in CDDP resistance in melanoma was generated from transfection studies. Wild-type cells were transfected with either a DCT plasmid vector or empty vector. Characterization of the resulting transfectants showed that the wild-type and empty vector cells were equally sensitive to CDDP treat- ment, whereas each of the isolated DCT transfectants was significantly more resistant. Increased resistance of DCT-overexpressing cells was shown to be associated with a significant decrease in CDDP-induced apoptosis (41). We further observed that DCT- overexpressing melanoma cells not only displayed resistance to CDDP, but were cross- resistant to carboplatin and methotrexate (41). Both of these compounds exert their antineoplastic effects by distinct mechanisms but, similar to CDDP, ultimately interfere with DNA replication. Interestingly, DCT overexpression in these cells did not increase resistance to paclitaxel, a drug that is not directly associated with DNA replication but targets microtubule formation (2). Thus, these results suggest that DCT overexpression confers resistance specifically to agents that interfere with DNA replication. The association between DCT expression and resistance to DNA-damaging agents was not restricted to cell lines and appeared to be applicable in vivo. In preliminary studies, two human melanoma cell lines, one that expresses high levels of DCT and one that expresses very low levels, were used to generate tumor xenografts in immunodefi- cient nude mice. After allowing tumors to grow until they were readily palpable, these mice were subjected to treatment with CDDP. After several days of treatment, tumors generated from the low DCT-expressing cell line showed a significant response to CDDP treatment, with a cessation in tumor growth in most animals, and, in a few cases, a complete disappearance of the tumor. Tumor-bearing mice generated by the high DCT- Chapter 32 / DOPAchrome Tautomerase-Mediated Drug and Radiation Resistance 581 expressing cell line exhibited no evidence of tumor shrinkage during similar treatment (B. J. Pak et al., unpublished data).

MELANOGENESIS AND TYROSINASE-RELATED PROTEINS The pigment melanin comprises a heterogeneous mixture of indoles and polymers derived from the oxidation of L-tyrosine. Melanin biosynthesis occurs in specialized organelles called melanosomes in cells of the retinal pigment epithelium and dermal melanocytes, and is distributed in the skin, hair bulbs, and the eyes. Two types of mela- nins, pheomelanin (yellow, red) and eumelanin (black, brown), are synthesized and their relative proportions in pigment cells determine color. In mammals, melanin serves sev- eral important protective functions, including photoprotection from solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and thermoregulation because of its ability to absorb energy from vari- ous forms of radiation. In addition, melanin is a cation chelator and, as such, has been postulated to serve as a free-radical sink (43). The conversion of L-tyrosine to melanin is mediated by the enzymatic activities of the tyrosinase family of proteins, which include tyrosinase, TYRP1, and DCT (Fig. 2), and both quantity and quality of melanin synthesis is dependent on the relative activities of these enzymes. Tyrosinase (EC is the rate-limiting enzyme in melanogenesis. Tyrosinase mediates the hydroxylation of L-tyrosine to L-dopaquinone (44,45) and the oxidation of 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI) to indole-5,6-quinone (46). The conversion of L-dopaquinone from L-tyrosine was thought to involve the intermediate formation of DOPA, which subsequently oxidizes to form L-dopaquinone. Recent research, however, has shown that the formation of DOPA from L-tyrosine occurs largely from an indirect, nonenzymatic pathway, independent of tyrosinase (45). The tyrosinase gene maps to the c (albino/Tyr) locus on chromosome 7 in mouse and chromosome 11 in human and is comprised of five exons and four introns spanning approx 60–70 kb (47). It encodes a 2.4 kb transcript that translates into a 55-kDa protein, which is glycosylated to a mature size of 65 to 75 kDa. TYRP1, mapped to the brown (b/Tyrp) locus, resides on mouse chromosome 4 and on human chromosome 9p23 (48). The gene is composed of eight exons and seven introns, and encodes a transcript that yields a 537-amino-acid protein with a mature mass of approx 75 kDa. TYRP1 has been suggested to function as a 5,6-dihydroxyindole-2- carboxylic acid (DHICA) oxidase in murine melanocytes, although this remains a sub- ject of dispute (49,50). Recently, it has been suggested that human TYRP1 does not use DHICA as a substrate (51). DCT (EC mediates the tautomerization of the red melanin precursor, L-DOPAchrome to the colorless DHICA (52,53). In the absence of DCT, l-DOPAchrome is spontaneously converted to the toxic melanin precursor, DHI (52,54). It has been suggested that DCT may function to protect melanocytes against cytotoxicity caused by DHI accumulation by limiting its formation. The DCT gene is composed of eight exons and seven introns, and has been mapped to the slaty (Tyrp2) locus on chromosome 14 in mouse and in human. The gene encodes a transcript that contains a 1.6-kb open-reading frame that translates into a mature protein of approx 75 kDa after posttranslational processing (48). Mutations at the DCT locus have been found in mice, all of which leads in pigmen- tation phenotypes (55). Each of these mutations is a point mutation, designated as Dctslt, Dctslt-J, and Dctslt-Lt, which still express the mutant form. Recently, mice deficient in 582 From Melanocytes to Melanoma

Fig. 2. Schematic of eumelanin synthesis.

DCT have been generated, revealing a diluted coat-color phenotype, which is caused by reduced melanin content in hair (56). Interestingly, this group demonstrated that, in contrast to the knockout mice, the slaty mutation (Dctslt/Dctslt) has less melanin and severely effects growth of primary melanocytes (56). This data may suggest involve- ment of DCT in cell proliferation, in addition to its role in melanin synthesis.

EXPRESSION OF DCT Although the primary function of DCT is in the synthesis of melanin, its expression is not restricted to melanocytes. DCT expression has been reported in various normal and neoplastic cell types of the neural ectodermal lineage. These include the retinal pigment epithelium (57), retinoblastomas (58), gliomas (59), and glioblastomas (60). However, to our knowledge, DCT expression has not been reported in cells outside of the neural ectodermal lineage. As such, resistance mediated by DCT represents a unique mecha- nism that is both lineage- and tissue-specific, unlike all other known mechanisms of drug resistance. In melanomas, DCT is reportedly highly expressed in most primary tumors and cell lines. Orlow and colleagues (61) showed that among the tyrosinases, TYRP1 and DCT, only DCT was consistently expressed in all melanoma tumor samples examined. Among Chapter 32 / DOPAchrome Tautomerase-Mediated Drug and Radiation Resistance 583 the 10 independently derived human melanoma cell lines that are routinely cultured in our laboratory, 7 have been shown to express high levels of DCT. Indeed, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection of the gp100 and DCT gene transcripts were identified in metastatic cells collected from the peripheral blood of melanoma patients and was correlated with recurrent and/or metastatic disease (62).

DCT AND RADIATION RESISTANCE The observation that DCT overexpression appeared to specifically confer resistance to chemotherapeutic agents that later interfere with DNA replication prompted the investigation into whether DCT is associated with resistance to DNA damage induced by ionizing radiation. In a recent study, we employed retroviral insertional mutagenesis, using the same original human melanoma cell line as in our drug resistance study, to generate mutants that display resistance to X-ray irradiation. Characterization of these X-ray resistant mutants showed that each independently derived clone expressed signifi- cantly higher levels of DCT compared with the parental cell line, at both the messenger RNA and protein levels (63). X-ray irradiation is known to induce cytotoxicity by gen- erating DNA strand breaks and, as such, these results support the notion that DCT may be associated with resistance to DNA damage. Exposure to UVB irradiation also induces cytotoxicity. Unlike X-ray radiation, UVB does not induce DNA strand breaks, but causes the formation of pyrimidine dimers, which disrupt the mitotic pathway. An analysis of the X-ray-resistant mutant lines showed that each one of them displayed cross-resistance to UVB radiation (63). Quite interest- ingly, all of the CDDP-resistant clones showed cross-resistance to UVB irradiation, whereas each of the radiation-resistant clones also showed resistance to CDDP. More- over, the parental cells that had been transfected with DCT, which had previously been shown to be CDDP resistant, also showed increased resistance to UVB irradiation. Taken together, these results strongly suggest a role for DCT in conferring resistance to DNA damaging effectors. Recently, Nishioka and colleagues (64) reported that DCT overexpression in mela- noma cells by transfection abrogates UVB-induced apoptosis. These results provide further evidence of the importance of DCT in drug and radiation resistance. These results also exclude the possibility that DCT may confer resistance by modulating intracellular drug accumulation (i.e., regulating drug efflux pumps, such as P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance transporter-1), or by enhancing drug detoxification pathways (e.g., increased glutathione or glutathione-S-transferase activity). Nishioka et al. also suggest that DCT overexpression may confer resistance by regulating specific apoptotic path- ways and/or DNA repair mechanisms.

DCT AND IMMUNOTHERAPY OF HUMAN MELANOMA Previous studies have demonstrated that various active-specific immunotherapy pro- tocols have the potential to affect melanoma growth and progression. As such, induction of cellular immune responses to melanocyte-specific enzymes, such as tyrosinase, is a goal of clinical studies in melanoma immunotherapy. DCT is an attractive model antigen for melanoma vaccine therapy because it has been shown to be highly immunogenic and is expressed at high levels in melanocytes and melanomas at different stages of tumor progression (65–67). Moreover, upregulation of DCT is also present in the serum of 584 From Melanocytes to Melanoma patients with malignant gliomas (59). Several studies over the past decade have dem- onstrated that immunization with a DCT antigen suppressed tumor progression and significantly enhanced survival of melanoma-bearing mice. Similarly, vaccination with DCT-transfected dendritic cells also significantly increased antimelanoma immunity (68–70). DNA vaccines used against DCT have also been shown to induce T-cell- mediated protection against mouse glioblastoma (68). Taken together, these results suggest that vaccine-induced immune responses against DCT-expressing melanoma cells, as well as malignant gliomas, may leave behind cancer cells that are less intrinsi- cally resistant to conventional cytotoxic agents. If so, a combination of DCT vaccination followed by chemotherapy may improve efficacy of such a treatment.

POSSIBLE MECHANISMS OF DCT-MEDIATED RESISTANCE Because of the restricted localization of DCT to the melanosomal compartment of pigment-producing cells and its only reported function in melanin synthesis, our initial investigation into its mechanism of action in conferring resistance focused on the pro- cess of melanin synthesis. Specifically, the possibility that resistance was associated with an overall increase in melanogenic activity, and not solely DCT, was examined. The levels of tyrosinase, TYRP1, and DCT expression were profiled in a variety of human melanoma cell lines and compared with their relative levels of CDDP resistance. In each cell line examined, the extent of CDDP resistance correlated specifically with DCT expressions and did not bear any relationship to the expressions of tyrosinase or TYRP1 (42). Moreover, the extent of CDDP resistance in these cells was not associated with total cellular melanin content. These results suggest a specific role for DCT in conferring resistance that is independent of overall melanogenic activity. Given that DCT overexpression appears to be involved specifically with increased resistance to anticancer treatments specifically targeting the DNA, and that this resis- tance is associated with a decrease in treatment-induced apoptosis, it remains possible that DCT may modulate components of the apoptotic cascade that are triggered in response to DNA damage. A recent study showed DCT localization primarily in the perinuclear/Golgi area and occasionally on the plasma membrane. Very low quantities of DCT were detected in late melanosomes (71). These observations suggest that DCT possibly has a second regulatory function within these cells. There has been increasing evidence in the literature that suggests melanin-related metabolites not only serve as pigment precursors, but also function as regulators of various cellular processes. Indeed, these molecules are highly diffusible and can readily exit the melanosomes and enter other cellular compartments. DHICA, the product of the DCT-mediated isomerization of L-DOPAchrome, is a stable, highly diffusible antioxidant molecule that has been previously shown to exhibit marked reactivity to nitrogen oxides produced by autoxida- tion of nitric oxide (NO) (72), stimulate NO production by lipopolysaccharide-induced NO synthase (73), and function as a potent inhibitor of lipid peroxidation (74). It remains to be determined whether drug and radiation resistance in DCT-overexpressing mela- noma cells is mediated through these melanin precursors. The biological potential of melanin precursors as regulators of cellular processes, independent of their function in the formation of pigmentation, warrants further investigation. Chapter 32 / DOPAchrome Tautomerase-Mediated Drug and Radiation Resistance 585

STRESS-DEPENDENT MECHANISMS OF RESISTANCE IN MELANOMAS Cytotoxicity induced by treatment with either CDDP or UVB has been shown to be mediated, at least in part, by the activation of various cellular stress response pathways (75,76). Thus, the manner in which cancer cells respond to stress may influence the level of resistance to anticancer treatments. Several well-characterized signal transduction pathways involved in the stress response, including p38/ATF, tumor necrosis factor- associated receptor factor 2, tumor necrosis factor-D, and nuclear factor-NB have been shown to play a role in modulating resistance in cancer cells (75,77–81). We have previously noted that DCT-overexpressing melanoma cells, in addition to displaying increased resistance to drug and radiation treatment, also showed resistance to heat shock at 41qC (B. J. Pak et al., unpublished observation). This finding suggests a possible association between DCT expression and stress–response pathways. It is plausible that the differential accumulation of melanin precursors caused by DCT overexpression in these cells may lead to the activation of the stress response, which facilitates survival during subsequent exposure to stress. There are numerous studies that show that pre- exposure to sublethal doses of heat stress and the resulting increase in heat-shock protein expression protects cells from subsequent exposure to heat stress (82,83). To test this hypothesis, melanoma cells were treated with the reducing compound, L-cysteine, which has been shown to enhance the DCT-catalyzed conversion of L-DOPAchrome to DHICA (84). The treatment of melanoma cells with L-cysteine resulted in a dramatic increase in the levels of phospho-extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK), suggesting that in- creased DCT function may lead to an activation of the ERK/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway (63). This was supported by the observation that the levels of phospho-ERK were elevated in the DCT-transfected cell lines. Thus, these results sug- gest that DCT overexpression, possibly through the accumulation of DHICA, activates the ERK/MAPK pathway, and that this activation leads to downstream pathways that result in increased resistance. To test this, melanoma cells were transfected with MEKEE, a constitutively active mutant of MEK/MAPK (63). This leads to an increase in the levels of phospho-ERK expression and conferred increased resistance to UVB treatment in these cells. These results are consistent with a recent report that showed that inhibitors of the ERK/MAPK pathway can sensitize melanoma cells to the toxic effects of chemo- therapeutic drugs (85). Therefore, taken together, we propose, based on these findings, that DCT overexpression in melanoma cells results in the activation of the ERK/MAPK pathway, likely through the melanin precursor, DHICA, and that the activation of this pathway results in increased resistance to chemotherapy and radiation therapy that targets DNA damage. Delineation of these pathways is currently ongoing.

CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES The observation that the overexpression of the melanogenic enzyme, DCT, can confer chemoresistance and radioresistance to melanoma cells offers an intriguing therapeutic potential in the treatment of malignant melanoma. The restricted expression of DCT to cells of the neural ectodermal lineage makes it a uniquely tissue-specific therapeutic target. Possible treatment strategies may involve the downregulation of DCT concur- rently with chemotherapy or radiation therapy as a means of improving the efficacy of these treatments. Another possible application of these observations is that intratumor levels of DCT can be assayed in melanoma patients as a means to determine whether 586 From Melanocytes to Melanoma these patients will be responsive to DNA-targeting chemotherapeutic agents or radio- therapy. Presently, there is no method of determining which melanoma patients will respond to conventional therapies, and often patients are subjected to courses of chemo- therapy that they are not responsive to and suffer from the adverse side effects of these drugs. Predicting which patients will be more likely to respond to DNA-targeting agents or other classes of drugs, such as the tubulin inhibitors, by assaying their serum levels of DCT may assist in determining the clinical strategy to be considered for the treatment of melanoma. Studies are currently in progress to identify a therapeutically effective means of downregulating DCT, as well as to evaluate the validity of DCT as an indicator of tumor responsiveness to chemotherapy and radiotherapy in melanoma.

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