
.~~T 11 'lTtT XIII-~

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(1981 Census Publications, Series 11 in All lndia Series will be publisht d ill the following parts)


Part f-A Administration Report-Enumeration

Fart 1-13 Administration Report-Tabulat ion

Part II-A General Population Tables

Part II-B Primary Census Abstract

Part III General Economic Tables

Part IV Social and Cultural Tables

P3.rt V Migration Tables

Part VI Fertility Tables

P:irt VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population

Part VIn Household Tables

Part IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes. and Scheduled Tribes

Part X-A Town Directory

Part X-B Survey Reports on selected Towns

Part X-C Survey Reports on selected VIllages

Part XI Ethnographic Notes and special studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Part XlI Census Atlas

Pap.:r 1 of 1982 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

Paper 1 of 1984 Household Population by Religion of Head of Household


Part XIII-A and B District Census Handbook for each of the 45 districts in the State (Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract) CONTENTS ~~ Pages 1 Sf~ Foreword I-IV 2 5l~;:rT Preface V- VI a f~~ 'fiT ~T District Map 4 Q@{c4'ri ~ Important Statistics VII 5 m"l!(oll~"" ft!:cqorr Analytical Note.

6~mr'li ~ ; ~~f;m ~TfQ at"n: ~~ Note & Explanations; List of Scheduled IX-XXXII Castes and Scheduled Tribes Order lSf'i'fmm 'fiT ~'

Tahsil Maps 6 ~aml ifi' ;rCf~

7 ~ Cfi-l1l'f f.:rimCfiT Section I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY 1-169

(I) m~m~ ~ll1iT ~) ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES (i) ~~~ ~~ 3-11 (ii) ~<.~~ Q~ 11-17 ( iii ) "!~fii1!~ Q~~~ 17-22

(i) Tahsil 23-31 (ii) Tahsil 31-36 (iii) Tahsil 37-41

(2) 11l'f Aifuctn i:i ~qt{\q f~ tl~ "$tg" ~ Notes Explaining the "Codes" used 43-45 aGi~ if ftl:q'Qft in the Village Directory.

(3) Vl'f AifllCfiT VILLAGE DIRECTORY (i) Tahsil (i) ~~qy Q~re Kbandwa 46-101 (ii) Harsud Tahsil 102-139 (ii) ~~ O&:~~ (iii) "'~r

(4) qfmt~ 1- r«~fiJf

Appendix II-Land utilisation data in 174 (5) qf1:f~lS~ 2- ~h·,,;ronft;(;PT

( 6) 'lf~f~~ 3-~TllT cpl ;:r~m~orr~ ~', f:qfCfiffiT, :SFt> GI' crT~ where no Educational. Medical, Post & Telegraph, iiIT'ifT~j&.TC: ~ fG:if ~T f~T ~ Day or Days of Market/Hat, .,ill, ~:qr{ crl!fT fq~T Cfl') Communications and Power ar"~fcr 'li1 ~f<.fa'llf ~<.1a;8' if~ ~, Supply facilities are available

( 7 ) 'l ~f~tSe 4 -~9' 'ifi'f ~l9

8 '!is ~ - 'ii(~ f;:{ci f~CfiT Section II-TOWN DIRECTORY 213-234 ( 1) if'l"~ fif~fw:;OT ij '3'q'~T'I" fifi~ ij~ '

(2) Statement 1- Status and Growth Hist,)ry 218-219

(3) fCfCf~1Jf-2 sfTW5fCl'1fi ~~ (MT ;;lf~T 'ilT Statement -II Physical Aspects and Location 'of srft'l!ffu I 1 979. Towns, 1979. 220-221

(4) fqq~1Jf-3 ifq~qTf~CfiT fCRf, 1978-79. Statement III· Municipal Finance. 1978-79. 222-223

( 5 ) fcr~ -4 ;:rFTf~ aT)~ 3Flf ~fCfmij I Statement IV - Civi c and other Amenities, 1979 1979. 224-225

( 6) f<;rcr{ur-4 Cfi orfcr~f'

(7) fqq~ur-5 f:qf

(8) fGFcr~ur-6 om'n'~, orrf~ ~T'I" 8th Statement VI- Trade, Commerce o1f!f;ij', 1979. Industry a ad Banking, 1979. 232·233

Appendix-Towns Showing tbeir Outgrowths wita population 234 ;;rlf ~q~f~CT ~ I :gfcrCTr31T 21)) V1il" fij~fm'li T i:j- 'Hr a:-:1~1ff ~ m~ fG.~TT~n~T, ~ flfi' ;;.fG: Cf:i~ fqfll,tc ~fCi'IJr f'f~T lJil1 i:j- ':5q~,¢CT TCfiT'!!l'i ~ f~ VTll"TUT tH~T ~ VTll" ~t CfCfi ~ I1;cf ;rT~'lil~a<:llf lfl'i.,T TTllIfll"lfi' ;;r;:r;rUJ'lT m..: ~ if ~cr~ ~IlfTrrTlf &Tt'fT if Tr~nr 195 I ~fer if; f~~ li;;rTCTer \lITTT~ me:rr if;;:lr, Sl"TI!fn:r1fi ~crr~~1:("-~'1 ~;:lf ar"t"{ ;:r;r..: lfi'T >rTl!ffll"cp Gf<'fqUT;:rT ~T": OfTt \5fij'tfUJ'lT TlImrf.rcli ~fulfCfiT, \jfTTqfl:rr1ffT'ij"fTTIlffl:rCfi ~;:rrur;;r ~~ If<: arrmf<:cr ~fcrt:lTtt ~~¢t:l ~ G:T <'fD: Ifhf~t;TCfiTf~ ~ rr~'T arT<:: 31';:r.r ~fqclT3rT ~ ern: it IJTrc+r'fi f~!fIJfT ~T IJ'~ ~ f;;p,'i't fcrflf?T ~if~2: B"i~furlJt fGfCf<:.Uf--iv It 31'iWGfCf ;;frf'llfT ar1<:: 31'i~f:qq 'ifi'{;;frf'Irrqflf'fi ;;rrrrrlJf n B'r~ 3fT{ 3frlf ~flT~r it Q;~ lf~c~uT qf<::Gf~i{ f;;r 1'T 31T~ a~ft'i/,!f~~ ~-lTrrf«r~~rf£f'fi f~{ir« f!1TTB"'f 'fiT H:qf(f Sflfm f1FfT i:T"Gfr 'ij") qf<:.~'i frrt:r 8fr'ii~r 'liT ~cfr~r ~T q;lt. ~lt. ~3I'rt ",Tl=!' Q;

1he district Census handbook (DCB), compiled by the Census organisation on behalf of the State governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The OCR is constantly referred to by planner s, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter-alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formu:ation of lecal level and regicnal plans and as an aid to District administration. The district census handl::ook is the only publication which provides primary Census Abstract (peA) data upto village level for the rural areas and warcwise for each city or to\\n. It also providfs data on infrastructure and amenities i~ villages and towns, etc.

Tbe district CfDH1S barc'tcck Euies "Sf> initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census taeles and PCA for f~ch village fnd {cwn d tbe district. During '1961 Census the scope of the D CH was enlarged and it ccnlained a descriptj\e account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables village and ICV,Il directcry, ir;cJudir,g PCA. He 1971 rCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to vil'age and 10\\n directory, Part-B to villafe and town PCA and part-C compri· sed analytical report, admini~trati, e ~ta tj~tics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in re~pect of villages. Hov,ever, in son'e states it "as confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether giHn up due to delay in compjJat~on and printing.

While designing the fOJD1at of 1981 r:CH ~eries seme new features along wiCh the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the emenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory vdth the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the di~tance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of tbe format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure a~rect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro le'el planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of gcods and services as well so as to minimise the regional imbalan­ ces in the process of development. A few new items of informat.ion have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revifed Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres, primary health sub-centres, and co~munity health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this ()bjcctives in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district 'Wbich are inaccesible. A new column, "total popUlation and number of households" has been introduced to examine the conelalion of the amenities with the population and number of houseohlds they serve. Addition of two more appendices listir g the villages where no ame­ nities are available and according to the proportiOn of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population to the total population has also been ma(!e with this view in mind.

The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slums in class-I and clasl-II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for tbe improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes popUlation in statement IV re1ating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in statement V are also added inter-alia with this iv

"iew. A significant addition is class of tONn in all the seven statem:nts ofth~ town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consi­ deration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

The format of the primary censu~ ab,tract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of change'3 in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Part-A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B the peA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes peA upto Tahsil/ToRn levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the jnfrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and tahsil/p)lic~ stationlCD Block etc., level maps depicting the boundaries and ('ther important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government anJ the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the Stae under the direction of Shri K. C. Dubey, the Director of Census Operations, on behalf of the State Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task; of planning. designing aod coordination of this publication was carried out by Shri N.G. Nag, Deputy Regiltrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B.K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from CenSUi Directorates have been Icrutinised in the Social Studies Division at tile headquarters under the guidance of Sbri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to aU who have contributed in the projec~.


One of the most important publications of the Census are the District Census Handb00ks. Thil publication was begun in this caption since 1951 Census. But prior to this, a similar publication wa'l released in the Census earlier than 1951. That publication was on the title of Village Statistics and it contains only village names and total population thereof. The 1951 Ceosu~ could, therefore, be said to present a significant step in the process of making detailed Census statistics available down upto the VllLage level.

In fact the District Census Handbook is the most important publication at the Census and is 21so perhaps the most widely med. Also perhaps this is the only publication used at tbe micro-It;vel down upto the tahsil and development Block.

The form of tbe District Census Handbook has gone considerablf! change since 1951. This is basi. caUy due to t he growing demand for mOTe' information. For the purpose of convenience as well as with a view to making th e basic stati~tics available with the data users as early as possible the District Censu!I Hand­ books have been split into 2 parts. Part-A contains the Introductory Note on the dhtrict and Town/Vlllage Directory. This Volume \1\;11 be found meful to ~et almost all the non-Census statistics available at one place. Part-B also contains the Primary Census Abstract.

One of the innovation of the present Census has heen in term of anotm~nt of Location Code num l)en to the villages. In the earlier censuses the Location Code s'stem was such that the villages of a PatloVari Circle were found at different serial numbers Since the patwari circle still remainll an important administrative unit, the Location Code numbers have been so given in the present Cen'lus that it may be pos"ibe to locate all the villages of a particular PatwaIi Circle at one place one below the other.

When the planning for the present censull was started in 1979 the tahsils were still revivable as an impor­ tant unit of the administration, the whole planning was, therefore, done taking tahsil as the Unit. It was during the course of the census that some requests were informally received for making block wise data aV4Iilable. Since these requests were received very late and were also received only in an infC'fmal manner. it has not been possible to disturb the original planning of villages arranged according to the location code numbers taking tahsil as one unit. However. additional exercise has been done and in addition to the tahsil figures blockwise figure" have also been indicated. It is hoped that the availability of these blockwise data will enhance the utility of this publication.

It is hoped tbat this handbook will provide the basic statistical support to executive and develop­ mental administration. It is ntec!ess to state that the proper implementation of policy depends on the ability of the administration authorities concerned.

It may be remembered that the village wise area figures giv~ll in the Primary Census Abstract and th= Village Directory are those based on the village paptl"S while the tahsil totals given in PCA are obtained from the Land Records department which in many cast's exclude: forest area. VI

The statistics that are contained in the district census handbooks are the result of a massive and marathon exercise in the c;)mpilation and tabulation of voluminous statistics. The compilation of the stati­ stics contained in this volume was carried out by 9 Regional Tabulation Offices each under a Regional Deputy Director of Census Operations. These Regional Offices were run with the help of purely temporary staff roughly about 1,500 Tabulators, about 250 Checkers and about 80 Supervisors. I am grateful to my colleagues, the Regional Deputy Directors and those temporary staff for the speed and accuracy in the editing and basic compilation of more than nearly 522 lakh slips and nearly 1 lakh of household schedules. The compilation of village directory wa9 taken up at the Headquarters and I am' equally grateful to the officers and staff who have worked whole heartedly on the job in a collective and cooperative venture. It is not possible nor fair to name in this. The maps contained in the handbook have been prepared in the Cartographic Section of my office. However, the analytical note haa been perpared.l.by Shri Ram Singh, Deputy Director of Census Operations.

I am thankful to all whc have contributed to bring this publication possible. The Census Organis­ ation is also grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these handbooks and to the Controller, Printing and Stationery, Madhya Pradesh, and his staff for the Printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri P. Padmanabha, to whom we are all deeply greateful. Our thanks are also due to Shri N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) for all the help th~t we received from him and his section.

K. C. DUBEY Bhopal Director of Census Operations, Janmashtmi 31. August, 1983. ~adhya Pradesh. 'IS'"

DIST;,~;YA PRADESH D £: lit .

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QOVT. CENTRAL PRESS • BitOP4L IMPORTANT STATISTICS MADHYA PRADESH East District Populatloa Total Persons 52,178,844 1,153,580 Males 26,886,305 594.843 Females 25,192,539 558,737 Rura) Persons 41,592.385 .844,38& Males 21,266,321 434,4&1 Females 20,326,064 409 • .893 Urban Persons 10,586,459 309,20" Males 5,619,984 160.356 Females 4,966,475 148.84~ Decennial Population Growth Rate 1971-81 25.27 31.J9 Area (Sq. Kms.) 443,446.0 110,77' to Density of Population (Per Sq. Kms.) 113 10.7 Sex-ratio (Number of Females per 1000 Males) 941 939 Literacy rate Persons 27.87 .30.71 Males 39.49 .41.80 Females 15.51 .18.,9.1 Percentage of urban population to total population 20.29 :2~.80 Percentage to total populat loa ( i) Main Workers Persons 38.41 :39.7.. 1 Males 53.52 :S4~ 13 Females 22.35 .'24. Y1 ( ii) Marginal Workers Persons 4.52 3.68 Males 0.96 -0.69 Females 8.30 6.8.S (iii) Non-Workers Persons 57.07 ~S6.6t Males 45.52 -45.1'8 Females 69.35 ,158.7B Break-up 01 Main Workers (percentage among maiD workers) ( i) Cultivators Persons 51.96 39.93 Males 53.81 -42.7.' Females 47.28 .33.2~ ( ii) Agricultural Labourers Persons 24.24 .34.4't Males 17.81 .24.93 ~ Females 40.61 :56.""1 ( iii) Household Industry Persons 3.52 1.82 Males 3.36 .2.00 Females 3.93 1.39

~jV) Other Workers Persons 20.28 '23.U Males 25.02 30.2) Females 8.18 8.65 Percentage of Scheduled Castes Persons 14.10 '10.74 population to total population Males 14. J {; 10.84 Females 14.U4 IJ·O.6J Percentage of Scheduled Tribes Persons 22.97 25.65 population to total population Males 22.33 25.34 Females 23.66 25.98 Number of occupied residential houses 8,929,190 1'9(),O15 Number of Villages Total 76,603 1,194 Inhabited 71,429* 1,091 Uninhabited 5, J 74·. J03 Number of Towns 3Z7 6 ... Includes 77 inhabited villages which have been treated wholly as urban outgrowth of nearby City/Town • •• Includes S8 uninhabited villages of which Abadi Area have been merged in nearby City/Town.




This note gives the meanings and, explanation of be ensured and which would provide basis for analy­ term3 and concepts used in this Handbook. This is nece­ sing of figures and urbanization in the country. But ssary because, without a proper grasp of the meanings it has to be remembered that the urban criterion of of such simple concepts as building, house, household, 1981 varies slightly from that of 1961 and 1971 Cen­ worker etc., it is not possible to appreciate the data suses in that the males working in activities such as presented in the Handbook. Thus, one who does not fishing, logging, etc. were treated as engaged in non­ know that an unpretentious hut iil the thick of Bastar agricultural activity and therefore contributed to the foresB with unplastered bamboo walls and a thatched 75 'I. Criterion in 1961 and 1971 Censuses, whereas in roof and with space hardly enough for two cots is not the 1981 Census these activities are treated as on par a bit less of a buildtng than the Indian versions of with cultivation and agricultural labour for tho the skye;crapeis in on~ of the metropolitan cities, or purp0se of this criterion. that a central jail housing all m:lllners of criminals and shady characters is as much household as the house­ Applying the criteria described above, a list of 327 towns was finalised and it is these 327 towns which hold of the most PIO lS and god-fearing citizen in the State, may not be able to appreciate what exactly the are treated as urban areas for the purpose of 1981 Census. The Additional Secretary to the Govern­ figures represent. ment of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs sent CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS a letter to the Chief Secretaries of the State Govern­ ments as back as 10th May, 1979, requesting them RURAL/URBAN; to ensure that no changes are made in the jurisdiction It has been the tradition of the Indian Census to pre_ and boundaries of municipalities and revenue villages, tahsils. sub-divisions and districts during the period sent the census data for rural and urban areas separa­ from 1.1.1980 to 30.6.1981. However, subsequent to tely. In fact, in all the Censuses throughout the wodj this classification of census data into rural and urban our finalisation of rural and urban frame the State units is generally recognised. However, distinction Government in the Local Government Department between rural and urban is not yet amenable to a notified many places as notified areas and municipalities. single definition which would be applicable to all Such places have not been treated as towns for the purpose of Census and the Secretary to Government in countries. the Local Government Department had agreed to this The definition of an urban unit at the 1971 Census arrangments. Similarly the State Government raised the was as follows ;- status of 6 municipal committees to that of municipal corporations. These new municipal corporations are (a) All places with a municipality, corporation, also treated as municipal committees. cantonment board or notified town area; While dealing with the subject of rural and urban (b) All other places which satisfied the following break up mention may be made of the area under the criteria; Special Area Development Authority. The Special (i) A minimum population of 5,000 ; Area Development Authority have been constituted under the Madhya Pradesh Nagar Tatha Gram Nivesh {ii) At least 75 per cent of male working popula­ Adhiniyam, 1973 and they enjoy the power to function tion engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and as a municipality so far as the municipal management of that area is concerned. The limits of these Special (iii) A density of population of at least 400 per Areas include large portions of rural areas comprising sq. Km. (1,000 per sq. toiles). number of villages situated around the core town or The same criteria is retained at the 1981 Census so village of such Special area. For example Orchha is that comparability with the previous Census could a SADA ar<:a in Tikamgarh district but there is no xn

,town in tbis area. Similarly, Malanjkband in Balagbat town and (iii) in all probability this entire area sbou}(h district, Bberagbat in Jabalpur district, in get fully urbanised in a period of two or three decades. Dbar district and similar other cases are SADA areas Certain Standard Urban Areas were determined OD' but there is no urban area within that. The objective tbis basis in 1971 and some basic data were presen-­ of tbe SADA areas perhaps is to control the future ted for 1951,1961 and 1971 for such areas and their development of theEe areas in a planned manner and components. Similar data bave been presented for that is all. It was, therefore, not considered desirable tbe Standar~ Urban Areas in 1981 also. The idea is to treat such SADA areas at par with other urban to present basic data fer thefe areas for four to five bodies like municipal corporations, municipal decades so that the urbanisation process in those areas committees etc., and only that part of it is treated as can be studied. However, there have been mml­ urban which is really so, As such in the Korba SADA mum changes in the constituent units of tbe -Standard area only Korba town has been treated as urban and Urban Areas of 1981 Census as compared to those rest of tbe area remains in the rural frame, of 1971, tut the li~t (If Standard Urban Areas remains unchanged. URBAN AGGLOMERATION: SIZE CLASS OF TOWNS: Apart from to'\\'n/city the 1971 concept of urban agglomeration is also adopted for the 1981 Census. The urb.n areas are classified into 6 classeS'" Very often large railway colonies, university campuses, referred to as towns of Class I to VI. The classifi- port areas, miJil ary CI:l mps, etc. come up outside the cation is bhown below - ~tafutcry limits of the city or town but adjoining it. Snh aTras may rot by th(mseh es qualify to be treated Class I 100,000 and above as towrs tut if they form a contiguous spre2d Class II 50,000 to 99.99~ with the to'\\'D, they are outgrowths of tbe tOWD and Class III 20,000 to 49,999' desen e to be treated as urban. Such towns together Class IV 10,000 to il9,999' with their outgrowths have been treated as one urban unit and called 'urban agglomeration'. An urban Class V 5,000 to 9,99~ agglomeration may constitute: Class VI Less than 5,OOQ;>

(a) A city with continuous outgrowth, (the part It is customary to treat a town having a popu­ of outgrowth being outside the statutory limits lation of 1 lac and above as a city. but falling within tbe boundaries of the adjo­ CENSUS HOUSE: ining village or villages) ;

(b) One town with similar outgrowth or two or A Census House is a building or part 0f a building;, having a separate main entrance from the road or­ more adjoining towns with their outgrowths common courtyard or staircase, etc., used or recogni-­ as in (a); or sed as a separate unit. It may be occupied or vacant. (c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with It may be used for a residential or non-residential, their outgrowths all of which form a conti­ purpose or both nuous spread. If a building had a number of flats or blocks. STANDARD URBAN AREA: which were independent of one another having separate: entrances of their own from the road or a cOIllPlon., A new concept of Standard Urban Area intro­ staircase or a common courtyard leading to a main. duced in 1971 Census will also be followed for the gate, they bave been considered as a separate censu!. 1981 Census. The essential requirements for the houses. constitution of a Standard Urban Area are; In some cases, bowever it was difficult to apply. (i) It should have a core town of a mlO1mun the definition strictly. For example, in an urban area population of 50,000 (ii) the contiguous areas made a flat has five rooms, each having direct entrance t~: up of other urban as well as rural administrative uni ts the common staircase or courtyard which by definition. should bave mutual socio-economic links with the core had to be treated as five Census houses. If all thes~ XIII

five rooms were found occupied by single household By this amendment, area restrictions for most of tho ,entire flat was treated as one census house. In such Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes have been <:ases singleness of use was taken into consideration to removed. However, the area restriction still remains avoid undue proliferation of the number of census in respect of Dhobi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehorc houses. districts) : Kotwal and Pardhi (in Bhind, , Dewas. An occupied residential census house means a Guna, Gwalior, , , Kbargone, Mandsaur. census hou,e which is actually used for residential pur­ Morena, Rajgarh, Ratlam. Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain poses, either wholly or partly by one or more and Vidisha Districts) and Kurnhar (in Chhatarpar, households. Datia, Panna, Rewa, Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tika· mgarh districts) Scheduled Castes. Likewise Keer and HOUSEHOLD: Pardhi Scheduled Tribes are still restricted only in The term household in census is defined as a Bhopal, Rai"en and Sehore districts; Mina in Sironj­ group of persons who commonly live together and sub-division of Vidisha district; Panika in Chhatar­ w;)uld tako their meals from a common kitchen unless pur, Dath, Panna, Kewa, Satna, Shahd;>l, Sidhi, and the exigencies of work prevented anyone of them ftom Tikamgarh districts; Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita

Scheduled Castes and Scheduh:d Trib.::s are those The test for literacy was necessary only when the found in the Notification of S" heduled Castes/Schedu­ enumerator had any dO'Jot about any person returning led Tribes Order (Amendment) Act, 1976 (108 of 1976) as 'literate'. The test for literacy was ability to read aay XlV portion of the Enumerator's Instruction Booklet and to divide the populatiC'n into two broad groups, viz •• to write a simple letter. Ability merely to sign one's (1) those who have worked any time at all during' name was not considered adequate to qualify a the last year, an d (2) those who have not worked at person as being able to write with understanding. If all. a person claimed to be literate in some other ianguage with which the enumerator was not familiar, the respo­ The latter group consist of the non-workers. This, ndent's word was taken as correct. information is obtained in Q.14-A. Having classified the All children of tl1e age of 4 years or less were population into two groups, the next attempt bas teelle' treated as illeterate even if they might be going to to classify these wh0 have worked any time ieto Main school and had picked up reading and writing a few workers and Marginal workers on the basis of time words. spent on work as well as secondary work, If any. of the Main workers. If a person had worked for six months CLASSIFICATION OF WORKERS BY or more t180 days or more) he was treated as Main INDUSTRIAL CATEGORY: worker and if the period of work was less than six months he was regarded as a Marginal worker•. At the 1981 Census. the ques;ions which were In Q.15B details of secondary work or marginal worRl canvassed in the Individual slip to elicit information are obtained. Finally an attempt has bern made to on economic characteristics of the population were as determine whether those who are non-workers or marg-' follows :- inal workers are seeking or are available for work. I. Q 14A Worked any time at all last Year? It will thus be seen that these questions on econo­ Yes mic aspects have been so designed as to identify all (H/STjDjRjB/IJO) No workers, full time workers or seasonal workers or Q 14B If yes in 14A, did you work f(lT major marginal workers and non-workers with reference to· partoflast year? Yes (l)/No (2) the activities during the last one year period priodo'the' . date of enumeration. ll. Q 15A Main activity last year? Yes in 14B(C/ALjHHI/OW) The various terms and definitions used in collecting: No in 14B (H/SfjDjR/B/IjO) the economic data have been explained briefly in the following paragraphs. 14B Yes-Any other work any time last year? - DEFINITION OF WORK: Yes (C/ALjHHI/OW)jNo Q 15.B Work has been defined as participation in anY' 14B No-Work done any time last year? ecom, mically productive acti vi ty. Such participation. (C/AL/HHI/OW) may be pbysical or mental in nature. Work involves', III. Q 16 If No in 14A or 14B, seeking/available for not only actual work but also effective supervision and; work? Yes (1)/No(2) direction of work.

The above questions were formulated after detailed For persons on regular employment or engaged in, discussion at the Data User's Conference and technical regular type of work, temporary absence during the: group. At the 1961 and 1971 Censuses, the economic reference period on account of illness, holiday, tempo­ questions were based on different approaches, namely, rary closure, f>trike etc., was not a disqualification for' usual status and current status, were adopted with treating them as workers. reference period of one year and one WEek for seasonal Persons under training, such as apprentices, with· and for regular work re6pectively. Current status or without stipends or wages were also treated as, approach was thought to be irrelevant in the context workers. In the case of a person who had been offered of our country where usual status of a worker is consi­ work but had not actually joined, he was not treated. dered to be more appropriate. as a worker. Rent receivers, pensioners etc., were The above questions are in three parts and have Dot treated as economically active unless they also-· been designed in such a way that first of all it attempts engaged themselves in some economic activity. xv

In all these questions, the reference period is the categories of the 1961 and the 1971 Censeses. The 'One year; preceding the date of enumeration. Certain nine categories of the 1971 census were (i) Cultivator, types of work such as agriculture. household industry (ii) Agricultural labourer, (iii) Livestock, Forestry. like gur making etc., are carried on either throughout Fishing, Hunting & Plantations, Orchards & aJlied the year or only during certain seasons or part of the activities; (iv) Mining. (v) Manufacturing, Processi­ year, depending on the local circumstance. In all such ng and servicing with SUb-categories (a) At Household cases the reference period has been the broad time Industry and (b) other than Household Industry '~pan of agricultural seasons preceding the enumera- . (vi) Construction, (vii) Trade and Commerce, (viii) tion. Transport, Storage and Communications; and (ix) Other workers. The correspondence between the MAIN WORKERS: categories of 1981 and 1971 are as under-

The main workers are those who have worked 1981 Categories 1971 Categories for a major part of the year preceding the enumera­ I I lion. Main activity of a person who was engaged in II II rna re than one activity was reckoned in terms of time III V(A) disposition. For example, if a person had worked as IV III IV, V(b), VI, VII, VIII & IX dai ly wage labourer for 4 months, as an agricultUral CULTIVATOR: labour er for 1 momh and as cultivator for 2 months, he was treated as a Main worker on the basis of For purpo~es of Census a person is working as total time spent on work and his main activity have cultivator if be or she is engaged either as employer, be~n reckoned as DaJly Wage Labourer since he spent single worker or family worker in cultivation of land m~jor part of his time on work in this activity than as owned or held from G.:)Vernm~nt or held from private cultivator or agricultural labourer. persons or institutions for payment in money, kind or MARGINAL WORKERS: .>hare.

Marginal workers are those who have worked any Cultivation involves ploughing, s8wing and harve­ time at all in the year preceding the enumeration sting and production of cereals and millet crops such but have not worked for a major part of the year. For as whc::at, paddy, jow'lr. bajra, ragi, etc., and other example, if a person who is mostly doing househllld crops sucb as sugarcane, groundnuts, tapioca. etc. duties, or is mainly a student, or mainly a dependent and pulses, raw jute and kindered fibre crops, COttOD or a rentiee or a beggar and the like who is basically etc., and 'd)es not' include fruit growing, vegetable a non-worker had d.:>ne some work at some time during growing or keeping orchards or groves or working the reference penod, he was treated as a marginal of plantation like tea, coffee, rubber. cinchona, opium worker. and other medicinal plantations.


Non-workers constitute of householders. students, Persons working in another pre sons land for wages dependents, retired persons or rentiers, bel!lgars, inma­ in money, kind or share have been treated as agricultu­ tes of institutions, unemployed persons etc. They are ral labourers. An agricultural labourer has no risk persons who have not worked any time at all in the in the cultivation a!ld he has 00 right of lease or year preceding the enumeration. contract on land on which he works.


The main activity of worken has been clas~ified Household Industry is defined as an industry into four categories viz., cultivator, agriculturallabo­ conducted by the head of the household himself/herself urer, household industry and other work in the PCA and or by the members of the households at home or at the 1981 CensuS. A significant departure has, there­ within the village in rural areas and only within the fore, been made this time while presenting the data precincts of the house where the household lives in urban on economice activity which relate to only four broad areas The larger propul tlon of workers in a household categories indicatod above as against nine industrial indu'5try should consist of members of the household iXVI

Deluding the head. The industry should not be run on OTHER WORKERS: the scale of registered factory v.hich would qualify and has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. All workers i. e. those ",ho have been engaged in', some economic acti'\lity during tbe last one }ear, who Household industry relates to production, proce­ are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or in ssing, servicing, repairing or making and selling (but household industry are 'Other ",orkers'. The type of­ not merely scliing) of goods such as handloom wea­ workers that come under this category include factory ving. dyeing. carpentry, bidi rolling, pottery manu­ workers, plantation workers, those in trade, comme­ facture, bicycle repairing, blacksmithin.g, tailoring, etc. rce. business, transport, mining, construction, political, It does not include professions such as a pleader or or social work, all government servants, municipa~ doctor or barber or 'dhobi" even if such professions emplo)ees, teachers, prieflts, entertainment artists etc. are run at home by members of the household. XVII



!The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 1976) Dated the 18th September, 1976

SCHEDULED CASfBS -i 1 Audhel a. 36 Mahar, Mehra, Mebar. 2 Bagri, Bagdi. 37 Mang, Mang Garodi. Mang Ga~,udi. Dankhni­ 3 Bahna, Bahasa. Mang, Mang Mabasi. Madari, Garudi. Radhe­ 4 Babbi, Balai. Mang. 5 Baochada. 38 Meghwal. 6 Barahar, Basod. 39 Moghia. 7 B'irgunda, 40 Muskhan. a Basor, Burud, Bansor, Baosodi, Banspbor, Bas~r. 41 Nat, Kalbclia, Sapera, Navdigar, Kubutar. 9 Bedia. 42 Pardbi (in Bhind, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, 10 Beldar, Sunkar. Indore, Jhabua, Kbargone, Mandsaur. Morena, 11 Bhangi. Mehtar, Balmik, Lalbegi, Dharkar. Rajgarb, Ratlam, Shajapur, Shivpuri, Ujjain and 12 Bhaoumati. Vidlsha Districts). 13 Clladar. 43 Pasi. 14 Chamar, Cbamari, Bairwa, Bhambi, Ja,tav, Mochi, 44 Rujjbar. Regar, Nona, Rohidas, Ramnami, Satnami, Surjy­ 45 Sansi, Sansia. abansbi, Surjyaramnami, Abirwar, Cbarn~r MaDga~ 46 Silawat. Raidas. 47 ZamJal. 15 Chidar 16 Cbikwa, Cbikvi. SCHEDULED TRIBES 17 '. hltar. I Agariya 18 Dahdit, Dahayat, Dahat. 2 Andb. ) 9 Dewar. 3 B.liga. 20 Dhanuk. 21 Dhed, Dher. 4 Bbaina. 5 Bharia Bhumia, Bhiunbar Bhumia, Bhumiya, 22 Dnobi.in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts). 23 Dohor. Bbaria, Paliha, Pando. 24 Dom, Dumar, D.>me, Domar. Djris. 6 Bhattra. 2S Ganda, Gandi. 7 Bhil, Bhilala, Barel!, P4telia. 8 Bh,' Mina. 26 Ghasi. Ghasia. 27 Holiya. 9 Bhunjia. 10 Blar, Blyar. 28 Kanjar. 1 1 Hinjhwar. 29 Ka1ia, Pathar'a. 30 Khatik. 12 Birhul, Btrbor. 31 Kf!li, Kuri, 13 DdOlo r, Damaria. 32 Kotwal (in Bhiod, Dhar, Dewas, Guna, Gwalior, 14 Dhanwar. indore. Jhabua, Kbargonc, Maodsaur, MlJlena, 15 G.tdabd, Gldba. Rajgarh, Ratlam, Shajapur, ShivpUli, U)jain, 16 Gond: Arakh, Arrakh, Agaria, Asur, Badi Maria, . and Vidisba districts). Bada Maria, Bhatola, Bhiroma. Btluta, Koilabhuta, 33 I<.hangar, Kanera, Mirdha. Koliabhuti, Bhar, Bi)onhorn Maria. Chota Maria. 34 Kuchbandhia. Daodami Maria, Dhuru, Dburwa, Dhoba, Dhuiia. 35 Kumhar tin Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna, Rewa, Doria, Gaiki , Gatta , Gatti , Gatia, Good, Gowari. Satna, Shahdol, Srdbi and Tikamgarh districts). Hill Maria, Kandra, Kalaoga, Khatola, Koitar. XVIII

Koya. Kbirwar, Khirwara, Kucha Maria, Kucbaki 36 Panika (in Chhatarpur, Datia, Panna. Rewa, Maria. Madia. Maria, Mana, Mannewar. Moghya, Satna, Shahdol, Sidhi and Tikamgarh districts). Mogia, Monghya, Mudia, Muria, Nagatchi, 37 Pao. Nagwan'lhi, Ojha, Raj, Sonjhari Jhareka, Thatia, 38 Pardh'ln, Pathari, Saroti. Thotya, Wade Maria, Vade Maria, DaroL 39 Pardhi (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore Districts). 17 Halba, Halbi. 40 Pardhi, Bahelia, Bahellia, Chita Pardhi. Langoli 18 Kamar. Pard hi, Phanse Pardhi, Shikari, Takankar Takia 19 Karku [In (l) Bastar, Chhindwara, Mandla, Raigarh, 20 Kawar Kanwar, Kaur, Cherwa, Rathia, Tanwar, Seoni and Surg'llja districts, (2) Baihar tahsil of Chattri. Balaght district, (3) Bet'lll and Bhainsdehi tahsils 21 Keer (in Bhopal, Raisen and Sehore districts). of Betul district (4) Bilaspur and Katgbora tahsils 22 Khairwar, Kondar. of Bilaspur district, (5) IJurg and Balod tahsils of 23 Kharia. Durg district. (6) Chowki, Manpur and Mohala 24 Kondh, Khond, Kandh. Revenue Inspector's Circles of Rajnandgaon 25 Kol. district, (7) Murwara, Patan and Sihora tahsils of 26 Kolam Jabalpur district, (8) HOlhangabad and Sohagpur 27 Korku, Bopchi, Mouasi, Nihal, Nahul, Bondhi, tahsils of Hosoangabad dlSlfIct aDd Narsimnapur Bondeya. district, (9) Harsud tahsll ot , (10) 28 Korwa, Kodaku. Bindra-Nawagarh Dhamtari and Mahb&amund 29 Majhi. tahsils of Raipur dIstrict. 30 Majhwar. 41 Parja. 31 Mawasi. 42 Sahariya, Saharia, Seharia, Seharia, Sosia, Sot. 32 Mina (in Sironj sub-division of Vidisba district). 43 Saonta, Saunta. 33 Munda. 44 Sauro 34 Nagesia, Nagasia. 4S Sawar, Sawara. 35 Oraon. Dban.ka. Dhangad. 46 Sonr. XIX


The History of the District Census Handbook Part A contains the VilJagerrown Directory and Part could be traced from the 'Village lists' brought out for B contains the Town/ViUagewisc Primary Census Abst· every district in 1901 and 'Village Statistics' for eveJY ract of the concerned district. district in 1911. But this was discontinued in 1921 PAR T A: Village Directory contains information and 1931. In 1941, however. 'Village Statistics' were about the name of village, total area of village, total brnught out by then Central Provinces and Rcrar Guvernment. It was for the fint time in 1951 the pra­ population and number of ~ouseholds in the village, amenities like education, medical, drinking water, post ctice of bringing out a single volume known as tbe anel telegraphs, market day. communications, approach nistrict Census Handbook, giving viUagewise statistics to village. distance from tbe nearest town, power t up­ and other Census ta bles for the district at the cost of ply, staple food, land use, places of religious, historical the State Government was initiated and is continuing since then. and archaeological interest etc. In addition there are four appendices to the Village The District Census Handbook, compiled by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Govern­ Directory all under :- mellt is one of tbe most important publication of the (1) Tahsilwise abstract of educational, medical Census and is widely used by planners, administrators and other amenities. academicians and researchers. ' (2) Land utilization data in respect of Census The scope of the District Census Handbook has towns. gone cunsiderable change since 1951. In 1951 h .. C ' I e D IStrlCt en::'U5 Handbooks, contained only tbe Primacy (3) Tahsilwise list of villages where no ameJUiel Census Abstract and tbe Census tables In VIew of the are available, and U!lefulnes~ of .this P?bllcation, improvements were made (4) Tahsilwise list of villages according to the In .1961 by mcludmg non-census data Ilke Cllm . st-ltistics of land use,enl- area and am . larly in relation to area ~{el.)p'Uent orientation ties available within the villatte, Part B contained th 'U . e programmes. ~I agewIs:: 'Primary Census Ab,tra.:t and Part C'conta- med various administrative statistics. Part A and B Similarly the Town Directory contains seven state· were however, published in one volume !.ince it was m:nts as bdow :- ecoD0Jllicai to do'so as data for both the parts become available early. Parts A and B were published separa­ Statement 1- StatUi and growth history. tely in and English ~erSiO(ls. Collection of data Statement II - -Ph) si'cal aspect, and location of ~or Part C was combufsome and it took unduly long towns. tille In its final'sation, and ultimately this pu blication Statement III - Municipal Finance. ~a~ to be abondoned in view of the enormous delay In Its printing. Statement IV -Civic and other amenities •

. In 1981 Census, 'with a view to avoid delay in bri­ Statement V -Medical, educ~tional. recreational nging out the nCH series, the part containing the IlI1d cultural facilities. adm:niltrative statistics has been dropped. Thus the present series of District Census Handbook consi~ts of Statement VI- Trade, Commerce, Industry aDd two volumes viz DCHB Pdrt A and DCHB Part B. Banking. iXX

An additional statement IV-A is meant only for industry and other workers, marginal workers and non­ Class-I and Class-II towns giving the civic and other workers. amenities in notified slums. This Gtatement has been introduced for the first time in 1981 Census. The inclusion of Primary Census Abstract relating to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes at the Part B :-The town/vi1lagewi~e Primary Census tahsil/town level is another iD'portant feature of the Abstract gives the basic data like area of the village, DCHB series of 1981 Census. soccupied residential houses, totalnumber of households, population by sex, as also the sexwise population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. literacy and An appendix containing Development Blo(kwise­ population by sex into four broad industrial categories 'Vikas Khandwar' totals of PCA figures bas also viz., cultivators, agricul~ural labourers.,' household been included. XXI


East Nimar district is situated in the south-east ment in the district. Tn~ uml.l district level offi­ corner ofIndore division of Madhya Pradesh. The ces are under general control of the Collector and district was known only as Nimar in the erstwhile the tahsils are looked after by Tahsildars. Municipa- province of C. P. and Berar, the prefix east is an lities are responsible for local self administration. addition to distinguish it from its western neighbour Having an area of 10,779 sq. kms. East Nimar dist­ after the reorganisation of states. The district is con­ rict comprises about 2.43% of the area of M. P. sidered to get its name from 'NIM' meaning 'half', State. Being 13th district in respect of area, it is as Nimar was supposed to be half-way down the cou­ slightly bigger than the average size (9. 654sq. kms.)

rse of Narmada. The district lies between 21 Q .5, and of a district. Excluding Khandwa and Burhanpur 22°.250 , northern latitude and 75<>.57<1 and 77°.13° cities, East Nimar is one of the sparsely populated eastern longitude. The shape of the district gives an distrd. According to 1981 Census, the district is appearance of a crown with its apex in the east and placed at the 17th position in the state. It contains the base in the west. 2.21% population of the state, Raipur, the most populous district contains more than 2.5times more in­ The district consists of parts of Narmada and habitants than East Nimar and it is more than three Tapti vaIIe}s separated by ranges of the Satpura sjst,:m times bigger than Datia, the smallest district in the running from west to east. It is bounded on the north state. by Dewas district, on the west by West-Nimar district and a portion of Maharashtra state (Jalgaon district), HISTORY: on the south by Maharashtra State (Akola, Amraoti The history of Nimar district is linked with and Buldana districts); and on the east by Hoshanga­ the history of and Khandesh and '<.fates back bad and Betul dis.tricts. to 5.50 A. D. and it is believed that the district" must The district is well connected by rail and road have been ~ 'part of the Kingdom of the Gupta as the headquarters town Khandwa lies on the main dynasty who are known to have united the whole Central (Bombay-Howrah and Bombay-Delhi via of northern India under them. There after, Malwa ltarsi) Railway line, Khandwa is also the junction of passed to Harshavardhan who ruled from' 6'08 to meter gauge (Ajmer-KachigudaJDelhi-Secundrabad) 648 A. D. and then to Vakataka Kings. . 1 ~ • ~ • ~ " line. The district is traversed by pucca roads with The northern parts of the district were inc­ important towns of Indore in north and in the west. luded in the Parmar Kingdom of Dhar' from 9th Burhanpur and Bhusawal, Jalgaon, Nasik towns of Maharastra . to the 12th century while Asirgarh· and the country surrounding it were held by a family of Rajputs East Nimar district forms a part of Indore known as Tak. The dominance of r,orthern parts of division. The district is divided into. three tahsils of the district by Parmar kings of Dhar is attested b) Burhanpur, Harsud and Khandwa for administrative a mass of inscriptional evidence. After the death purpose. At the district level, the Collector is solely of Parmar King Bhoj, the Parmars were reduced responsible for the maintenance of law and order, to the status of a local power. In 1191, AUauddin revenue administration, social and economic develop- Khilj i captured Asirgarh fort. At about the same XXII

time, l10rtbern Nimar came into the possession of 18 kms. below this lies the island village of Mandh­ ata. At the western extremity of Khandwa tahsil, a ruler of the Bhilala tribe. about 40 kms. to the south of Narmada ttarts a low In 1387, Dilawar Khan Ghori who was Gove­ range of foot hills traversing Kh'wdwa tahsil almost rnor of Malwa under the Delhi emperors of the diagonally. The most fertile plain areas of the distr­ Tughlaq dynasty, assumed independence on the ict lies to the south of th is range consisting of the collapse of the reign of Muhammad Tughlaq. Sou­ valleys of the Abna and the Sukta rivers in Khandwa thern part of the district was occupied by Malik Raja tahsil. The district headquarters town of Khandwa Faruki, a soldier in the service of Firoz Tughlaq. His stands in the centre of this plain. son Nasirkhan captured Asirgarh and founded the cities of Burhanpur and Zainabad. The Faruki dyna­ The main range of the district runs to the south sty held Khandesh with their capital at Burhanpur of the plain of the Sukta and the Abna from west to until 1600 when both Nimar and Khandesh were east. The ranges occupy belts in the north of Burhan­ annexed by Akbar. Akbar and his successor did much pur and south of Harsud tahsils. These ranges are to improve the district, the city of Burhanpur covered by forests. The elevation of some peaks rise attained height of its prosperity during the reign conspicuously and the historical fort of Asirgah is of Shahjahan. situated on one such peak. There is another series of hills in the south of Burhanpur tahsil. This is loca­ In 1678 the Marathas first invaded Khandesh and lly known as the Hatti range. The Tapti has .forced sacked the city of Burhanpur. After the assumption a passage between these two ranges of the Satpuras. of the Government of Deccan by Nizam in 1720, The upper basin of Tapti is Mlnjrod tract, which was Nimar was the scene of frequent conflicts between described by Captain Forsyth as "a rank and mala­ his troops and theBe of the Peshwa until it was ceded rious wilderness inhabited only by bison and tiger to the Peshwa. Nimar was subsequently transferred and by a few almost as wild Korku aborigines." The to the &india and and it was subjected to Khandwa plain has an elevation of about 300 m. and frequent invasions by troops of and Holkar that of Burhanpur 250 above the sea. as well as by the Pindaris. In 1818, the Pindaris dispersed ~ the British troops and the north of the DRAINAGE: district ana. under British. In 1864, Nimar was attached to Central provinces with headquaters at The drainage of the district is generally towards Khandwa. west falls under the Narmrda and Tapti river system. The water-partiug line between the two river sys­ Dl!t ItS tbe historic war of rndependence of 1857, tems runs along the crest of the northern range of Asirgarh and Burhanpur were garrisoned by the the Satpura hills. The rivers and streams to the no­ Gwalior contingent who revolted. The name of the rth of Satpura join the Narmada while those in the district is associated with a remarkable episode when south join the Tapti. The Narmada enters the distr:ct Tantya Tope, the M. r •. tha leader traversed the district from north east and flows through the. Cnandgarh with his followers. tract in Harsud tahsil. After being joined by the Chhota Tawa, it flows for about 65 kms. through TOPOGRAPHY: wild and broken cour.:ry. Beyo.u.d, the junction with Chhota Tawa, the Narmada is skirted by a net work The district broadly consists of three di~tinct of ravines around Mundi and Punasa. tracts, belonging respectively to the Narmada valley in the north, the Tapti valley in the south and the At Dhaisi opposite Punasa the river falls about Satpura ranges running almost west to east separating J2 m. below and then flows through a gorge not two valleys. The Narmada generally forms the nort­ more than 15m in width. Immediately above Man­ hern boundary of the district. At Punasa, the Nar­ dhata, Narmada is joined by the small river Kaveri mada pa~ses over a fall of 12 meters in height and from the south. XXIII

The principal tributaries of Chhota Tawa are forested distri.cts of the state. The forests of. the the Abna, the Sukta and the Wuna. The Piprar and distr;ct are of four main types viz mixed teak, mixed the Baldi rise in the centre of Khandwa tahsil and teak and anjan, pure anjan and salai forests. Teak flow east to join the Chhota Tawa. Rivers Ajna, (Tectona grandis) is found mixed with Saj (Terminalia Kaveri and Bakur flow north to join the Narmada. tomentosa), dhow (Anoglissus latijolia), Khair (Acacia On its right bank the Chhota Tawa is joined by catechu), lendia(L2:~erstroemia parvlj/ura), tendu (Dio­ Kala Machak, Ruprail, Ghora Pachhar and Agni, spyros tomensosa), aonla (Phyllanthus emblica),salai Do­ all in Harsud tahsil. The Tapti which rises from the sewellia Serrata), mahua (Mudhuca indica), achar-chi­ tank of Multai in Betul district, enters the district ronji (Buchananio latlfe lio). The forests are mostly in at its south-east extremity and from the southern Harsud tahsil, and especially along the south bank of boundary of Harsud tahsil. The Manjrod and Narmada. Mixed teak and anjan forests contain anJan the Piplod tracks of the district are parts of

years the average goes beyond lOOOmro. The monsoon steadily till May which is the hottest month of the Season is from mid June to September end. October year.. However the temperatures in lower portions the month which witnesses the transition from the of the Narmada and Tapti valleys are somewhat lUg­ rainy to the cold season, presen ts an interesting con­ her than those in Khandwa plain which is at a greater trast of hot days and cool nights. T he cold season altitude. The maximum temperature crosses 45°C begins in November and ends by February. From mark. March both day and night temperature increases TABLE 1

Distribution of Villages according the avalla bility of Different' Amenities ------No. (with percentage) of villages having one or more of the following amenities

.-_____~_~ ______..A---- ______-;-____ -..

S1. Name of Tahsil No. of Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Mark.et! Communi- Approach Power No inhabited tion water Telegraph Hat cations by pucca supply village~ road __.,_------r------1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11 ------Khandwa Tahsil 486 404 40 486 59 40 132 131 277 (83.13) (8.23) (100.00) (12.14) (8.23) (27.16) (2{).95) (S'7.00)

2 Harsud Tahsil 342 281 22 342 33 1~ 37 39 79 (82.16) (6.43) (100.00) (9.65) (4.39) (10.82) (11 .40) (23.10)

3 Burhanpur Tahsil 263 195 23 263 40 20 62 7& 155 (74.14) (8.75) (100.00) (15.21) (7.60) (23.57) (29.66) '(58.94) ------.---.-- Total District 1,091 880 85 1,091 132 75 231 248 511 (80.66) (7.79) (10G.OO) (12.10) (6.S7) (21.17) (22.73) (46.84)

Tahsilwise distribution of villages according served by medical and hat facilities. Thus the majo­ to the availahility of different amenities is presented rity of rural population of the district have to depend in ta~le 1. It is a m'ltter of great satisfaction that on the medical and market facilities availab Ie the most. basic amenity, the drinking water, is either in those villages or near by towns. ava ildble in all the villages of the district. E::tst Nimar district could be regarded as one of the most Among tahsils. Burhanpur taRsil has (the least literate district. Overall. the am~nity of education number of sChools i. e. more than a qttarter l'lumher is available in m xe than 80%. villages. In other of villages do not have schools. The position of words four out of every five villages have schools. power supply is very sound in Khandwa and Burha­ The position of power supply is also very sound in npur tahsils which have more than half of their the district. Roughly half of the total villages are villages electrifien. Harsud tahsil has the least elec­ electified. Only 22 73% of villages are approachable trification. It als') has least number of villages by pucca roads. In other words more than three-·fou­ connected by pucca. road and thus having poor co­ rth of villages are not connected by pucca roads. mmunication. Burhanpur tahsil has the largest pro­ Similar is the position in respect of communication. portion of villages having P & T facility. It can be As far as other amenities are concerned. they are concluded that the position of amenities except not adequate. Even 10% of the villages are not education, is very poor in Harsud tahsil. xxv


Proportion of Rural Population served by different Amenities

------_ ... _------Sl. Name of Total Popu- , Proportion of rural populati cn served by the amenity of

~tiooof ~------~~ ______~ No. Tahsil inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market/ Communi- Approach Power villages in " ater telegraph Hat cation by pucca supply the tahsil road ------.------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------...------...------1 Kbandwa Tahsil 390,650 375,947 93,488 390,650 118,600 92,353 184,227 184,267 280,154 (96,24) (23.93) (100.00) (30.36) (23.64) (47.16) (47.17) (72.99) 2 Harsud Tahsil 205,104 190,624 30,275 205,104 39,624 24,130 40,765 42,566 68,880 (92.94) (14.76) (100.00) (19.32) (11. 76) (19.88) (20.75) (33.58) 3 BurhaopurTahsii 248,626 220,658 65,549 248,626 98,090 53,553 108,865 117,405 170,796 (88.75) (26.36) (l00.00) (39.45) (21.54) (43.79) (47.22) (68.70) ------..------,:____------Total District 844,380 787,229 189,312 844,380 256,314 170,036 333,857 344,238 524,830 (93.23) (22.42) (100.00) (30.36) (20.14) (39.54) (40.77) (62.16) ------....--.------.. ------~--_,..,-- This table is a supplementary to table I and uraging position. While less than 50% population is indicates the proportion of rural population served served by each of the remaining amenities, except by the different amenities and also furnishes tahsil­ drinking water which is available to entire rural POful­ wise information. As, noticed in previous table East Iation. Harsud tahsil has the lowest population ser­ Nimar is one of the most educa~ed district and as such ved by each of the amenities. Khandwa being t~e about 93.23% of the total rural pop~llation is co, e ed headquarters tahsil has very good power supply, acce­ by the education amenity. Power supply ssibi lity by pucca roads and has good communication. serving about 62% population has also very enco- Burhanpur presents the similar position.


Distribution of villages not baving certain amenities a rranged by distance ranges

&e. the ~i where tbese are available

Sl. Village not having the Number of villages where the amenity is not available and available at No. amenity of distance of:- ~~------~------~------~ -5 Kms. 5-10 Kms, 10+Kms. Total (Col. 3-5)

2 3 4 5 6

1 Education 185 24 2 21 1 2 Medical 368 398 240 1,006 3 Drinking water 4 Post and Telegraph 550 270 139 959 5 Market/Hat 437 403 176 1,016 6 Communication 456 269 135 860 XXVI

The above table indiactes the distribution of cal facility within 10 kms. More than .haIf of the villages not having certain amenities arranged by dis­ villages have P & T facility within 5 kms. and about tance ranges from the places where these are avai­ 14% villages do not have P & T facility within 10 lable. There is no village in the district which do kms. More than half of the villages do not have hats not have access to drinking water. Quite a many within 5 kms. and 17% have this facility beyer: d 10 villges do not have other amenities within the villa­ kms. Though the communication is poor but more ges. A bout 90% of the villages not having schools than half of' the villages not having communication have school facility in nearby villages within 5 kms. have this amenity within 5 kms. Tn Khandwa and There are only 2 villages in the district which Harsud there are no vilJages for which schooling faci­ do not have schools within 10 kms. More than one-' lities are not available within 10 kms. In Burhanpur third of villages have medical facility within 5 kms. tahsil, only 1% 'villages do f,ot have commuuication and about 40% villages have to dep~nd on the medical with in 10 kms. Otherwise the amenitywise picture faci!ity available in the distance range 5-10 kms. and a of each tahsil is similar to that of district. little less than one fourth of the villages have no medi-


Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and avilability of different amenities

Distance range No. of No. (with Percentage) of villages having the amenity of r-____• ______. __ • ____...A. ______, ____ •• from the near- inhabited est town in villages Educational Medical Drinking Post and Market! Communi- Approach Power (in kilometres) each range water Telegraph Hat cation by pucca supply road

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0-5 90 67 5 90 8 1 20 31 58 (74.44) (5.56) (100.00) (8 .89) (1.11) (22.22) (34.44) (64 .44) 6-15 298 237 24 2~8 43 20 76 75 183 (79.53) (8.05 ) (100.00) (14.43) (6.71 ) (25.50) (25.17) (61.41) 16-50 631 511 52 631 74 47 127 132 261 (80.98) (8.24) (100.00) (11.73) (7 .45) (20.13) (20.92) (41 .36) 51 + 72 65 4 72 7 7 ' 8 10 9 (90.28) (5.56) (100.00) (9.72) (9.72) (11 . 11) (13.89) (12.50)

Total 1 .091 880 85 1 ,091 132 75 231 248 511 (80.66) (7. 79) (100.00) (12.10) (6.87) (21.17) (22.73) (46.84)

This table illustrate the distribution of villages only 69 villages (25 in Harsud and 44 in Burhanpur) according to the distance from the nearest town and are ~ituated at a distance of 51 kms. or more from availability of different amenties. Majority of the the town. In Harsud tahsil, out of 25 kms. or more villages of the district are situated at a distance of from the town; medical and P & T facilities are avai­ 16·50 kms. from the town. About 8% of the villages lable in one village and no village of this group has have town within radius of 5 kms. and about 7% communication. power supply and pucca road. As villages are situated at a distance of 51 kms. or is evident from previous tables only medical and hat more from the town. Khandwa is a compact tahsil facilities are far below the levels attained by other where almost all the villages are situated within amenities. 50 km~. of distance from town. In other two tahsils, XXVII

TABLE 5 Distribution of villages according to populati In mage :and amenities available

Range of Number of Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of Population illlla.bited r .. _....._---._.-_...;... ______.... ___j.._~---...... -~------"\ villages in Educationa] Medical Drinking Post and Market} Communi- Approach by Power each range water Telegraph Ha't- cation pucca road supply

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10

Less than-499 449 260 449 2 2 29 38 155 (57,91) (100,00) (0,44) (0,44) (6.46) (8,46) (34,52) 500-1,999 582 561 44 582 81 35 152 160 300 (S6,3.9) (7.56) (100,00) (13.92) (6.02 ) (26. 12) (27,49) (51.55) 2,000-4,999 55 55 37 55 46 34 46 46 52 (100.00) (67.27) (100.00) (83.64) (61,82) (83.64) (83,64) (94.55) 5,000+ 5 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 (80.00) (80,00) (100, ()O) (60,00) (80.00) (80.00) (80.00) (80.00)

Total 1,091 880 85 1,091 132 75 231 248 511 (80.(6) (7 .79) (lOO,OO) (12.10) (6,87) (21.17) (22,73) (46,84)

Table 5 shows the distribution of inhabited vill­ king water, Since one National highway and a Slate ages according to the different population r:mges and Highway pass through Khandwa distr:ct it is'not amenities available. 1t is the common feature that surprsiing-to -see that about 23% 'villages -an~ conne~, the availability of amenity increa5es in relation to the cted by pucca :roads, Communication-in villages oC population size of villages. About 45~i villages are population -siZe less than 500 is poor otherwise :the in the population range of less than 500. Though communicatiem. in the district is quite Jgo-ad and it is the policy of state Govt. in respect of opening of because of large number of pucca-roads and import­ p:imary schools is to go down 10 the villages of popu­ ant Bombay-Howrah railway line. Out of 194 villages lation size 300, a little less than 60% of the villages of population size less than 500, no village is served in this size group have already been covered almost by med:cal facility in Ktardwa tahsil and P & T aU villages having population more than 500 have and mark~t,f.ac~li\y is avai.lable only in one village. s-:hools. As has been observed earlier only the ~(;di­ Similar is the ~ituation in Burhanpur tahsil. In Harsud ell-I and market facilities are not adequate in the tahsil r.b vi'llage of this size is covereed by medical, viVages having population upto 2000. In Khandwa P & T and market fadity. tahsil; Borgaon Buzllrg (L.C. 474) having popLllation more than 5000 has no P & T facility and Amba It can be ,_~on<;:luded tbt mediq~I>,P.& T and (L. C. 243) a forest village in Burha~pul', tahsil market fa9ilities have further scope of _expansion in having popUlation SOOO has no amen;ty except drin- t11(: district. TABLE 6 Main staple Fuod in the Majority j)f Villages in eacb Tahsil

------Main staple food SI. No, Name of Tahsil 3 2

Jowar 1 Khandwa Tahsil 2 Harsud Tahsil Jowar Jowar" 3 Burhanpur 1'ahsil XXVIII

The above t tble furnishes th~ main staple food cipal food-crop of the district. In Khandwa tahsil in terms of grain consumption by the majority of the millets and in Harsud tahsil rice and wheat are also rural population in the district. Iowa: is the prin- grown. ]owar is main staple food of the district.

TABLE 7 Distrib11\IOIl of Villages according to Land Ule

SJ. . Name of Tahsil No. of jnb~bited Total Area Percentage of cultivable, Percentage of itrigated No, villages area to total area area to total cultivable area

2 3 4 5 6

1 Khandwa Tahsil 4$6 293,907.48 243,851.33 16,832.12 (8:!.97) (6.90) 2 Harsud Tahsil 342 207,485.00 168,109.00 6,551.00 (81. 02) (3.90) 3 Burhanpur Tahsil 2(;'3 153,338.85 114,099.73 11,560.39 (74.41 ) (10.13)

Total District 1,091 654,73t.33 526,060.06 34,943.51 (80.35) (6.64)

Table 7 presents the distribution of villa$es tlccro­ of total area is accounted for as cultivable area of the d~ng to land use indi :ating the proportion of cultivable district and about 7% of it is irrigated. Khanwa tahsil area to the total area and irrigated area to the culti­ has the largest percentage of cultivable area and vable area. Though Burhanpur is ceIDl"aratively less Harsud tahsil is least irrigated. There is not much closely cultivated tahsil, but surpdsitlgly it contains irrigation in the district and wells are the principal highest prrcentage of irrigated area. source of irrigation. It is observed from th'" above table that 4/5th


Growth, Density and S~]["-rati8 fJf UrlJaa Population in the District in relation to tbe State

District • . State

r--~------.. -..,.A...--______, r-______.A.______- ___ -~ ___ , Cen- Total Urban %Urban DecadaJ DeBsity Sex- Total Urban %Urban Decadal Density Sex- sus Popu- Popu- Popula- percentaae (PoJ)u- ratio (No. Popu- Popu- Popula- percentage (Popula- ratio (No year lation lation tion v8riatiog 1811.11) of females latioR Jalion tion variation fon . of females in urban per Iq. per 1,006 in urban per sq. per 1.000 population km.) males) population kms.) males)

2 3 .- 5 6 ., 8 10 11 12 13.

1951 523,496122,006 23.31 + 31. 93 4,282 912 26,071,637 3,132,937 12.02 +33.16 2,034 907 1961 685,150154,375 22.53 + 26 .S3 4,<423 906 32,372,408 <4,627,234 1<4.29 +47.70 2,482 856 1971 879,331 206,48-1 23.48 +33.75 S,06, 917 41,654,119 6,784,767 16.29 + 46.63 2,378 8~8 191) 1,153,580 3()9,200 26.80 + 49.73 3.054 928 52,178,844 10,586,45920.29 + 56.03 2,170 Sf4 xxx

T~ above table illustrates the decadal gr0wth the proportion of urban population aDd the decadal rate, density and sex ratio of urban population in the percentage 'variation has dechned during 1951-61 and district in relation to the state for the last four deca­ have increased afterwards. The density of urban Qes starting from 1951. The percentage of urban population has gone up till 1971 and fell down in popal!»ion in the district has 'always been more than 1981. This may be due to addition of three towns in the statc ,",erage and as sllch the pace of urbanisation 1981. The sex-ratio in district follows state pattern has been faster than what it has been observed in the which fell down from 1951 to 1961 and thereafter state during last 30 years. On the other hand the deca­ it registered a constant increase. The district had a dal v~riation of urban popUlation has been around 50% better sex-ratio than the state urNn at all the during Jast decade whereas state urban popu1ation regis­ Census us. tered §6.03% increase during the same period. Both

TABLE 9 New TowD/ToWBS declassified In 1981 Census

Name of Town Population 198 1 Cemsus

2 (a) Added (i) Harsud 11,713 (ii) Mundi 7,589 (iii) Shahpur 11,578 (b) Peclassified- Nil Nil

This table provides informition about the addi- They qualified the specific criteria to be declared as tion and declassification of towns at the 1981 Census Census towns, raising the number of towns to 6. in the district. There has been addition of three new However, no town of 1971 Census has been declass- urban centers namely Harsud, Mundi aud Shahpur. ified n 1981 Census. TABLE 10 Per capita reedpt and expenditure ill towns

Class. Name and oivic Per capita status of the town r------.-----______...A... __ ~ ______~

Receipt Expenditure r--______I\._ .. ______:_ ._, r--~_~ ______A ______~ __ .-__. Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expenditure Public Expllll- Other through frOlJl all expen- adminis- on Public works ditute specify taxes other ditClre tration health and on public sources convenience ·institutions

2 3 <4 § 6 "l 8 9 10

I Burhanpllf (M) 47.32 28.17 19.15 46.69 1.88 21.59 7.45 1.1 , 14.58 IV Harsud (N.A.C.) 34.15 22.11 12.04 21.21 3.00 13.22 o.n a03 4.58 I Khatldwa (M) 56.79 36.94 1 '.85 57.15 5.06 35.11 3.46 1.46 12.06 V Mund1 (N.A.C.) 8.39 5.31 3.08 9.08 0.63 4.51 0.34 3.60 III NepanajJar (C. T .) 20.21 12.09 11.12 163.55 62.38 43.79 5.35 28.19 23.84 Iv Shahpur (M) . 12.36 10.98 1.38 13.25 1.90 2.S 1 0.60 0.52 7.72 Di3trkt Total 46.09 28.82 17.27 55.911 7.50 26.73 ~.12 3.16 13.42 xxx

The above Jttble deals with _the finances indica­ ture (Rs. 163.55) which is about eight fold of its per ting receipt and expenditure in towns of East Nimar capita receipt. Apart from it, Khandwa, ~~.n~~ and district. A-cursory look at this table reveals that nei­ Shahpur incur more per capita than they' !e~eir'e':- and ther the receipt nor the expenditure bas any relation as such there have been defects in theid·jn:1tlces. with population of towns. Out of the six urban cen­ Again lowest per capita expenditure is" iricutred by tres in the di~~rict the highest per capita receipt Mundi on general administration and public institu­ (Rs. 56.79) is"noticed in the headquerters town of tion. Leaving , ](handwa spends highest Khandwa and the lowest per capita (Rs. 8.39) is "per . capita on general administration, pul\lic health found in the new town of Mundi. Burhanpur muni­ and conveniences and public institutions. Burhanpur cipality is closely behind of Khandwa having Rs. Municipality incurs highest per capita expenditure 47.32 as per capita receipt. Shahpur, the another on public works. Mundi Notified Area Committee new town, has the least per capita receipt (Rs. 1.38) incurs no ex pen diture on public institutions. The from all other sources. The proportion of receipt highest per capita expenditure on other aspects is. throuh taxes to total receipt is highest in Shah pur. found in Burhanpur. Its proportion to total expen- As far as per capita expenditure is concerned, Nepa­ . diture is highest in Shahpur. nagar stands first having highest per capita expendi-


Schools per ten thousand population in towns

Class, Name and civic No. per ten thousand population status of town·' r- ---.. --..-.,...... ----,,-.------.. --"------..----- ....--- _.:..~~~ . Primary Higher Secondary/ Junior Secondary/ Matriculation Secondary! Inter/PVC! Middle J,unior College

2 3 4 5

I Burbanpur" '(M) 0.64 0.57 3.90

IV Harsud (N.A.C.) 1.71 3.42 6.83

I Khandwa (M) 0.87 0.96 ·4.62

V Mundi (N .A.C.) 2.63 2.63 2.63.

III Nepanagar (c. T.) 0.88 1. 33 3.10

IV Shahpur (M) . 0.86 1.73

District Total 0.84 0.97 4.17 XXXI

Table 11 furnishes the data relating to the availa­ in Burhanpur. In case of middle schools, Harsud has bility of educational facilities in different categories the largef>t proportion (3.42) per 10,000 population per 10,00G population. At the first instance it comes r.nd lowest again in Burhanpur. In case of primary to the notice that the~e is no correlation between schools also, Harsud stands first having 6.83 schools popUlation size of the town and the number of schools per 10,000 population and lowest (2.63) in Mundi. except the higher secondary schools which are inve;­ The Urban centres of the district seems to be-adequa­ sely proportionate to the popUlation. Mundi the tely represented as far as the education institutions smallest town has the maximum (2.63) higher secon­ in them are concerned. dary schools per 10,000 popu! ation and lowest (0.64)


Number of Beds in Medical Institutions in Towns

Class, Name and Number of beds in civic status of medic'll ins titut ions the towns per 10.000 population

1 2

I Burhanpur (M) 0.81 IV Harsud (N.A.C.) 2.05 I Khandwa (M) 2.53 V Mundi (N.A.C.) 1.05 III Nepanagar (C.T. ) 2.30 IV Shahpur (M) 1.12

District Total 1.62

The above tabk gives the r:umber of beds in least number of beds per 10,000 population. Harsud medical institutions per 10,000 population. A cursory and N epan~gar are in a comfortable position where look at this table reveals that the bed facilities are number of beds per 10,000 population also exceeds available in all the towns of the district. There two. Tn all other towns the numher of beds per seems to be no correlation between the number of 10,000 population are less than two and are below bed,> per 10,000 population and the popuhltion siz:! of district average. "ith its massive size, the number of the town. Khandwa being the district headquarters beds in medical institutions of Burhanpur are not has the highest number (2:53) of beds in the medical adequate and needs further expansion. institutions and Burr an pur, the biggest town, has the

TABLE 13 Proportion of Slum Population in Towns

SI. Class, Name and civic Proportion of the slum populaton Density in ~lums No. status of the town to total population of the town (per sq. km)

2 3 4

I Burhanpur (M) 9.82 57,696 2 I Khandwa (M) 19.84 5,539

Total 14.32 8,416 XXXII

The information on slums has been collected for towns of the district is of the magnitude of 14.32 and the first time. Tabl e 13 which provides information the density in slum area is 8416 per sq. km. slum pro­ on proportion of slum population to the total popula­ portion is large in Khandwa whereas its density is tion is restricted to class I and II towns as the magni­ higher in Burhanj>ur which is of the tune of 57696 per tude of slum problem is greater in these categories sq. km. Overall the magnitude of slum is not so of towns. Burhanpur and Khandwa are class I towns severe but slum conditions seems to be hazardous and there is no class n town in the district. The pro­ in Burhanpur. portion of slum to the total population of these two


Most Important Commodity Manufactured, Imported and Exported in Towns.

Clas S ,name and Most important commodity civic status of r---______. ____---~- __ ~_ .. ______"""\ the towns Maunfactured Exported Imported

I 2 3 4 I Burhanpur (M) Cloth Cloth Thread IV Harsud (N .A.C.) Wooden Articles Cotton Kirana . I Khandwa (M) Milk Tank Khadi Medicines V Mundi (N .A.C.) Wooden Articles Cotton Kirana III Nepanagar (C. T.) Newsprint Paper Newsprint Paper' Bamboo IV Shahpur (M) Furniture Bananas Kirana

Table 14 furnishes the details of three most impo­ looms. Nepanagar having the only news-print fac­ rtant c)mmodities manufactured, exported and impor tory is famous for news-print paper and raw material ted in all the towns of the district. East Nimar is one i.e. bamboo used in its manufacture is imported from of the cotton producing districts and some of its belt outside. In Harsud, Mundi and Shahpur wooden has rich banana plantation. Though the table is self articles are manufactured because the wood is easily explanatory but cloth is manufactured on a large scale available from the surrounding dense forest. and the handloom have been converted into power- ", !5' / MADHYA PRADESH TAHSIL KHANDWA DISTRICT EASTNIMAR

lLU ~ .. ,. r • '0 Z 4 • '1IlO.,URU


0: «

I z

I- POSmotl Of TAHSIL KHAilIIOI III msnuer EAST NlMAR til at 00' UJ





". 2



j:zt' /"

o s H 4 N G 4




?- TAHSIL VILLA,E "'11TH ~OC"TION COD£. NLt>I!H ['::-~'-=J l-1HDQUAIIURS TA.HSIL _@ Q VILLAGES WlfH POPULATiON SIZE BELOW ,00, ~oo 499. 500 999 t 1000 49~~ .• UNINHUITEO VILLAGE" 1J1\9AN .e..1l.Ll. WHI-\ LOCATION COOl -~ 31ATEH\r.~"'t --_"_"- " ~EU~l.EO ROAC UNMETAUED ROALI " .... I\.WAy LINE .... \TII :oT.t..lION BROAD (;,Io,UGE. ~








10' 20' V 30 1

lovlumrOI INDIA tamIGHT,ItU: ~~ ~-!l'~ f.Ja:rotfiT SECTION I - VILLAGE DIRECTORY


"IiI'! llnr 'fiT ifTI'! P!WI.'Tl:f "P"h 'f~ "IiI'! II nr 'fT ;;Tl{ ~I

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ~~cfT ;::r~~)~

31 ~;!lT9~.'T 27 27

32 ~;;~;; 4 4 ~;;l'fi: . 116 116 290 4 OfJrir 290 34 ~p:Fr 267 267 208 5 w<::c: f'l1"PT<:T 208 35 ~c:6T 153 153 83 6 Of~ "fHl' 83 36 '3CTq~ 136 136 7 3f~ ~;i ( ~;'1.'T,!<::) 78 n 37 '3~l:fT= f. III III 89 89 8 Of~~ fcrgrft'!<:: l1T'tiT 38 ;:p:p:~s 366 366 59 9 >rm 59 39 "3"l'f'eTT 40() 400 504 10 3l~qlC: ~. 504 40 ~f<:l1r 86 86 1 ] 3Ilf"f'!_<::T 226 226 12 3Il.'f"fTrIT 463 463 13 ari"fT "P"fT 449 449 14 3Ici':orT ~::) 58 58 25 3H9('<[T fi.To~ 3 II 311 52 'f.rT.f"1"lfT 1~1 184 J 83 26 31m"flff ('f'l'X n:r ) 534 533 53 54 9.rcf,T~r 397 397 55 'P'Tlf',lj ~r 35 35 56 'f.T<::rFf. 52{) 520

27 ~'l"f9"T5T 193 193 57 "PI",:;r r,f~T 317 317 102 102 28 ~"ff l'fT:fTC: 488 488 29 ~"T ~. 508 508 59 ·69 ·69 30 ~"'11'I,!(' 275 275 60 'P'f"f'1r,it 4

~ YP{ 'f.l ;nll P'lr

"ir,m r----"------. ~l9'D r-----"------, 1971 198f 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ~~T (f~~iT~

251 96 ~c;"fr q;"T ]46 146 01' f-T. f?5m >fmr 251 '97 149 149 62 f'fi<:1fT"f 2'81 281 ~e<'fT ~i~1 "1,~

68 FT~T 215 215 69 ~~fl'

'i1 it;;~ 159 159 103 ~1SJ 66 66 72 it

78 'fi)usr'f~ 355 355 110 ~'sr 185 184 79 'f.T~qT<: li51 151 11 I rp1IJT'f 125 125 80 "f:risT 139 139 SA. 'f,),ft 'fl~, 148, 14& 1 Hi 'fTsql~T 462 462

117 rrTs 524 524 ~ J 18 g"fl'fiq 271 271 95 ~~ff 314 314 11'9 .,)lffo'lT 381 381 86 ~sqT rr~ '1i'fT 257 257 J2t> m,,~,!u 9 9 87 !Si'';:'q T 'l'<:'ti :qrrfcrT"fq;

95 ~~'li"!' 1'.89 189 129 'il<'f'!!fT"f 243- 24> 5

"Pl '1 p:f if;f ifF! P:rRTlI' 'fo"ls if~ "Pl l;l" p:f 'f.T iffll ~TlI' 'fo"Ts if~ r-__...A- __-. !j~lI'T r-_..-..A-_~_-. !j~T 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

2511 ~~T ~~T~

156 242 242 'Ef ~r~T 157 ~p:fif»cr 123 123 130 'tITCTFIT,," (lna;f~tlT) 405 405 158 ~T+I;;:rT (0Vff'l:: ) 65 65 159 161 33 "fmf'lll'r Pftfr) 161 131 ~'tf"f 'ftq 33 160 ~T~f'fll'T r,i:ga:T 274 274 132 'tf'r>=l'1T 15 15 161 ~H'1T 'fo"'1T 445 445 162 ::;rr-.:rf,

175 c'Pf7T ( CR'AH) 53') 538 145 ~'1"<:T 486 486 176 cT'f.<'f l:[~T f . 517 517 146 f~T -i. 523 523 177 c:r'f.

150 JfIf~T 489 489 183 f<;clfTq 282 282 151 JfIl"!"CfT (G[;:rlAp:f) 544 543 184 a-;rr 'fi<'ft 2SI! 2~8

152 Jf~"T 135 135 185 i-;rT ~~ 447 447 153 ;;r~"fT {-;rT1'1"lT'P) 473 473 186 im'fT 84 84 154 Jf<1"ff ~~ 156 156 187 cTifi<: ci'?T 295 295 155 >fHT

"PI ~J1l ~ 'ffli jil'.!TolT?f 'fiTs 'fl'ift 'l'i11 Ir J1l 'fiT '1"" ~ 'firs 'f~ r- __-"- __ -. Q""l'T liwn r----;-----. [971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ~TcfT ~~T~

189 il"llTT'1 326 326 215 "'ferT'1 399 399 216 <;"'erT~T 64 64 217 ~~m 529 ~186 218 ~19 41 41 t9{) ~T'T'f!fr 390 390 219 ~'l'1T li-~T 227 227 Hil sT>r7\1Jr 339 339 220 ~'l'1T ('l1Fr~) 178 177 .. Q? ~s>rtq 93 93 221 ~'1T 'lfTrt"i 307 307 1'95 illf<:lIT 495 495 224 ~;; 152 152 1'96 ~11f':lT T!f ('fiT'iTl! €It i. 72 72 225 ~"rG"erT~ 328 328 t97 sTlfmtcr l3''S'IT 425 425 226 <;)g~ 165 ]64 1,9-8, sl:;:!~T~t 296 296 227 ~'hrf'1"lT i: 134 134 228 ~1'1'1'[U i: 109 ]09

1'99' i?T?'fT9T 203 203 331 2CO 'i['l;>ist. 331 229 "W'f 39 39 291- qJ~FT1: 200 200 230 !:F'fm9 213 213 231 ~FiT"T (;:rT~) 454 454 232 ".,PT , 417 417 233 !:Ttl.,.I"\''' ,(, "1', 1 1 05 IDS 202' '1'1Cfrf~lIT 210' 210 234 !:f1V111H t, "t.2 97 97 2e3 q'1qj'f~llT f3lm), 61 61 235 gn:[rl'r 460 460' 204 ~f~ t~s

239 'f<:'11l:f 46 46 ~. 240 '1'f"fm"f f. 96 96 209 "-'m~lTT 194 194 241 onm'fil<'fT 372 372 210 "-'NT 370 370 242 ;;il:~m"f f. 522 522 211 ~f"f'i9T' 'fi'1T~. 107 107 243 'i~~(1 237 237

212 "-'fl:r>i~T ~ ~ ~. 106 106 244 '1~rc;,n 264 264 213 ~T'n'TT 453 453 245- '1t~ 299 299 214 e:P:rT'1'1~r 55- 55 24f)

'lfiif Inif 'fOr ifTlf f~ 'f.~ ".'n: ~ II Tif 'fOr ifTlf ~T1:f 'f.Ts;:r~

r-~_,..A._ __ -, r-__,..A.__--.. d~r #~lfT 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ;i~~n ~)\'=I'

247 ;:r~ ~~r 253 253 282 f'l"'f"l"RT 114 114 248 "lPT'L" 259 259 283 f'l"'ff<'rlfT '1;:rHIT 74 74 249 ;:mrfmr 140 140 284 f'l"'f"ft~ <'Ii f. 49'9 499 259 'l~T~ 327 327 297 qr~<: ~~ f. 415 -415 260 'l'UTrrr ;5 'lIT 144 ]44 .298 n:r 503 503 302 f:

273 'lTifrli:;{t 378 378 307 arlW'f~ 26 26 274 '11"l"'5[ 21 21 308 q~TCf 48 48 275 'fT~'I' 11m. 175 174 309

1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4


}fll 101 353 f4 ii~ '§11i DOT< 238 233 328 >.r1f¥ 312 312 365 ,!f'fGff 1;f?,T. 388 388- 3 29 q''f~,\, '

33 1 i.f(Tr,[? ~ 7T 324 324 368 irfTI '!i<:qJ~r ~ ~ 219 219 332

33 3

334 i.f\'f"fT~ 236 23(1) 371 a:f!'-T[ ~-f 42 42 335- "f"l'-lT¥T (fqq<'f'r~}) 498 4'!lR 372

345 - ~T"ff'nc 53 53 382 sim:orl 158 15& 34(;

348 Gfr"l'fs!fl iJi 276 276 383' m:~r5T 202 202 349 iiff'ff~T If':T 183 182 384 '+TPT

'Jf.ll lfTll 'fi"T 'ffll f"THrlf 9')$ rn:

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ~'~<:fT ~)~

388 'lFf<:rfr 419 419 423 l1NOft ~~. 1 . 177 176 389 'IT+il''} 157 157 424 l1T~"T 'r~-.f 218 218 390 'l:n~<'fl ~~T C 118 118 425 l1T'I:FI ~9T 231 231 391 'IT-iT'fi' "")".'1 458 458 426 >IT'il'f'T 459 459 392 '>riC! f~;., '2 <:T :40 ::40 427 111"'f1'!'l;T 277 277

~93 f'lFTTCiT 'IR'j,ft 293 293 428 liT<'ffT:T 'G[;;T~H 2-6-6 26.6 394 'liT"!" ~~r 347 347 429 fj:f"T'fT: (l'!'~.'T) 164 163 395 ,+[l~~:f' (f'1t:<-fl,,) 491 491 430 fl1"T'i1'~ '.iTsqr 367 367 396 ';:f\"f&9T~ 368 368 431 lJ,s"fn'f 269 269 397 ..it"f~~T l'J:<:n: 250 250 432 l!~~ 91 91 398 'lTT~ >[9T 528, 528 433 l=(F;rf:S'H f!1f'l"TT 179 178 399 'l!t1B'm 169 168 439 l1T~?, 475 475 405 '+I'1''TI'1T (?f

444 ~q7" 92 '92 ;;JTP"f1 "f;"fT 428 428 410 l=f'&f-5'r {. 221 221 445 395 3'95 411 11"t<=rr 44 44 446 url'''fr "!;;;t 22 22 411 li;i!W 273 273 447 <:(l'f~ 188 Jli8 413 "RFFfii:T<: 3 61 361 448 (Cf'Tf'f 414 l=f"'flTT'I 297 297 449 <:"lT~~r 353 353 334 334 415 l1B"iTlf 37 37 450 ~-g"lfT: 416 liTs'l

417 l=fTsqf 391 391 452 <:~ 39R 398 418 liTCTFIT 10 10 453 'T::;rlT~ T. 50S 505 419 J1Ff ~ q;~'(9 ~ • 141 141 454 7T'i(ilT -1 • 471 471 420 l=fFH<'1f 432 432 455 'f'ifTT (iinc;:~) 54 S4 421 l1T(i~ 75 75 4% <:T:;r:r:T miOT 404 404 422 lii'1r'i.fTc (qTll'Pi) 547 547 4S7 7nrro 4:6 U6 10

'f.1'I ~p:r 'fiI ~Tq ~'q"1"'ftl:f 'f.Ts "fl'

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 ~~cn ~~T~

4S8 'rr1.fT >i?.'T 332 332 459 uirT: 'f.<'Ii 472 472 488 ~ 374 374 460 ~>r'1,U ~"s<1T 446 446 489 357 357 4Cil "< fll'1~T ~;t ~~ _ 4()7 467 "I'T"T~T 490 "T'frrTtp: 29 29 462 '111'I,T ~ • 150 150 491 232 232 463 <:Pi'!>] f. 493 493 ~~T 457 457 492 "T"If!1T<,~ 286 286 464 ~ 493 220 220 465 ,~"f 94 94 "T<:~ 494 4 112 112 46fi f)~r tl5 115 'i.r~'TT 495 "T<:11.f 490 490 467 f~~Tq 187 187 496 l'f%"Jj""'1T (m11'T~) 170 169 46& 1t~iT 239 239 497 'l~~ ~Sqr 300 300 469- l)f<'f+f'!<: 436 436 49S 230 230 470 hrm 60 60 "TT~5.T 499 "iTrrIfTi?:rfr 126 126 471 "

~rrft!f 'for$" ~ 'fiT ifT'If PlTofl'If qTl1 ,-__...A----. ql9!fT r--_,..A..---. ~t;lfT 1981 1971 1981 1971 3 4 2 3 4 2

25/1 ~~cn ~~

434 434 523 '!"rrR'!~ 310 310 524 ~r~T 536 ~fS!fT IOr~T 515 515 36 36 525 ~ 537 ~f;:p:rr (

25/2~~ ~~T~

6 16 >;llf<:l:fT ~. 8'6 8<6 3t;;rf.p:n 6 322 317 17 ~r<1RT 137 132 2 3t"rr~'lT~T (Hmif) 16 16 3 a:r',nqr 65 65 4 ~r"f~. 240 235 5 -;n:iilT;;'r 18 ~"H ,137 132 260 255 6 3fI'

"Pl IHI{ 'fiT ifT"! fOO!:F 't~ iJ~ liIi1'f Vf"lf 'fiT iJTlI ~T!:F 'fiTS' iJ~ r- __..A.. __ -, r-__..A.._--. filOlfl d1911T 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 ~ ~{fT~

27 fiT 282 277 28 'P''f[iJT ( q'iJlXT+r); '350 345 62 "Tm~{ 205 200 29 fJ 187 182 63 'hT 302 297 137 30 'fim[~ 142 64 19t'fif<:llT 212 207 3l- 'fiT;;r;!"Ts 89 89 65 "lt~( 234 229 32 'fiT<'IT3lT"I 'fiT1"T' 73 73 35 1f>ll1rT'!<:T. )77 172 T!IT"!'!<:l. 6S lT~q~t ~. 78 78 38 ~f~ 283 278 69 ll"~f~l ('fiJIJI"! ) 355 350 39 "l"tn§f 60 60 33 33 4{} "i'fitft 40 40 70 tt:?fi<: 41 ~f"5lH l1Ti1 .. 77 77 7J linn>: t. 80 80 311 306 . 72 42 ~J:~~l9t~1 72 lTnf\">: '1"'lJ:<'f7: 72 43 iif;...-f<:

47 19l'f"fTlr 219 214 78 ~;;ITt 316 311 23t} 225 48 19TaFTT'l, 79 '1<'1Tt ( 'FP.H11") 348 343 49 ~T 74 74 ~(JI 'l"'f1"'iTiJT 25t 246 50 ''IF.'f."<'If. 295 290 8J itf,1Ttor 'Ii""fT 50 50 51 r,n.~;f 2% H) ir;llTfO{ 51 51 52 r,rT<:Of1 24 24 82 ~~ 53 19T>:T. 22(') 215 In firsT ~T T. 139 J34 54 191ft 314 309' 84 lTlmllT {'lrt"'lTl1 )1 363 358 5"5 "lFHT an .. 262 257 '!. 35 t[t~T (,H'l["If ,} 327 322 56 m<1'-[[ m'li"H 263 25S. 57 ~~'lTf?lH 313 308 'El 58 ~f~T 11"R. 49 49 "lfT:fR 312 307 6I.(), "!,R:llT t

'If,ll !HII' 'liT ;:m:r f~ ifoTs;n:q~ '!fill vJ'lf 'f>T :rJ'lf ~')1{ "fiT~ ~ r-- __..A- __ -. r-- __..A...... __--. ~l§1{' ~~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 ~q ~

117 257 252 ~ :;rf'll~ 118 :;rTll'll"T m~T 218 213 202 88 ~ ~ (CRVrl'() 335 330 119 :;rnrf'f

96 m'i\1Tt 299 294 127 ;;fro aft~ 272 261 97 f'i:f'l>"ff 90 90 98 f'tllTll'F ( ;;J'flfTl< ) 349 344 99 'tR llM'iT 8 8 128 ~t~llT +rr11. 42 4~ 100 ~ hm 153 148 129 IDlTf(lfT ~. 41 41 101 ~ffi [Cf"llATll] 360 355 35S 353 102 4"ifT: ~. 3lT. 209 204 130 ~~ro~ (Cf"'io;rllT) 103 ;l'iT ~n:. 273 268 131 f~T~ ~. ·66 t.(i

132 fmp:T (Cf"'flIH) 33-6 331

133 HT"llT 2D 2'(}8

134 m,QT (Cf"'i VTll) 34~ 333 104 <9~(T '!. 3lT' 201 196 105 ~,TtT~ 199 194 J06 m'TT ¥S 163 J58 107 'i9T'l\1T 'fi"11T 132 127 135 f;o'(ffV:m 217 2H 108 m'l"fT "l,>i 131 126 136 fee

138 5'<5T 3 'J 2 2 112 :;reTll II I 1 139 G"TlT llG ] ] 3 :;r;miq 30 30 ]40 GTor<:T "5 G"Tf'l1l'

~ Vt~ 'f>T ~ ~r.f'fll if.1"S "ll'T ·Ull ~~Il'if.ls~ r-__..A.. __ --. r-_____..A---:--~ ~1§!fl ~l9!fl 1971 1981 1971 1981 3 4 2 3 4 2

25/2 ~r.r ~1~

261 256 170 il':rlTTq 1lf_,-! 193 188 144 lIq;j'T.fl' 171 194 189 3b6 361 ;f~lTtq ~lfficrn:T 145 q;]

173 ;r;'~FfT 4 4 ff' 174 "f"i"'f '{ • 32 32 356 351 175 104 100 t46 "ff"f'-fT«f (

~lf V ~ !fiT ifTlf ~~m~ ~ Vflf 'f>f ifTlf ~Tl{ 'f>T~

,..... __J.- __ ~ r-__J.- __ -.. ~G'!I'T ~~ 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 ~~.~)~

201 fqq('l:IT flIlTT>r) ~!fiT 133 128 236 f:rr full1~f If\''llT 134 129 237 far~~ -t. 135 130 203 W1'<"Il'l"f 93 93 238 Cff~ ~. 94 94 204 'f~m"f;;rt 102 98 239 ar,it 317 312 205 qrn,>:rr ..:fr"L 232 227 240 ~f~l:lr.r t. 186 181 206 'fltl<'f cl<'fT 270 265 241 ~<'f'f.r~r ~. 145 140 207 Wf".fTC 'Il<1T 58 58 242 l;q;f~ ~~ ~. 113 246 q)<@:~f ~~ 108 iO] 206 211 oiiq;<:) '!. an. 211 247 q)<:i[~T lfT'fiT a03 99 212 q;q;<:r W"fT<: 208 203 248 qr~~ «FHHlt) 365 360 249 !'f (q

216 Q¥~r 143 13)l 217 fT~?;T'fT 231 f~f~lfr 9 9 232 r.r'"f'!U ( rT~ 234 ~+rrq;r 25 25 267 1'f~.ft 281 216 235 f.r<;;;{t~ liT<'f. 4J 43 268 It<'?.nJf'j: 265 26,0 16

'fIl 11 Pi on 'fJ11 P.1RTll' ~)S 'f1';f{ "f;Il If J11 on i'fJ11 ~ ~n '1"'1'<11:. r- ___.A_ __ -. r- ___.A_ __ -. 1'j>;lff ;l1o/lT 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 ~q- ~~T~

269 l1"'IlTTq 285 280 305 'l""I'f:p:r 175 170 306 270 li~'1 227 222 'T!l'~ 301 296 271 l1TSTGT 228 223 307 TIT'I1'!JT l1T<'I" . ) 44 44 286 t:f1

~qf'Jfl~'l~ '.W{)' ttii ~~

U' (l1 'fi'T ;;n:r ~'hi ~ '1'1'« !ifilf 1 (l1 ~ ;:r(l1 ~Ffl1i ~ ifJ:Gf( ~ r-__-A- __ • , __A_._ ..... ~ trw:rr 1971 1981 1971 1981

3 4 1 2 3 4 11 2


246 241 351 ~i'G'T 192 187 332 ~Rt;;;RT 310 305 352 ~~ 286 281 333 ljp.rm ~~ 354 349 353 ('f)Fslff 91 91 334 ~~A3 ('I't11T'I1') ]30 125 354 ('fT

25/3 ~o:f~~ (i~1~

J95 194 11 ~if.ml 149 145 '.'\srt'l 233 228 12 ~;;'C9rr: 202 202 2 W'!ff7:T ~. 48 48 13 ~crf1:lfT {i 3 aT·m<:'I~T 246 243 4 3t'I=<{T (

16 '3'F'fT 205 2()6 276 264 6 orTl'!'TiGf (1fif'1Tl1) 17 ::3'~ 28 25 69 69 7 aTTl1<'TT ~~ 18 ::3'lOffl:"lr (

'lIilt vnr lfiT '1fl'1 ~lf;n;:r~ '!!ill v nr ,.;r ifI1{ ~'Ii~'I~ r-__..A..__""", ~lilIl 1i!9'-fl r--_.,.A...__-... 1971 1981 1971 1981 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4


49 n;mm~ 199 200 50 ~WHi

22 'IiR~ 106 105 51 "Ffl!

66 ;;r~qHT 227 224 ;;r;;r,.;;rr 67 14 11 68 ;;rfl'f

'lfi1{ VTJI'

1 2 3 4 2 3 4


73 71 104 77 filP:fl1iT G"Q:r.m- 82 79 19 16 105 78 f~P:T 'fi)";n-"I"T (:lTn- ] 10 ~:s ;:r;;;rf 86 8<0 82 f~cm"if "I,~ 148 1 ... 6 11 I ~q<:T mOf. 36 34 83 ;;;11T 105 106 112 ~"if1T 206 207 113 ~~f7T 157 157 114 hl t· 79 112 84 0'1'0<: 168 167 11 5 "T;;;;:r~r 243 240

44 45 85 'S:ff .,1''9T 53 54 120 iii'S oS 5 90 ST;;r1'f\'1 59 59 9'\ fs"lT 212 209 92 f'S+rf"m (q'1'X T+r ) 255 2H 93 s't{ oiif5'!fT 124 125 121 "!fm~r ~. 67 66 142 143 94 :ii1T<:lTfq 122

~ 123

!Ifill VJ1J 'IiI i'fTq ~Tlt ~Tw if~ 'lfilf VJ1J 'liT ifJ1{ ~'Fn~ r-__J-..__ ...... ~ij~ ~W r-----"---"""\ 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 2 3 4


113 165 13.6 f.rq~ 113 ~h) 229 227 166 137 ;:ftl{~ 215 212 if~1 169 166 136 167 or,fr ~~l 138 ;ft~ 140 ~51 51 168 i{''-"!l~ 139 it<: 193 189 1267 255 169 or,"T~ 140 i{qU'fiffi. 33 37 162 162 36 170 «{'t.r 3 3 141 i{,r£T ~ 37 171 c:t«Wfr f.. 117 117 q n2 is(~l<"fr l 'FlU (11) 282 269 173 q

r57 ~ 165 J64 158 'filq;;m 'fi;;rT, 228 226 191 ~~T{. 39 42 ~59, tID.'liiHl': ~ 237 232 192 '11'l'1T 222 218 193 'oTTCT 196 198 194 'I1T"I''RT 178 174 J60 ;;f'l1T9'f 203 203 195 'I1i<:l"tTc ('l'i'lT'Il) 273 262 161 ornft 211 210 q 1'62 ~11.a 143 141 197 ~ 62 63 "PI Ii r>r 'fir 'fT'1 f~]'iftlf !Ii!? i1l'iR l:fil:r 1l!1f 'fiT i'fl1l ~"'I1f Ifi"ti' 'i"1'iA r-__-A--"", 6liZ1T Q'1!ilIl ,....___...A...__,,", 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25,3 ~~ at~)\;r

26 28 232 198 lfjf'f 'T,TfRfll1'U (q;nr Til ) 284 273 238 133 133 210 lfn:n 'P'IT 151 148 fl1fif;T?~FT 239 fl1f~ +!T

103 215 "T1fT~ 103 243 70 70 "','<:Il11'1~ 242 239 216 <:~'Y 244 'l'T·r.ft 93 9) 217 <:n'l~ ~, ,38 40 180 245 'l<:Tlf «Ffl.l Til) 2.50 279 21R -q~ 182 246 '1T~~ 'liffl 122 i2l 219 ~

1 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

25/3 ~~ ~~R=r

132 134 261 fltl:

Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil A 33 Badiya Gyasur 351 351 34 Badiya Kharwa 375 375 35< Abood 336 336 Bad iya Sakna 371 371 2%7 36 2 Ahmadpur 2&7 Badiyu Tula 270 270 290 290 3 Ajanti 37 Badnagar Ryt. 1001 101 226 226 38 4 Amalpura Badoda Aheer 403 403 504 39 5 Amy p < Ryt. 504 Badoda Buzurg 401 401 463 463 421 6 Amlani 40 Baghmala 421 70 2,01 7 Amoda Atood 70 41 Baghy-ada 201 121 8 Amoda fhcka 121 42 Bagruar 443 4U 410 9 AnJangaon 410 43 Baidiya Kliurd 42 4.2 117 10 AnJapiya ~alan Ryt. 117 44 Baidigaon 456 456 11 Anjaniya Khurd Ryt, 116 116 45 Baijukhcda 354 .354 449 449 J2 Acdala Kalan 46 Bakharga'on 48 48 393 393 13 Ardala Khurd 47 Bakbatgarh 26 26 392 392 14 Ardala l


SI. Name of Village Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. No. No. r-~- ..... 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsi I 69 Bawadiya 50 50 106 Bhorla (F.V.) 537 536 70 Bawadiya Jeu 276 276 107 Bhuifal 318 318 71 Bawadiya Kaji 340 340 108 Bihar 482 482 72 Bawadiya Moondi 183 182 109 Biharipura .Kala Ryt. 87 87 73 Bayphal (F, V, ) 531 530 110 Biharipura Khurd Ryt. 85 85 74 Bedariya 344 344 111 Bijora Mafi 129 129 75 Bedhani Ryt. 11 3 113 112 Bikan Kheda 292 292 76 Beed 166 165 113 Bilan Khedfl 315 315 77 Beejapur 145 145 114 Bilaysa : 18 18 78 Bijora Bhil 280 280 115 BiJlora Bujurg 7 7 79 Beerpur Kundeshwar 238 238 116 Billora Khurd 6 6 80 Benpura Kurwada Ryt. 219 219 117 Bilood 387 387 81 Bhadli Kheda Ryt. 118 ]]8 .18 Bisrampllr Ryt. 513 513 82 Bhagiyapur Ryt. 507 507 119 Bodul 173 ] 72 83 Bhagwanpura (Punasa) 79 79 120 Horada 17 17 84 Bhagwanpura (Bhamgarh) 465 465 121 Batadi Mal. 51 51 85 Bhagwatipura Ryt. 163 162 ]22 Boradi Ryt. 52 52 86 Bhairu Kheda 349 349 ]23 Borani ]58 158 87 Bhaisawan 169 ]68 124 Bordad Ryt 103 ]03 88 Bhabada 202 202 125 Borgaon Buzurg 424 424 89 Bhamgarh Nazul 458 458 126 Borgaon Khurd 255 255 90 BLamori 157 157 127 Bor Kheda 40;}' 409 9} Bhamradi 419 419 128 Bor Kheda Kalan Ryt , 496 496 92 Bilandariya 265 265 129 Bor Kherla Khurd Ryt. 527 527 93' Bhawsingpurlt 240 240 130 Buliya Khedi 388 388 94 Bheeiai Kheda 528 528 . 95 Bheel Kheda 347 347 C % Bteel Khedi MuraT 250 250 97 Bhed Khedi (Piplod) 491 491 HI Chamati 352 352 98 Bheel Khedi Tubai 368 368 132 Chandel 119 119 9~ Bhigawan Nankal'i 293 293 133 Changu Khedi 205 205 HlO Bhogani (F. V . J 542 541 134 Chand pur Ryt. 518 518 HH Bhtlgawan 5 5 135 Charkheda R)'t. 492 492 }O2 Bhoja K1'ledi 308 308 136 Cheekdhariya (F. V. ) 538 537 .Hl3 Bhojawan 301 301 137 Cheera Khan 137 137 Hl4 Shootan! Ryt ~ 516 516 138 Chhaigao n Devi 333 333 105 Bhootiaa 40 40 139 Chhaigaon Makhan 323 323 2S


Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Village L.e.No. No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 -4 1 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil 486 175 140 486 Dbodwada 203 203 141 ChheerbeI 313 313 176 Dhondh Khedi 331 331 142 Chhirwan Ryt. 523 523 177 Dhorani 200 200 143 Chichgohan 62 62 178 Digarish 339 3]9 144 Chich Kheda 478 478 179 Dodwada 323 328 180 - 145 Chichli Khurd 160 160 Dohad l65 164 146 Chichli Buzurg 195 195 181 Domwada 2% 296 182 147 Chikali Khal Ryt. 120 120 D<-ngaliya Ryt. 134 13-4 183 Dongargaon (Kalmukhi) 72 72 184 Dongargaon Khandwa 425 4.15 D 185 Dudgaon 9J 93 148 Dabhi 370 370 186 Dudwas 529 <186 187 Dugwada 64 64 J49 Dag~diya 194 194 188 Duhikya 13 13 150 Dait 152 152 189 Dulhar 34' 349 151 Damkheda Kalan Ryt. 107 107 152 Damkheda Khurd Ryt. 106 106 E 153 Dapkaya 390 390 154 Daulatpura Ryt. 109 109 190 Ekhand 21 "23 155 Deepla 453 453 156 Deewal 399 399 F 157 Deeyana t pura 55 55 191 24'S 24'S 158 Dehariya 495 495 Fa,epJr Khandwa 192 Fatepur Moondi -;] 811 180 159 Delgaon 41 41 193 Feephrad 77 77 160 Deola (Bhamgarh) 178 177 194 Fulgaon 466 466 161 Deola Ryt. 147 147 162 Deola Mafi 285 285 G 163 Deali Khedi 227 :27 164 Deshgaon 307 307 -6ii . 165 Dhamangaon Ryt. No. 105 105 195 Gajwada '6b 166 Dhamangaon Ryt. No. 2 97 97 196 Gandhawa ..!I 79 479 167 Dhangaon 213 213 197 Garangaon 464 . 464 168 Dhangaon 39 39 198 Gaul (Sailani) 32 32 169 Dhanora 417 417 199 Gaul Joshi 334 -337 ]70 Dhanora (Bhamgarh) 451; 454 200 Gaulkheda Ryt . 509 .509 171 460 460 201 Gaul Shal 24J 243 1'72 Dharikotla (F. V . ) 540 539 202 Ghatikhas Dhawadiya 40S 405 }73 Dharulwadi 131 131 203 Ghoghalgaon 33 33 174 Dhawadiya 14 14 204 Ghosali 15 is ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r---.A..-...... No. ,-__,..A..._~ ] 971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 Kbandwa Tahsil

205 Gobariya 377 377 I 2V6 Godadpura 9 9 237 Indhawadi 27 27 207 Gogawall 381 381 238 Injalwada 193 193 208 Gohlari 214 214 339 Inpun 4 4 209 G&kulgaan 271 271 240 Islampur 418 418 210- Gond Kheda 139 139 241 Itwa Mal. 483 483 Go.ndwadi 462 462 211 242 Itwa Ryt. 508 508 HZ 60ndwadi Ryt. 524 524 243 Itmampur 275 275 2J3. 6opalpt.tra 198 198 214 (i ElI;a eiya G JJa t>i< 385 385 215 6ora-diya Moondi! 168 167 J 216 GlIldi Kheda Ryt. 514 514 217 Gujar Khedi 95 95 244 Jagatpura 489 489 135 2lS. 6ujrii Khcda Ryt.. 525 525 245 Jalkuwa 135 246 Jalkuwa (Bhamgarh) 473 473 219- Gulgaon 125 125 247 221) "ulga-on Theka 130 130 lalwa Buzurg 155 155 221' Gunjali 20 20 248 Jalwa Khurd 156 156 222 Qunjari, 12 12 249 Jamaniya Khandwa 274 274 223 Gurada 185 184 250 Jamaniya (Moondi) 161 161 224, Quwadi. 386 386 251 Jamanya (Attar) 65 65 252 lamkota 123 123 If 253 Jamli Kalan 445 445 254 Jamli Khurd 441 441 182 181 225 Pfaidarpur 350 350 255 Jamli Moondi Jamli Rajgarh 396 396 226. Handiya Kheda Ryt._ 515 515 256 172 171 227 Hantiya (F. V .), 53) 534 257, Jamli Saiyad Khan 258 Jamli Sukal· 440 440 2 g; Hapla. 452 452 259 Jamoti (F. V . ) 544 543 Haraswada 320 320 22.9- 260 Jaswadi 242 242 49 23tJ Harba.nspur:a 49 261 Jawar 211 211 316 316 231 Hlranmal 411 411 262 Jheeraniya 263 Jheeranya Ryt. 82 82 232 Hayadi 127 127 Jhohvada 204 204 420 264 233- Heerapur Khurd 420 265 Jinwaniya 416 416 57 57 234 Heerapur (Mortakka) 266 Jinwaniya Ala 73 73 235- Heerapur Ryt. (Heeradad) 521 521 267 Jirwan 497 497 268 Joonapani (F. V , ) 543 542 236 Hemgeer Khl.lnl 422 422 27


SI. Name of Village L.C.No, SI. Name of Village L.C.No. r-__..A-.._-. No. No. r---"---'\ 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil

269 Kakariya Moondi 184 183 305 Khedi Buzurg 43 43 397 270 Kakoda 397 306 Khedi Khurd 34 34 271 Kalda Khedi 317 317 307 Khedilape Ghati 406 406 272 Kalmukhi 69 69 308 Khirala 423 423 273 Kalpat 488 488 309 Khidgaon 477 477 274 Kalya Khed i 102 102 3 10 Khutla Kalan 146 146 275 Kaman Kheda 35 35 311 Khutla Khurd Ryt. 149 149 276 Kamliya (F.V.) 533 532 312 Khutphal 189 189 277 Kanakgarh 25 25 313 Kirgaon 281 2EI 278 Kankariya (Attar) 58 51:1 314 Kirgaon (F.V.) 532 53{ 279 Kanwani 461 461 315 Kisanpura Ryt. 81 81 280 Kapastha\ 241 241 3 I 6 Kithiya Joshi 251 251 281 Kapoo'iya 225 225 317 Kodwar 151 lSI 355 3<;5 287. Karoli 364 364 31·8 Kondawad 365 365 283 Karoli (Sailani) 31 3 I 3 19 Koladeet 3::0 Kolgaon 196 196 284 Karond 80 80 321 Korgala 2.54 254 285 Karpur Ryt. 520 520 8 286 Katar 322 Kothi -8 2GJ 26) 287 Kaudigau\ 14S 148 323 Kotwada 288 Kaweshwar 199 199 324 Kohadad 48i 485 2S9 Kedar Khedi 484 484 325 Kudalda 438 438 290 Keilari }gO 179 326 Kumtha 494 494 291 Kenood 159 159 327 Kundiya 382 382 292 Kelwa Buz urg 28 28 328 Kurwada 215 21S 384 293 Kelwa Khurd 30 30 329 K usumbiya 384 294 Kesoon 68 68 L 295 Khadki 451 451 330 Lachhora Kalan 480 480 296 Khaigaon 174 173 331 Lachhora Khurd 455 455 297 Khajuri 314 314 332 Ladanpur 248 248 298 Kham Kheda (F. V.) 545 544 333 Lakhman Khedi 291 29-1 299 Khandwa Taraf Kumbi 257 257 334 Lakhangaon 197 197 300 Kandwa Taraf Mankar 262 262 335 Lalpura 88 88 301 Khandwa Taraf Mali 261 261 336 Lalwada 209 209 302 Kharkali 284 284 337 Lohari 244 244 303 Kharwa 376 376 338 Loundi 19 19 304 Khedi Kita 206 206 339 Lunhar Ry- 5lJ 511 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.e.Na. ..__.4.-__ No. r--..A_--. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil M N

374 Nagchun 259 340 Machhondi Ryt. 221 221 259 375 341 Madhav Khedl 231 231 .l'.a~hHl 140 140 376 Nahalda 264 342 Makadkachh Ryt. 141 141 264 3/'1 i'<7':J NarlJarbel 2.)7 345 Malipura 277 277 237 380 346 Malipura (Chirakhan) 266 266 Nandlya 502 502 347 Manawanhar 361 361 jbl l'.alluu Kh.:di 2:>3 253 3lS2 Nanowa 348 Madanpur 294 294 299 299 jlS3 Nan Kheda 407 407 349 Mandhata 10 10 3tl4 Nand Kheda 100 35Q Mandwa 391 391 Mafi 100 JIS.) :Nan Kheda Ryt. 104 104 351 Manpura 459 459 3l)(J Ndrlai 46 352 Maslai 37 37 46 3lS7 Nawalgaon' 353 Mataghat (F. V . ) 547 547 Ryt. 96 96 354 Mathani Buzurg 218 218 388 Na'vali 305 305 359 Nctangaon 355 Mathani Khurd Ryt ~ 177 176 45 45 356. Matbela 273 273 390 Nihal\\adi 373 373 357 Mathela 44 44 391 545 358 Malpub 75 75 359 Mausai 272 272 , P 3CiB Mehta Kh~t 330 330 361 Mirjapur Bhond'"I'a 367 367 392 Pabai Kalan 427 427 362 Mirjapur MDondi. 164 163 393 Pabai Khurd 389 389 363- Moghat. 283 283 Pachamba 435 435 364 Mohall 167 166 394 395 Pachhaha 327 327 3'65 JWohanll> 90 90 Padlya 487 487 J66. Mohaopu1' 412 412 396 Paladi 21 21 367 MokalgaQn 356 356 397 398 Palasi 303 303 36R Mor(o)ad 475 475 228 369 Morghadi 3 3 399 Palkana 228 4()0 Palsud Mal. 175 174 370 Mortakka 2 2 401 Palsood Ryt. 143 143 371- Muliadiya Sfiivjit 179 178 4()2 Pama Khedi 378 378 372 Mundhai 91 91 403 Panchbedi Ryt. 476 476 373 MllIUiwada. 269 269 404 PaIJdhana 380 380 29


SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r---...A__""'I No. ,-___..A.._-" 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 Khimdwa Tahsil

144 144 R 405 Theka Pandya 234 234 406 334 334 503 437 Rahemapur Pangra 503 407 438 Raikhutwal 223 22:1 Panjhariya 342 342 408 457 457 56 439 Raipur 409 Parethi 56 440 Rajani Ryt. 471 47\ 322 322 410 fa!'su Khed-i .398 3n 229 441 Rajgarh 411 Pawali 229 4·n Rajgarh Ryt. :505 505 (Bhamgarh) 171 1';'0 412 Peepal Kota 428 428 512 443 Rajhola Kalan 413 PeepJod Khas 512 444 Rajhola Khurd 3'95 395 414 Peeplya Kalan Ryt. 501 501 445 Rajoor 92 '92 Peepar Hatti 430 430 415 446 Rajora 426 426 Phiphari Ryt. 98 98 416 447 Rajpura (A tud) 54 54 Phiphari Mal 99 99 417 448 Rajpura Ghati 404 4. ~ 418 Phiphariya 132 132 449 Rampura Kalan 472 472 419 Piplani 114 ll4 450 Rampura (Kandwa) 446 446 420 Pipliya Punasa 74 74 451 Rampura Khurd Ryt. ·467 467 138 138 421 Pipalkota 452 Rampura Ryt. 150 1 SO 493 4'93 422 Pipalya (Sailani) 16 16 453 Rampuri Ryt. 188 423 Pi,Jalya Khurd Ryt. 519 519 454 Rangaon ass 332 332 424 Pipalya Megh 359 359 455 Ranya Khedi 353 35J 425 Pipa1yafu1 192 192 456 Rasidpura 22 22 426 Pipalya Tahar 279 279 457 Rat:mpur lIS 115, 427 P piod Khurd 437 437 458 Reechhi '94 '94 428 Pokhar Kalan 369 369 459 Reechhphal 1P'7 187 429 Pokhar Kalan Ryt. 499 499 460 Rechhgaon ,60 60 430 Pokhar Khurd Ryt. 500 500 461 Rewada 304 .}O4 431 Pokhar Khurd Ryt. 415 415 462 Rohnai 212 21.2 432 Poora 71 71 463 Rohani .154 J54 433 Punasa 108 108 464 Robani .358 358 434 Pumi 128 128 465 Roshanhar 302 302 435 Puranpura Mal. 470 470 466 Roshiya 252 252 436 Puranpura Ryt. 468 4fi8 467 Roshnai 30


SI. Name of Village L.e.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. ,----"---, No. r- _ _.A.. __ -, 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil

239 499 Sirsod 468 Rudhi 239 319 319 436 500 Siwana 469 Rustampur 436 224 224 501 Siwraj Khedi 341 341 502 S Songir 38 38 503 Songir (Khandwa) 360 360 504 169 Sono~d 325 325 470 Sabejala (Bhamgarh) 170 505 Sontalai 289 289 Sahejala Kandwa 300 300 471 506 Sorapur 11 11 176 175 472 Sailani 507 Sujapur Kalan 258 258 Saiyadpur 345 345 4B 508 Sujapur Khurd 348 29 29 348 474, Saktapur 509 Sukwa (F.V.) 530 529 Salai Ryt. 67 67 475 510 Sulgaon 36 185 36 Saliya 186 511 476 Sultanpur 434 434 286 286 477 Samsherpur 512 Sulya Khedi 310 310 SangmeshwaJr 374 374 478 513 Sunderbel 233 233 Sangwada 357 357 514 Surgaon Banjari 47~ 216 216 f486 Saw Kheda 230 230 515 Surgaon Joshi 329 3~9 220 220 516 Surgaon Nipani 48t Sarai 278 278 490 490 517 Surgaon Rathor 4~2 Sarai 309 309 Sarll'lya Ryt. 112 112 518 Sutar Kheda Ryt. 483 ~- 469 469 484' S

4'931 Siloda 338 338 525 Takali Mori 335 335 379 494 Siltiya 379 526 Talwadyia 210 210 Ryt'. 133 133 495 SindIlkhal 527 Talwadiya (Attar) 61 61 474 49'6 Singot 474 528 Tahvadiya (Khandwa) 362 362 256 497 Sirpur 256 529 Teerandajpur 249 249 298 498 Siorra 298 530 Teliya Mal Ryt. 142 142 31


SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No.

r-__...A-._-. ,.... _ _...A.. __ ~ No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

Z 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/1 Khandwa Tahsil

47 47 531 Telya Khurd 84 84 U 532 Temacha 288 533 Tembhi Kalan 288 541 Uehayan 267 267 Tembhi Khurd 447 447 534 111 246 542 Udaipur Ryt. 111 535 Tighariya 246 543 umardad 366 366 536 T,tgaon 282 282 544 Umardha 400 400 537 Tokar Kheda 295 295 Umarya 86 86 538 Toki 24 24 545 153 153 539 Tolgaon 326 326 5.46 Utadi Utawad 136 136 540 Torani 306 306 547

25/2 Harsud Tahsil

Bahedi 155 15>Q A 21 22 Baidiyaw 186 181 145 14'0 1 Abhawa 16 16 23 Bailwadi Ryt. 319 314 2 Ada-Kheda (F. V . ) 361 356 24 Bakapalas (F. V.) 289 284 345 349 3 Ahmad Nagar 25 Bakarjun (F. V . ) 18 18 4 Akiya 96 366 26 Baladi 149 144 5 Ambada 240 235 27 Bandariya Ryt. 21 21 6 Ambakhal Ryt. 65 65 28 Bandhaniya 57 57 7 Ambapat 260 255 29 Bandhaniya Vrf Patkhcda 224 219 8 Amkachh 171 166 30 Bandi Mal. 327 223 218 9 Amkhal (F. V.) 332 31 Bandi Ryt. 239 234 10 Andharwadi (F. V . ) 322 317 32 Barakund 6 151 146 11 Anjaniya 6 33 Baramdhad Ryt. 271 266 75 75 12 Asapur 34 Barma\aya 277 272 18«) 175 13 Asharaf Nagar 35 Barud 9-4 '94 14 AWdlya (F. V.) 333 328 Beed Ryt. 36 274 269 15 Awalya (F. V . ) 357 352 37 Bhagawa 342 337 38 Bhagpura (F . V . ) B ll8 11.3 39 Bhagwanpura 293 288 16 Badgaon Mal 55 55 40 Bhadangiya 140 135 54 54 Bharadi Ryt. 17 Badgaon Ryt. 41 168 163 7 7 42 Bhawaniya Ryt. 18 Badkeshwar 92 92 138 43 Bhawarli 19 Badkhalya 143 315 Bhetkheda (F . V . ) 32@ 20 Bagda (F. V . ) 340 335 44 32


Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. r-__...A.. __ -, No. No. r- _ _..A.. __ -.. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/2 Harsud Tahsil

119 45 Bhilai 124 79 Chhapla Kalan 132 127 56 80 46 Bhogani 56 Chhapla Khurd 131 126 226 47 Bhojudhana 231 81 Chhanera (Police Abadi) 201 196 ]12 82 48 Bhuralay 117 Chhanera Sarkar 199 194 49 Bichpudiya 9 9 83 Chhapa Kund 163 158 50 Bichpuri (F. V. ) 328 323 84 Chhipipura 173 168 51 Khurd 20 20 85 Chhirwa 100 96 86 52 Bijalpur Mafi 25 25 Chhuchhrel 35 35 87 53 Billod Mal. 43 43 Chhich Mafi 8 8 54 Billod Mal. 136 131 88 Chich Ryt. 153 148 55 BiI10d Ryt. 135 130 89 Chikali 90 90 56 Bod ]0 10 90 Chikatlai 299 294 91 57 Bori Banderi 182 177 Chimaipur (F. V.) 349 344 92 58 Bori Saray 161 156 Chunakhal (F. V. ) 360 355 12 12 59 Boria D 60 Borkheda (F. V . ) 365 360 93 Dabri 115 61 Borkheda Kalan 116 111 110 94 Dabhiya 248 243 62 Borkheda Khurd 108 103 95 Dagad Khedi 15~ 149 63 Borkheda Mafi 103 99 96 Dagat Kot 250 245 64 Bothiya Kalan Ryt. 160 155 97 Damdama Ryt. 167 162 65 Bothiya Khurd Mal, 159 154 98 Dang 2 2 6-6 Bothiya Khurd Ryt. 158 153 99 Dantha 3 3 67 Brahmogram 184 179 100 Darkali (F. V.) 324 319 68 Bu(i 317 312 101 Dawaniya (F. V.) 346 341 C 102 Dewali Kalan 303 298 103 Dewali Khurd 304 299 69 Chabutara 226 221 104 Devalan 121 116 70 Chadoda (F. V. ) 334 329 105 Dewaldi Ryt. 200 195 71 Chain pur (Police Abadi) 209 . 204 106 Dewaldi (Police Abadi) 197 192 72 Chainpur Sarkar 273 268 107 Dhakana (F. V.) 366 361 73 Chakara (F . V . ) 347 342 108 Dhakochi 261 256 74 Chandgarh 13 13 109 Dhama F.V.) 364 359 75 Charkheda Mal. (police Abadi) 196 191 110 Dhanora 87 87 76 Charkheda Ryt. 195 190 111 Dhanwani Mafi 39 39 77 Chatarkheda Ryt. 172 167 112 Dhanwani Theka 95 95 78 Chattu Battu (F. V. ) 335 330 113 Dharu Khedi ]57 151 33


SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. .----'--""" No. r- _ _.A-_""" 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4- 2 3 4

25/2 Harsud Tahsil

114 Dharu Khedi Mal. 174 169 146 Gullas 23 23 115 Dhawdi 236 231 147 Gurawan Ryt, 67 67 116 DhoJgaol1 (F. V. ) 341 336 117 Didm.lda (F. V.) 344 339 H Dimariya (F. V . ) 367 362 118 148 Harbola (F. V.) Harbanspura 351 346 119 Dinakarpura 122 117 149 Haripura 70 70 120 Dongaliya 305 300 150 Harsud Circular 99 363 121 Dote Kheda 181 176 151 Harsud Mal. 98 364 114 109 F 152 Hanwantiya 153 Hasanpura 216 211 122 Fefari (Police Abadi) 211 206 154 Hathnora 150 145 123 Fefari Sarkar 238 203 124 Fefariya Kalan Ryt 119 114 I 125 Fefariya Khurd Ryt 113 108 155 Igriya Ryt. 86 86 127 132 G 156 Imlani 157 Itawa 237 232 126 Gadbadi Mal, 79 79 127 Gadbadi Ryt. 78 78 J J28 Gadhadiya (F. V . ) 355 350 30 30 129 Gohelgaon 128 123 158 Jabgaon Jaitapur Kalan 38 3li 130 Gambhir Circular 72 72 159 160 Jaitapur Khurd 37 37 131 Gambhir Ryt. 80 80 161 Jalwan Mafi 28 28 132 Gambhir Ubari 73 73 162 Jamanapur 255 250 133 Gannaur 33 33 163 Jamanya Sarsari 218 213 Garbedi Mal. 259 254 134 252 164 Jamdhad 257 135 Garbedi Ryt. 258 253 254 249 327 322 165 Jamoda 136 G'lul Kheda (F. V . ) 202 166 Jamuniya Ashapur 2D7 137 Gehugaon Kalan 50 50 Jamu:liya Kalan 297 292 Gehugaon Khurd 51 51 167 138 .298 293 109 104 168 Jamuniya Khurd 139 Ghisor Mal. 46 Jamuniya Mal. 4.t. 140 Ghutighat 312 307 169 11 ~1 Gogaipur (F. V.) 363 358 170 Jatam 141 41 41 139 134 171 Jhagariya Ryt. 142 Gondikheda Ryt. 42 Jhagariya Mal. 42 Gulai ,,48 343 172 143 .351 Jhari Kheda (F. V.) 358 144 Gulai 3]6 31l 173 21J 2.08 145 Gulardhana 251 246 174 Jharinya 34


Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r-.---"----,. No. r-__,.A.. _--,. 1971 1981 1971 1981

I 2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 Harsud Tahsil

175 Jhingadhadh Ryt . 66 66 210 Khudiya Mal 49 49 176 Jhinjhiri (F. V . ) 336 331 2it Khudiya Circular 47 47 177 Jhirpa (F. V. ) 343 308 212 Khutiya Ryt 138 133 308 178 Jogibida 272 267 213 Khutwadiya 313 214 Killod G3 63 179 Junapani 266 261 215 Kishanpura 164 159 1&0 Junapani Mal. 52 52 216 Kori Bori 162 157 K 217 Kotha 306 301 218 Kukdhal 60 60 181 Kadouli Ryt. 88 88 219 Kuksi 40 40 182 Kadwaliya (F. V ) 331 326 220 J(umhar Kheda 31 I 306 183 Kala Aam Kalan 268 263 221 Kundai 283 278 184 Kala Aam Khurd 269 264 222 Kundiya Mal. 17 77 185 Kalapatha 264 259 186 Kaldhad 89 89 L 187 Karoli ·187 182 223 Lachhora 61 61 188 Karwani (F. V.) 350 345 224 Ladwa (J amanya Mal.) 44 44 IS!) Karwani 315 310 225 Lahadpur Mal. 85 85 190 142 137 226 Lahadpur Ryt. 84 84 191 Kashipura 177 172 227 Lakhanpur Mal. 2~5 220 192 Katbawadi 22 22 228 Lakhanpur Ryt. 222 217 193 Kaudiya Kheda 126 121 229 Lakhora Mal. 307 302 1-94 Kekariya (F. V. ) 338 333 230 Lakhora Ryl. 308 303 195 Khairi 302 297 231 Langoli 249 244 196 Khair Kheda 205 200 Khar Kalan 295 290 197 M 198 Khar Khurd 296 291 314 309 199 Khari 232 Madani 281 276 200 Khari 220 215 233 Madoda 228 223 2eI Kharwa 24 24 234 Mahelu 227 222 202 Khalawa (Police Abadi.) 262 257 235 Maida Rani 267 262 2 t)3 Khalawa Sarkar 263 258 236 Malgaon 285 280 2U4 Khamfa 74 74 237 Malhargarh 265 260 205 Khan1..'1lay 219 214 238 Malood 36 36 206 Khntagaon 230 225 239 Mamadoh 233 228 207 Khedi 282 277 240 Mandla 188 183 20S Khokariya 212 207 241 Manjadhad 206 201 209 Khorda 234 229 242 Manle Pura 292 287 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES

Sl. Name of Village LC.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r--__"'__-. No. r-__,._-, 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 Harsud Tahsil 2'() 26 243 Matapur 210 205 279 Nirgudiya Theka 36"9 164 2'14 Mathani (F. V.) 337 332 280 Nishaniya Mal. 17() 16$ 245 Mathani (F. V. ) 318 313 281 Nisbaniya Ryt. Maula 45 45 2~6 P 247 Meerpur 275 270 Merdha pani 247 242 ::A 8 2R2 Padlya Mal, 214 20~ 249 . Minawd Mal. 71 71 215 210 250 Minawa Ryt. 62 62 :2S3 Padlya RyL 14 ]4 251 Mirjapur Ryt. 123 118 284 Padiyadeh 15() 15t 252 Mogal Ryt. 148 143 285 Palani Mal. iL51 147 253 Mohal Khari 241 256 286 Pal ani Ryt. 3SO 325 254 Mohanya Bham 276 271 287 Palaspur (F. V., 255 Mohanya Kalan 106 101 288 Pama Khedi 53 53 256 Mohanya Kheda 291 286 289 Pangariya 19S 193 257 Mohanjla Khurd 107 102, 290 Partapputa 242 237 258 M


SI. Name of Village L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. No. r--_...A-.._. No. r-_..Jo-_-.. 1971 1981 1971 'Inl

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/2 Harsud Tahsil

311 Ratanpur Andhariya 284 279 341 Siwar Ryt. 120 Its 312 Regwan 31 31 342 Siwariya 125 120 313 Rewa pur 144 139 343 Som:';pura 17 17 314 Rosad 64 64 344 Somgaon Mal. 127 122 315 Roshani 238 233 345 Somgaon Khurd 83 83 346 Sondiya 91 91 S 347 Sonkhedi 166 161 348 316 Sadiya Pani (Police Abadi) 203 198 Sonpura Mal. 29 29 317 Sadiya Pani SarkaI' 204 199 349 Sonpura Ryt. 129 124 318 Saidabad 286 281 350 Sonpura Ryt. 141 136 319 Saktapur Khurd 34 34 351 Subhanpura 48 48 320 Saktapur Ryt .. 202 197 352 Sukawa Ryt. 288 283 321 Salidhana 246 241 353 Sukawi 290 285 322 Saliya Kheda 279 274 323 Samasgarh 229 224 354 Sunder Dev (F. V. ) 362 357 324 Sarai (F. V . ) 323 318 355 Surwadiya 191 186 325 Sarmesar (F. V . ) 3S3 348 326- Satri (Police Abadi) 183 178 T

327 Sawalidllad ( F . V ) 354 349 356 Taliyadha:d (F. V. ) 356 351 32'8 Sawali Kheda 310 305 357 Taw Khedi (F.V.) 325 320 32g Seg'W31l 11 I 106 358 TighariY3 217 212 359 Timarni 221 216 3:3',0 Selda i92 187 31>0 Titwas 5 5 J11 Se-maliya (F. V.» 329 324 3 61 Torniya ' 176 171 332' Semrulifh Mal. 69- 69 U 333. Semwdb Ryt. 68 68 334 Sendhwal 300 295 362 Undawa Ryt, 112 107 363 Udiyapur Mal. 252 2n 3-35- Shal'Jpura Mal. 179 174 364 Udiyapur Ryt. 253 248 336- SElahput!a Thekal 178 173 365 {.Jndel Mal. 189 184 337 Smdh. Kbeda 130 ]25 366 Undel Ryt. 190 185 338 SiJlaJi),a 243 238 339 Sil'kya (F.".)' 321 316 Y 34(}' SirpUl' 287 282 367 Vikrampur (F. V . ) 339 3H 37


L.C.No. SI. Name of Village L.C.No. 81. Name of Village No. r-_. ..A... __ --. No. r-~~, 197 J 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 . 1 2 3 4

25/3 Burhanpur Tahsil

A 32 Basali (F. V.) 282 269 • 33 Basali Ryt 117 111' Ad 'gaoa 195 194' 34 Beed Ryt. 40 41 ' Ahukhana 160 15S' 2 35 Bhat Kheda Ryt. 39 42' Amba (F.V.) 246 2·43' 3 36 Bhauraghat (F, V . ) 273 262 • 43· 4 Ambada Ryt. 43 264- 37 Bhawasa 222 218' Amsaon (F. V. ) 276 5 38 Bholana 17"8 174 269 256· 6 A mla (F. V . ) 69 • 39 Bhata 19-6 198' 7 Amla Khurd 69 228 ' 40 Bijori '97 99' B Andhari 233 48' 41 Boharada ]84 184' 9 Andharwadi 48 15· 42 Rorgaon Khurd 167 16~ , 10 A eO' 16 43 :~ori Buzurg 11 13 . B 44 Bori Khurd 22 24' 175 177- 45 Borsal Ryt, 41 3,· 11 Bada BU7urg 3 I' 46 Borsar 2<01 1%· 12 Bada Jamabad 31 183 ,,/ISI 13 Bada Khurd C ../ 29 1-1 Bada Theka 30 137· ,! 238 235 . 15 Badgaon Mafl 139 7 Chakbara 166· 207 205 16 Badi 169 48 Chandgarh 51' 49 Chandni (F. V , ) 259 254 17 Badl Kheda 52 143 HI· 50 ChapoI'8 194 195 18 Bad Jhiri 192 190' 51 Chidiya Mal. lOG 100 19 Bad Kheda 255- 52 Chidiyapani (F. V . ) 28'9 27.S 20 Eadnapur (F. V . ) 267 Chiklya 10 7 21 Ead,inrhi 229 227' 53 1:"" • 54 Chillara {F. V.) 288 277 22 Bagwaniya 12 Chinchala 1661 168 23 Bahadarpur 180 IJn· 55 56 Chokhanda 87 87 24 Bakdi (F. V . ) 268 ~52 ' S7 Chnndi (F.V.) 285 274 25 Bakhari 211 210' 58 Chulkhan 21 21- 26 Baki 3 /3 27 Balapur 234 -229 D 28 Balapat 88 88· 2{)3- 4-1 45' 29 Bamdhada 203 59 Dabali Kalan 197 197' 60 Dabali Khurd 45 44' 30 Baf'Jli 162, 61 Dabali Ryt, 78 7'(" 31 Basad 162 38



SI. Name of Village L.e.No. SI. Name' of Village L.e.No. r-_.A.__ -. r-__.A. __ -. No. No. 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/3 Burhanpur Tahsil

54 - 62 Dabhiya Kheda 53 G 79' 63 Dahonda lI2 225' 94 Gambhirpura (F. V . ) 245 242'" 64 Dahihandi 230 95 Garhi (F.V.) 292 DahinaJa IF. V.) 256 250· 223" 65 96 82· Garhtal (F. V. ) 283 272. 66 Daiyat Ryt. 79 97 Gavhana 59 59. 186 186, 67 Dalmahu 258- 98 G hagharla 60 58- Dang\lr)a (F. V . ) 271 'i8 99 Ghanshyampura 71') 208' 141 142 • 69 Dapara 100 147' Gharta 213 211 70 Daryapur Kalan 144 101 Godhan Kheda 2(;0 199' Daryapur Khurd 145 149 71 102 Golcgaon 164 163 Daryapur Ryt _ 66 67· 72 103 Gol Kheda 68 98 97. 68' 73 Dasghat 265 ' 104 Gol Kheda 1~9 LtJO' 74 Datpahadi (F _V ) 274 240 . 105 Gondri 75 75 ' 75 Daulatpura 243 106 Gordiy~ 61 62 ' 76- Davela 206 207 107 Gulai 138 139. 77 Dedtalai 86 86- 108 Gulna Ryt. 146 151 78- Deori Mal. 36 34. Deohari 157 157· 79- H 80 Dhaba 119 119 ' 81 Dhamangaon 204 204 . 109 Ha'd lrpur 58 57· HZ' Dha'r Baildhadl 89 89· 1 J 0 Hamidpura I~~,- 171- H3 Dhond 5 5 - J I J I-Ianmat Kheda '27 27· 84 Dhulkot 7 ') 112 Harda 2 '1' 85 Dighi; 212 209 J 13 Hasanpura (F. V . ) 254 253- 86 Dimaniya (F.V. ) 255 244· 114 Hasinabad 129 J 31· 87 Doiphodiya 124 125' 115 Hathni alias Chidiya Pani 42 38- 88 DOt1gargaon 142 ]43· 116 I-Iatnur 11'8 J 88 • 89 Dudhiya Ry,t . 65 65· 117 Hingna Ryt. 35 33' J!' 118 Hivra 56 53· 90 Emagird' 171 172 . I F 119 Iklara 149 145-- 91 Fatepur 165 164· 120 Tchhapur 202 2.D2 . 92 Fafnar KfiJan 228 226' 6 1 ' n Fatnar Khurd' 237 232' 121 Itariya 39


Sl. Name of Village Sl. Name of Village L.C.No. No. No. ,....---"'--""" 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

25/3 Burhanpur Tahsil


155 LaJbag Mal. 181 182 .. Jafarpura 244 241· 122 178' 158 159· 156 Lalbag Ryt. 174 123 Jainabad 35. 159 160· 157 Linga 34 124 Jaisinghpura 1 I • IS 8 Loni 185 185 ' Jalandra 14 125 127 128. 227 224' 159 Lonkhadiya 126 Jambupani 94 95 • 127 Jampani M 221 217. 128 Jamthi 115 • -129 Jamuniya 115 160 Machalpura 17 J9' 240 237' 63 ' 130 Jasondi 161 Machgaon 62 26 2.8 • 131 Jhanjhar 20 17· d62 Mahal Gurada • 16 &lJ": 63 Malvir 220 216. 132 Jhiri 19 73 71· 164 Mandwa (F. V.) 266 251' 133 Jhirmiti 6, 165 Mangrul 18 i'8' 134 Jhir Panjariya 4 257' Manjrod Kalan 104 104- 135 Jholpura (F. V.) 270 166 167 Manjrod Khurd 107 101' K 168 Melchuka 74 n· 263, 22,0' 136 Kalapat (F. V .) 279 169 Metha 225 137 KaJimat-i (F. V.) 290 280 • 170 Mohad 219 215' 138 Kanapur 106 105. 171 Mohammadpura 173 113 ' 139 Kardli 118 118· 172 Mohangarh 110 ill' 140 Karkheda 120 120 ' 173 Mondra '95 94' 278 .. 141 Karoli (F. V • ) 291 174 Mordand Kalan a51 148 • 64 . 142 Kerpani 64 175 Mordan Khurd 150 150 • 101 102. 143 Khadki 176 Morjhira (F. V .) 284 273 • 152 152 . 144 Khadkod 177 Morkheda Kalan 224 221' 134 132' 145 Khair Kheda 178 Morkheda Khurd 223 222 ~ 146 Khair Mal. Ryt. 77 77· 147 Khaknar Kalan 112 112· N 148 Khaknar Khurd 114 114 - 1'93 • 149 Khamni 216 214 . 179 Nachan Kheda 189 122' 150 Khapar Kheda 198 201 • 180 Nagjhiri 12J 151 KhatJa 13 10 • 181 Nagulkheda 187 187 • 152 Khatla (F. V.) 280 248' 182 Nana Nagari (F. V . ) 272 267 • 153 Khodri 99 98 . 183 Nand Kheda Ryt. 130 12'9- 154 Kothra (F. V .) 251 245 184 Nandura KaJan 123 123 • 40-



SI. Name of Village L.e.No. SI. Name of Village L.e.No. ~_ • ..A... __ , No. No. ~ ____,.A-__"""'I 1971 1981 1971 1981

2 3 4 2 3 4

25/3 Bnrhanpur Tahsil

128 ] 27~ R 185 Nandura Khurd 24'7 2471 lS6 Nasimpura (Badnapur) 23 23" 215 Raheta 187 Nasirabad 155 155 • 261 259' 216 Rahipura 188 Navatha (F. V. ) 161 161- 57 60· 217 Rahmanpara 189 Navra 63 61' 67 " 66· 218 Raigaon 190 Naya Kheda Ryt. 214 213 • 126 126 • 219 Raisena 191 Nayar 241 236 • 33 37 • 220 Rama Kheda Kalan 192 Neori Kalan 83 ~4 • 37 36' 221 Rama Kheda Khurd 193 Neori Khurd 84 05. 193 ll:I9 • 222 Ramdhad 194 Ner 72 72. 113 113 • 223 Rangai 195 Nimbdad 103 103 • 140 136. 224 Rasulabad 239 196 Nimapur 238 225 15 .20· Rasulpura 182 197 Nimbola 180 • 212 • 226 Ratagarh Ryt. Nimgaon 215 38 40 • 198 227 Ratnapur Nimna Ryt. 24 22- 70 70· 199 228 Raytlai 71 74 • 229 P Rohni 9 8 •

275 268' S 200 Pachori 50 52 • 2()1 Palasur 230 Sagfata (F. V.) 263 249 • 54 55 • 231 Sagmali 202 Panch Imli 93 93 • 102 101 • 232 Saikheda Kalan 203 Pandhari 122 121 • 233 Saikheda Khurd 116 116. 51 204 Pangri Mal 50· 234 Sajni Ryt. 81 80 81 . 80 ". 205 Paretha Ryt. 135 Samriya (F. V.) 278 261 • 206 Patonda 176 175. 236 Samarpura 226 219 237 Sands K .. lan 207 Pipalgaon Mafi 137 140. 29 32· 238 Sands Khurd 208 Pipalgaon Ryt. 236 233 • 32 30· 239 , Sangrampur 242 239. 209 Pipaipani 90 90 • 240 Sarai (F. V . ) 250 279 • 210 Piplaj /191 241 Sarola 190 25 26- 242 Satod 2It Pipli Ryt. 232 231· 92 91 - 243 Satpayari 49 49 • 212 Pipralla 8 14 - 244 SavaJi 109 110 _ 213 Pipri 91 92 • 245 Selgaon 156 ] 56' 2}l4 Pura (F. V.) 252 246 • 246 Shahdara 170 170 • 41


S). Name of Village L.C.No. S). Name of Village L.C.No. No. r----"---"""\ No. r-__.A. -"""\ 1971 1981 1971 1981

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

25/3 Burhanpur Tahsil

III 108 • T 247 Shaikhapur Ryt. 46 ' 248 Shankarpura 46 265 Tajnapu[ 125 124. 108 109' 266 Takli J 54 , 249 Sh~khapur Mal. :154 267 Tar Pati 287 276' 250 Shekhpura 85 83 • 268 Teliya Dhad 76 76' Shikarpura 133 133 • 251 269 Tembhi 105 J.06. 130 252 Shikarpura Mal. 131 270 Thathar 168 167- 253 Sindh Kheda Kalan 135 135 • 271 Titagon Kalan 147 144 • 272 Titagon Khurd 148 146' 254 Sindh Kheda Khurd 136 138 273 Tukaithad 96 %. 255 Sindh Kheda Ryt. 55 56. 274 Turak Gurada 231 23-0. 256 Sirpur Mal. 132 134 • 257 Sirsoda 191 \ 92 ' U 258 Sitapur 235 234. 275 Udali 205 206 47. 259 Sival 47 276 Ukhadgaon 163 165 270 • Umarda 28 25 • 260 Sola Bardi (F . V . ) 281 277 278 Usarni (F. V . ) 277 266 ._ 261 Sonud (F. V . ) 262 260· 279 Utambi (F. V • ) 253 271. 262 Sukta Khurd 4' 153 • V 263 Sukhpuri 153 Viroda 179 179 . 264 Sultanpura 177 176 ;' 280



The Village Directory contains information CoJumn 5 ; Educational facilities have been shown about the name of village, total area of village, total by adopting the following abbreviations:- population and the number of households in the P - Primary School viUage, amenities like education, medical, drinking M - Junior Secondary or Middle School water, post and telegraph, market day, communications, approach to village, distance fro.>ID H - Matriculation Or Secondary School lhe nearest town, power supply staple food, land use, PUC - Higher Secondary /Intermediate /Pre­ places of religious, historical and archaeological UniverSIty/Junior College. interest e,_c. This is further supplemented by informa­ C - College (graduate level and above) tion on copies of newspapers coming in the village. like Arts, Science, Commerce etc. number of motor cycles/scooters/cars/jeeps and I - Industrial Schoof tractors available in the vIllage. Tr. - Training School AC - Adult literacy class/centre. Every village in a tahsil has been assigned a se~ial number which is the location code of the o - Other Educational Institutions. These village to facilitate. identification. Apart from he may include Sanskrit Pathshalas, revenue yillages. forest villages have also been listed. Senior Basic School, Maktab. etc. Villages that have been treated wholly or partly as urban outgrowtbs because of t~eir being contiguous Where figures like P,3), M(2), H(1) etc. occur to an urban area have also been listed and a note these denote that the village has three primary, two indicating "includes wholly or partly as urban middle and one Hi.gher Secondary School. outgrowth of such and such town" has also been given against each such village. If there are composite schools like Middle school with Primary classes or Hlgber Stcondary schools with Middle classes, thebe have been Information rlbout the amenities available has included in the number of Primary Schools and Middle schools as the case may be. been gi ... eo in columns 5 to 10 of lhe ViIl~J:e Directory with the abbreviations used in different columns as indicated below:- Column 6: Medical facilitIes have been shown by the use of the following abbreviations:-

Where there are more than one institution of a type the number of such inlltiutions has also been H - Hospital shown within brackets. If no facility or amenity is MCW - MaternHy and r:hild Welfare Centre available within the viilage, a 'dash' is shown and MH - Maternity Home next to it in brackets the distance in broad ranges viz., 5 km, 5-10 km etc. of the nearest place where ewe - Child WelL,re Centre the facility/amenity is available has been indicated. He - Health Centre 44

PHC - Primary Health Centre indicated by the fonowinl codes:­ BS - Bus Stop PHS - Primary Health S ub·Centre RS - Railway Station D - Dispensary NW - Navigable Waterway (including river, FPC - Family Planning. Centre canal, backwaters, etc.). TB - TB Clinic NH - Nursing Home Only public transport like bus, rail and water­ RP _ Registered Prhate Practitioner. way have been considered for this purpose. SMP - Subsidised Medical Practitioner Column 11 : Approach to village - This refers to the State of road etc. leading to tbe village. CHW - Community HeaHh Worker This has been indicated by the use of following o - Others codes: PR - Pucca Road KR - Kaccba Road : The types of the po' able drinking water Column 7 FP - Foot Path supply and the sources available in the village have been indicated by the Column 12 : Nearest town and distance-The distance follownig codes :- in km of the nearest town (whether IQcated in the state or in another state) bas been given in brackets under T - Tap Water this column. W - Well Water TK - Tank Water Column 13 : Power supply: For this purpose, the TW - Tubewell Water following codes have been used under HP - Hand Pump this column. R - River Water ED - Electricity for Domestic Purpose EAg - Electricity for Agriculture F - Fountain EO - Electricity for other purposes like C - Canal industrial, commercial etc. L - Lake EA - Electricity for all purposes listed S - Spring above. N - NulJab Column 15 19: Land use: Break-up of area under different type of land use viz., forest, o - Others irrigated area, unirrigatedarea. cultu­ NA - Information not available rable waste and area not available for Column 8 : Post and telegraph facilities have been cultivation has been furnlslled under shown by adopting the following coll.lmns 5-9. abbreviations (a) Forest - This includes all lands classed as forests under any legal enactment dealing with PO - Pos~ Office forest. or administered as forests, whether state TO - Telegraph Office owned or private, and whether wooded or PTO - Post and Telegraph Office maintained as potential forest land. Phone - Telephone Connection (b) Irrigated and unirrigated (land use) - The two columns (eols. 16 and 7) cover all agricultural Column 10 : Communication facilities have been land and include net area lown with crops and orchards or net crl)pped area and also current Column 20: This is a remark column but it has been and other fallows. The latter implied all lands used to indicate some important which were taken up for cultivation, but arc information relating to tbe vilJage. temporarily out of cultivation for a period of For example, if there is any ramou. not less \han a year and more tban five years. religious, bis(orical or arcbaeological These columns do not include gross area lown place in the village it has been indicated (\ - gross cropped area. in this column. Some useful informa­ tion like number of copies of news­ (c) CuUurable waste - It includes lands fit for papert coming in the village. number cultivation whether or not taken up for cultiva­ of motor cycles, scooters, jeeps, cars. tion or once taken up for cultivation but not tractors. etc, are available in the cultinted for more then 5 years. Grazing land village has been given. The abbre'tia­ and land under groves have been included under tions used to ,indicate the above cullurable waste but tbis does not include information relating to the village are ·orchards. To be more precise culturable waste as below :- includes:

(a) Permanent paltures and other grazing lands, N - Copies of the News-papers coming in the village. (b) Land under miscellaneous trees, crops and M - Motor cycles/sc('oters available in groves, the village. (c) and cultivable landfl not put to agriculture. C - Cars/Jeeps available in tbe "mage. (d) Area not available for cultivation - ThIS T - Tractors available in the village. column gives the area of barren and uncuJtiablo lands and lands put to non-agricultural uses like In case there is 'Nil" information for a village village sites, roads, water, rocks and hills, etc. a 'dash' bas been shown. 4fi

W'" Alf~

vmlJlil; ~ lftit

>f.cT<: 173.13 155(25) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(..:.5 )

2 1I''''r'c;;,,,,r 72R.41 2,586(532) P(l),M(l) -(5-10) W,R PO -(5-10) BS,RS

3 ii·i".'E(~t 876.17 938(152) P( 1) (5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

4 ~;;'1if 463.25 319(50) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5)_ -(-5) -(-5)

5 'll1W 377.23 1,805(309) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) - (-5) -(-5)

6 f

7 filiP"I'\<:T ~lT 876.26 948(171) P(1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS

8 "f:ro1 677.31 652(108) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

9 tik~ 754.28 1,346(329) P(l) PHC(I) T,R PTO Wednesday BS

)0 lfTtfF':f 266.20 747(156) - ( -5) -(-5) T,R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

11 .t::n.rf 1,355.52 503(93) -(-5) -(-5) R - (,,-5) -(-5) -(-5)

12 'I'''fr;T 341.72 219(30) p( 1 ) - ( 5) W -(-5) _. (-5) -(-5)

13 ~r 246.57 192(31) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

14 tnn 262.87 369(54) - (-5). -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

15 -.."')oP'TT 497.52 314(48) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

16 'lTq~l (l:T"IFfT) 239.98 65(10) - (-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

17 ;ft~t:st 102.71 "fIU'f

)8 420(74) P( 1) fil

19 159,,26 166(25) -(-5) -(5-10) W,T "fP.T -(5~10) -(5-10) - (5-10)

20 447.20 1,230(214) P( 1) -(-5) W ~'~m -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 41

VILLAGE DIRECTORY Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

Ilflf O'li ~ ~ ~ ~ 'Jflf ~iTr (~Rt 'i!flr ~ i!fI f"f'l1'J f~T ;i ~~ f~ uTIlAi Iltli 'liT omt qi'i(i{ ~~~"U IfiJ VT1ITV ~~1R it f~ ~ >ii ii~~) ~ ,.....------~------~

w;r IifTtm u ll~ in1 ~ f~ i

~------KR - (8) Jowar, 0.21W 54.43 9.24 109.25 Kalar Wheat PR Bar\vaha (5) EA Jowar, 8.81 35.07W 421.45 115.39 147.68 N(15),M(3) Mortakka Wheat C(l),T(1) KR Sanawad (6) EA Jowar, 2.47 58.40W 576.35 187.70 15.25 Morghadi Wheat KR Sanawad (2) EAg Jowar, 1. 70 37.02W 312.75 93.44 18.34 Inpun Wheat KR Sanawad (2) ED, Jowar, 45.79W 21] .58 28.33 91.53 N(2) Bhogawan EAg Wheat KR Sanawad (8) EAg Jowar, 16.98W 349.69 34.83 96.97 Bil10ra Khurd Wheat PR Sanav,ad (5) ED Jowar, 441.83 14.58W 270.03 20.51 129.31 N(2),C(I) Billora Buzurg EAg Wheat PR Sanawad (1 ]) EAg Jowar, 87.55 72 .04W -296.86 94.51 126.35 T( 1 ) Kothi Wheat l'R Sanawad {I 7) EA Jowar, 550.27 4.30W 28.78 32.19 138.76 N(l5),M(2J Godadrura Wheat 266.20 Temple,N( 1 0) Mandhata PR Sanawad (18) ED, Jowar, EAg Wheat 1.6(lW 138.42 1 I .27 193.14 Sailani KR Sanawad (2 t ) Jowar, 1,011.09 Wheat 148.39 3.12W 82.73 59.76 47.72 Gunjari KR Sanawad (19) JowaI, Wheat JOO.78 17.06 J08.80 KR Sanawad (19) Jowar, 8.51 11.42W Duhikya Wheat 111.65 9.86 8.47 KR Sanawad (14) JowaI, 113.99 18.90W Dhawadiya Wheat 42.90W 351.73 22.69 50.10 PR Sanawad (7) EAg Jowar, 30.10 Ghosali Wheat KR Sanawad ( 1 I ) Jowar, 10.46 19.20W ] 45 . 10 57.41 7.8] Pipalya (Sailanl) Wheat Uninhabited Borada

KR Sanawad (12) Jowar, 41.05W 313.74 33.35 17.68 Bilaya Wheat Jowar, 21.97 7.50W 118.11 6.02 5.66 KR Sana",;ad (12) Loundi Wheat KR Sanawad (9) EA Jowar. 40.10 68.65W 223.64 93.95 20.86 Gunja!i Wheat 48

~~qT -Cl~'1T~ iftI-§f~ ~ 'lfir ~

f'll;ft~ VTlr 'liT lfr;r Itr;r 'liT ~~ ;;fifq~ ~!1 (lffi: IfiTl!" ar.r~!1Tct IITlf it W'cmr~ ~!1 Off!T ~ aT 'fm'flf ~ (-) t"! 'ti"TeT~ t.;le (if not available within the village, a dash (-) 11 shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) • ~------______A______~

,htf~ f;.rt''fifm .rr.r 'liT '{rift m;am ~/~ ~Oll"~ em: 'liT K-l/i{; ~ (are ~CN ~ Loc.· Total tion Iff<{

21 qFi~r 668.19 880(167) P{l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

22 <:;;'l1<: 134.69

23 o;~1JS 967.03 949(163) p( I) -(10+) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

24 clf,1 259.92 493(65) P (1) -( 10+ ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

25 'f''1'f;'if~ 637.64 42(8) -(5-10) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

26 "fl1f'11T~ 1,643.32 851(147) P( I) -( 10+) R,HP -(10+) -(10+ ) -( 10+)

27 ~'mq'9r 1,967.17 1,252(192) P(l) D( I) W PO Sunday -(5-10)

28 i{;;;r.rr '!:"J:'i' 476.72 625(104) P(I) -( -5) W,R -(-5) -(-5 ) -(-5)

29 U't'iT,!' 740.84 729(127) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

30 f.'111 '1,?' 827.51 1,045(164) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) . -(5-10) BS

31 'f'~hr (.f"fFfr) 608.27 883(141) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

32 'TT'"T (>i"ITi'\'Y ) 692.93 1 ,623(264) Pll) , D(2) W PO Tuesday BS M(l) 33 m<.f<'iiff'l' 275.17 1,010(161) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

34 ~~r ~

35 ~1'{Tf ~~ 302. SO 330(57) P( 1) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

36 ~WTt<.J 1,016.30 2,397(433) p( 1 ),M( 1) FPC(] ) T,W PO Saturday BS

37 w«m'l 879.41 299(44) P{l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

38 m'Tl~ 95.11

39 756.22 2,929(499) ~T" P(I),M(l) D(l) W,T PO WednesdllY BS

335.60 40 ~f

; Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tahsil


ma;:rl {f lj~ ~CfT ~ F<'lit ~"t~f~ '" (~~ fuf;;rn

-~------~- -_.---- J

KR Sannwad ( 1 5 ) Jowar, ] 22.85 87.35R 686.42 14.96 55.45 T( 1 ) Ekhand Wheat KR Sanav.ad (15) EAg Jowar, 26.79W 213.36 9.80 9.97 Toki Wheat KR (24) Jowar, 541.05 5.30 2.61 88.68 Kanakgarh Wheat KR Barwaha (22) Jowar, 1,282.4? 9.52W 206.74 34.79 109.78 Bakhatgarh Wheat KR Sanav,)ad (36) EAg Jowar, 1,175.96 37.85R 648.54 49.87 54.95 N(2) hdhawadi Wheat KR Sana wad (32) Jawar, 30.75W 232.82 171.55 41.60 KeJwa Buzurg Wheat KR Sanawad (33) lawar, 287.64 18.82W 305.31 101 .78 27.29 Saktapur Wheat PR Sana\\·ad (34) EA jowar, 65.01 42.'!..(;W 556.76 107.41 56.07 Kelwa Khurd Wlleat PR Sanawad (31) EA lewar, 66.23W 500.08 15.26 26.70 N(12), KaroIi (Sailani) Wheat M(l ) PR Sanawad (32) EA lowar, 86. lOW 550.22 26.04 30.47 N(22). Gaul (Sailani) Wheat M( 2) KR Sanawad (33) EA Jowar. 49.67W 219.12 6.38 Ghoghaigaon Wheat· Uninhabited Khedi Khurd

PR Sanawad (12) EA Jowar, 29.12W 213.15 27.72 32.51 Kaman Kheda Wheat PR Sanawad (12 ) EA Jowar, 108.80W 731 .94 122.49 53.07 N(5),M(2), Su1gaoll Wheat T\l) KR Sanawad (14) EAg Jawor, 17.00 12.70W 519.15 295.36 35.20 T(1} MasJai Wheat Uninhabited Songir

PR Sam:v.ad (11 ) EA Jowar, 211.90W 422.20 n.96 43.16 N( 25), Dhangaan Wheat M( I) Uninhabited Bhaotiya SO

~~qT ff~~')~ GA-~""rrq trci -,;r\l ~q'tf)"

~O!!T;fT" IW'f 'fiT OfTii' IUiI' 'nf ~'" ~Ul<'fl'f it (-) h' 'fiTs f'1..t<;f'fi"f q:.m.,5-10 f'fi. m. tAl lfT 10+ R;.11t.) AmenitIes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . ~------~------~------~ qfm~ r"f"NT it'1- '!rr q-m ~ a1'h: 'lTm<:/~ 8"fT<: 'i,,~ an: otT f;;;r lit ~ tam ~;>;Tq tli£iI: Loca- Total q-R 'P't{ Q) f~,"ffi-'Gpf) tion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(B us-stoP. num- village number of water Post and the marketl railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any Water way) ------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

41 ~<1lTiq 560.00 644(107) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

42 ~fs1:fT ~~ 728.90 788(163) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

43 1ft'f1- '\'14 318.47 1,141(159) P(2),M(I) -(5-10) W, PO Friday RS T,R 44 llil;;rr 756.99 938(159) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

45 itcr'ftrTq 768.04 886(154) p( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

46 i'{<::"fT':r 645.83 694(127) P( 1) -(5-10) \V -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

47 i!t~1:fT ~ 140.27 'ft<:R

48 ~tq 479.20 379(65) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

49 F.<:

50 "froITs1:fT 423.43 561(91) Pel) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

51 ilf17T~T 'GT<'f. 668.37 1,121(200) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

52 ~~. 441.62 345(60) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

53 ~T'lT~ 41.31 12(2) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

54 ~ (ani!:T~) 323.54 275(54) -(-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) BS

55 ~l:fT~T 352.14 636(101) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

56 q~oT 842.68 456(78) p( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

57, QT<:Ttp: (11Twrirr) 701.51 312(55) P(1) -(-5') W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

'58 ~<:l:fT (~) 1',028.45 1,147(202) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

601.55 1,866(325) P(2),M(l) 59 3f~<: -(-5) W,HP PTO Tuesday BS,RS

60 i;<'H'fT 743.03 574(107) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS 51

Amenities and Land use Khandwa Tabsil

IlTlf a

~,ft ~ fWit 'a'l~q.~ (rrl"f<: aft~ Remarks oqr~flTT~ e-f~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, acb town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri­ ding gauchar for or archaeolo­ village (in kmS) supply food Forest by source gMed and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 1 1 I 2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Sanawad (14) ED, lowar, 21.08 63 05W 309.51 ' 48 51 117.85 Delgaon EAg Wheat K ~ Sana.v.(d ( J 4) EA Jowar, 93.50 64.11W 3 J 8.17 66.14 186.98 Baidiya Khurd Wheat PR Sanawad (10) EA Jawar, 94.39W 166.76 29.76 27.56 N ( 18) , Khedi Buzurg Wheat M(3 ) KR Sanawad (10) EAg Jawar, 78.51VV 584.66 67.13 26.69 N (3) Mathela Wheat PR Sanawad ( 10) EA Jowar, 58.74VV 551.56 133,54 24.20 N (1) Nctangaon Wheat KR Sanawad (18) EAg Jowar, 27.69VV 456.60 137.05 24.49 Narlai Wheat Uninhabited Telya Khurd

K R Sanawad (20) EAg J owar , 9.75W 36R.79 74.57 26.09 N( 1) Bakhargaon Wheat KR Sana" ad (24) EAg Jowar, 20.36W 289.83 61.82 5 t .41 Harbanspura Wheat KR Sanawad (21) ED, Jawar, 15,47W 315.47 44.02 48,47 Bawadiya EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (50) ED, lowar, 20D.41W 379.87 88,09 N( 1) , Boradi Mal. EAg Wheat Temple KR Khandwa (49) ED, lowar, 75.27W 290.91 61.42 14.02 Ram Roradi Ryt. EAg Wheat Temple KR Khandwa (S 5) EAg Jowar, 20,63W 16,68 4.00 Balapat Wheat PR Khandwa (48) EAg Jowar, 44.09W 249.96 12.86 16.63 Rajpura (Atod) Wheat KR Khandwa (50) ED, Jowsr, 110.66W 211.44 9.27 20.77 N( 1), Deeyanatpura EAg Wheat Ram Temple FP Khandwa (39) Jowar, 0.48 4.85W 639.77 153.73 43.85 Palethi Wheat FP Khandwa (3 'S) Jowar, 7.56W 487.79 161.~8 44.6\\ Heerapur (Mortakk a) Wheat PR Khandwa (36) JowaI', 37.37W 800.19 ]62.55 28.34 N( I) Kankariya ( Attar) Wheat PR Khandwa (33 ) JowaI', 18.49 27.73W 396.12 123.64 35.57 NOl), Attar Wheat M(~),T(II) PR Khandwa (33 ) Jowar, 11.81VV 483.13 189.98 58.11 N(3) Rcw"lda Wheat 5l

~ifT;ftl:l IlTl1 'i>T 'ill!' 'JTl!' 1f;1 ~<'T "!i"Hlf~!:fTn: ( 11"f~ 'ATlI it 'J;forwr! "'I,,!",,g 'i{t ~ iJT 1f;~ it (-) hT If:)" J 'f"f el~'li<'l" n:ci qf,qT~) <'I"Tf17.;T TflfT ~ ~, ,,~~ orr,: ~ 'liT5o'li it IJTlj « f;;rn'l'f ~U 'H ~w~ ,,'l<'f~CT tf .1'" I~,,:rtt ... it) 'f>'T qlOlff llri'lrr'h'ncrrr'i7t -S:'T Sf'f.'n:

f.lf~ qr"r 'f'T qr.ft ~ aft,

------~------945.61 1,612(275) p( I) -( 5 10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1,992.41 2,578(458) P(2),M(I), D(l) W,HP,R PO Monday -(-5) PUCCI) 63

64 ~tT,"T$T 909.36 775(141) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

335.34 618(103) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10)


749.97 927(149) P(1) -(10+ ) W -(-5) -(10+) -(10+ )

944.42 942(157) P( I) -(10+) w PO -(10+) -(10+)

604.43 1,92R(343) P(I),M(I) 0(1 ) w PO wednesday BS

420.87 ],044(160) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

71 'J,'T 181.75

585.74 R66(140) P (1 ) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

733.35 403(60) P(I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

490.03 651(106) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

75 ~ 638.62 785(133) P(l) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

299.38 390(52) P(l) -(5-10) W,HP -( 5) -( 5-1 0) -(5-10)

77 f'li'f.<:rs 359.90 566(96) Pel) -(5~IO) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

78 a:{~<: ~ (iiRT':!;<:T) 593.26 260(42) -(-5) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)'

470(78) P( 1) -(5--10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

80 ~~<: 247.77 359(57) -(-·5) -(--5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10) 53

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

1I'l1!'~f~~ ~') l!~ qf1t

r- ______- __..A.______-. ~ft

'iii mt"f"f ~ 1T'{ lin) ~ f~ ~)~f~ fmo ftrf;rn ~~ ~ (TfWaTt'{ Remarks ;mm~lm~) including any place of Appro_ Nearest' Culturable Area not religious, Reh town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staplo Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeofo- village (in kms) , supply . food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village II 12 J 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Kl'anc\\-a ( 35) Jowar, 4.51 15.39W 780.55. 95.47 40.69 TaJwadiya (Attar) Wheat P~ Khandwa (30) E<\ Jowar, 162.67 143.08W 1,190.44 327.06 169.16 N(5),M{l ) Chichgohan Wheat KR Kh:mdwa (32 ) Jowar, 67.83 4.52W 631 .54 165.5f! 35.37 Bamjhar f' Wheat FP Khandwa (34) Jowar, 0.40W 674.94 172.39 61.63 Dugwada Wheat KR Khandwa (34) Jowar, 0.48 5.32W 234.47 69.01 26.06 Jamanya (Attar) Wheat FP K'handwa (42) Jowar, 83.05 0.43W 246.35 282.61 48.07 Gajwada Wheat FP Khandwa (42) Jowar, ] .60 8.85W 526.12 174.93 38.47 Salai Ryt. Wheat FP Khandwa (45) Jowar, 10.08 11.42W 653.50 217.75 51.87 N( 1) Kesoon Wheat PR Khandwa (45) EA Jowar, 4.39 28.23W 448.23 71.65 51. 93 N(62),M(2), Kalamukhi Wheat ql) KR Khandwa (47) EA,EO Jowar, . 14.53W 352.05 24.59 29.70 Amoda ( Atood) Wheat Uninhabited Poora

5S.39 Dongargaon KR Khand\\-a (47) EAg Jowar, 2.29 11.60W 374.90• 141.56 Wheat (Kalamukhi) KR Khandwa (50) Jowar, 16.38W 648.26 31.] 0 37.61 N( 1) Jinwaniya Ala Wheat KR Khandwa (59) Jowar, 0.75 11,08W 397.66 42.91 37.63 Pipaliya Punasa Wheat KR Khandwa (50) EAg Jowar, 19.56 17.62W 508.42 50.57 42.45 Matpur Wheat KR Khandwa (52) Jowar, 3.52W 267.90 14.43 13.53 Baliyapura Wheat FP Khandwa (50)' EAg, Jowar, 27.35 18.10W 261.66 22.59 30.20 N(l) Feephrad EO Wheat FP Kihamlwa (50) Jowar., 7.20W 469.24 57.64 59.18 Atood Khurd Benipura Wheat FP Khandwa (50) EA Jowar, 79.30 23.32W 224.28 37.39 8.85 T(2) Bhagwanpura (Punasa) Wheat FP Khandwa (50) EAg Jowar, 6.47 24.70W 182.53 8.17 25.90 Karond Wheat 54

~~ClT ff~j~ ijffl-W~ ~- '1fq ;iqt:ft"

~l'l tmr ~ 'fTlI' '!fTll ~ ~1ij.f"«~

Wl1l'fQ]Of; f'ii(fOf;fflT Wi 'fiT qAl ~~;: ~/~ ~"fT;: '6tt~1 ffH IfiTf~J'f;~ (iffl ~?;TQ' ~~ Loca- Total lI'~ ~i!t ~m.~-~T1i) tion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinkiog days of tions(Bus-stop, num- village number of water Post and the marketl railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

81 ~"l~T ~. 3:29.61 234(41) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

82 f~<:'lfT ~. 279.02 218(37) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

83 ~e-·'1l1l'f 564.24 1,642(257) III 1) -( 5-1'0) W PO Thursday BS

84 ~lI'l'ii!T 341.58 3()8(61) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

85 f~n:T9:<:T <1!~ ~. 358.84 224(38) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

86 '3"1'ff,1;fT 194.54

87 ~PJu'fi<'rt ~. 342.01 329(59) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) ":(-5)

88 ~r 177,95 153(24) _.( -5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

89 81~ f.r.l~ l{{':6r 251.67

90 l(1~T 819.05 1,401(258) P(l),M(1), D(1),PHC(l), W PO Saturday BS PUC(I) FPC(l) 91 '!.~ 468.64 341 (59) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

92 <:~ 253.08 129(18) -(5-10) -(5-10) W -( --5) -(5-10) -(-5)

93 ~9lTtq 520.78 857(139) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

94 <:T~;;r 976.38 1,401(232) P(I) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) Wednesday BS R 95 ~~) 1,124.15 1,157(184) P(l), M (I) -(5-10) W,HP PO -(-5) -(-5) ·R 96 ~t

97 !:Tli;:prtq '{. ;f. 2 104.63 97(17) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10.) -(5-10) -(5-10)

98 ~~. 318.80 216(34) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

99 fq;I:fiU lfT~. 331.85 470(72) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

100 "lT~ 1i: 9f il"{':6T 656.84 489(83) P{l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 55

Amenities aad Lad use Khandwa Tahsil

11f"!" CflIi f~ ~ ~"I" l!~ ifflf ~l1Ttr (ar¥:ffu ifflf ~ lfft fqt\rn f~ ~ ~hr f~ mfl{ifi UIl'I 'fiT ;m{ lfg;;R ~~iU 'fit ~iITGN ~lf( if f;;.mrli ~ ~ AT.) V ,fioa1 Land use (i. e .. -area under different types of Land (Ijl;f<{T q-umil' use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~ ~NQf) 9fil~ ~------~------~

fi ma;{l ~ lit. Vef! ;fi f<'lit 1itr1;fif~ mf.i'a fuf;rn 'd'reGll ;p-~ aq'1m~ (.rm aft.: Remarks 'IfT"U1Jl1l:) m~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ~b town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power St3ple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or arcbaeoJo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village II 12 13 14 t5 16 17 18 19 20 2

--~~--~ FP Khandwa (50) Jowar, 0.80W 266.70 49.42 12.69 Kisanpura Ry t . Wheat FP Khandwa (50) ED, Jowar 12.65W 1&3.52 65.12 17.73 Jheeranya Ryt. EAg Wheat PR Sanawad (25) EA Jowar, 89.59W 385.57 54.67 34.41 Atood Khas Wheat KR Sanawad (25) Jowar, 17.23W 266.43 36.5'5 21.33 Temacha Wheat KR San2wad (27) Jowar, 17.IIW 210.04 100.83 30.86 Biharipura Khurd Ryt. Wheat Uninhabited Umariya

KR Sanawad (27) Jowar, 17.54W 212.81 82.86 28.80 Bih:uipura Kala Ryt. Wheat KR Sanawad (30) Jowar, 23.19 10.76W 110.41 19.86 13.73 Lalpura Wheat Uninhabited Ataod Biharipura Mafi

PR Sana wad (25) EA Jowar, 2.52 24.66W 703.14 45.76 42.97 N(l). T(l) Mohal1:l Wheat KR Sanawad (27) EAg JQwar, 36.92 4.37W 324.73 83.50 19.12 Mundhai Wheat KR Sanawad (32) Jowar, 8.14 7.10W 151.17 66.47 20.20 Rajoor Wheat PR Sanawad (32 ) Jowar, 12.50W 414.26 61.46 32.56 N( 1) Dudgaon Wheat PR Mundi (35) ED, Jawar, 98.66 43.00W 592.84 128.95 112.93 N(2),M(I) Reechhphal EAg Wheat T( I) PR Mundi (35) EA Jawar, 34.09 59.34W 508.77 472.90 49.05 N(2;,T(2) Gujar Khedi Wheat KR Mundi (35) EA Jowar, 35.50 23.63W 268.41 23.55 38.53 N.lwatgaon Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (34) Jowar, 4.30W 68.63 31.70 Dhamangaon Ryt. 2 Wheat KR Mundi ( 32) Jowar, 2.50W 202 '13 114.17 Phiphari Ryt. Wheat PR Mundi (30) lowar, 5.51 5.40W 234.71 86.23 Phiphari Mal. Wheat KR Mundi (38.) lowar, 42.09 5.50W 373.66 235.59 Nandkheda Mafi Wheat 56

llTl1 'fiT ~;;r (If.ntlSur ~!il 'i:'1-~fqm~ ( llf~ ~ it ~qm~ ~'ffi$!1 'nrr ~ crr ~TOI+f it (-) ~l!I 'J~ elq-q;<=r ~ qf-nfn'l 1?f'TTI it ~ ~ f;;rn.ft ~-u 'l~ ~!1M :aq<;f&a' ~ (it"ihn tr) ",r ;i~m I1Ta iih: 'f'l; C!li 'J.'I;) ~ 5f'j;T'I; ~ ;tl' iff ~ -5 flI;. lit., 5-1 0 flf>. lit. 6'1\ >rT 10+ f.'P.m.) Amenit~s available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10+kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given). ~------~------~ vfalfll'fil; fqf~mr rir.t ~ 'n," 6T'f; arh ifT-.rT< /iIJC ~'"IT<: "l:f'W-!T an: ~ f0/it f~ (om ~Vq 't;ir~ Loca· Total q~ ~ ~ lim,;;rn·lf1li) lion Total area populatioD Day or Communica- code of the and , Drinking days of tions(Bus-stop, num· village number of water Post and the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

457.67 603 (136) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


1 0 3 .i)<:~~ ~ . 349.47 262(45) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

846.1':9 247(38) P( 1) -(5-]0) w -(5-10) -(5-10)' -(5-10)

935.49 840(158 ) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

252.49 (11) 57 -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) _-(-5)

788.01 600(92) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

108 Tflm" 266.67 2,624(457) P(2). MCW(1). w PTO Friday BS M(2) PHC(l ) 109 ~~T ~ 398.23 814(130) P(I) -(-5) w -(,-5) -(-5) BS

364.12 373(58) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

366.29 434(77) P(1) -(-5) w '-(-5) -(-5) BS

419.49 639(101) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

113 ~

267.99 368(65) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

115 -G'i9T 620.17 689(114) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

802.76 518(96) P(I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

697.80 682(115) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

589.55 551(119) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

119 "'1~~ 435.99 445(79) P(l) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

442.99 605(100) P(I) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(-5) 57

Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tahsil

Vf1T Cf'Ii" f~ iftn: fir;;rej iff1:r -a"ilTFr (~1ff1f ~

q, liI~ft ~ f~ ~,,~ f~ f~f;rn '3"f<;fi!f ;;r;:;;n: ar.J;'f;;r.u (11m aft, Remarks ~nl1T~T IIfWl) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gaucbar for or archaeolo­ village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gieal interest Name of Village I I 12 13 14 \5 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Mur.Gi (30) ED, Jo\'; ar 18.20W ,309.31 130.16 Badnagar Ryt. EAg KR Mundi (35) ED, Jowar 17.65 15.30W 133.49 37,36 Kalya Khedi EAg KR Mundi (26) Jowar. 7.52W 214.24 7.88 119.83 Bordad Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (26) Jowar, 3.37 5.72W 411.23 3.51 422.86 Nankheda Ryt. Maize KR Mundi (21) Jowar, 8.76 8.80W 543.34 17.00 357.59 Dhamangaon Maize Ryt. No.1 KR Mundi (23) Jowar 4.11W 115.10 5,00 128.28 Dhamkheda Khurd Ryt. KR Mundi (23) Jowar 23.48 91.35W 479.05 I 1.00 183.13 Damkheda Kalan Ryt.

PR Mundi (21) ED, Jowar 23.20W 195.00 4.10 44.37 Temple Puansa EAg N(50),M(7),T(2) PR Mundi (24) ED, Jowar 59,84W 278.56 59.83 Daulatpura Ryt. EAg KR Mundi (24) Jowar 0,58 8,36W 262.04 93.14 Aronda Ryt.

PR Mundi (21) Jowar 14,14W 292.73 59,42 Udaipur Ryt.

FP Mundi (24) Jowar. 3.87W 315.03 100.59 Saralya R)'t. Wheat FP Mundi (25) Jowar, 1.24W 294.21 95.19 Bedhani Ryt. Wheat FP Mundi (23) Jowar, 5.99W 202.00 60.00 Pipldni Wheat KR Mundi (26) Jowar, 14.02W 399.17 206.98 Reechhi Wheat KR Mundi (18) Jowar, 4.77 O.04W 404.12 393.83 Anjaniya Khurd Ryt. Wheat PR Mundi (16) Jowar, 1 .81 4.51W 470.96 220.52 Anjaniya Kalan Ryt. Wheat PR Mundi (15)· lowar. 1.50 O.30W 444,54 143 .21 Bhadli Kheda Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (15) EAg Jowar, 7.47W 309.39 J 19.13 Chandel Wheat KR Mundi (I 3 ) EAg Jowar, 2.86 8.24W 321.87 110.02 Chikatikhal Ryt. Wheat 58

~~~ i5A-~"'~ 'ttl 'Ifq ~lf)q

~~ II'f1{ 'liT iJTIJ lUll" 'li"T ~ "fiJtt~l1T ~u "''l-l!fqm~ (~ II'f1{ it Wqm~ 'i!"'R1iU iJi!T ~ a-T ~rnll it (-) h ii[s ~efilftfi<'f IZcr qf" it' lrT1l ~ firnm: ~ 'l>T 'l~ ~ -5 f

llTa:rfilr'li fiq-fi<;ffil f> 31). :rT elH iIiT f'<'f Ii{; f~if (ii{lJ ~~q l:ar. Loca· Total .q-R~~ fm,;;m-'1ni) (ion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stoP. num- village number of Water Post and the market/ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ---_-_. IG 121 oTT+l"t~T i <1'iT 148.76 109(20) -(-5) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -( - 5)


123 ::ifTlI

126 mn+flv,ifT ~. 350.39 492(82) P( j ) -(5 10) W -(5-10) -(5-]0) -(-5)

127 449.36 ~~T 325(64) PO) -(5-]0) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

]28 T~ifT 1,412.56 1,603(310) P( 1) , -(10+) w PO Tuesday BS M(l) 129 fel'JI'r<:r '11'fiT 562.74 356(59) Pel) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

]30 188.20 12(2) 'lO'I'lT" ~IfiT -(-5) -(5~10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

] 31 <:IT<, T 381.36 264(48) 'f>'fT~T pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

'l':lr:nf<:l:fT 401.23 255(32) 132 pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

133 f4'arsn<'f <:A • 197.10 290(38) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

]34 ~)

135 ;;rn~ 589.98 707(112) Pc]) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -( 10+)

136 '3cT'R 725.23 660(104) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

137 ,fl<:T'ST'f 315.42 358(52) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

138 f'l'l\il'f1CT 461.29 723(123) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-]0) -(5-10) BS

139 ;fts~191 377.17 351(55) P(I) -(-5) W -( - 5) - ( --5) BS

140 irr1Jf:Hu 131.77

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

1IJ1f a'Ii f~ ~ ~') ~ 1Jflf~)1r (~1!f1:r ~ "" ~m ~ ~ !lfCi ~qft mflfll; llT1I' ~T ;mJ "8';A . ~~~ ~'T IiI11IT'lI ~~ it ~ ~;if ~ ~

r--______- __...A...... ______~ ~

Q mfI'fT U IT, lien

KR Mundi (12) EAg Jowar, 10.94W 110.95 26.87 Amoda Theka Wheat PR Mundi (10) EAg Jo'\'ar, 16.91W 823.60 208.01 Temple Bangarda Wheat KR Mundi (6) EAg Jowar, 10.80W 650.81 148.45 Jamkota Wheat KR Mundi (7) Jowar, 0.]7W 204.16 77.37 Banjari Wheat KR Mundi (6) EAg Jowar, 0.75 2.55W 361 .05 110.08 Gulgaon Wheat KR Mundi (5) Jowar, 3.33W 267.96 79.10 Satmohni Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (5) Jowar, ]9.95 9.56W 352.84 67.01 Hayadi Wheat KR Khandwa (43) EAg Jowar, 247.05 47.71W 1,060.08 57.72 Purni Wheat KR Khandwa (43 ) EAg Jowar, 50.71 19.55W 479.43 13.05 Bijora Mafi Wheat KR Khandwa (45) Jowar, 4.08 20.97W 156.17 6.98 Gulgaon Theka Wheat KR Mundi (9) EAg, Jowar, ]8.76W 284.95 65.23 13.42 Dhara Kawadi ED Wheat KR Mundi (3) Jowar, 6.14W 314.34 64.09 16.66 Phiphariya Wheat KR Mundi (4) Jowar, 10.55W 127.23 45.63 13'69 Sindhkhal Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (6) Jowar, 2.42 3.78W 246.17 166.53 35.12 Dongaliya, Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi, (12) EAg Jowar, 8. ]9W 452.54 129.25 Jalkuwa Wheat KR Mundi (5 ) Jowar, 48.37 1.44W 539.66 135.76 Utawad Wheat KR Mundi (6) Jowar, 2.28W 226.72 4.16 82.26 Cheera Khan Wheat PR Mundi (5) Jowar, 2.79W 39] .68 66.82 Pipalkota Wheat PR Mundi (2) EAg Jowar, 329.24 47.93 Gondkheda Wheat Uninhabited Nagjhiri 60

t2( ~cn ~~')~ ISA-WCf'l'Tll tt" tf'f ~~ -

~:ftll IlTlf 't>T ;:rPi IUJT "'l ~;;r;;r.r~~ ~~ QA"-;rf

141 lfT"'~ 'f"6'i') ~. 6;0.58 691(131) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+)

142 ~fz;p;rl lfT<'f. ~. 452.98 ",09(53) -(-5) -( 10+ ) W -(IO+) -( 10+ ) -(5-10)

143 q~~. 655.18 672( 107) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

144 'VUT


146 lS!:i!

1411 'Ii'~ .mr 201.92 246(41) P( 1) -·(5·-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

149 ~cffi ~ t. 335.72 308(54) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-$) -(-5) -(-5)

J50 -.:twr:T i:. 205.87 15(4) -(-5) -(10 +) w -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

)51 'lil<::~ 406.08 334(66) P(l) -(10+) W -(10+ ) -(5-10) -(5-10)

152 ~ 190.91 318(53) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

153 ~) 532.48 326(55) P( 1) -( 10 +) W -( 1 0 +) -(5-10) -(5-10)

154 'B~T 714.39 680(130) P(I) -( 10+ ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

155 ~T "Pli\ 933.52 1,160(195) P(I), -( 10 +) w -( 10 +) -( 10 -t ) -(10+) M(l) 156 ~<{T ~~ 599.25 <£f?J'l

151 'q'1{lU 479.47 413(62) P(l) -(5-10) W,T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

158 ifRrrft. 734.78 375(52) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

643.88 614(119) P(I) W 159 ~ -(-5) -(-5) PTO -(-5)

16() f«'<{'itt ~ 581.80 704(120) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 61

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

IITI1 Cf'li f~;rtn: fi{~i i!.fl1 aq"lf)lr (3fllfrn i!.fir ~

~dT ~ f~ aq"<'r.ll GP"" ( ..ffioi't<: Remarks 'CfT~TilTll:) ID~) including any place of Appro. Nearest Culturable Area not relIgious, ach town and waste (inclu­ available hlslOrical (0 distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri­ ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ------~~---~- KR Mundi (20) Jo\\ar, 10.29 O.ISW 474.47 185.64 Makad Kachh Ryt. Wheat KR Mmdi (12) Jawar, 1.55 0.58W 305.98 144.87 Te!iya Mal. Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (15) FAg Jawar, 0.12 3.09W 469.43 182.54 PaJsood Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (II) Jowar,17.16 1.03W 144.02 35.84 Pandhana Theka Wheat KR Mundi ( I::') EAg Jowar, 17.0.tW 5 I 2.27 80.16 BeejGPur Wheat PR Mundi (1:2) ED, Jownr, 29.94W 355.7R 83.77 Khutla Kalan EAg Wheat PR Mundi ( II ) ED, Jowar, 38.63W 309.97 3.69 58.13 Deola Ryt. EAg Wheat KR Mundi ( 10) ED, Jawar, 5.31W 13::!.75 2.02 61. 84 Kaudigaul EAg Wheat KR Mundi (10) EAg Jowar, 0.71Vv 244.89 90.12 Khutla Khurd Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (I I) Jowar, 1.91W 101.28 9.38 33.30 Rampura Ryt. \Vhcat KR MundI (16) .lowar,15.65 5 .40W 301. 16 83.87 Kodwar Wheat KR Mundi (16) Jowar, 3.36 0.89W 149.95 1. 59 35.12 Dait , \\ hc •.It KR Mundi ( 10) Jowar, ;1 I .74 o . 20W 350. 37 150.17 Utadi Wheat KR Mundi (15) Jawar,36.58 9.34W 517.69 0.471,150.31 Rohani Wheat FP Mundi (11) Jowar, 256.16 6.S::W 441.18 229.36 Jalwd BU7urg Wheat LTninhabited lalwa Khurd

FP MundI (0) lowar,117.31 O.40W 297.86 63.90 Bhal110ri Wheat FP Mundi (6) Jawar, 387.23 2.23W Zoo. 44 78.88 130rani Wheat KR Mundi (6) Jowar,32.53 I.S5W 460.92 94.44 54.14 Kenood Wheat KR Mundi ( 3 ) FAg lowar. 53.85 5.48W 459.36 63.11 Chichli Khurd Wheat 62

1;~TrjT'l liT.. 'Iii ;Hl{ IHl{ 'liT ~ ~~lS

-~~- ---.. ------.. --- 626(114) P( 1) -(-5) w (-5 ) -(5-10) -(5-10;


239.01 191(29) P( 1 ) -(--5) w -(-5) -(-5) -~-5)

415.01 326(74) P( 1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1 65 ;fl~ 268.68 2,945(576) P(l),M(l), H(! ) w PTO Monday BS,RS PUCCI) FPe( 1) 166 l{~?: 568.96 1,191(210) P( 1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -( - 5) -(-5)

1,042.32 1,078(197) P( 1 ) -(5-10) w PTO -(5-10) -(5-10)

1,244.27 1,366(225) P( 1) -( 10+ ) w -(5-10) -( 1 0 -+ ) -(5-·10)

169 >t%~('IlTlTtT~) 1,162.65 1,075(228) P(I),M(1) H( 1) w PO Tuesday BS

]70 q~T~~ 625.10 636(115) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

389.10 380(61) P( 1) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

217.47 255(43) -(-5) -(-5) w -(5-10) -(-5) -( -5 ~

173 4lT1

465.67 672( 120) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-]0) -(5-10)

)75 ~T"TT 368.81

245.29 410(62) P(l) -(5-]0) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

258.72 278(51) p( 1) -(5-]0) w -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

392.22 23(4) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)


455.47 3G9(51) PO) -(5-]0) w -(-5 ) -(5-10) -(-5) 63

Amenities and Land use Khandwa Tahsil

qf1f eFt; ~i'flTl: fir~ l:I~ 'l!f1{~)lf (OT~ ~ ~ 'fit fqf1rn" ~ ~ ~" fe"'fm arflf'fi V flf 'fiT 'fT1{ 'l'§:;i-f ~~~ 'fiT IimrnI ~'f~1:I"<: it f;:r;gq1{ ~ if;

iii! q'T!;r;'TT q lh ~a')

KR Mundi (5) Jowar, 29.05 6.21W 864.87 429.12 Jamaniya (Mundi) Wheat Uninhabited Bhagwatipura .Ryt.

KR Mundi (6) Jowar, 7.69W 184.03 37.62 9.67 Mirjapur Mundi Wheat Temple Dohad PR Mundi (7) Jowar. 52.61W 233.94 93.00 35.46 Wheat PR Mundi (6) EA Jowar, 49.51W 126.34 92.83 N(35), Beed Wheat M(6),C(2) PR Mundi ( 5 ) ED, .Towar, 0.86 18.70W 444.50 104.90 Temple, Mohad EAg Wheat N( 2) KR Mundi (12) Jowar, 6.84 !6.06W 815.80 203.62 Goradiya Mundi Wheat Temple Bhaisawan FP Mundi (18) Jowar, 12.31W 1,076.35 155.61 Wheat N(3),T(l) PR Mundi (10) Jowar, 135.8~ 1 R. 77D 783.08 32.98 19'1.99 Temple, Sahejala (Bhamgarh) Wheat N(2) PR Mundi (10) EAg Jowar, 5.69 7.40W 515.04 96.97 Temple Pe~p IlkJt:l Wheat ( Bhamgarh) Temple KR Mundi (8) Jowar, 2.07W 321.47 65.56 Jamli Saiyed Khan Wheat KR Mundi (8) .lowar, 2.96W 181.70 32.81 Bodul Wheat Temple PR Mundi (6) EAg Jowar, 3.64W 368.86 1 J 5.14 Khaigaon Wheat KR Mundi (5) Jowar, 0.85 1.61W 347.00 116.21 Temple Palsuu Mal. Wheat Uninhabited' .. Sc)rapur

KR Mundi (6) Jowar, 23.05 J .42W 171 .05 49.77 Mathani Khurd Ryt. Wheat KR Mundi (7) Jowar, 1.89W 210.03 46.80 Oeola (Bhamgarh) Wheat KR Khandwa (24) Jowar, 2.43W 343.32 46.47 Mohaulya Shivji Wheat PR Mundi (9) ED, Jowar, 13.26w 698.65 1 68.14 Kaila~'i EAg Wheat 88.46 KR Mundi ( 11 ) EAg Jowar, 5.45W 361.56 fatepur Mundi Wheat 64

~.:sai~~ iiffl-~",qFi ~" -,:fq \;t{t{)"

mll 'f;l ilTlI ~~nfTll 'Ill! 'f.T :8'" ~ CT rr\[r ~ crt 'fiRf>T it (-) 'hI If,"n: ~<'f eliir'li<'f 'J:rT q'r~ 1'[')<: q, "f;l' ;;;:1 "·'H 'Off Sf"'" ri 'f;r '1{ ~ -5 fop. +it., 5-1 0 f'f>. I1T. (f<1; QT 10 + fq;.l:fT.) Amenltle, available (if not available within the village. a dash (-) is ;,hown ill the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad range! viz-S kms. 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . r-~-----.------______"""-.. ______:______--.. Q{lliffUf 81:'1<: -rr:~!m lim;: H~r ern: 'liT f<0/it f~if (

181 '>\1"1<.11 ~'GT 434, 99 493(85) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

182 qTqff'fT l1:"~T 3RO,11 495(98) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(5-10) - (-·5) BS

183 'fiT'f:f-nrr ~"GT 234,84 254(49) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5),

184 ~':ST 642.74 1,467(265) P( 1) -(5--10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

185 +T1f<.'f'TT 128.35 'fP:R

186 ~a:

187 f~@i'ltq 471.68 242(35) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5 ) -(5-10) -(-5)

JRS <:rr'!fTer 578.17 2,137(356) p(n,M(I) --(5--10) W PO -(5-10) BS

189 ~c'f;T<'r 196.84 813(127) P(l) -(5-10) W ~(5-10) -(5-10) BS

190 mn~<: 26):1.21 cit'J::r

191 ~-?~ 112.81 ClT<:rrr

192 f'1q~l:fT 'lj,<1" 781.00 1,405(252) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

}93 ll'''fT<'ferT€T 672.04 607(90) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W :-(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

194 ~'1f¥'l'I 443.83 279(49) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

195 f~"fT "!,~

1 96 'IIT"f'fi'l' 820.74 2,085(362) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

635(84) 197 ~'liq 621 .12 P( 1) -( 10 +) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

198 ttTql<'f~"{,( 120,00 59(9) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -( 10+ ) -(-5)

562.25 318(53) 199 'f.~CI<: Pel) -(10+) w -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

877(160) 200 ifFT"!' nO.49 P( 1 ) -( 10+ ) w -(-5) -(10+) BS 65

Amenities aud Land use Khandwa TahSil

qflj' a'li ~ iftT1: r.r~) I!~ 13:f11 'O'tltTtr {~1!fl:T ~ ~ fqfmT f~l ~ eta f~QTT mf~ UIl{ 'fil ;nl{ ~'~~ 'liT WRI'TV ~'f~rn: it ~IJ ~ ~

R «Tn) g. h ~T~ f

KR Mundi (6) ED, Jowar, 7.60W 456.43 85.20 Dudwas EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (31 ) EAg Jowar, 0.55 9.05W 415.36 46.72 N( 1) Richhgaon Wheat PR Khandwa (30) EA Jowar, ,15.68W 481 .16 81.33 Rangaon Wheat PR Khandwa (28) Jowar, 10.52W 169.35 16.97 Khutphal Wheat Uninhabited Saya~tpur

Uninhabited Balkhad Dldu

PR Khandwa (21) EAg Jowar, 10.87W 409.32 360.81 Pipatya Ful \\ heat KR Mundi (8) Jo'War, 176.29 0.75W 315.26 34.07 145.67 Injalwada Wheat KR Mundi ( 1 J ) Jowar, 224.85 0.29W 146.83 II .61 60.25 Dagadiya Wheat KR Mundi (10) Jowar, 70.38 2.98W 538.30 33.19 119.72 Chichali Buzurg Wheat KR Mundi (9) EAg Jowar, 12.97W 657.30 46.67 103.80 Temple Kolg:aon Wheat KR Khandwa (33) Jowar, 11.82 15.40W 436.25 157.65 Lal..hangaon Wheat KR Khandwa (33) Jowar, 6.07 2.IOW 63.08 48.75 Gopalpura Wheat KR Khandwa (31) Jowar. 130.65 8.15W 294.70 128.75 Kaweshwar Wheat KR Khandwa (29) Jowar, 43.10 35.70W 589.43 112.26 Dhorani Wheat 66

VTlf !f;l ~~ \iFI>fWI ~ ;;;;; -~fqmlZ (~ VTlf it ~

201 af.f~ 415.00

1,209.92 1,158(201) Pc!) PHC( 1 ) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

2 0 3 1916<1 T~T 430.64 1,099(207) PO) PHC( I) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

204 ~T""'~ 100.42 11 (2) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

136.36 w

228.38 853(149) P( 1) -(5-10) w --(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

816.18 372(76) P( 1) -( 5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

771.60 663(121) P( 1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

400.87 556(95) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

373.53 588(100) PC 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

1,626.48 3,869(703) P(I),M(l) H(1), W PTO Friday BS,RS PHC(I) 212 ~"Tr 645.45 1,376(242) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

956.23 578(98) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

214 ;j1~m<:T 345.91 527(86) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

198.34 74(11) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

1,523.38 1,120(216) P( 1) -(10+ ) W -(-5) -(10+)

275.18 241(39) P(1) -(10+) w -(10+ ) -(10+ ) -(10+)

442.76 529(76) P(1 ) -(10+) w -(10 +) -(10+) -(10+ )

375.75 470(76) P(l) -(10+ ) w -( 10+ ) -(10-1-) -,(10+ )

522.74 517(98) P(l) -(10+ ) w -(10+) -(l0,+-) -(10+ ) 61

Aineiilties' atid Land ose Khandwa Tahsil

IH'f Cf'fi f~ ij1J"{ ~;;r.J) 'i'!lf 'l"f'lf ~m (~1If1f ~ !f>1 f~f'm ~ 16 ~i;f f~vft !i1f~ 11£1f 'f;f '!Til qi;f.t ~~{U .." CJlVr'lI i'f~1f{ it f~ ~ 16 ;;T ~rif Cf'fi) ~WI1 ~lJT1f (fIt;.li't.) it ~mn Land use(i. e. area' under different types of Land w.r~ q-mr~ use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~ i; ~or) afi;tf ~------~------~

Q Q"ur

Uninhabited Baghwada

KR Khandwa ( 16) EAg Jowar, 317.82 76.21W 700.88 46,57 68.44 Bhakrada Wheat KR Khandwa (14) Jowar, 1.79 35.40W 342.03 24.96 26.46 Dhod'Wada Wheat Jholwada KR Khandwa (16 ) Jowar, 7.27W 78 67 11.86 2.62 Wheat Uninhabited Changu Khedi

KR Khandwa (25) Jowar, 15.22W 156.43 40.93 15.80 Khedi Kita Wheat 48.33 Blmangaon Bhila PR Khandwa (25) E~g Jowar, 27.52W 614.19 126.14 Wheat Atoot Bhikari KR Khandwa (25) EAg Jowar, 5.26 57.44W 551. 98 97.93 58.99 Wheat N (J), PR Khandwa (19) ED, Jowar, 9.55 '38.77W 336.31 3.15 13.09 Lnl'Wada EAg Wheat M(2) Talwadlya Tanda PR Khandwa (18) ED, Jowar, 4.94 23.55W 294.32 15.51 35.21 T(2) EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (16 ) ED, Jowar, 58.12 18.84W 1,265.75 162.26 91.28 N (50) , Jawar EAg Wheat 30.230 M(3) PR Khandwa (20) Jowar, 29.33 20.63W 426.73 105.67 63.09 Rohani Wheat KR Kl;!andwa (20) Jowar, 18.56 19.91W 688.47 129.90 99.39 Dhangaon Wheat Gohlari KR Khandwa (22) Jowar, 9.56 14.48W 294.29 17.41 10.17 Wheat 7.14 Kunvada KR Khandwa {22~ Jowar, 11.44W 142.58 37.18 Wheat .l(R Khandwa (37) Jowar, 51.31 34.35W 865.96 263.20 308.56 Surgaon Banjari Wheat Baldua Dongri KR Khandwa (32) Jo'War, 19.98 6.48W 164.94 48.66 35.12 Wheat Mathani Buzurg KR Khandwa (30) Jowar, 219.40w 152.14 38.01 33.21 Wheat Benpura Kurwada Ryt. KR Khandwa (31) Jowar, 13.49 11. 36W 217.96 50.76 82.18 Wheat 116.35 Sarai KR Khandwa (19) Jowar. 37.1SW 353.04 16.17 Wheat 68

ifIll 'fiT ~",;;r;r~~ ;jI{;;riU Gi f~ (iffl l,cN ~~ LOCIt· Total cr~ ~ ~ ~m.~-lIFi) lion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stop, Dum. village number of water Post aod the marketl railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) -_------~-~-~~~---~-----~-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

659.01 757(134) p.( 1) -(10+) w --(10+ ) -(10+) -(5-10)

293.71 268(53) P( I ) -(10+ ) w -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

745.84 993(187) P( 1) -( 10+ ) w -( 10+ ) -( 10+) -(-5)

224 fuq.rT 868.49 876(146) P(1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(H>+ ) BS

239.79 13(7) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) BS

806.69 1,141(218) P(l),M(I) PRC( 1) w PO -( 10 +) BS


271.68 895(130) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS,RS

229 ,{<{T<'IT 275.75

853.67 ),209(192) P(1),M(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) \ BS


106.23 847(138) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

90(12) -(-5) 140.77 -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

Z 34 [rrg<{I 153.74

566.34 1,630(283) P(l) ,MO) PRC(I), W PO -(5-10) BS RCO) 510.14 26(5) -(-5) -(-5) W 236 ~~T -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

440.31 3(1) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

P( I) 644.55 301 (49) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

628(126) pel) 239 'I1'aT 521.65 -(10+) w -(-5) -( 10+) BS

82 790(147) P(l) 1,241. -(10+ ) W -(-5) BS 69

Amenities aod Laud use Khallflwa Tabs"

QfJ!' (fifi ~ ;:pn: for:;rol') l!~ 'l",~)1r (~'Jfu ~ 1fi"t fqf1r';;r f1riM ~ aia' fzeqom gTf~ 111'11'

IIiI mlFfT ~ ih icrr ~ forit icr)~forit fur"" f'ff''f

KR Khandwa (13 ) ED, Jowar, 10.65 76. SOW 136.88 29.83 17.82 Palkana EAg Wheat Uninhabited Pawali

KR Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar, 95.18W 559.44 104.85 94.20 Saw Kheda EAg Wheat Upinhabited Madhav Khedi

KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 47.32W 29.75 21.27 7.89 T( 1) Satwada EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (12 ) ED, Jowar, 39.71W 74.28 19.17 7.61 Sunderbel EAg Wheat Uninhabited PandYa

KR Khandwa (12 ) ED, Jowar. 128.94W 338.43 70.75 28.22 Badgaon Mali EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) Jowar, 2.85W 324.82 91.53 90.94 Balwada \"'heat KR Khandwa (10) Jowar, 10.27W 338.04 82.31 9.69 Naharbcl Wheat KR Khandwa (7) Jowar, 28.75W 376.36 68.05 171. 39 Beerpur Kundeshwar Wheat KR Khandwa (12) Jowar, 33.16W 277.48 62.74 148.27 M(I) Rudhi Wheat KR Khandwa (16 ) EAg Jowar, 32.21W 763.21 130.37 316.03 M( 1) Bhawsingpura Wheat 70

fOlfr;fill lillf ~ "II'" I!T"'~ F ;;r.{~lim ~ 1I1t4f'Qmq (1iR «Tt{ it ~m~ :aq;r.~ 'fiIT ~ ill if>Tof1I' it (-) h 'file ?T lllOl'fi<'! ~ qf~rO ~ l1llT € am ~

.rerf'l'f'fj f,.f'h~l flit ~ 'lm 'iT'!> 3l'I~ ;m;n:/\pc e''Tf @ fm'~'liT1i) tion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus·stoP. num. village Dumber of water Post a nd the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) _h_o_us_e_ho_l_d_s __E_d_uc_a_ti_on_a_I_Medic:=al:.___~(P:_:o::.::ta:.:b::.::le~)~T:_:e:::le:c'gra~p-=h__:h:::a::.::t_::if:__a:::n~y __ w_a_te_r _w-:-::-,ay:._:)_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

351.55 9(4) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

812.77 3,045(560) P(I),M(1) D( I) W,R PTO,Phone -(5--10) BS

188.43 33(10) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10 )

244 ~m 819.08 921(149) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

432.74 45(13) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

483.57 1,191(194) P(1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) RS

237.70 1,223(204) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

248 m~ 117.98 574(87) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

232.92 587(95) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

250 \If<;r lii~T ,,!.

210.79 429(83) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

557.66 742(114) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

130.72 51(8) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

394.32 906(150) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

322.64 1,529(250) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

256 ~ 378.70 806(124) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

229(35) -(-5) -(-5) W,T -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

397.79 74(17) -(-5) -(-5) W,T -(-5) -(-5) BS

2 5 9 ifTtT"fT 44] . 77 681(118) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

661.66 651(104) p( J ) -( - 5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 71

Amenities and Land use Khandwa Tahsil

,!flf ~Pr (~~ ~ <€I' fqf\T;;r ~ ~ ri., f~uft mf~ UTII' 'f;l ;m:r ~~~ it f~ ~ ~

~ ______A______~ !ff~

~i8' ;r,.;;n: ('Tm iIIl~ Remarks 1;(T'~IlTT~T ~) including any place of Appro- Nearesl Culturable Area not religious. ach town and waste (inclu­ available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri­ ding gaucbar ror or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply rcoj Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name or Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 ---_.. ___ - KR Khandwa (8) Jowar, 7.13W 2.67.93 48.91 27.58 Kapasthal Wheat PR Khandwa (9) ED, Jowar, 27.05W 636.91 78.68 70. 13 N(J), M(5) laswadi EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (8) Jowar, 1.85 5.IIW 154.53 18.92 8.02 Goulshal Wheat KR Khandwa (9) ED, Jowar, 50.34W 590.12 142.49 36.13 Lohari EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (1) ED, JowaT, 32.22W 291.74 30.33 78.45 Fatepur Khandwa EAg Wheat KR Khand",a (6) ED, Jowar, 147.17W 223.17 80.72 32.51 Tighariya EAg Wheat KR Khandv,a (5) ED, Jowar, 65.29W 140.19 26.61 5.61 B:tmangaon Akhai EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (5 ) ED, Jowar, 60.81W 40.89 12.40 3.88 Ladanpur EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (4) ED, Jowar, 50.65W 145.32 20.12 16.83 Teerandajpur EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (I) ED, Jowar, 57.93W 60.93 35.31 15.76 Bheel Khedi Murar EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (5) EAg, Jowar, ! 3. OOW 138.05 40.32 19.42 Klthiya Joshi Wheat KR Khandwa (2) EAg, lowar, 38.39W 416.59 50.95 51.73 Ro,;hn..li Wheat KR Khandwa (2) ED, lowar, 29.68W 51.84 32.70 16.50 Nandu Khedi EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (7) ED, Jowar, 104.81W 192.37 59.95 37.19 11.1 ( 1 ) Korgala EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (3) ED, Jowar. 66.IOW 171.30 41.34 43.90 M( I) BJrgaon Khurd EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (6) ED, Jowar. 62.06W 247.18 33.20 36.26 M( 1) Sirpur EAg Wheat i pR Khandwa (2) Jowar, 141. 39W 867.10 447.25 2]8.36 M(2S) Khandwa Tarf Kumb Wheat PR Khandwa (2) ED. Jowar. 44.96W 196.31 81. 51 75.0,1 Sujapur Kalan EAg Wheat PR KhaIldwa (3) ED, JOW.tf. 39.96W 293.52 10.14 98.15 Nagc:1Uo EAg Wheat KR Khandwa· (3) ED, Jowar, 56.79W 431.96 128.68 44.23 Badgaoll Bhola EAg Wheat 72

~i'~ tf~')~ ~-~f

{'fTifTIl lITi{ !f.T iHli IUli 'fiT ~'" 'fi'l11 lOU 1 "d"'l<'i<'! ~ 'Tf,"T71 'i'fT"iT '117, ~ ~T< '3"'1~ 1fT 10+ fCj;.m.) Amcnltl'cs available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is ,hown i::J the column and next LO it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the neare~t place where the facility is avalls.ble IS given). r--. ~ ~. ______~ __,.A______-_-..


261 15tG'GfT 'T7'li TfT\1T 1R3.00 675(90) P( I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

262 T;l'<5'c!T i'H'li lfT'f'f,'<: 'f'!' .1 Tfn.:rf<"ICf

263 'fiTcGfr~T 502.62 56:!(102) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

264 Tff:~ 882.75 1,208(175) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) BS

265 m-rp:l:fT 323.08 1,058(204) P( 1 ) -( - 5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

266 +n

267 "FlTl:fif 594.51 ciT-VT

268 f



272 +n'1T~ 325.54 7(2) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

273 If'

274 "ITl'ffifln ~ 251.69 ~T<::Tif

275 sCflf"lrJ;r 232.23 25 (1 0) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

276 iTTcrf~l:fT ~3> 190.42 9(3) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

277 +n"TT$U 230.69 234(43) -(--5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

278 ~<::'!tq fif'lTi'fT 975,73 595\:\4) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

279 t

280 fii"i't<:1 'tlT<'! 868 89 7·; I ( I '~4) P( 1 ) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10) 73

Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tahsil

IlT'f~f~~ f... ~i 1!~ ,,!f1:r 'O'fl1"11' JiJTWRiI ~~lR it f~ll 'ffi"llifCr ~ Gl ~r '5"JiWi (f.i;.liT.) if ~ta~ Land use(i. e. area under different types of Land aToq-

.., m~~ tT~ Iial' ~ f<;it ~,. ~ f~ flif.. ", fllf'ii<'! ;otmill

KR I~han':;wa (2) Jo\\ar, 20.00W 70.0{) 90.00 3.00 Khandwa Taraf Mali Wheat rllclud,~d in Urban area Khandwa T,~raf Mankar P,:Z Kh:mdw.l (10) EAg JO\\ ar, 38.26W 3n.04 62.85 29.47 Kotwada Wheat PR Khandwa (4) Jowar, 55.99W 554.07 121.51 151.18 Nahalda Wheat PR KhandNa (2) ED ]owar, 21.42W 227.37 36.57 37.72 Bhandariya Wheat PR Khandwa (2) ED, lowar, 36.09W 107.24 26.74 116.23 Malipura (Chirakhan) EAg Wheat Uninhabited Uchayan

PR Khandwa (8) ED, 10war, 111.S8W 345.93 81.28 71.65 N(21,M(3) Sihada EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (II) ED, Jowar, 54.91W 194,31 :!5.:!0 30.50 Mundwada EAg \\-'heat KR Kh:mdwa (10) EAg Jowar, 29.74W 179.28 57.69 23.50 Bac1iv;]tula Whe.!t KR Khandwa ( 1 () ED, Jowar, 18.62 63.38W 507.12 47.95 26.47 N(I),C(l) Gokulgaon EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) Jowar, 17.(12W 264.08 31.49 12.95 Mausai Whedt PR Khandwa (8) ED, Jowa[, 36.39W 146.78 18,12 29.60 N( 1 ) Mathela EAg Wheat UninhJblted Jamaniya Khandwa

KR Khandwa (3) ED, Jowar, 12.94W 169.14 43.12 7.03 Itmampur EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, 10war, .. 15,64W 100.82 54.61 19.35 Bu\\adiya Jeu EAg VI' heat

PR Khan~wa (3 ) ED, Jowar, 21.26W 137.29 48.82 23.32 Mal pura EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 7.68 13.36W 276.29 35.75 642.65 Surgaon Nipani EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 18.26 28.96W 343.82 46,58 23.41 Pi:).liya Tahar EAg Whtat KR Khand.va (16 ) EAg Jowar, 93.60 27.30W 582.44 106.89 58.66 BiJora Bhil Wiled! 74

~~en(f~ 'fif~ q1i lf1f ~'Q)q

~ll' VHI' 'fiT ;Jrn I1T11 "'T 'fj~;;rrJ~~ :a''ffl"m ;jf'f~mtt (l:I"R !I'TlI' it ~ ~!{ ~T ~ a't rnT .ftit 'tOT 'If'fT ~m~ ;rr;;rn: /QR: Q'fT~ eQ'ffl!fT lIn: 'fi"T f

281 ~lTtq 258.87 11 (2) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

282 fu~l'fjq 674.67 1.149(206) P( I) -( 5-1 0) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(-5)

283 IT)q-i!: 833.72 210(47) P( I) -(-5) W -:-(-5) -(10+ ) -(-5)

284 "l~T 78.21 126(17) P( I) -(-5) W,HP -(-5) -( 10+ ) -(-5)

285 ~1!'Nir 258.53 1,637 (295) P(l),M(I) -(-5) W -(5) -(10+ ) -(-5)

286 "'ll~ 417.40 'fm.,

227 3l~1f~,!<: 1,054.35 4,227(712) P(I),M(I) PHC(I) W PO, Phone -(5-10) BS SMP( 1) 2R8 ~'l1Tm 751.66 1,307(242) P(1) -(-5) W -( 10+) -(10+ ) BS

289 "fl;r(l"rr~ 134.42 'fro.,

290 3l:iiT 609.84 596(127) P( 1) -(5-10). W -(-5) -(5-10) RS


292 f.r<;£., ~ 135.45 q-T">:f'f

293 fo:rlrt

294 r,ts""!~ 241.07

295 it:o<: ~ 557.56 827(144) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+ ) -(-5)

296 it'l1

297 l1'~'Ttq 558.63 1,674(279) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

298 fu<:~ 1,077.68 2,039(378) P(I),M(I) D( I) W PO -(10+) BS

299 mm 98.96 ;;r~r'l' W

300 ~~;;r

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil


!til mRl~ tj1; ioT;j; f~ ~1;j;f~ mf;(" fuf.;r.r ~~ ~ (lT~ aft~ Remarks 'UU1T~' ~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ,cb town and waste (inclu- available bistorical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri. ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Village (in kms) supply fcod Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 t5 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khandwa (14 ) ED, Jowar, 13.17W 150.04 51.73 43.93 Kirgaon EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (13) ED, Jowar, 28.87 95.91W 473.68 51.81 24.40 Titgaon EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (13 ) ED, Jowar, 0.13 2.51W 379.. 94 33.55 417.59 Moghat EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (13) Jowar, 1.76 3.07W 66.36 5.46 1. 56 Kharkali Wheat KR Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar, 7.53 29.58W 173.43 24.16 23.83 Deola Mafi EAg Wheat Uninhabited Samsherpur

PR Khandwa (9) ED, Jowar, 6.10 332.08W 519.39 134.04 62.74 Ahmadpur EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (13 ) ED, Jowar, 7.76 80.20W 604.25 25.69 33.76 N( I) Tembhi Kalan EAg Wheat Uninhabited Sontalai


Uninnabited Bilan Kheda

KR Khandwa (25) ED, Jowar, 13.37 88.00W 437.85 20.86 23.52 Bhiganwa Nankari EAg Wheat U ninhabi ted Mandanpur

KR Khandwa (20) ED, Jowar, 48.08 15.65W, 45:2 . 17 24.90 15.63 Tokar Kheda EAg Wheat 1.13R KR Khandwa (20 ) ED, 10war, 3.36 42.28W 217.40 13 .60 9.99 Domwada EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar, 4.87 221.50W 297.96 9.62 24.68 Malgaon EA. Wheat PR Khandwa (29) EAg Jowar " 11.24 111. 50W 669.45 151.82 133 . 67 M(l) Siaa Wheat Uninhabited NanJwa

KR Khaoo\\a (23 ) EAg 10war, 43.S5W 510.77 210.62 78.96 M( 1) Sahejala Khandwa Wheat 76

~~c:tr ct~~fr~ iSPf~."11i'~ "J;f.. ~~)q

~O!fT;itll VHf q;r ;n1l' IlTll 'l>T ~ ;;;.rn~ ~~ G"1-,!fEfm~ (lrR '1l1t it ~m~ '3'l<'f$!if ~T ~ aT 1fiFI1t it (-) h

'fiTs ~<'f eli;f'll<'f q_CI' 'If<# iiIT't ~ l<: ~;;f '1>1 ITt ~ '-5 fit; , lit., 5-1 0 f'l>. lit. CflII 1fT )0+ f",.;;!.) Amenilles available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is r--______given).. ______..A...______"'"

w~ fiif'f>mT T 'lm lfT't> 3ih iI1>iT' / ifTC ti~ «!~ 'ffT': 'fiT f~/'t f~ (ore ~e;Tq 'Q;{it LoeB- Total tlR~@ ,,~,Gft'I'-1'l1tf) rion Total area population Day or Comrnunica- code of the and Drinking days of tions{Bus-stoPI Dum- village number of water Post and the'market} railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) ---~~----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

301 \it"f'ff 173.47 'if'U


303 'T

304 ~ 808,01 1,139(203) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(10+ ) BS

305' 'f{;;{<'{T 562.58 532(97) P(1) -( I 0 + ) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

306 m<::'1T 605,10 352(73) P( 1) -(5-10) W,HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

307 a:!1fITiq 1,598.22 1,963(323) P(I),M(1) FPC(l) W,HP PO Friday BS

308 ~Ii~ 816.16 1,652(265) P(l ),M(1) SMP(I) W PO -(-5) BS

30'9 WlTl'f <::Tol<: 351.93 436(69) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

310 ~lH m~) 468.91 294(49) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

311 m

2,930.05 3,460(657) P(l),M(l), H(l) 312 q1;3"~ W PTO. Saturday BS PUC(l ) Phone 1,641(279) P(I) 313 ~T<::~<'I' '1,459.48 -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS

504.27 199(39) -(-5) -(-5) 314 ~T W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

864(163) 315 f.{<'I"f ~~r 437,98 Pil) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

654.60 226(35) 316 f~;{l1I PO) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

528(97) P(l) -(5-10) 317 'f;T<'

312.07 76!!(131) P( 1 ) -(-5) 338 ~~;;r W -(5-10) (--5 ) -(-5) 2,388(412) P(1),M(2) 319 ftroWr 556.45 -( 5·-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

530,35 1,578(277) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W 320 ~

Amenities 80d Land use Khandwa Tahsil

1IT1f \'I1ti ~ l'Im: form ~ q-flf ~!r'TlT (~q-flf ~ oft fT ;mr Ifi~ ~ ~I' f{t ilil' IiJTVTW iif~l!<: if f~;r Gim;rcr ~ <:T ~'f trifi) ltfcr¢~ ~1fTii (Ai":Ift.) it '{flop Land use(i.e. area under different types of Land 1Il'trqr'l~~ use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~~~;;r)

~ ______A- ______~ !1%

OR marry ~ q, ~ffT ~ f~ w)~f~ firf,o" f;rf;re- ~iU

PR Khanclwa (32) EAg Jowar, 36.25 2.59W 195.94 16.21 44 .96 M(l) Roshiya Wheat PR Khandv.a (35) EAg Jowar, 66.83 19.59\\' 503.53 108.18 34.35 N (3), Palasi Wheat M(1) PR. Khandwa (24 ) EAg Jowar, 60.68 39.48W 529.68 150,.79 27.38 N( 1) Rohnai Wheat KR Khandwa (25 ) EAg Jowar, 15.28W 443.64 54.18 49·48 Nawali Wheat KR Khandw:l (35) ED, Jow:tr, 39.16 25.25W 464.91 31.44 44.34 Torani EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (30) ED, Jowar, 179.43 34.I8W 908.30 100.50 375.81 N(9) , Des~gaon EAg Wheat MO),C(3) PR Khandwa (20) EA Jowar, 33.34 96.59W 590.80 47.35 48.08 N(2) , Bhoja Khedi Wheat M(2) KR Khandwa (22) ED, Jowar, 41.22 22.13W 224.47 49.44 14.67 Surgaon Rathor EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (18 ) Jowar, 6.83 44.47W 354.12 41.75 21.74 Sulya Khedi Vliheat KR Khandwa (18) ED, Jowar, 3.54 2:' .04\V 260.02 3.61 II . II Awaliya Vitthal EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (23 ) EAg Jowar, 326.07 57.09W 2,t02.71 343.86 100.32 Barud Wheat PR Khandwa (28) EAg Jowar, 34.05W 1,175.99 207.93 41.51 N(2) , Chheerbel Wheat M(I ) PR Khandwa 01) EAg Jowar, 8.8!W 385.84 82.48 27.14 Kh:tjuri Wheat KR. Khandwa (26) EAg Jowar, 24.98 32,93W 306.78 58.41 14.88 BiJan Kheda Wheat KR Khandwa (28) Jowar, 81. 92 20.35W 456.65 79.53 16.15 Jheeraniya Wheat KR Khandwa (29) Jowar, 31.89W 432.45 76,27 37.24 Kalda Khedi Wheat KR Khandwa (20) Jowar, 24.51 58.35W, 181.77 23.94 20.20 Bhuifal Wheat 3.30GC PR Khandwa (22 ) ED, Jowar, 12.74 202.34W, 237.09 75.61 25.88 N (2), Sinod EAg Wheat 2.79R !'vI (2) PR Khandwa (22 ) ED, Jowar, 18.28 83.35W 324.77 73 10 30.85 N(2) , Haraswada EAg Wheat M(l ) 78

W~En~~~ ~~~~'~ ~ ~qtit"

f~..nll UHf 'tIT ifTlJ 1fT"- 'fiT ~<'J ~;Ht~1 ~a- Gli'I-~it ~"IU 1fli<:ft1:TR"fil: ~ ·~U 5r'fin;ri 'fiT q{ ~-5 fofi.m.,5:"'10 f'I;.m. tI'fi 1fT 10+ fl!; . .,-r.) AmenitIes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance 10 broad ranges viz-S kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . ~~------~------~ ,hrf"f'l; f;rf'fifm m- 'fiT'lRT WI'Ii aft. ;;rnrn:/~ {I;;rn: .11~T ffH ifiI fi0/i6 fi0 (iIlI ~'lM~ Loca· Total d~ if>1'{ @ ~m,~-lll1i) tion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tion~(Bus-stoP. num. village number of water PoSt 'and the marketl railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any wattr 'way) ,~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

321 0/:;0;:) 297.27 369(65) P(l ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

322 '1<:'1 >i~T 195.12 ")'lJ'1

323 ~'Tf

325 ~ 453.07 445(77) P(l ) -(-5) W -(5-JO) -(-5) -(-5)

326 c~ 211. 52

327 ~ 235.28 195(34) P( I J -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

328 ~~ 702.21 862(]43) P(1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

329 ~i

331 ~~~ 138.46

332 l:to

333 ~rrtcr ro 460.15 668(121) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

334 '~1iI$< 466.26 279(50) P (I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

33-5 zm;ri .w:) 818.07 ],150(192) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(-5) -(-~)

566.33 410(69) P( 1) -(5-10) Thursday 336 ~ W PO -(-5)

:;.31 ~);;f 'lim) 391.99 382(50) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

3.38 f~ 380.75 1,518(219) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-]0)

339 :Sl:'T<:m 188.82 485(87) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-]0) -(5-10) -(-5)

340 'n'ff:s

Amenities aod Land ose Khandwa Tahsil

VPf .,-.n: ~ ~ f.r;;rn1 ~ 1!flr~)1r (OT~ 'Ft ~

~ ______A______~ fr~a

fi m!lif19 ql: ~T~f~ Vo)~f~ ~a fuf';{a ~~ ~!:J (

loR Khandwa (22) ED, Jowar, 15.66 51.23W 186.26 28.63 15.49 Banjari EAg Wheat Uninhabited Parsu Khedi

pR Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar. 36,25 138.40W 847.10 25.75 73.48 Chhaigaon Makhan EAg Wheat Uninhabited Balkhad Sura

KR Khandwa (13) Jowar. 39.46W 340.12 30.11 43.38 Sonood Wheat Uninhabited Tolgaon

KR Khandwa (12 ) Jowar. 11. 36W 199.48 13.39 11.05 Pachhaha Wheat PR Khandwa { 11 ) ED, Jowar, 90.47W 495.02 80.60 36.12 Dodwada EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 15,38 73.66W 219.91 47.31 29.36 Suegaon Joshi EAg Wheat Uninhabited :'vlehta Khedi

Uninh:1bited D:unjh Kheji

Uninhabited Ranya Khedi

PR Khandwa (8) ED, Jowar, 57.64 87.48W 245.69 41.92 27.42 Chhaigaon Devi EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 17.65 39.97W 299.81 73.96 34.87 Rahemapur EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 70.84W 685.01 20.99 41.23 Takali Mori EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 48.54W 452.05 28.89 36,85 Abood EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (9) ED, Jowar, 69.46W 300.30 5.84 16.39 Gau! Joshi EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (10) ED, Jowar, 43.00W, 197.52 43.37 23,06 Siloda EAg Wheat 73.80R KR Khandwa (7) ED, Jowar, 30.00W, 77 .26 39.72 21.41 Digaeish EAg Wheat 20.43R KR Khandwa (6) ED, Jowar, 50.42W 218.64 40.78 20.87 Bawadiya Kaji EAg Wheat 80

~iro et~~r~ ~~ ~ 'If'' ~" '{{lrr1~ Ulq 'lIT ~Tlr Ifill" 'fiT ~ \"jf';f~lOD1 ~ - '1-~f;;mrz (~ WIl" ;r Wl f~ It R;r L

341 fl1'lWT ~~ 204.84 l'fj"TT.,

342 qmf.

344 ~f<::'lT 129.36

345 263.96 1.148(195) ~~<: P (1) -(10+) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

346 406,62 1,526(250) p( 1 ) ~~ -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

347 m<'f~~ 193.35

348 ~tp:~~ 317.46 9(1) -(-5) -( 10 +) w -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

349 ~li~ 305.60 589(97) p( I) -(10+) w -(-5j -(-5) -(-5)

350 577.01 357(62) -, P(1) -(5-10) ~~ W -(-5) -(10+) -(-5)

351 arf~T ~~7.: 383.35 695(118) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

352 'if'{T;:£{ 587.62 1,013(171) P( I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 10+) -(5-10)

353 ;:m~ 267.72 229(33) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

354 h~lij-~l 146.63 q'hR

355 ~T'IG 518.11 891(131) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5--10)

356 'll"Pli<1lITcl 908.73 1,044(199) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

357 Wm~ 543.74 491(85) P(l) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

358 372.96 351(54) P(1) <::~ -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

359 fqCf<'llT ii"f 231.35

360 ~iWT"R: (~~


f;f ffi9'l"T 9' q~ li:oT i!1 f1i[if Ucr"ti!1f~ fuf;re fuR" 0'T<'r-lif iiI""~ ~ (lr"'r;r~ af\~ Remark. I!fro1J1Q:T ij"~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, aeb town and waste (inclu- available historical to dist£nce Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gaucbar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply fcod Forest by source gated and groves) ~ultivation gica1 interest Name of Village 1 J 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabited Siwraj Khedi

PR Khandwa (8 ) ED, Jowar, 32.08 8S.76W 216.00 63.46 22.65 Panjhariya EAg Wheat Uninhabited Takali Ala

Uninhadited Bedariya

J>R Khandwa (12) ED. Jowar, 70.89W 126.56 41.71 24.80 Saiyadpur EAg Wheat J>R Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar, 8.70 59.13W 242.59 56:66 39.54 N(2) , Dulhar EAg Wheat M(l) Uninhabited Bheel Kheda

KR Khandwa (16) Jowar, 2.30 29.23W 252.00 19.74 14.19 Sujapur Khurd Wheat PR Khandwa ( 1 3 ) ED, Jowar, 54.81W 190.70 46.42 13.f.7 Bhairu Kheda EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (14) ED, Jowar, 14.67 87.17W 427.70 24.19 23.28 Haidarpur EAg Wheat KR Khand,va (21) ED, Jowar, 7.66 56.56W 270.46 29.02 19. 65 Badiya Gyasur EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (21) ED, Jowar, 6.43 113.32W 423.42 21.76 22.69 Chamati EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (15 ) ED, Jowar, 2.04 23.43W 222.62 8.32 11 .31 Rasidpura FAg Wheat Uninhabited Baiju Kheda

KR Khandwa (16) ED, Jowar, 7.95 99.54W 366.99 28.08 15.55 Kondawad EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (15) ED, Jowar, 16.07 57.44W 757.71 29.23 .. 48.28 Mokalgaon EAg Wheat KR Khand'.'a (15) ED, Jowar, 9.51 57.65W 433.61 23.28 19.69 Sangwada EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (2£) ED, Jowar, 6.64 36.5SW 272 .43 28.32 29.02 Roshanhar EAg Wheat Uninhabited PipaJya Megh

PR Khand\va (11 ) ED, Jowar, 5.63 32.61W 231.65 13 .81 31.32 Songir (Khand'Na) EAg Wheat 82

~~~T ~T{:f ~-~(f'cnli f{cf 'Iff{ \iqtt)"

ro;:ftl;J Vf1l !fiT 'I'TlI" IfT1T 'fiT ;)"<'1" ;;FHrI§lIT '3"'R'f$S" G 'f-~fqm~ (lfR IlTlf it ~fqs"T~ ;:)'ffl";;,er ilQT ~ (1) 'fif<;rq it (-) h ""T~ ~!R~ r:!:<{ crf~'m:l <;I"mrn IFl, ~ 3TT<: :awf; <;{T<:' @ ~O'j; it IlTlf '\1 f>l~"T ~-u cr<; ~f 1fT 10+ f'!;.;ft.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and next to it iii brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5.10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is aVailable is given) . ~ ______A~ ______~


~ ~---- 361 1T'fT

362 C1orqTi~1lT (lliO:S

36'1 3TFwllT lliT<:

364 "Ii

365 "FT<'fT'61c 404.43 1,252(201) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

366 Blf-G~ 221.95 :'1'1--["1

367 fff"fTT" ( ~:ffs

368 '+I"T<;f>i~1 q,~ 529.64 635(120} I' ( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+) BS

369 q"tlli~ "P'<'ff 663.83 1,022(176) P, I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -( 10+ ) BS


71 ;;lTf~T l1q;;{T 408.00 484(80} p( 1 ) 3 -(.10+) W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

372 <1"QT<: 'film 359.00 "fr<:Ff

373 f~<'f

374 *'~ 102.00 efl<:R

375 q~rl1T l1mCfl 360.00 380(68) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

376 "TFqT 684.00 1 ,215(206) p( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

377 'fl~<:l:!~ 304.00 380(69) P( 1) -(-5) W,HP -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

378 crlm~r 226.00

379 flJf~cl1'T 239.00 J88(25) -(-5) -(-5) W -(10+) -(-5) BS

380 tia-Hf 873.00 6,656(J ,109). P(6),M(I), H(I),MC\\-(1), T PTO,Phone Tue,day BS PUC(1 ),0(2) CWC(l),PHC(1 ),FPC{I) 83 Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tahsil

Inll'ij''fi~~ f~,," 'l!flf ~Trr (OT'1fu '!flr ;ro:nrr 'fit fqfu~ ~1 ~ liQ fC;tt{vIT !:l Tflf'fi IiTl{ 'fiT iTTIJ qg';R lJ:~ ~amftrU 'fiT Iifmm ~if~

Q mlA'l U Ii~ vOT i forit VoT ;fi forit mf.ia fur.ro ~iS";;r~ ~B' (rrm an"l: Remarks "fT"U1T~T ij'~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, Reh town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- Village (m l6ns) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

Uninhabited Manawanhar

Uninhabited Tal\\adiya (Khandwa)

PR Khandwa (25) ED, Jowar, 66.56W 698.00 24.64 32.92 N(5) A walya Kharwa EAg Wheat C(2) KR Khandwa (27) ED, Jowar, 3.47 51.23W 19l-!.14 21.74 12.00 Karoli EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (25) ED, Jowar, 95.05W 281. 44 4.91 23.03 N(S) Koladeet EAg Wheat Uninhabited Umardad

PR Khandwa (30) ED, Jowar, 75.21 88.56W 528.06 40.78 30.43 Mirjapur (Bhondwa) EAg Wheat PR Khandv.a (25) ED, Jowal' , 24.96 107.81W 326.54 48.35 21.98 Bhilkhedi Tubai EAg Wheat PR Khand\va (25) ED, Jowar, 36.93 111 .62W 492.39 1.73 21.16 Pokhar Kalim 'FAg Wheat PR Khandwa (31) EA Jowar, 59.00W 833.00 116.00 216.00 M(2) Dabhi Wheat KR ·Khand\\a ( 31.) Jowar, 3.00W 309.00 43.00 53.00 Badiya Sakna Wheat Uninhabited Nahar Kola

KR Khandwa (25) EA JOW«l', 65.00W 532.00 63.00 32.00 T (I) Nihalwadi Wheat Temple Uninhabited Sangmeshwar

KR Khandwa (25) EAg Jowar, 47.00W 287.00 8.00 18.00 Badiya Kharwa Wheat KR Khandwa (23) EA Jowar, 68.00V. 568.00 4.00 44.00 Kharwa Wheat KR Khandwa (23) ED, Jowar, 45.00W 217.00 19.00 23.00 Gobariya EAg Wheat Uninhabited Pamakhedi

PR Khandwa ( 19) ED, Jowar, 27.00W 173.00 18.00 21.00 Siltiya EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (20) EA Jowar, 81.00W 584.00 51.00 157.00 N(135), Pandhana Wheat M(l6), T(2),C(2) 84

~e~n~~ ~-~fq~ ~

~~t{ vm 'f'T

381 ;r"l

382 '!;T~r 272.00 312(59) P(1) -(-5) W -( ~5) -('5) -(-5)

383 ~~ 520.00 648(110) P( I) ~(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

384 ~~fl'

385 IT'hTf~ l'.TTit 618.00 1,273(235) P( 1) - (--5 ) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

386 ,!"IT~T 369.00 287(49) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(5-10)

387 f~ 575,00 1,225(183) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)


389 CfTt 329,00 545(90) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5 -10) -(5-10)

390 :S-I'l''fln 441.00 139(24) P(I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5~10) -(5-10)

391 llT'S

392 ar~m '(. 49.00 "I'Tzyj'

39'3 31im l?{t 222.00 "I'T<:R

3'94 ortm ~'fi"1' 221.95 193(38) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

395 ';ii'tm ~~ 267.00 72(13) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

396 ;;rPl«rT <:f;;r

397 'f'T'Ii'T~T 373,00 257(39) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -(~5) -( ~ 5)

398' ,(T~ 271.53 900(136) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -( --5) -(-5)

399 Cl:1

Amfnlties aud Land ose Khandwa Tahsil

IIll'!" ~ ~;r ;rm f.nlm '!¥f ,,!fl'!" ~m (3T'1fu "!fl'!" ~m

1ft mwrl q h ~CfT ~ f.nt ~,. ~ f.nt fuf'q.;;r f~r.rcr '3'!0I'itl ...-m: 6Pff~!l (tT1~ an"{ Remarks "IT~TtTTQT trfQiT) including any place 01 Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gat;char for or archaeolo. village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 --_------FP Khandwa (21) ED, Jowar, 13.00W 128.00 7'00 9.00 Gogaon EAg Wheat FP Khandwa (21) ED. Jowar, 21.00W 234.00 4.00 13.00 Kundiya EAg Wheat KR Khand'Na (25) ED, Jowar, 20.00W 457.00 18.00 25.00 Barkhedi EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (23) ED, lowar, 35.00W 380.00 14.00 22.00 Kusumbiya EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (23 ) EA Jowar, 40.00W 510.00 29.00 39.00 Goradiya Ghati Wheat FP Khandwa (36) Jowar, 6.00W 322.00 3.00 38.00 Guwadi Wheat FP Khandwa (32) Jowar, 37.00W 475.00 20.00 43.00 N(10) , Bilood Wheat M(1 ) FP Khandwa (32) Jowar, 4.00W 281.00 16.00 Buliya Khedi Wheat FP Khandwa (32) Jowar, 23.00W 276 00 3.00 27.00 Pabai Khurd Wheat FP Khandv·:a (35) Jowar, 7.00W 417.00 3.00 14.00 Dapkya Wheat FP Khandwa (35) Jowar, 2.00W 152.00 1.00 9.00 Mandwa Wheat Uninhabited Ardala Ryt.

Unmhabited Ardala Khurd

FP Khandwa (33) Jowar, 2.92W 198.86 9.21 10.96 Ardala Theka Wheat FP Khandwa (35) Jo\var, 6.00W 221.00 4.00 36.00 Rajhola Khurd Wheat FP Khandwa (30) Jowar, 10.00W 230.00 4.00 13.00 Jamali Rajgarh Wheat KR Khand\\a ( 35) Jowar, 8.00W 336.00 9.00 20.00 Kakoda Wheat FP Khandwa (35) Jowar, 22.28 225. SOW 4.82 18.93 Rajgarh Wheat Pk KhanQ\\a (31) EA Jowar, 37. COW 779.00 32.00 74.00 N (25) , Deewal Wheat M(2),C(I) PR Khand\\a ( 3 I ) EA Jowar, 27.00W 282.00 17.00 25.00 Umardha Wheat 86

~~;.'(T (I~t~ ~-~fC{~ q;;:i 'l:f'f ~q'l:f)"

{~T;ft~ Ill'll" If>T iil"'! In'll" 'H 2j"B \1(i'iti'lOlI1 '3'l<'fo'Cf G';H!f

-~------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO

401 q~ '1,or f 707.00 18 ( 5) -(-5) -(-5) W -(10+) -(-5) -(-5)

402 3Tf'lR'TT 902.63 201 C' 5) -(-5) -(-5) W -(10+) - (-5) -(-5)

403 "~TG'T 3T~1 <: 355.00 436(77) p( 1 ) . (5 10) W -(-5) -(5-10) ns

404 ,pr']?T "TTer 421.82 484(82) 1'( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

405 'EfrcT~Hf (m" f~l\'T) 1,575.00 1,096(156) P( 1 ) -(10+ ) w -(5-10) -( 10+ ) -(5-10)

406 ~~T (1ij'~r 1,372.00 1,468(256) P( 1), -(5-10) W -(10+) -(10+) BS M(1 ) 407 '-'-T<1~~T 2,227.00 1,521(259) P(1) -(5-10) W,R -(10+) -( 10 + ) BS

408 crTGr('[t 553.26 919(163) 1'(1) PHC( 1) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

409 crr<:~~t 579.00 ,fp:rrr

410 3T':jf;:m-i

411 ~,-

412 +r~'r' 891.00 1,146(206) P(I) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

413 if<'I~~ 'En) 996.33 571 (100) P(I) -(-5) W - (·-5 ) -(-5) -(-5)

414 arr'i"G: 1,177.00 3,933(704) P(I), PHC( 1) W PO Friday BS M( 1) 415 '1--rl

416 f;;rirqTf'fl:f, 144.00 q'hR

417 658. 00 674(119) 'Cf~)-"{T Pt 1) -(-5) W -(-5) .- ( -5 ) -(-5)

418 655.00 896(128) P( I) 'l(f

419 285.00 24(8) -(-5) 'tflf<:T~r -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

420 730.00 311(58) -(-5) i;<:T~-': ~~ -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 8'7

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

IIT'If <:!lfi" f~ '1m: f~ '!¥l' ,!f+r ~~Fr (ar~ 1Jf1r ~'fIilOr 'fir fqf'l1W f'WfT ~ !i~ fc:tqqfi !:fIr'Vli In+r 'fiT il'TII' ~.o;f.t ~:awtft~ lfi"') IilTilm ~'lbR ;r frr~ ;ro~

fi e"T!:R'T g- q'{ ~ffr

FP Khandwa (35 ) Jowar, 17.00W 594.00 67.00 29.00 Badoda Buzurg wheat FP Khand"a (34) Jowar, 159.09 16.40W 700.76 26.38 Astariya Wheat KR Khandwa (28) Jowar, 5.00W 300 00 14.00 36.00 Badoda Aheer Wheat FP Khandwa ( 3 J ) FA Jowar, 6.87 16.73W 303.70 ·94.52 Rajpura Ghati Wheat FP Khandwa (34) Jowar, 10.00W 686.00 121.00 758.00 Ghatikhas Wh€at (Dhawadiya) KR Khand\va ( 31 ) EA Jowar, 26.00W 749.00 102.00 495.00 Khedi Tapegl:ati Wheat KR Khandwa (38) Jowar, 10.00W 1,159.00 82.00 976.00 M( 1) Nankheda Wheat FP Khandwa (30) lowar, 8.91 505.18W 20,70 18.47 M( 1) Babli Wheat Uninhabited Borkheda

FP Khandwa (30) Jowar, 6.00W 259.00 13.00 708.00 Anjangaon . Wheat FP Khandwa ( 30) lowar, 1.00W 287.00 15.00 183.00 Haranmal Wheat KR Kilandwa (25) EAg lowar, 85.00W 720.00 36.00 50.00 M(l ) Mohanpur Wheat FP Khandwa (23) Jowar, 3.12 58.05W 897.64 37.52 Balkhad Ghati Wheat PR Khandwa (31 ) ED, Jowar, 177.00W 852.00 62.00 86.00 N( 35), Arud EAg Wheat M(2},C(1) PR Khandwa (31) ED, Jowar, 32.00W 561.00 18.00 55.00 N (1) Pokhar Khurd Ryt. EAg Wheat Uninhabited 'Jinwaniya

KR Khandwa (25 ) EA, Jowar, 13.00W 577 . 00 26.00 42.00 N( I) Dhanora EAg Wheat FP Khandwa (32) ED, Jowar, 18.00W 561.00 16.00 60.00 N(2),T(I) Islampur EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (27) ED, Jowar, 31.00W 231.00 6.00 17.00 N (1) Bhamradi EAg Wheat Temple FP Khandwa (26) EAg lowar, 10.00W 361.00 38.00 321.00 Heerapur Khurd Wheat 8g

~':ii'n ~~l{:f iiFt-warqf~ ({cf '4lfq ~qt()"

~"!I Vlli lfiT ;jTlt Vnf 'fiT !i<'l "M.tlmnf it (-) ~1!1 ",)6 ~<'f ele!'ii<'f qq' qf"m:) <'!'TIlIT lTl ~ arT<: ~ orr'! ~T 'liT~OOf; it !lTlT <{ f;,rn.,T ~u 'n: ~aTct ;Oq<'[i'q if 'I'¥1: (iiif2"ft if) ~T ~.Il' JfTZ oi, If, q~ ~'T ~« 5f'fiJ<: ~;>f '{iT tJ{ ~ -5 fop, +ft., 5-1 0 fop. I1T, Cf'!l IlT 1 0 + fit;. 1fi . ) Amenitre, available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown 10 the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . ~------~------~ Wlllft!J>f; f;rt''f;"mr rftif 'f;"T qr;ft ST'l> 3Th; ~n:/~ ~"fT, ot[q~ 1m: 'f;"T f<{"f/if; ~ (om ~crq V;r~ Loea- Total IlR 'f>T{ ~ ~~,"f<'f-1'[,Ti) tion Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stoP. num- village number of water Post and the market! railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


422 ~ltlfT<: ~ 293.00 211(32) P( I ) -(-5) HP -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

423 fl$,ffi 843.00 2,695(452) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W,R -- (-5) Wednesday -(-5)


426 ,rim 1,303,00 1,012(177) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

427 'lW~ ;r;<'fT 4S8 .00 341(55) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -(-5) -(-5)

428 ~T"( '!;<'fT 226.00 ofT'Try

429 C:T'f>m'li"!"? 834,00 1,317(256) p( 1) -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS

430 'iTq, ll:~it 492 .00 579(95) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -( - 5) -(-5) -(-5)


432 lfT'f,"{<'fT 442,00 605 (l 07) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


434 1

435 '1"f~ 441.00 623(109) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

436 ~~~~-.: 741,00 2,402(450) P(2),M(1) PHC(l) , W -( 10+ ) -(5-10) BS PMS(2) 437 fq:'1"ff<{ ~~ 1,270,00 1,808(330) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(:'i-l0) -(-5)

438 ~T{,'-iT 827.00 273(52) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

439 ~TfiTT lSi~r 549,00 1,115(194) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(--5)

440 ~fl1\'fr ~'f.<'f 372,00 ;fHF( 89 Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

IIf1la'fif~'I'~ ~~ '!¥f ,,!fIl

fi m!To1r ~ q'{ liar ;i; f

PR Khandwa (36) ED Jowar. 2.00W 232.00 26.00 246.00 M(2) , Baghmala Wheat N(4 ) FP Khandwa (36) Jowar, 2.00W 263.00 8.00 20.00 Hemgeer Khurd Wheat KR Khandwa (31) ED, Jowar, 3.00W 397.00 93.00 350.00 N(2) , Khirala EAg Wheat M(l ), T(l) PR Kahndwa (29) FA JOW.lf, 29.00W 2,103.00 257.00 1,326.00 N(l5), Borgaon Bujurg Wheat M(4),C(3 ) PR Khandwa (24) EA Jowar, 10.00W 444.00 8.00 51.00 Dongargaon Khandwa Wheat PR Khandwa (25) EAg Jowar, 13.00W 1,019.00 61.00 210.00 Rajora Wheat KR Khandw2 (25) Eftg • Jov"ar, 27.00\'.' 397.00 13.00 51.00 Pabai Kalan Wheat Uninhabited Rajhola Kalan

PR Khaud\va (24) ED, Jowar, 41.00W 578.00 .30.00 185.00 Nt I) Takali Kalan EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (28) EAg Jowar, 24.00W 396.00 4.00 68.00 Peepar Hatti Wheat KR Khandwa (28) ED, Jowar, 23.00'-" 211.00 8 00 26.00 Bandarla EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (30) ED, Jowar, 15.00W 335.00 32.00 40.00 Ma '(aria FAg Wheat PR Khand\\a (25) ED, JowaI', 73.00W 181.00 10.00 19,00 N (1 ) Balrampur EAg Wheat PR Khandwa (25) ED, Jowar, 76.00W 316.00 9.00 45.00 N(lO), Sultanpur EAg Wheat M( 5) KR Khandwa (25) EAg Jowar, 32.00W 354.00 17.00 38.00 Pachamba Wheut PR Khandwa (19 ) ED, Jowar, 187.00W 411.00 21. CO 122.00 N(17), Rustampur EAg Wheat M(2) PR Khandwa (19) ED, Jowar, 136.00W 971.00 49.00 114.00 N(4) , Piplod Khurd EAg Wheat M(2),C(2) FP Khandwa ( 13 ) EAg Jowar, 38.00W 697.00 28'00 64.00 Kudalda Wheat FP Khandwa (12) EA, Jowar, 52.00W 389.00 19.00 89.00 Shahpura Khandwa EAg Whe:tt Uninhabited Jamli Sukal 90

ifIll 'liT ~<'I ~~"li{e!~ ~ qf,-qr<::) "flTT'n 'Tli ~ Of'\"<: '3B";:f; 'fTt{ ifT '!iT~o'fi if lITlf # f~"'fT i_u q~ WCfUT an;: amrr<:/6:JC ~'"fn: ~r ffn: 'liT fGif I if; fGif (;;r~ 1:<;T11 ~'l Loca­ Total Q'f,{ ~ ~ f~lII'"'f,;;r<'f-l1(li) tiOD Total area population Day or Communlca- code of the and Drinkinll days of tions(Bus-sloP. Dum- village number of watcr Post and the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) --~------_------~- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~-~- -- ~--- ~- - ~------~--~-----~-----~-- 441 ;;f[li<'fr~ 860.00 600(90) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) Sunday -(10+)

442 iJ'3:,!'{ 273.00 326(56) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)


444 ~lftCfIJ!R 608.87 2,004(300) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(-5)

445 ;J{Tm1T 1,157.00 936(167) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

446 '1"lf'!<:r'li:sCfT 425.00 325(59) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

447 ~'IlT~ 631.00 1,053(162) 1'(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

448 ~ro<'rT 779.00 1,370(229) P( 1) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

449 ~<1r'li"fi 720.00 419(80) P(I) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

450 ~~~ 1,278.00 529(89) P(I) -(5-10) W -(--5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

451 ~'Ii"r 436.41 312(54) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5 10) -(5-10)

452 ~,qm 739.00 659(96) P(I) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-;10)

453 <;fqm 798.00 643,109) P( 1) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

454 u;;ro (m1'llT~) 657.79 101(19) -(5-10) -(5-10) R, W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

455 <1'(J.)<:r'9,~ 426.00 108(23) -(5-10) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -( 10+ ) -(5-10)

456 irf~l:[tCf 988.00 1,444(248) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)


29.62 2,056(393) P(I),M(I), FPC(I) T PO Saturday -(-5) PUC(I) 459 li.

1,187.00 1.107(199) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) - (-5) 91

Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tahsil

6~ f~ vnr orm: ~ IJ:~ ,!fll' '3'nrTtr (011!I'fu '!f1r ~ of.t fqf~I'if f~1 ~ &t<;i fccq

0IiI aT!:A"1 e ·h ~ffr ;fi fz;rit ~Cfi 'Ii fz;rit mf'iio fl:rRio ~~iS" iiP-.n: ~a (Tim an;; Remarks 'iiT'UlT~) ij"~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchac for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

FP Khandwa (22) Jowar, 30.00W 648.00 126.00 56.00 Jamli Khurd Wheat FP Khandv. a (18) EAg JoVo':u, 25.00W 210.00 24.00 14.00 Sekhpura Wheat PR Khandwa (18) EA Jowar, 27.00W 513.00 57.00 53.00 M(l) Bagmar Wheat PR Khandwa (9) EA Jowar, 26.62 174.13W 362.14 45.98 N(l) , Badgaon Gujar Wheat M(6) PR Khandv.a ( 11 ) EA Jowar, 110.00W 880.00 74.00 93.00 N( 1) , Jamli Kalan Wheat M( 1) PR. Khandwa (11 ) EA Jowar, 23.00W 297.00 35.00 70.00 Rampura Khandwa Wheat KR Khandwa (20) ED, Jowar, 38.00W 478.00 66.00 49.00 M( 1) Tembhi Khurd EAg Wheat FP Khandwa (25) Jowar, 49.00W 533.00 91.00 106.00 Sarola Wheat FP Khandwa (12) Jowar, 15.00W 435.00 60.00 210.00 Ardala Kalan Wheat FP Khandwa (10) EAg Jowar, 26. DON 1,033.00 167.00 52.00 Segwal Wheat FP KhandVla (8) EAg Jowar, 9.89 18.68W 381.06 26.78 Khadki Wheat FP Khandwa (12) Jowar, 26.00W 541.00 140.00 32.00 Hapla \Vheat KR Khand\\a ( 15) JO\\.;1' , 8.00W 490.00 206.00 94.00 Deepla Wheat KR Khandv"a (13) Jowar, 14.51 40.27W, 567.40 28.01 Dhanora (Bhamgarh) Wheat 7.60GC KR Khandwa ( 14) Jowar, 7.00W 321 .00 81.00 17.00 Lachhora Khurd Wheat FP Khandwa (9) EAg Jowar, 58.eO 20.00W ('66.00 20·6.00 38.00 Bediyaon Wheat Ul1mhabited Raipur

KR Khandwa ( 19) ED, Jowar, 29.62W Bhamgarh Najul EAg Wheat FP Khandwa (20) Jowar, 40.00W 756.00 152.00 64.00 Manpura Wheat PR Khandwa (20) fAg Jowar. 63.00 II.DOW 785.00 243.00 85.00 Dharampuri Wheat 92

~T;ftlj' VHf 'fiT 'fTlf lUll" 'l)T ;J<'f "IiHi !;llT :gq;:r,,!:l (; 'l"4'j:fCn;.rrrt (f; M>mIT

4 6 1

608.00 J34(J9) -(-5) -( 5) W -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

445.CO 267(44) -(-5) -(-5) W,T -(5-) -(5-) -(-5)

1,703.00 1,355(249) -(-5) -( -5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

4 6 5 ~:PTOf1'1r:T 1,196.00 1,797(351) P(I),M(I) H(l),SMP(I) W PO Monday BS (mi:r~) 4 6 6


468 '!_<'f'!

469 "I'1T<:T,T9T-(. 742.00 600(110) PC 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

470 T''1'!"<:Tl1"T':;!". 397.00 378(72) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

471 <:T~r-(. 863.00 925(169) P (I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

472 <:r11JU9i;;TI 1,506.001,289(238) p( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

473 ~qt (m1'{lf~) 1,333.00 1,099(209) P(l) -(-5) \V -(-5) -(-5) BS

2,191.00 2,336(499) P(I),M(I) CWC(I) W PO Tuesday BS puqJ) 1,720.00 1,44i(255) Pel) -(-5) W - (-5) -(-5) BS,RS

329.00 217(39) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

1,419.00 1,513(265) P(I) -(5-10) w PO -(-5) BS

478 f"f"f ")~i 903.00 369(72) pel) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) - (-5)

479 ~tgart 1,750.00 2,882(505) PO),M(I) -(5-10) W PO Monday BS

542.73 337(67) P(l) -(10+ ) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 9'3 Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

1Ifll'Q1f; ~~ ~ ~ 'lfflr:a"Pfl1T (~qflr ~ ;it fq-f'll'X f~l i ~~ fecquft atfq'f> 'lTlt 'tiT qfll ~~ f1!i~ifU 'li"I' WTVTW (;0n: it f~ ~ ~

... m!AT tr q~ ~ffT ~ f~ ~1~f~ mm fuffif ~i9" ;;r..;;n: aqq<.mI (tfm an<: Remarks ~16:) qf~} including any place of Appro. Nearest Culturable Area nOI religious, Reh lown and waste (inc1u. available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gaucbar for or archaeolo- village (m kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khandwa (20) FAg Jowar 18.00W 457.00 132,00 51.00 Kanwani

KR Khandwa (21) EAg Jowar 7.00W 325.00 552.00 26.00 Gondwadi

KR Khandwa (31 ) BAg Jowar 12.00W 242.00 156.00 35,00 Amlani

KR Khandwa (36) E~g Jowar 106.00W 1,172.00 314.00 111.00 Garangaon

PR Khandwa (33) EA Jowar 118.00W 933.00 77.00 68.00 (Nl) , Bhagwanpura M(2) (Bhamgarh) KR Khandwa (32) Jowar 10.00W 301.99 6.00 9.00 Fulgaon

Uninhabited Rampura Khurd Ryt.

KR Khandwa (32) Jowar 3.00W 263.00 125.00 15.00 Puranpura Ryt .

KR Khandwa (32) Jowar 2.00 20.00W 570.00 121.00 29.00 Sutar Kheda Ryt.

KR Khandwa (32) EAg JOWetr 31.00W 289.00 63.00 14.00 Pur a npura Mal.

KR Khandwa (34) EA Jowar 50.00W 664.00 113.00 36.00 Rajani Ryt.

KR Khandwa (18) ED, Jowar 34.00W 1,019.00 350.00 103.00 Rampura Kalan EAg PR Khandwa (29) ED, jO\\.lr 61. OOW 901.00 307.00 64.00 T( 1 ) JalkU\\an (Bhamgarh) EA,; PR Khandwa (19) EA Jowar 61.00W 1,364.00 617.00 149.00 N( 15), Singot M (5) PR Khandwa (23) EA Jow~r 81.00W 1,281 00 159.00 199.00 Mordad

KR Khandwa (23) EA Jowar 2.00W 230.00 44.00 53.00 Panchbedi Ryt.

PR Khandwa (30) EA Jowar 56.00W 935.00 312.00 116.00 Khidgaon

KR Khandwa (30) Jowar .. 7.00W 619.00 247.00 30.00 Chich Kheda

PR Khandwa (35) EA Jowar 118.00W 1,151.00 363.00 118.00 N(20), Gandhawa M(2) KR Khand"a (35) Jowar 38.00W, 266.41· 274.54 Lachhora Kalan 1.40R 94

unf ifiT ~<'I~~~ ~<'I''I:T ('l~qm~ (lI"fu: lH+r ij ~fqm~ ~~'I:T ~1 ~ aT lfi'1Wf it (-) hr \'Im'1T lJl1' '3U:f; OfT" ;f,tto'li if lfTlf fOlCl'ft 'T,{ '3'l<'fi1:f ~~~ ~ 'Tf,{<1T<:l ~ om: @ ~ ~u W'f!;lTtt i (ij'''l'l'{ if) rift Rli71J mi! ai'{ '1'<: q~ ~'{t s:« Sfif>Tl: ,,;;[ 'liT IIf ~ -5 f'f;. m.,5-1 0 f'fi. m-. ~ lfT 10+ fef;.itT.) AmenitIes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad range' viz-5 kms. 5.10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) . ~ ______A ______------~

illffl!Tlf; RF'f;ffll

W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 481 q~lTtq ttrq~ 399.00 591 (97) P(I) -( 1 0";

-(-5) 482 f

W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5 ) 483 ~~qr+rT9'. 587.00 436(72) PC 1 )

5) -(-5) -(-5 ) 484 ft.m&~r 558.87 479(87) P(I) - ( --5) w (

-(-5) 485 ~~ 1,567.00 3,065(546) P(l ), PHC( 1) W PO ,Phone Thursday M(l) -(-5) 486 ~;cr 904.00 1 ,~97(234) P(l) SMP(i ) W -(-5) -(-5)

BS 487 %s<;l:{T 1,554.00 1,756(328) P( I) -(-5) W PO Tuesday

-(-5) 488 ~ 374.00 349(59) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5)

-(-5) 489 GI'mI'~ 420.00 93(16) -.-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5)

-( -5) 490 1FT~ 1,212.001,692(264) P(l) -(5-20) W -(-5) -(-5)

--(5-10) 491 'llT~-fr(fqq<;ft,,) 1,325.00 1,709(275) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10)

_( 5) 492 '

493 (T1'\:;U -(. 664.00 441 (79) P(I) -(-5 ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

W,HP PO -(5-]0) -(5--10 494 ~lI'oT 851.00 1,014(199) p( 1) -(5-10)

495 i'Qfw 516.00 839(122) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

351.00 402(60) P(I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

-(5-10) 497 !OT

498 'F'lqT~T(f'l'1<'fr~) 1,210.001,650(283) P( 1 ) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) DS

499 qnn::'f;<'It't. 778.00 1,415(270) P(I) -(5-10) w PO -(5-10) BS

671.00 95

Amenities aod Land use Khandwa Tahsil

IITl1 (fl!; ij1J<: ~ f~ l!~ 'Ilfl1 ~m (a:rl!itl 'Ilf1r ~ !!IT fqf'lp,OJ ~T ;f af~ fccqurJ- !:Hflf~ IlTlf 'liT i{Tlf ~'I"it qci ~J- ~u !f;T liJRmI ~~Zlf~ it fif'fiC

~ ______A______~ fff~

Q ffTf:RT a q'( li-oJ-'l1 f~ ~('f1'l1 f~ fufq" f~ ~;ri9' .,.~ ~B (qf;n: aIT~ Remarks <;fTWH1l.T IJf~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, Bcb town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) suprly foed Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khandwa (26) Jowar 2R ,DOW 278,00 62,00 31,00 Badgaon Piplod

KR Khctndwa (28) Jowar 16,OOW 468,00 47,00 42,00 Bihar

KR Khandwa (2R) JowQr 22.00W 442,00 75.00 48.00 Itwa Mal.

KR Khandwa (32 ) Jowar 32.00W 452,87 42,00 32,00 Kedar Kbedi

Prt. Khctnj .v.l (24) 61\ Ja,var 16,00 50,OOW 1.398,00 40,00 63,00 N(14), Kohdad M(3) .KR Khandwa (30) EA Jowar 4.00 33,OOW 686,00 38,00 143.00 N(5) , Chhanera M(3),C(l) PR Khandwa (33) EA Jowar 31,OOW 1,326,00 40,00 157,00 N(3 ) Padalya

KR Khandwa (33) Jowar 6.00W 318,00 4.00 46.00 Kalpat

KR Khandwa (33 ) EA Jowar 2.00W 370,00 8.00 40,00 Jagatpura

KR Khandwa (40) EA Jawar 38,OOW 980.00 111 ,00 83,00 SaIai

KR KbandNu (,+3 ) EA lowaI 22,O\}W 923,00 226,00 154,00 Bheelkhedi (Piplod)

PR Khandwa (34) FA lowar 2,OOW 367,00 75,00 50,00 Charkheda Ryt,

PR Khandwa (33) EA lowaI 5,00 7,OOW 496.00 125.00 31.00 Rampuri Ryt,

KR Khandwa (35) EA Jawar 5.00W 6~8.00 105,00 53,00 Kumtha

KR Khandwa (37) EA lawar 2,OOW 80,0.0 115,00 19,00 Debariya

KR Khandwa (30) EA Jawar 4,OOW 288,00 19,00 40.00 Barkheda Kalan Ryt.

KR Khandwa (25) EA Jowar 18,OOW 661,00 44,00 107.00 M(1) ltrwan

PR Khandwa (24) EA JowaI .32,OOW 968.00 48,00 162,00 M( 1) Balwada (Piplod)

PR Khandwa (24) EA Jowar 28,OOW 523,00 187,00 40.00. M( 1) Pokhar Kalan Ryt. Wheat Uninhabited Pokhar Khurd Ryt. 96

In'll" !f;f ~;;r \>i,nilOlfT ~"eT is ;or4fqm~ (lif;:: uw it ~fqmq; 'O'f

502 ;ortf;;:'-1T 773.00 436(70) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

503 'lilT.! 1,753.00 1,497(284) P( 1 ) -(-5) w - (- 5) - ( -5 ) -(-5)

504 ~~q~f. 271.53 615(113) p( 1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -( I 0 + )

P( J) -(5-10) W -(-5) --(10+) -( 1 0 + )

506 i{<:J~ f. 719.00 760(125) PO) -(5-10) W -(510) -(10+) -00+)

507 -"tTT>::fI"1<: f.. 495.00 444(86) P(1) -(5-10) W -(510) -(10...L) --(10+)

508 ~c

509 tTl"!' i.i"¥f .0. 464.00 544 (100) P( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

510 i'f1:r<"QTf. 762.00 756(138) - P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

5 11 '1<~n: <." . 600.00 508 (94 ) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

512 qrq"ft;::~ 2,555.00 2,676(463) P( 2) , H( I) W PTO, Wedne~day BS, M(I) Phone RS 5 1 3 f

514 'rS'r

516 "l"'frf. 773.00 962(143) P( I) -(5-10) W,T -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

517 ~~¥T<'.. 632.00 634(120) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

518 "'t~f. 610.00 646(103) P( 1) -(-5) W -( .... 5) -(-5) -(-5)

5U ~tfT~o("(. 354.00 434(fi3) -(-5) -(-5) W -( 5) -(-5) -(-5)

520 ;pr~'l'"(. 774.00 1,015(167) P(l) -(10+) W -(10 +) -(10+) -(10+) 97 Amenities and Land use Khandwa Tahsil

lI'(1fallif~if1'f": ~oft 1!~ 'lff1:r '3"fi' fqf'i!'?f f

lilt' mr.rTU Ij~ ~"t .fi f<;rit icf,. i f<'flt fuf;re f~ ~~ ~ (1f~ aTt<: Remarks ~~~) including any place of Appro- Neatest CuIturable Area not religious, acb town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolO- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 lS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khandwa (24) EAg Jowar, 35.00 12. COW 512.00 192.00 39.00 Peepalya Kalan Ryt. Whe:tt KR Khandwa (33) EAg Jowar, 18.00W 661.00 10.00 84.00 Nandiya Wheat KR Khandwa (33) EAg Jowar, 386.00 17.00W 1,158.00 73.00 119.00 Pangra Wheat KR Khandwa (33) Jowar, 22.28 225.50W 4.82 18.93 Ambapat Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (35) Jowar, 42.00 5.00W 677.00 111 .00 67.00 Rajgarh Ryt . Wheat KR Khandwa (37) Jawar, 3.00 1.00W 474.00 179.00 62.00 Ba)."ad Ryf. Wheat KR Khandwa (39) Jowar, 2.00 3.00W 369.00 97.00 24.00 Bhagiyapur Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (33) EA Jowar, 4.00 25.00W 282.00 37.00 39.00 N(3 ) Itwa Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (30) Jewar, 18.00 13. DOW 365.00 22.00 46.00 Gol Kheda Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (33) Jowar, 20.00 16.00W 585.00 104.00 37.00 Scmalya Ryt. Wheat PR Khandwa (33) EAg Jowar, 12.00 22.00W 471.00 54.00 41.00 Lunhar Ryt. Wheat PR Khandwa . (33) EA Jowar, 10.00 104.00W 1,944.00 378.00 119.00 N(lO) Peeplod Khas Wheat M(4)T(I) KR Khandwa (35) lowar, 3.00 13.00W 304.00 17.00 45.00 Bisrampur Ryt. Wheat PR Khandwa (35) EA Jowar, 4.00 17.00W 656.00 94.00 57.00 N{35) , Gudikheda Ryt. Wheat M(4),T(3) KR Khandwa (47) Jowar, 8,00 9.00W• 502.00 39'00 121.00 Handi)'a Kheda Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (18) Jowar, 3.00 10.00W 611.00 55.00 94.00 Bhootani Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (40) Jowar, 7.00W 501).00 87.00 32.00 Takal Kheda Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (40) ]owar, 17.00 20.00W 500.00 67.00 6.00 Chandpur Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (42) Jowar, 2.00W 247.00 86.00 19.00 T (1) Pipalya Khurd Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa ( 45) Jowar, 8.0J 48.DOW 546.00 105.00 67.00 M(1),T(4). Karpur Ryt. Wheat C (1) «Ill '!iT ~<;1' ..-r.;«'lIT ~ ".1-4:fl;{m~ (1iR IDlf it Wqan:[ ~~ ~ ~ ~) ~ it (-) i~ ';<;1' alll'li<1 ({Ci 'if<:'fT,{1 l'flTTl:IT ·T« - ~ or'l-.:: "tr>f> GfT~ @ ~~O'li it !Wi it ~:rr ~U I(T 10+ ~.llr.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in lhe column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad range! viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility. is available is given). ~------~------~ timlllif; M'limI m '!iT qr;ft ~T'!i am ~/~ ~'iftl: Otl~T iJI"'{ 'liT Wr I~ ~ (if'{ ~Tq nr~ Lcx:a· Total a~ ~ ~ fm,;;m-lfI"1f) (ion Totai area population Day or Comrrounica- code of the and Drinking days of ti'Ons(Bus-stop, num- village Dumber of water Post and the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) ~----~--~~~------I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

. 52] ~"Tq;:<:-. (1l:f;:~) 636.00 998(182) p (I ) -(10..)..) W -(10+) -(10+) -(to +)

522 ;w,rTliT~. -'::-. 650,00 703(119) P( 1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

523 fu79't t. 6113.00 1,094(182) P( 1) - ( I 0 + ) W - ( 10,-!- ) - ( I 0 + ) -(10+ )

5 24 l'fis

525 'T,m-r >§1'?T ,._. , 656.00 739 (116) P( 1 ) -( 5 10) W -( 5) -(5-10) -(-5)

526oIT>P;Tt. 734.00 1,023(170) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS

P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) BS

528 f'tr~1i' ~¥t 510.00 702(116) P( 1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) . -(-5)

529'!'f,'fT(o/l"1'Tlf) 315.66 733'(115) P( J ) -(10+) W ~(10+) -(10+) -(10+ )

5~O ilil:l'li<'T (q-;nlT11) 231l.65 577(71) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

531 f'f.'mT'f (q;;''XTl1) 364.24 502 (96) P( 1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(;0+) -(10 +)

532 'f.l1f;."[l:lT (

533 3l'Frf<'mT(

534 ~mr (q-;rnn:r) 414.87 665(88) P( 1 ) -(10+) W ":(10+) -(10+) -(10+ )

535 C:PF~r(qi'f'Ai11) 324,96 319(52) -(-5) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

536 'llT<:~(

500(77) pel) -(10+ ) W -(lOt) -(10+) -(10+)

538 c:rm:r (

134(22) -(-5) -(10+) T -(10+) -(10+) -(10+-J

270,74 450(77) P( 1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+ ) 99

Amenities aud Land use Khandwa Tabsil

vnr o;p f~ rl1im 'Iffir :a'tflfPr

mtiR"T ~ q1; iff! ~ f~ Q-qr ~ f~ mf.;{5 ftrf;rn ~;;r.:;r;: anrr.r.!l (lTm afh Remarks 'ifrolTTQ:T !Jf~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious. acll town and waste {inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gaucbar for or accbaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khandwa (45) Jo'var, 24.00W 505.00 75.00 32.00 Heerapur Ryt. Wheat (Heerdad) KR Khandwa (43) Jo,,\'ur, 6.00 13.00W 517.00 86.00 28.00 Naharmal. Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (44) Jow~r • 11.00 35.00W 498.00 96.00 43.00 Chhirwan Ryt. Wheat KR Khandwa (47) Jowar, 14.00 21.00W 634.00 75.00 77.00 Gondwadi Ryt . Wheat KR Khand\\'a (47) Jowar, 3.00 2.00W 451.00 93.00 107.00 Gujri Kheda Ryt. Wheat PR Khandwa (44) Jowar, 4.00 4.00W 625.00 41.00 60.00 Bamanda Ryt. Wheat Borkheda Khurd Ryt. PR Khand'va (47) Jowar, 417.00 22.00 34'00 Wheat Bhilai Kheda KR Khandwa (44) Jowar, 5.00 1.00W 402.00 24.00 78.00 Wheat Sukwa (F.V.) KR Sanawad (32) Jowar, 39.77 275.58 0.31 Wh;::;}t 2.02 Bayphal (F. V.) KR Mundi ( 16) Jowar, 24.28 202.34 10.01 Wheat Kirgaon (F.V. ) KR Khandwa (37) Jowar, 3.24 253.77 106.02 1 .21 Wheat 0.09 Kamliya (F. V.) KR Khandwa (30) Jo\var, 8.90 167.54 8.00 Wheat Awaliya (F. V.) KH Mundi (15 ) }O\'n.f. 100.19 257.78 43.48 Wheat 33.99 Hantiya (F. V. ) KR Mundi (15 ) Jowar, 47.35 333.46 00.07 Wheat 29.99 Takli (F. V . ) KR Mundi (7) Jowar, 31.27 263.70 Wheat 263.86 21.85 Bhorla (F. V. ) KR Mundi (5) Jowar, 33.19 Wheat 45.32 Cheek Dhariya(F. V . ) KR Mundi (2) Jowar, 58.68 368.74 Wheat 25.49 4.05 Takri (F.V.) KR Mundi (16 ) Jowar, 157.83 Wheat 1 .21 Dharikotla (F. V.) KR Mundi ( 15 ) Jowar, 7.69 34.00 Wheat 248.87 1.62 Balwada (F. V. ) KR Mundi (16 ) Jowar. 20.25 Wheat leo

lUi! ;;iT ~<'f ~~pr.ll"r 'O'«'[~ "Hrf"m~ (llft lITl1 it l};f"m~ ~U" ij !I1lf ~ f'RFft ~u 'n: W'f!1T~ aq<;i'6T i (~"llR it) 'fiT "lOlll m~ 1 i1~ ~ -5 for;. 111.,5-1 0 f.fi. 1ft. ff'ii liT 10+ f'f;.11J.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5.10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) • ~------~------~ wmlJi'l; f'ff'Ii"M

541 'llTmr) 206.20 740(129) -(-5) -( 10+ ) TK -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+ )

542 ~.nqH') ( 'Allrll') 506.67 701(112) pel) -( 10+) w -(10+) -( 10+) -( 10+ )

543 'OflfT'lT (q-;HfT>r ) 74.46 31(4) -(-5) -(10+ ) T -( 10 + ) -(10+ ) -( 1 0+ )

544 ~~~T (~11) 226.62 337(64) -(-5) -( 10+ ) w -( 10+ ) -(10+) -( 10 -[- )

545 ;:rl'T~ ;:rm: N.A. 480(135) -(-5) -(10+ ) T -( 1 0 + ) -(10+) -(10+ )

546 O:T'f;9"l~T (<\'HHl1) ) 163.09 qT<:r;;

547 >rFll~e (r) 1 .00 <[T"{[if

I:(tl1 307,176.24 390,650 P( 420) D(ll) (67,515) M(62 m(u) PUC(9) MCOO(21) O( 2) FPC( 13) 0(11) 101

AD;lt~nities and Land use Khandwa Tahsil

Vr+I ~'Ii f~ iIm: ~ 'lff'll' ~ll"fq (~1lf'll' avITrr 'f>'T f'if'il-.I filiBiT if, ~a fer:<:ruTr 'mf 'f'ii VTll' 'f>T 'JIll q~~ It'i ~T rU 'f>' ~~l:I<: it f;r~ ~~ ~ .~.) i? {{f.orr Land use (i. e. area under different types of Land ar-40iT 'fUCrfcT use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~ ~ Pl"m) r- ______- __..A...______...... ~fQ6

mwff ~ Ih tiffr ;j; f<1i't '" fuf~" f~ ~GP'lI<: (ITm aft~ Remarks 'I{TTltT~T «~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, aeb town alld waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power . Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- vlilage (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Mundi ( 16) Jo Nar, 24.S3 179.30 2.02 Bhogani (F. V.) Whe.l! KR Mundi (18 ) Jowar, 113.31 390.87 2.49 Joonapani (F. V.) Wheat KR Mundi ( 15) J.)war, 60.70 12.14 1.62 Jamoti (F.V.) Wheat KR Mundi (9) Jo\v,-..r, S.99 IIS.53 88.58 10.52 Khamkheda (F.V.) Wheat KR Mundi (35~ Jowar, Narmada Nagar Wheat Uninhabited Taklibadi (F. V.)

Uninhabited Mataghat (F.V.)

13,318.96 200,038.28 36,737.19 N (787) Total 16,832.12 26,980.93 l\I( 169) C(21) T(32) 102

~~~ ~t:f ~-~~ t.1~ ~f" ;a~

oo;fiq vnr IfiT ilTl! '1t~ !f\! ~OI' ~\t~l;H :a'1\'l~U G il4;fa;utct (qR m+r it ~a;m~ ~u ~1 ~ ~T q;n;rn it (-) illr 'liTi' !j<'i eliiAi<'i ~ qf<:>.m:r i.'fllTtfT 'ltf ~ 311<: a~ Off;;' ID 'fiT~o'fl if lfTll «f;;rn;ft ~u q~ ~UT~ :a'l'<'i~ i '~lI' T ll~ ~ -5 f'fi.m.,5-10 f'fi. m. tI1f> lfT 10+ fif;.1tT.) Amenitles available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown ill the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kIns, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is avatlable is given). r-~----~_~ __ ~ __ ~ ______~ -ejlfif

1 'l'T11T ~~r 553.00 726(133) P(1) -( 1-0 +) w -(10-+ ) -(10+) -(10+ )

2 sM 434.00 399(G6} -( - 5) -(10+) w -( I 0 + ) -( 10 + ) -(10+)

3 ~ot 824.00 376(65) P( 1) -( 10+) w -( 10+) -( 10 +) -( 10+ )

4 ;;GFi~ 948.00 630(114) P(I) -(10+ ) w ~-(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

5 f~~qT"I: 1,398.00 412(64) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5--10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

6 Ol'Off,,-qr 735.00 407(66) P (I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(-5)

7 a-~!l

8 :;fr;;r l'IT'fir 449.00 327(58) -(-5) - (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

~. f


II "RTlt 738.00 224(38) -(5-10) -(5 -10) W -( 10 +) -(5-10) -(5-10)

95(17) 12 ...If<:tlT. 1,659.00 -(5-10) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

2,195.00 457(83) -(-5) 13 "(t;;,~ -(5--10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

463(80) J4 'Jlf~l:[! ~~ 607.00 Pr I) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

i!p':r~r 255.00 161 (33) 1.5 -(5-10) -(5-10) R -(5 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

445.00 506(85) p( 1) -(-5) 16 aT'lilOli N -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)


18 a;;j~) 880,00 2,129(416) P(3 ),M(l), MH(1),PHCCI), w PTO, Monday BS. PUC(l) FPC(l). Phone 863.00 1 ,100(172) P( 1) -(5-10) 19 i!l1f'1~ lff"tJ w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

144.00 103 (15) -(-5) 20 f,n·'l'1" rsa:,~ -(5-10) W -(5 10) -(5-10) -(5-10) lO3 Amenities and Land use Harsud Tahsil,.

Qtl{~~~ f~ 1!~ "ff'lf~)Tr (~'iffIl" ~ 'lit fqf'irn ~ ~ ~er f~1IfT mfll1ii Vtl{ 'Iil ;w; qi.r.t ~~'lIT~ !f;T .AmI i''f~~ it f'Jli>C

,.... ______...A-______~ ID~

Q Ih n: ~ (tr'\~ m~ Remarks ~1Q) mQCr) including any place of Appro. Nearest Culturable . Area not religious, Rch tOWD and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo•. village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Harsud (33 ) Rice, 106.00 I.OOW '335.00 91.00 20.00 Pama Khedi Wheat KR Harslld (33) Rice, 85.00 4.00W 268.00 65.00 12.00 Dang Wheat KR Harsud (33) Rice, 283.00 10.00W 284.00 225.00 :!2.00 Dantha Wheat KR Harsud (33) Rice, 240.00 10.00W 362.00 304.00 32.00 Nandana Wheat KR Harsud (:!8) Rice, 793.1)0 I.OOW 228.00 349.00 27.00 Titwas Wheat KR Harsud (24) Rice, 442.00 1.00W 145.00 92.00 55.00 Anjaniya Wheat PR Harslld (22) Rice, 146.00 3.00W 99.00 100.00 82.00 Badke5hwar Wheat KR Harslld (23) Rice, 117.00 3.00W 193.00 119.00 17 .. 00 Chich Mali Wheat KR Harsud (24) Rice, 249.00 156.00 94.00 49.00 Bichpudyia Wheat KR Harslld (25) Rice, 685.00 6.00W 185.00 166.00 132.00 Bori Wheat KR Harsud (30) Rice, 649.00 1.000 71,00 6.00 11.00 J~tam Wheat Boriya KR Harsud (32) Rice, 11.00 28.00 20.00 1,600.00 Wheat Chandgarh KR Harsud (31 ) R1CC,I,578.00 212.00 52.00 353.00 Wheat Padiyadeh KR Harsud (26) Rice. 262.00 201.00 18.00 126.00 Wheat Nawghata KR Harsud (23) Jowlr 9.00 118.00 32.00 96.00 Wheat Abhawa KR 'Harsud (21 ) Jowar, 67.00 11.00 280.00 73.00 14.00 Wheat Uninhabited Soma pur a

97.00 N(40),M(4), Baladi PR Harsud (19) EA Jowar, 207.00 67.00 423.00 86.00 Wheat T( 1) Mali KR Harsud (22) EA Jowar, 46.00 16.00 534.00 151.00 116.00 Wheat 7.00 Bijalpur Khurd KR Harsud (21 ) Jowar, 5.00 116.00 16,00 Wheat &e4


w~ , f,ff'f;'Nfl rir.i 'fiT 'lRl 6f'!; 3Th: iIT'JfT< /~ !ii'ifT~ ;;1l'W4T -an ifiT f~Ji.f; f~ ('ffl ~~/Q" 'torif Loca. Total lfR r'f."~ \it .m,m;r-l1ltT) tion Total area population Day or Communica­ code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stoP. Dum. village number of water Post and the market! railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educc:tional Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) ------234 5 6 7 I 8 9 10

340.00 4(iO(6R) P( 1) -( -") W -(-5) - (-5) -(-5)

66 00 171(~(i) -- ( -5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

23 ~m 797.00 731(126) P( I ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) - (5-JO) -(-5)

528.00 621(116) P(ll.M(I) (10 +) W -( 10 +-) -(-5) TIS

396.00 444(65) P( I ) -(5-10) W -(5-~10) -(5-10) -(-5)

96.00 244(33) P(I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(-5) -(-5)

291.00 314(53) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5 -10) -(-5) -( -5)

475.00 7R4(J38) -110 + ) W -(10+) -(-5) BS

419.00 289(49) -(JO+) W -( 10+ ) --( -5) -(-5)

1,573.00 1,hI5(292) P(I),M(I) H (I) W,R PO Wednesday BS

183.00 126(16) -(-5) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

206_00 168(25) -(-5) -(-51 W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

803.00 1,267(212) P(l),M(I) -(10+) W,R PO -(-5) -(-5)

370.00 609(130) P(l),'VI(I) -(10+) W --(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

35 '1;9"tir 873.00 811(134) P(I) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

764.00 1,171(199) P(I),M(I) H(I),D(I) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

496.00 437(68) P\I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(~ 5)

61~.00 607(91) P(I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

],010.00 761(120) P( I) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

954.00 1,11~(154) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(lOT) -(5-10.) 105

Amenities and Land use Harsud TabU


~crr ~ foPt a'l~ ;;r;;;n: (lfR<: aft~ Remark. ;n~TlrlQ) ~~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturab[e Area not religious. ach town and waste (inc[u­ a vailable historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri­ ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in krns) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Harslld (21) EAg J,war, 9[.00 10.00 157.00 71.CO 11 00 Bandhaniya Wheat KR Harsud (21) EAg 10war, 15.00 35.00 14.00 2.00 Kat Bawadi Whe.!t KR Harsud (16) EA JO\var, 15 .00 27.00 548.00 159.00 48.00 C(I),T(I)" Gullas Whe. t KR Harsud (22) ED, Jo\\'ar, 42.00 288.00 176.00 22.00 Kharwa EAg Wheat KR Harsud (23) EAg, Jowar, 16.00 7.00 251).00 68.00 49.00 BijaJpur Mafi Wheat KR Harsud (21) EAg Jowar, 2.00 71.00 15.00 8.00 Nirgudiya Theka \\ heat KR Har~ud (22) EAg '1awar, 19.00 184.00 52.00 36.00 Nirgudiya Mal Wheat KR Harsud (20) ED, Jowar, 19.00 287.00 148,00 21.00 Jalwan Mafi EAg Wheat KR Harsud (19) EAg J owur , 14.00W 302.00 87.00 16 .00 Sonpura Mal. Wheat KR Harsud (15) ED Jowar, 30.00R, 925.00 495.001 111 .00 N(1) M( [), JJbga0n Wheat 12.00W C(1),T(I) KR Har;ud (18) \\'heat, 2 . OOW, 120.00 43.00 11 . 00 Regwan lowar 7.00R KR Harsud (13) Jowar 5.00W 133.00 48.00 20.00 Naval Ryt.

KR Harsud (1 3) EA Jowar, 17.00 64··.00W 433.00 143.00 r 46.00 Gannaur Wheat PR Har~ud (11) EA 10war, 4.000 220.00 45.00 64.00 M(3) ,C(l), Saktapur Khurd Wheat 37,OOW T( 1) KR Harsud (1 2) EA Jowar, 44.00 2.00N, 506.00 172.00 91.00 M(1 ),C( 1), Chhuchhrel Wheat 58.00W T(1) PR Harsud (9) EAg Jowar, 44.00 519.00 142.00 59.00 MaJood Wheat KR Harsud ( 9) J'owar, 22.00 320.00 11:).00 36.00 Jaitapur Khurd Wheat

PR Harsud ( 7 j Jowar, 14.00 448.00 106.00 45.00 Jaitapur Kalan Wheat KR Harsud (14) Jowar, 75.00 ]2.00 734.00 162.00 27.00 Dhanwani Mafi Wheat KR Hal'S ud (12) EAr; 10war, 151.00 11.00 637.00 98.00 57.00 Kul;si Whc8t liOt\

~~~~~l~ GR-WC{'e1T~ qci 1J.fq '3q~)1t

'IIrl'ihr VT1J lfiT ill11" 11'111" 'fiT ~1iJ "l'HJIOlll ,,'1<'[i!iT "'T1fq!iTT~ (m~ I:rf11 if ~fq!iTT~ ~<'f$!iT .,~r ~ QT 'fil<'nl li (-) ~l!T If;~ ~ aTOI'fi1;f ~ qf<:Cfl<:1 i;f'lTlTI .;>::; i 3th '"~ ;;rr~ ~ 'IiT~¢'f; ij !lT11 it f;;rn.,) '!;ft

~----- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

41 ~T'lf

42 ~T'lf7<:[T l1T<'f 264.00 494(91) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

43 f.w<'l'\~ ~T<'f 1,070.00 1,393(252) P(l),M(I) D( 1) W PO -( 10+) -(5-10)

44 "To:<:n (~H:fr

45 :Q"91 192 .00 121(49) -(-5) -(5·-10) R -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

46 ~f.,1f[ 11m 201.00 605(91) . P(l) -(5-10) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

47 1SIf~ r m'f1f;;r~ I,OO( .00 207(40) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5) ~ ~

48 TlT'f'JU 149.00 323(60) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

49 ,!f~1f[ 11T<'I" 150.00 600(113) P( I ),M(I) -(5-10) W PO Friday -(5-10)

50 ii'ttTi

51 i[~'ltq ~~ 638.00 36(4) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

52 'i~lqp) l{l<'J 502.00 368(60) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

53 'filff~lH 223.00 80(14) -(-5) -(10+) W -( 1 0 +) -( 10+ ) -( 1 0 + )

54 ~tCf <_-. 278.00 157(29) -(-5) -(10+) W -( 10+ ) -(5-'0) -(10+-)

55 <.~tCf 1JT<'f 311. CO 246(36) P( 1 ) -( 10+ ) w -( 1 0 -1- ) -(5-10) -( 1 0+)

56 'ir"tlfT.,'T 155.00 276(53) -( --5) .-(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

57 oiarfi1lTI ~ 'fTe~~T 815.00 361(56) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5 10)

58 ~., 'E{Tc q;

R '9 ~.,"TTG ~~ 663.00 36(8) -( -5) -(10+) -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

P(1) W PO 60 ~'f.q;l<'f 1,487.00 701(119) MH(l) -(5-10) -(1(1+) 107 .Amenities aud Land nse Harsud Tahsil

VI1i a.; f~~ ~ I!~ 'I1flJ 3'f

r- ______-:-__..A..______~ U"~

In m9'f19 q~ ~cft <5 f~ ~)tiif~ mf~a fR"f'if(1 '3'r.riS'

Uninhabited Jhagflriya Ryt.

KR Harsud (18 ) Jow.1r, 1.00 8.00 237 00 18.00 Jhaga6ya Mal _ Wheat KR Harsud (15) EAg Jowar, 59.00 9.00 667.00 73.00 262.00 Temple Billod Mal. Wheat KR Harsud (23) Jo",ar, 38.00 6.00W, 148.00 26.00 45.00 Ladwa (Jamanya Wheat 1.000 Mal. ) KR Harsud (24) Jowar, 30.00 107.00 19.00 36.00 Temple Maula Wheat KR Harsud (23) Jowar, 27.00 7.00W 112.00 16.00 39.00 Jamuniya Mal_ Wheat KR Harsud (22) Jowar ,453.00 15.00W, 396.00 104.0J 30.00 Khudiy~ Circular Wheat 8.000 KR Harsud ( 17) EAg Jowar, 18.00W 110.00 15.00 6.00 Subhanpura Wheat KR Harsud (23) Jowar, 4.00W, 97.00. 22.00 22.00 Khudiya Mal W;leat 5.00N KR Harsud (26) Jowar, 9.00 15.00 50.00 27.00 11.00 Gehug0l'ilim ;0'101.& ,:;:-,!fcn:rTtt (llf<;; QT'f i:t ~f~!1TQ, '-3"lOni i{ (-) hr ~~ i{~!'h ~ O{T~ €T ",T~~. "1fT. Olf> l

lIi~f""" t"f1f>rnr QTil 'tT '1nfr V'j; oft'{ iIT'm< /fiTe ~"fT<; "~q~I!fT <-rn; 'FT fG"'f/'l\" ~ (;;r


621,00 328(,R) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

879,00 1,034(197) P (I) -( J 0 +) W PO -(5-10) -(10+)

345,00 345(65) P( I ) -(5-}0) w -( --5) "-(5·10) -(5 10)

580,00 409(64) p( I) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

724,00 550(97) P( 1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

775,00 441 (69) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

508,00 607(97) P( I) -(5-1(1) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

168,00 123(26) p( 1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -( 5-10) - (.5-1 0)

315,00 268(51) PO) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

71 fl11'r'fT +fT':r 184,00 P( 1) - (- 5) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

785,00 358(54) D ( 1 ) P( 1) w -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

550,00 743(128) P(I),M(I) H(1) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

49,00 54 (11 ) -(5-10) -(5-10) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

668,00 462(76) P( I) w - (5 10) -(I O~ -(10+)

76 ~frm -(. 136,00

401',00 307(63) P(I) -(10+) w - (-5) - ( 1 0 + ) - ( J 0 -1-

513,00 416(68) r( I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

324,00 618(1]4) P(I),~(l) -(5-10) w PO -(.5-10) -(5-10)

37,00 109 Amenities aud Land use Harsud Tahsil

IITlf tllfi ~ ;:rm: ~ I!~ 'ffl:r ~Ttr (OTvrm1lflr ~ rtt fCff'l1;;;r mm ~ ~r;( R;tquft ~rflfti V'Tlf 'lif qlll 1fQ;i-f ~~i-U ;;;1 Vt1rT'il f'f~ if fTf~~;;- <1i

III mliAl « q~ ia-r 'fi f~ ~1'fi~ fufifa fi:rfi;fa ;,qorn;r ;;r..;n ~ (~'N<: an~ Remarks 'ifTWTT~) ~) including any place 01 Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, Beb town and waste (inelu. available historical to di~tance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauehar for or arcbaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gieal interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

KR Khirkiya (16) Jo\var, 187.00 63. DOW 317.00 56.00 28.00 L3chhOla Wheat KR Khirkiya (10) Jowar, 36. 00W, 380.00 176.00 21. or Minawa Ryt. Wt,eat 8.000 KR Hersud ( 13) EAg Jowar, SO.OOW, 543.00 217.00 28.00 Killod WI:eat 11.000 KR Khirkiya (10) Jowar, lili.omv, 176.00 77.00 15.00 Rosad Wheat 11.000 KR Harsud (8) Jowar, 10.00W, 2S 3.00 250.00 33.00 Ambakhal Ryt_ Wheat 4.000 KR Harsud (10) Jowar, 1.00 3.00W. 531.00 155.00 32.00 Jhingadhadh R:, t_ Wheat 2.0CO KR Harsud (10) Jowar, 55.00 10 .OO¥; , 439.00 232.00 36.00 Gurawan Ryt. Wheat 3.000 KR Khirkiya ( 10) Jowar, 29.00W 299.00 162.00 18.00 Semrudh Ryt. Wheat KR Khirkiya (10) Jowar, 25.00W 98.00 3S.00 7.00 Semrudh Mal. Wheat KR Khirkiya (10) Jov/ar, S.OOW 214.00 7S.00 15.0) Haripura Wheat KR Khirkiya (10) Jowar, 9.00W 13! .00 36.00 8.00 Minaw\l Mal. Wheat KR Khirkiya ( 6) Jowar, 54.00W 541.00 156.00 34.00 Gambhir Circular Wheat KR Khirkiya (6 ) Jo\var, 2.00 40 .OOW, 322.00 98.00 24.00 Gambhir Ubari Wheat 64.00Ge KR Khirkiya (20) Jowar, 5.00 22.00 19.00 3.00 Khamla Wheat KR Khirkiya ( 15) Jowar, 17 00 12.00W 301.00 324.00 14.00 BarmaJaya Wheat Uninhabited Muhadiya Ryt.

KR Khirkiya ( 12) Jo"\\ar, 7. DOW 261.00 118.00 15.00 Kundiya Mal Wheat KR Khirkiya (10) Jowar, IO.OOW 322.00 162 ,00 19,00 Gadbadi Ryt. Wheat KR K,hirkiya (10) Jowar, 8. OOW, 216.00 83.00 12.00 Gadbadi Mal. Wheat 5.000 Uninhabited Gambhir Ryt. uo

~TlI' ~ ~~ ~~\llT a~& c rr4'§Cfml:t (lff~ '1Tlr it l.1formrt ~& ~r ~ crr 'fiffllr it (-) iw ~ !!KeI'li"f ~ qf,cln:) l'f'TTlfT 'IT" r ~ arr<: ~ j'CFfr ~U 'H W.lft. ffifi crT 10+ fit;.l1r.) Amenitles available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad rangel viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility isr------.A..__--- available is given). ______""" lIi~f!lJlf; f.qf'fi"mT ! f.zyr lit fu;;{ (R'f-":j"PT) (ion Total area population Day Or Communica .... code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stop, DUm- village number of water Post a rid the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) - -~~------_ -_-_-_---_- ~~----~~~------234 5 6 7 8 9 10

8 1 ;;tful:fT i. . 627.00 702(133) PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5--10)

82 ortf<:lfT .rT<1", 152.00

204,00 .:"63(90) P( J ) --(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

338,00 293(50) P( I) -( 5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10)

703.00 804(136) P( 1) , -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS M( I) 86 1l:lTf71:l"T i. 859.00 298(46) P( 1) R -(5-10) -(-5)

507.00 415(75) P(] ) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-S)

477.00 476(72) p( I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

186,00 47(8) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(-5) ·-(5-10) -(-5)

799,00 869(143) -P( 1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(-5)

91 >rlf~lfT 136,00

180,OO 584(101) Pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

605.00 1,292(238) pel) D( 1) w PO -(5-10) BS

94 .ft~ i. 223,00 498(80) pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) .-( -5)

1,888,00 1,029(164) P(I) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

96 m~t 969,00 860( lSn P( 1 ) -(5-10) w -( 5 J 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

710.00 303 (52) pel) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5 10)

344,00 482(82) P(I) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(- 5)

701,00 639(125) P( 1) -(5--10) w -(5-10) -(5-10)

522.00 526(88) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 111 Amenities aod Land use Harsud Tahsil

lIPrtrilif~~ ~ '!~ ,!fl'f~)1r (

n mfRf ~ q~ liff) !Ii f<'lit !iff1 !Ii f<'lit ilrf;Ju fuf;rn ~iiF;;n: ~S' (lTR<: aft<: Remarks II;f(Q'l!T&T ~) including any place of Appro. Nearest Culturable Area no! religious, Ich town and waste (inelu. available historical 10 distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 , KR Khirkiya ( 5) Jowar, 59.00 463.00 81.00 24.00 Nandiya RYt. Wheat Uninhabited Nandiya Mal.

KR Khirkiya (2) Jowar, 23.00 22.00 11S.00 30.00 11.0Q Somgaon Khurd Wheat KR Khirkiya (S) EAg Jowar, 49.00 201.00 72.00 16.00 Lohadpur Ryt. Wheat PR Khirkiya (S) EAg Jowar, 10S.00 447.00 114.00 34.00 Lahadpur Mal. Wheat KR Harsud ( 5) Jowar, 43.00 501.00 232.00 83.00 Igriya Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (10) EAg Jowar, 36.00 255.00 136.00 80.00 Dhanora Wheat KR Harsud ( 10) EAg Jowar, 60.00 284.00 114.00 19.00 Kadouli Ryt. Wheat KR Khirkiya (6) JO\\ ar, 5.00 108.00 45.00 28.00 Kaldhad Wheat KR Harsud (8) Jowar, 2.00 55.00 517.00 169.00 56.00 Chikali Wheat Uninhabited Sondiya

KR Harsud (4) Jowar, 5.00 125.00 43.00 7.00 Bh:lwarli Wheat PR Harsud (8) FAg Juv,aI, 22.00 396.00 117.00 70.00 Piplani Wheat KR Harsud· (3) Jowar, 2.00 112.00 89.00 20.00 Beed Ryt. Wheat PR Harsud (5) Jowar, 79.00 1,068.00 563.00 178.00 Dhan,vani Theka Wheat KR Harsud (6 ) EAg Jowar, 39.00 20.00 553.00 265.00 9~. 00 Chhirwa Wheat KR Harsud (8) Rice, 16.00 434.00 218.00 42.00 Pavali Wheat KR Harsud (4) EAg Rice, 64.00 188.00 77.00 15.00 Pipalya Kalan Wheat KR Harsud (8) EAg Wheat 16.00 398.00 220.00 67.00 Borkheda Mafi

KR Harsud • (4 ) . EAg Wheat 4l.00 277 .00 174.00 30.00 Navalpura 112

~q~~ ~-~fqf.Tf~ ~ci 11f1:r aq-q)"

~;ftll" Q1lt ~ ~r~ ~nlf 'I'T ~'I'f :om~~1I"T .-.ft.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad range. viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility isr- available______is given)...:.. ______. ..A._. ______'""

w-nQJ"!!; Rfl'f;fm tM 'lIT 'lr:ft m;~ ~/~ Q''fl<: ...~ ffi<: 'l»f~{'!;~ (ill> ~Tq U{~ Lac.· Total If~~~ ",~,~-mtf) tiOD Total area populatil;)D Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stop, Dum- village numoer of water Post and the marketJ railway station ber Name of Village (in· hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10.1 ~'f.<'It 603.0.0 276(46) p( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) - ( --5)

:,: . 102 11,l':,

103 iit't<:li9T ~ S14.0.0 1,758(341) P( 1). PHC( 1) \V PTO Tuesday BS,RS M( 1) 104 fq,ih 11.9" 276(55) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-S) -(-5)

105 'lTc:r ~T ~. 490.00 657(117) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

106 Wl''lT 490.00 486(82) P( }) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

107 '3'p.rT ~. 699.00 238(46) -(-5) -(5-10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

108 oli'tf<:

109 ~

JlO ;nor">:T 7~9.00 392(64) - P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(S--10) -(5-10)


112 ~ml:i 234.00 423(78) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10.) -(5-10) -(5-10)

113 'I1~

114 .m;f

115 ,,1

116 ~;;rt 498.00 262(5S) P( I) -(5-10) W -(S-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

117 rG';;q;<~~ 417.00 462(79) P( I) -( - S ) W -(-S) -(-S) - (--5)

118 ~'fl~ -to 56.QO ~<:R

119 f'l1<1T~ 151.00 185(40) PO) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-S) -(-5)

120 rnC!fw 812'00 1.173(199) P(I) -( .. 5 ) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-S) 113 Amenities and Land use Harsud Tahsil

IIT11'~~~ ~ 'I~ ,!f1:r~)tr (arm ~ ~ ~ fq-f'i1?f ffif;rl if; ~i'f f?:cqm cnfi:r9; lfT1l' 'fiT iiT+r I{~.r.r ~~~ 'fil U"TVTV ~lf~lI<: it f~1f

ft mA'1 it ift. riffT ~ f~ riff1

KR Harsud ( I 1 ) EAg Jowar, 46.00 278.00 195.00 84.00 Mohanya Kalan Wheat KR H rsud (11 ) Jowar, 27.00 252.00 167.00 18.00 Mohanya Khurd Wheat PR Harsud (9) ED, Jov,ar, 47.00 286.00 111 .00 70.00 Borkheda K'1Urd EAg Wheat. KR Har5ud (9) EAg Jowar, 106.00 186.00 69.00 42.00 Ghisor Mal. Wheat KR Harsud (10) Jowar, 8.00 317.00 142.00 23.00 Pata Khedi Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (8) Jowar, 21. 00 281.00 147.00 41 00 Segwan Wheat KR Harsud (6) Jowar, 6.00 322.00 332.00 39.00 Urldawa Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (10) Jowar, 16.00 300.00 204.00 28.00 .. Fefariya Khurd Wheat KR Harsud (15) Jowar. 10.00 365.00 233.00 19.00 Hanwantiya Wheat KR Harsud ( 1 7) Jowar, 20.00 429.00 248.00 22.00 Dabri Wheat KR Harsud (12) Jowar, 26.00 393.00 243.00 32.00 Borkheda Kalan Wheat KR Harsud (16) Jowar, 30.00 162.00 34.00 8.00 Temple Bhuralay Wheat KR Harsud (15) Jowar, 19.00 12.00 448.00 235.00 25.00 Bhagwanpura Wheat KR Harsud (12 ) Jowar, 18.00 334.00 218.00 29.00 Fefariya Kalan Ryt. wheat ~ KR Harsud (10) Jowar, 35.00 317.00 142.00 20.00 Siwar R)t. Wheat KR Harsud (2) Jowar, 95.00 51.00 217.00 109.00 26.00 Devalan Wheat KR Harsud (19) Jo",ar, 46.00 47.00 251.00 53.00 20.00 Di nakarpura Wheat Uninhabited Mirjapur Ryt.

KR Harsud (18) Jowar. 1.00 41.00 85.00 14.00 10.00 Bhilai Wheat KR Harsud ( 16) EAg Jowar, 46.00 92.00 443.00 169.00 62.00 Siwariya Wheat &14

VHI ~ 'iUI Vilf ~I ;Jiil '>R~lS7l1 'S~c; if'l-<:!fa;UT~ (qf~ lIT+{ it ~f:fT T[; iT ~ 3Tl~ '3wf; i{T~ @ 1f,Tf.o'!i it IfTll -+J f;;rn'lT ~-u 'n: W"fUTct '3q<;f«T if (~ljltH it) ~ lIliJll I1Ta 5'1<: q<: ~~ ~u ~u Sf'!iTl: ~;;f 'ffT IJ{ ~ -5 f'i>.m •• 5-10 f'{;. lit. ~ q-f 10 + f'Ii.;ft.) AmenItle~ available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in Ih~ column and next to it in brackets, tLe distance in broad ranges viz- 5 k ns, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility IS available is given). ,-___, ______.A..______~ ______~

IliIHfIJl;f f,rl''IiffiT m 'f>f 'JAt sl'fi an'{' ~/fPG fi"lT<: .ll"qf~T em: 'f>f f~/

121 ~if~ ~T 704.00 736(14~) pel) -( 5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

-(5-10) (5-10) 122 ;or:l1'lT

123 lli;"Tlfiq- 207 . 00 369(71) P{I) -(5--10) w -(S-IO) -(5-10) -(5-10)

124 ':fFr~<:T ~. 399.00 408(63) P(I) -(5-10) w -( S -10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

] 25 flo!',," €I;;l 371 .00 241(38) pel) -(5-10) w -15-10) - ( 5-10) - ( 5 -J 0 )

-(5--10) -(5-10) 126 mVl'T ~~ 627.00 726(122) PC!) -(5-10) w -(5-10)

327(60) P(I) -(-5) w -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

128 fq'lf<'[1:fr f~flJr;:;rT ~r S 2 • 00 281(44) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) w --(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5)

129 f'l'lf'iMT fillfT;;f\" lfT'Ii, 60.00 177(34) P,( I ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-tO)

130 f"",,,iT" ~. 281 .00 19 ( 3) - -('-5) -(5-10) N -(5-10) -(5-:0) -(5-10)

648.00 799(134) P( 1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

708.00 713(127) PC 1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( 5)

133 ~fc1:fT t. 307.00 278(52) p( I ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

636.00 522(83) P( 1 ) -(10 + ) w -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

732.00 492(94) P(I) -( --5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

635.00 197(33) p( I ) -(5-10) w -- (-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

516.00 575(93) Pc 1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(-5) - ( --5 )

827.00 1,19E(2~4) f'(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

139 ~~ 774.00 9~8(190) P(l) -(5--10) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

332.00 524(92) P(I) -( --5) w -- (-5) -(-5) -(-5) 115 Amenities aud Land use Harsud Tahsil

IlJll'i:T~~;rm ~ (~qf1r ~ ifft f~f'I'M f~ i ~CJ ~cqoft mlit

KR Harsud (22) Jowar, 19.00 50S.00 14S.00 29.00 Kaudiya Kheda Wheat KR Harsud (25) Jowar, 28.00 20.00 433.00 79.00 27.00 Somgaon Mal. Wheat KR Harsud (26) Jowar, 19.00 154.00 24.00 10.00 Gahelgaon Wheat KR Harsud (28) Jowar. 4.00 297.00 66.00 32.00 Sonpura Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (24) Jowar, 52.00 31.00 196.00 5S.00 34.00 Sindh Kheda Whe"t KR Harsud (27) .Towar, 16.00 13.00 435.00 143.00 20.00 Chhapla Khurd Wheat KR Harsud (1S) .Towar, 11.00 20.00 216.00 72.00 34.00 Chhapla Kalan Wheat PR Harsud (20) .Towar, 1.00 1. 00 60.00 16.00 4.00 Pipaliya Singaji Theka Wheat PR Harsud (20) Jowar, 24.00 3.00 19.00 3.00 11.00 Pipali),a Singaji Mafi. Wheat KR HarsuJ (9) Jowar, 23.00 6.00 133.00 73.00 46.00 Billod Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (S) Jowar, .22.00 53.00 450.00 8S.00 35.00 Billod Mal . Wheat KR Harsud (4) Jowar, 15.00 47.00 448.00 160.00 38.00 Imlani Wheat KR Harsud (9) Jowar, 52.00 3.00 128.00 37.00 87.0J Khutiya Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud ( 12) .Towar, 76.00 12.00 392.00 94.00 62.00 Gondi Kheda Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (3) EAg Jo\\ar, 38.00 412.00 :32.00 50.00 I hlradi Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (7) EAg Jowar, 16.00 20.00 329.00 243.00 27.00 Sonpura Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (9) Jowar, 68.(')0 29.00 248.00 150.00 21.00 Kasarawad Wheat PR Harsud ( 1 ) EAg Jowar, 77.00 450.00 256.00 44.00 Badkhalya Wheat PR Harsud (6 ) FAg Jowar, 5.00 555.00 190.00 24.00 Rewapur Wheat KR Harsud (6) EAg Jowar, 5.00 230.00 84·90 13.00 Bailwadi R),l. Wheat U6

Ii'l"Ffll1 lmr IIif ill~ IUif 'fiT ~

isr- avaiiable______is given). ..A..,______""'

ie;f"T'ti m'1ffilT ~ 'fiT ql'ift ~r'fi" an<: iifT'3TT<:/QIC ~'qT<: ~~ on: lfiT f<01'ti f~ (<(~ wq '{,OJit Loca­ Total q~ 'iiI{ ~ t~,'"!"\1-ill

] 41 ~ihfCfT~1 +m1. 920.00 1,C05(I5~) pel) -(5-10) w PO -(:-10) -(5-10)

226,00 213(31) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(--5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

143 +i'ttm~. 593.00 522(88) p( 1) -( 5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-IO)

144 ;;rrGfnf[ f. 395.00 704(114) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

145 Q>.l'lr<:T 641.00 S'12(90} -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

321.00 371(65) P(1) -(10+) w -( 10 + ) -(10+) -(10+)

147 qm;fr~. 174.00 182(36) ~(-5) -(10+) w -( 10 +) -(10+) -(10-+-)

14& ~ ~. 540.00 2R3(48) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

I,OlS.00 801(136) - P(l), D(I) w PO -(10+) -(5-10) M( 1) 375,00 481(93) P(l) -( - 5) w -(-5) -(J()+) -(5-10)

660.00 729(127} P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) ~(10+) ~(10f-)



1 54 o\lf'1'll~;f 11m. 513.00 476(91) P (I ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10 \-)

455.00 364(63) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+).

1 56

158 ~l'H ~ 621.00 668(128) P( I) -(-S) w -(-5) - (--5) -( -5)


675.00 712(123) P( 1) -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) - (--S) li7 Amenities a od Land use Harsud Tabsil

IIf1:1~f~rrm: ~ '!Ifi ,!hr~);r (Of¥ffu 1Jf1:f ;a-'f1.i'm ~ fq-f'll;;>f f,{qf 'f{lCl""t

KR Harsud (8 ) BAg JO\\ ar , 102.00 III .00 474.00 201.00 32.00 Mojwadi Mal. Wheat KR Harsud (9) EAg Jowar, 1 .00 163.00 55.00 7.00 Mojwadi Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (9) Jowar, 12.00 363.00 194.00 24.00 Mogal Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud ( 11 ) Jov"ar, 7.00 278.00 64.00 46.00 Bandariya Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (11 ) EAg Jowar, 29.00 343.00 225.00 44.00 Ha:hnora Wheat KR Harsud (12 ) Jowar, 17.00 235.00 59.00 10.00 Baramdhad Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (13 ) Jowar, 6.00 120.00 41.00 7.00 Palani Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (15) EAg Jowar, 7.00 23 00 356.00 ]]6.00 38.00 Chich Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (13) EAg Jowar, 2.00 .87.00 575.00 286.00 65.00 Dagad Khedi 'Wheat KR Harsud ( 17) EAg Jowar, 9.00 14.00 269.00 59.00 24.Wl Bahedi Whf'at KR Harsud (13) EAg Jowar, 23.00 83.00 275.00 251.00 28.0[) Pal ani Mal. Wheat Uninhabited Dharu Khedi

Uninhabited Bothiya Khurd Ryt.

KR Harsud ( ] 5) BAg Jowar. 27.00 239.00 206.00 41.00 Bothiya Khurd Mal. Wheat KR Harsud ( 15) Jowar, 20.00W 267.00 146.00 22.00 B~)thiya ~alan Ryt. Wheat KR Harsud (18) FA .Towar, 27.00W. 609.00 220.00 47.00 M(2) Bori Saray Wheal J I 000 Uninhabited Kori Bori

KR Harsud (20) Jowar, 31.00 30.00W, 379.00 121.00 34.00 Chhapa Kund Wheat 26.000 Uninhabited Kishanpura

KR Harsud ( 18) Jowar. 3.00W, 399.00 218.00 44.00 Ramjipura Wheat 11,000 U8

t'iTill1:1 VT1i Ifil iiTii !lliI Ifil ~~ "lilti~J ~a -<:J:fll"&T~ (~ 'AHT if Wcn,fTl1; ;a-qiifi& 'T~o'!> iT lJTlT ~ fmFfT ~u 'i"l: Wqar~ a'ii.'f.a- if q~ (;'Il.a it) om fi~lJl ,,)~ \'fi<: q<: ~ ~l 'HI Sl'iln: ;;<>1 'fiT iJ~ ~ -5 fif;. +Tr.,5-1 0 f..f;. +fT. (J'fj IH 10+ fir..i'.) AmenitIes available (if not available wIthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges VIZ-S h;ns, 5.10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is avaliable is given). r-----______A______-.

w'HfUJ'Ii fqf'llmT iftif 'lll 'fRT CHi an~ ~/~ 6'U<: ;;rr~r

594.00 704(13() Pel) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

601.00 335(55) p( 1 ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

} 63 "l

421.00 876(138) P( 1 ) , --(10+) w PO -(S-10) -(S-10) M(l)_ 113.00

166 awr~ 564.00


424.00 485(90) P( 1) - (-S) R,W -(-S) -(-S) BS

777.00 647(118) P(1) -- (-5) R,W -(-S) BS

478.00 544(89) P( I) - ( --5 ) w -(-S) -(-5) -(-S)

897.00 764(142) pel) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

488.00 340(55) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


349.00 472(94) P( I) -(-5) W,R -( 10+) -(-5) -(5 -10)

17S ~'f 926.00 829(152) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) BS

788.00 736(129) r( I ) -( J 0 + ) w -(-5) -(5-10)

718.00 371 (61) pel) -( 10+ ) w -( - 5) -(-5) BS

438.00 555(110) P ( I ) - (10+) ~(-S) -(5-10) -(5-10)

611.00 637(106) p( 1) -( 10+ ) w -(-5) -5-(10) -(-5)

636.00 833(141) P(l) -(10+) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) 119 Amenities aod Land use Harsud Tabsil

IIJlf trlfi f.rflcnf ;n.n: ~ wrfll'~)lr ~ fqfllW ~) ~ ~Cf 11m ii6l ilfPl ...r.t ~ (a:rllffu 1Ifir !iIT R:"'luft mfl1

  • fi mQ7{T ~ ~h "ffT ~ f~ ~'~f~ fimfa fij'r.rcr ~iP~ ~a' (trm an"{ Remarks 'liffl:r1TT~ ij'f&a) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturabie Area nOI religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) ~upply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 2 ------K~ Harmd (11) 'vV l~lt, 41.01 3.'JOW, 344.00 166.00 28.00 M( 5), Son Khedi Rice 12.00R T(l) KR Harsud (25) Wheat, 7.00R 356.00 135.00 103.00 Damdama Ryt. Rice FP Harsud (20) Wheat, 32.00 13.00W, 364.00 126.00 33'.00 MI.l) • Bhawaniya Ryt. Rice 8.00R C( 1) FP Harsud (21) Wheat, 5.00 17.00W 279.00 74.00 3 ~. 00 M(1 ) Nishaniya Mal. Rice J2.00R Uninhabited Nish,miya Ryt.

    " Uninhabited Ambchh

    LTninhabited Chatar Kheda Ryt.

    KR Harsud (15) Wheat, 10.00W 261.00 132.00 21.00 Chhipipura Rice KR Harsud (15) Wheat, 11.00W 563.00 180.00 23.00 Dharu Khedi Mal. Rice KR Harsud ( 15 ) Wheat, 16.00W 316.00 131. 00 15.00 RUn,lpuri Rice KR Harsud (12) Wheat, 51.00W, 599.00 193.00 39.00 Shiv- Torniya Rice 15.00R Temple KR Harsud (12) Wheat, 46.00W, 158.00 146.00 26.00 Ka,hipura Rice 12.00R Uninhabited Shahpura Theka

    KR Harsud (12 ) EA Wheat, 6.00 6J.OOW, 150.00 92.00 25.00 Shahpura Mal. Rice 13.00R PR Harsud (9) Wheat, 25.00W, 629.00 120.00 132.00 Bawd Rice 20.00R FP Harsud (12) EA Wheat, 19.00 8.00W, 445.00 114.00 197.00 Dote Kheda Rice 5.00R PR Harsud (15) Wheat, 71.00 5.00W 411.tJO 27.00 204.00 Boribanderi Rice KR Harsud ( 15 ) Wheat, 37.00 14.00W, 277.00 44.00 57.00 Satri Police Abadi Rice 9.00R J'R Harsud (14) Wheat, 4.00 36.00W 435.00 100.00 36.00 Barhmagram Rice KR Harsud (15 ). Wheat, 110.00 12.00R 396.00 64.00 54.00 Najarpura Ryt. Rice 120

    I1TJr 'fiT !('J "i'i~ill1 ;'Offliia- (. .,~fcmT~ (lift lI1lT it WcmT~ ~a- ~ ~ or ififfilf it (-) iIlr ~;;r ll1alfi;;r ~ qf<:iU~) l'ITITtIT 'Tl'F ~ arh ~ iIT~ ~ !lTI0+fmT qr.r 'tiT "AT ~ anl: ~/~ ~"'l: ~q~l an II» f

    907.00 523(8l!) P(l) -(10+) W -(-5) -('i-l0) -(5-10)

    236.00 386(59) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    183 lTQs<1l 1,185.00 1,083(198) pel) -(-5) W PO -(-5) -(-5)

    298.00 29(6) pel) -(5-IO) w -(5-10) -(5-10) (-5-10)

    ] 8 5 '3;~;;r~." 557.00 838(134) P(I},M(l) -(5-10) w -(5-]0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    300.00 158(27) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-]0)

    187 ~~ 1,068.001,078(187) P(I),M(l}, -(5-10) W PO -(10+) -(5-10) 0(1) 433.00 401(77) P(l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    714,01) 166(31) pel) -( 5) W,N -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    535,00 432(68) pel) -(-5) W,N -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    542,00 780(138) P(I) -(--5) W,N -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    531,00 812(142) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    452,00 758(132) P (J) -(5-]0) W -(5-]0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    516,00 75(16) -(-5) -(-5) W -( -5) -(--5) -(-5)


    196 'ii.'t<:T~. orr" 998,00 2,120(395) P(I),M(I), PFC(I), W PO Monday BS 0(1) MH(l ),SMP( 4) 1 9 7 ~

    198 IDFT''Wir~. orr. 570,00 1.130(193) O( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    414.0<' 382(68) P( 1) -(-5) w -( 5) -(-5) -(-5)

    428.00 165(29) P(] ) -(5--10) W,R -(5-]0) (5-10) -(5-10), 121 Amenities aod Land use Harsud Tahsil

    VTIl' ~ ~ ;rtn: ~ I!~ ,!flf;ro:r)lr (81lIfu Wlf ~)1r 'lit fcrf~ ~ ~ alii Rtqvft mfT{1fi VI'1I' IfiT iII'1I' ~'lit ({'i~~ iii') 'IIT1IT'l1 {

    KR Harsud (171 Wheat, 206.00 26.09W 504.00 98.00 63.00 Baidiyaw Ray. Rice 10.00R FP KJ-andwa (4S) Wheat, IS.00 166.00 3S.00 14.00 Karoli Jowar FP Khandwa (45) Jowar, 18.00 60.00W 871.00 203.00 33.00 Mandl . Wheat FP Khandwa (45 ) Jowar, IS.00 214.00 58.00 8.00 Undel Mal. Wheat FP Khandwa (45) Jowar, 2.00 20.00\\< 435.00 65.00 35.00 Vnde! Ryt. Wheat FP Khandwa (45) Jowar, 25.00W, 148.00 107.00 17.00 Surwadiya Wheat 3.000 FP Khandwa (54) juwar, 37.00W 701.00 256.00 74.00 M(I) Selda Wheat FP Harsud (22) Jowar, 22.00 3.00W 285.00 73.00 50.00 Nandgaon Khurd Wheat FP Harsud (23) Jowar, 176 00 3.00W 389.00 94.00 52.00 Nandgaon Ryt. Wheat FJ> Harsud (23) Jowar, 34.00 2.00W 335.00 69.('0 95.00 Charkheda Ryt. Wheat FP Harsud (23 ) Jowar, 24.00 5.00W 384.00 77.00 52.00 Charkheda Wheat Police Abadi FP Harsud (17) Jowar, 21.00 45.00W 346.00 SI.00 38.00 Dewaldi Wheat Police Abadi KR Harsud (21) Jowar, 28.00 28.00W 322.00 52.00 22.00 N(I ),M(3) Partappura Mal. Wheat PR Harsud (16) AE Jowar 139 00 9.00W 243.00 116.00 9.00 M(I) Chhanera Sarkar

    .. Uninhabited Dewaldi Ryt.

    PR Harsud (16 ) AE Jowar, 109.00 28.00W, 644.00 154.(}0 56.00 N(10),M(I) Chhanera Wheat 7.000 Police Abadi KR Harsud ( (9) Jowar, 138.00 6.00W, 55] .00 175.00 29.00 Saktapur Ryt. Wheat 5.000 FP Harsud (18) EA Jowar, 28.00 83.00W 377.00 50.00 32.00 Sadiya Pani Wheat Police Abadi KR Harsud (20) Jowar, 11.00 8.00W 315.00 56.00 24.00 Sadiya Panisarkar Wheat KR Harsud (21 ) Jowar, 83.00 2.00W 212.00 92.00 39.00 Khair Kheda Wheat 122

    ~~~\=f ~-~fC{~ ttc( lJflf \3"QQ'ffl

    m;ft~ Vllr. IIiT ;JrlJ Vllf 'liT \,iiHl'liillT ,;or ~'" "-'~mct (llft vrn if ~fqm~ ~<;oa- ~r ~ a-r ~ if (-) illl' 'firil ~ Iffli'fWf ~ qf<:"In:l l'T'lPH 'll ~ 3T)<:

    ilHfimt; ffiififfiJ Wl' 'tiT 'rr;ft iT'fi an<: ~/~ {i'ifn: ~ ern; If>TWfjif;~ (if!f "eN 'i;i;r~ Loe.· Total £f~~~ ~m,'

    201 ;f"IT~ 405.00 112(20) -(-5) -r-5) W -(-S) -(-5) -(-S)

    202 "IT'1f;l'::rr a:r[!IT~ 662.00 857(143) P( I) -(-5) W - ( -5) - ( -5) -( -5)

    203 ~q;<:f <,[<:'r.r<: 588.00 56:! (91 ) P(I),M(I) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) . 204 '

    205 ~RT'2<: 591.00 624(105) P{l) -(5 -10) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    206 ~q;<:T ~. 3TT. 505.00 290(52) -t-5 ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    207 l;J)'fif<:1TI 834.00 1,004(164) P(l) -(5-10) W PO -(-S) -(S-IO)

    208 1t~r 664.00 650(87) P( 1 ) -( 10 +- ) w -(-5) -(-5) -( 10 +)

    209 'm"BiT 11T<'f. IS4.00 660(114 ) P( I), D( 1) W -(-5) Tuesday -(10+) -- M(l) 210 'fffi~1 -( . 671.00 - 314(46) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) -(10+)

    211 ~7;[rrTU 650.00 555(85) P(I) -(-5) W -( --5) -( -5 ) BS

    212 fc"lf<:lIT 693.00 105( 110) P(l) -(-5) W -(5-10) -(-5) BS

    213 "ITlPlr~

    2f4 ~!t 988.00 791(133) -( - 5 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    215 ;;m:r 544.00 540(83) 1'(1) -( 10+ ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    216 fclT<:

    217 ('f~or~<: <:" • 830.00 866(133) P( 1) -( -5.) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    218 ;;r;;:r <:". 498.00 101 ( 13) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-fO) -(5-10)

    219 q"GT l1T<'f t. 380.00 169(24) POl - (--5 ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    220 ~~ 'Ir;;r. 40.00 ",hE 123

    Amenities and Land use Harsud Tahsil

    llrq Wfi ~ if1r{ q ~ '!¥f 1!fq O'll[Ttr (aMcr 1ff ~

    FP Harsud ( 19) Jowar, B.OO 28. DOW 289.00 41.00 14.00 Manjadhad Wheat KR Harsud (26) EA Jo~\ar, 48 OOW 409.00 163.00 42.00 Jamuniya Ashapur Wheat KR H~.rsud (30) EAg Jowar, 33.00W 376.00 152.00 27.00 Fefari Sarkar Wheat KR Harsud (26) Jowar, 34.00W 312.00 123.00 31.00 Chainpur (Police Abadi) Wheat KR Harsud (34) Rice, 4.00W 428.00 112 00 47.00 Matapur Wheat KR Harsud (24) EA Rice, 8.00W 415.00 61.00 21.00 Fefari (Police Abadi) Jowar FP Harsud (26) EAg Rice, 10.00W 632.00 165.00 27.00 Khokariya Jowar KR Harsud (28) Rice, 2.00W 486.00 81.00 95.00 Jharinya Jowar KR Harsu~ (29) Rice, 4.00 4.00 125.00 14.00 7.00 Padlya Mal. Jowar KR Harsud (30) Rice, 18.00 II .00 494.00 115.00 33.00 Padlya Ryt: Jowar '

    f'lTiJTll VT'f Iiil iif¥! {c1~ !f;J ~;;:r GAOTIOUT '3"q<'(it:f ,c,-,!f 1fT 1 0 + f'f;. ~r . ) AmemtLes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kll1s, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given) • r------______..A..- ______"""

    illlflJl>l; f;{f",ml rflit 'fiT 'TRf fl'li' '>Ii<: ~/~ Q"'fT<: ell';wn on: 'fiT f'l.'l/'ti f~ (

    273.00 425(59) p( 1 ) W -(10+) ':'(10+)

    223 +HsT,!j 130.00

    60.00 89(17) - ( ~5) -( 10+) R. -( 1 0 + ) - (10 + )

    225 l1ITm

    325.00 347(59) P( 1 ) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    362.00 229(39) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    311.00 298(48) p( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-S)

    229 li.ft'~l 614.00 781(123) PO) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(5-10)

    230 ~ 856.00 644(101) P(I) -(5-10) W -(-5) -:5-10) -(5-10)

    586.00 586(100) P( 1 ) , -(-510) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10) M(I) 424.00 324(47) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    721.00 1,741(234) P( I ) , PHe( I) W PO Monday BS M(l) 685.00 640(95) P( I ) -(-5) W -(-5) - (-5) -(-5)

    628.00 89:;>(129) P( 1) -(-5) W - ( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    466.00 556(81) P( I ) -( -5) W,N -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    892.00 ~70(134) P( I), PHC(I), W PO -(5-10) -(10+) 0(1) MCW(I) 144.00 153(29) -(-5) --(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

    571.00 SRS(88) P( 1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(10+)

    312.00 290(41) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 125 Amenities aod Land Dse Harsud Tahsil

    IITII' a'fi" ~ if1Tl: ~ '!~ 'Ilf+r ""lj'l'r (ar'ffu 1Ifll ~'ilWT 'ifr fqf'll~ f~ ~ 4{a- fG"l"uTt IIrtir

    fi ffia

    KR Khilkiya (30) Wheat, 59.00 5.00 271.00 253.00 202.00 Chabutara Jo\yar KR Khirkiya (40) \\'he:lt, 63.00 :)0 157.00 38.00 14.00• Mahelu Ju\,;ar Uninh2bited Madoda

    KR Khirkiya (41 ) \\·!.eat, J .00 6.00 41.00 6.00 6. 00 Samasgarh J0war KR Khilkiya (43) Wheat, 11. "'0 4.00 144.00 34.00 21.00 Khatagaon Jowar KR Khirkiya ( 39) \,ihcat, 219.00 57.00 49.00 Bhojuihana Jowar ·KR Klcirkiya (39) Wheat, 223.00 125.00 14.00 Pipalya Bhoja Jowar KR Khirkiya (39) ""heat, 230.00 68.00 13.00 Mamadoh Jowar KR Harsud (33) Wheat, 90.00 II.OOW, 388.00 87.00 35.00 Khorda Jowar 3.000 KR Harsud (36) Wheat, 102.00 5.00\",1 , 599.00 102.00 46.00 Ranhai Jowar 2.000 KR Harsud (40) Wheat, 10.00W, 467 00 69.00 33.00 Dhawdi Jo\var 7.000 KR Harsui (40) 'Wh::at, 5.00W, 258.00 70.00 87.00 Itawa Jowar 4.000 PR Khirkiya (43) EA Wheott, 13.0ew, 497.00 140·90 68.00 Ch'lfch Roshani Jowar 3.000

    P~ Khirkiya (43 ) \V!1:: it, 4.00\\1,497.00 145.00 32.00 Ba:-akund Jowar 7.000 FP Khirkiya (43) Wh~at, 6.00 486.00 82.00 54.00 A :1bada Jowar FP Khirkiya (41) Wheat, 81. 00 2.00 327.00 35.00 21.00 Mohal Khari Jowar PR Harsud (44) Wheat, 68.00 20. OOW, 596.00 140.00 56.00 Temple Patajan Jowar 16.000 KR Harsud (45) Wheat, 30.00 2. ()OW, 66.00 31.00 11.00 Siraliya Jowar 4.000 KR Harsud (47) Wheat, 12 . OOW, 377.00 105.00 43.0) Patalda Jowar 34.000 "R Harsud (48) Wheat. 221.00 46.00 45.00 Pipalya Bhawalya Jowar U6

    ~~~{II ~-§f.. ~~?{ 'lfq ~'ttft1l

    ~~ Iil1i ~ lift:! VTif Ij;T ~;;r;;r.{~~ ~"-Wiilm!;( (~ VTif if W'ffl'Tlt ~!I' ~1 ~ crr ~ it (-) i!!T ","\'1 ~ ~~q;('f !!;'I' qf"'n ..) <'flTT'IT';>:; ~ ofr~ ~ i!T(l" ~ ;iT,0'f> if !IT1f ~ f'ml'lT iU '1', W In 10+ f'1;" • .u.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in lb~ column and next to- it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 k:ns, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the neareSI place where the facility is available is given). r------"------~ wfifuFf; fqf'fiffil tAA 'fiT 'im iT1fr aft, ~J¥<: Q'fl1: ij~ ,rr.: 'IiT~/'t'~ (;;ru ~ 'tor" Lo&;a. Total 4'f<;-~ifI ' fm,~-mJj) QOD fotal a.ea population Day or Communica- eode of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-stolJ, Dum. villase number of water Post and the marketl railway stalion ber Name of Village

    241 trl"fTiOl'11 326.00 485(65) P( I } -(-5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    242 ~T

    243 ~rf'l1>1r 1.030.00 1,071 (160) P( 1) - (-5) W -( - 5) - (-5) -(10+)

    244 <'fTrTcr 953.0() 662(115) P( 1) -(5--10) W,R -(5-10') -(5-10) -(10+ )

    245 <{lie 'fore 483.00 655(106) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) , - (5 10) -(5-10)

    246 '!.~'fr;rr 797.00 565(88) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    247 :TI'C!'QTT= 'lr<'r 114.00 477(59) P( 1 } -(10+) w -(10+ ) -(10+ ) -(10!.)

    248 '3fu-lT i:. 507.00 62D(81) P( 1) -(10+) W -( 10 +) -( 10+) -(10+)

    149 ::;rrm~ 196.00 220(27) P( I) - (10-1- ) w -(10+) -( I 0 -/- ) -(10+)

    250 ;;rIRT':[{ 309.00 379(45) P( 1) -(10+) w -(10+) -( 10 + ) -( J °+- )

    25t if~ 720.00 .753(111) . PO) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -( 5 HJ)

    . 25?: GfT+{~f 861.00 787(125) , P (1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) - (5-10) -(5-10)

    253 'TT

    254 ;rHiif~1 trT<'f 95.00

    255 amfl 'I1Z 327.00 302(56) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-1C) -(5·-10)


    257 ~'ifiilr ~.arr. 552.00 2,826(577) P(2),M(1) H(J),CWC(l), W PTO, Wednesday BS SMP(I) Phone p( 2511 ~1<'m ~""R 832.00 929(186) I) D( 1) W PO -(-5) BS

    259 "!:(;;nrrroi 645.00 334(63) P (1) -(-5) W -(-5 ) -( -5) BS

    260 ~<~ J ,J 23.00 1,267(199) p( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS 127

    Amenities and Land use Harsud TallSil

    Ilrll"a'fi~;pn: ~ lJ~ ,,!fll" G'ilT)1r (illlrm ,,!fll" '3'll!)1r ~ fqf..-r>i f~l ~

    ~ ___-:- ___ -_--A-..______~ ~

    fi 1IDl'11 U !h ~aT ;$ f;:;rit ~)" f~ fe-f.r6 f~fq6 'a't\'fiU ...~ ~'S (tim an<: Remark. 'fr<:rrrri[l e-f~) including any place 01 Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, . acb town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirrj. ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kIDs) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    KR Harsud (SO) Wheat, 11.00 l.CO 246.00 39.00 29.00 Salidhana Jowar KR 'Harsud (33) Wheat, 75.00 3 .OOW, 657.00 108.00 71.00 Mendha Pani Jowar I.OOR KR Harsud (36) Whe,t, 4.00 762.00 150.00 114.00 Dabhiya Jowar KR Harsud (39) .. WI;ect, 2. CO\\ 693.00 '202.00 54.00 Langoti lowar 2.00R FP Har~ud (33) Wheat. 2.00W 391.00 60.00 30.00 Dagat Kat Jowar FI' Harsud (45) Wheat, 2.00W 590.00 115.00 90.00 Gulardhana JOWcif FP Harsud (47) Wheat, 1.00 100.00 8.00 5.00 Udiyapur Mal. Jowar FP Harsud (47) Wheat, 1.00 3R9.00 66.00 51. 00 Udiyapur Ryt. lowar FP Harsud (47) Whelt. 35.00 J40.00 17.00 4.00 J,lll1oda Jowar FP Harsud (47) Wheat, 255·00 47.00 7.00 Jamanapur Jov. ar FP Harsud (45) Wheat, 2.00 583.00 85.00 50.00 Mojwadi Jo\var FP Harsud (45) Wheat, 5.00W, 574.00 184.00 95.00 Jamdhad Jow~r 3.000 FP Harsud (40) Wheat, 2.00 688.00 143.00 61.00 Garbedi Ryt. Jowar Ullinhabited Garbedi M.lI

    FP Harsud (45) Wheat, 2.00W, 263.00 30.00 31.00 Ambapat Jowar 1.000 . PR Harsud (45) EAg Wheat, 6.00W, 749.00 109.00 62.00 Dhakochi Jowar 2.00R PR Harsud (32) EA Wheat, 8.00 25.00W, 343.00 116.00 58.00 N(88),M(16), Khalawa Jowar 2.00R C(4),T(l) Police Abadi PR Harsud (32) EA Wheat, 6. DOW, 571.00 187.00 66.00 Khalawa Sarkar Jowar 2.00R KR Harsud (33) EAg Wheat, 16.00 1 I .OOW, 409.00 83.00 124.00 Kalapatha Jowar 2.00Ge- PR Harsud 0 8 ) ED WheH. 3.00 969.00 121.00 30.00 N(2),M(l) Malh..lrgarh JO\\ ur &28

    ftlTiIlli 1iT~ IiiT iiI II ~nif 'fiT ~<;J ;;r.{~lQ1IT ;-'f<'[og , I ~Cf!1Ttt (lin:- !!TIl" if ;_j;fCffITt:!; ~& il1[T ~ aT 'fiT<'!+! it (-) h 1f,T6 ~<'[ !ff it !!TIl" ~ nm'fJ ~-Q 'H ~aT~ ~;g i IH~ (i'iltl1: if) !ill n~il ifti al"<: '1<: % ~"<:J 'HI Sl"'lm: ~ 'fI) lit; ~ -5 ~.Tft.,5-10 f",. m. if'I\ 1fT 10+ f'l>.+(J,) AmenitJes available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the dIstance III broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given). ~ ______A______~

    Ifi&lflll'fj fqf'flmT anl: ~JQlG ~"ifn: O

    1,06S.00 752(133) P(1) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    262 ~C:FFI.'): 372.CO 411(70) P( I ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    829.00 569(92) P(l) -C-IO) vv -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    920.001,Ofi9(196) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    265 q'ftrn" c;mr 845.00 723(107) P(l) -( 10+ ) VV -(10+) -(10+) -(-5)

    595.00 1,307(254) P( I), PHC( I) W PO Saturday BS M (1) 685.00 6 94( 11 3) P( 1) -(-5) VV -(-5) -(-5)

    616.00 737(128) P( 1 ) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    269 '

    853.00 848(129) P( I) -(5-10) W,R -(-5) -(5-10)

    484.00 356(55) P( I) -( 10+ ) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-:0)

    273 ~"!:.' 1,087.00 1,044(167) p( I ) , -(IO-t) w PO -(5-10) BS M(l) 1,062.00 1,000(151) p( I) -( 10+ ) w -(10-1-) -(5-10) -(-5)


    276 +rC:ri) 706.00 974(144) P(l) -(10+) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    277 ~~ 1,469.00 1,705(297) P(I), -( 10+ ) w PO Tuesday BS M(l) 278 lfl<:t .845.00 547(94) P( I) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

    279 ~'f~ ...mf~ 712.00 434(73) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) ':'{-5)

    280 lffllTTq 1,467,00 1,595(270) P( I ) , -(5-10) W -(-5) -( 5-1 0) BS M( 1) 129

    Amenities and Land use Harsud Tahsil

    IIrll' a'fi ~ if1T<: f.r"f<'fl ,!~ll 1!llf ~lf)lr (~fu ~ ':3"tflfl

    fi (fIll';;jq h i

    KR Harsud (28) Wheat, 1 I .00 745.00 191.00 121.00 Junapani Jo\\ar KR Harsud (28) Wheat, 4.00 87.00 241 00 40.00 Maida Rani Jowar PR Harsud (30) Wheat, 4.00 589.00 137.00 99.00 Kala Aam Kalan Jowar PR Harsud (31 ) EAg Wheat, 27.00 648.00 113.00 132.00 Kala Aamkhurd Jowar KR Harsud (32 ) 'Wheat, 6.00 506.00 172.00 161.00 Pipal Tola Jowar PR Harsud ( 25) EA Wheat, 24.00 392.00 122.00 57.00 N(2),M( 1) Asapur JO\var KR Harsud (27) Wheat, 8.0C 10.00 445.00 171.00 51.00 Jogibida Jowar KR Harsud (26) Wheat, 5.00 410.00 164.00 37.00 Chainpur Sarkar Jowar KR Harsud (37) Wheat, 30.00 451 .00 79.00 Bhagawa Jowar .KR Harsud (31) Wheat, 24.00 631.00 47.00 Meerpur Jowar l

    ftrAlll VHr 'fiT 'Ill! Ifllf 'Ill ~(>l ~'1~lii<;1 ;acre'a GlrI-'!tcnrTl!; (ll"R VTll if ~f,mrq; a'll It~lil qT~ cr1"<: 'I'- q!i i<'l ~lJ SI'tln: Got !IT 10+ t""tiT.) Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility IS available lS given), ~------~------~ ~lHtlJjifi f'iif'll!lfl

    281 ~TifTG 505,00 371(60) P( 1) -(5-10) W -( 5-1 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    282 f~<: 952,00 1,333(207) P(2) D( 1) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    2 8 3 'I'Il

    479.00 355(57) P(1) -(5-10) W -(5-1G, -(5-10) -(5-10)

    889.00 758(135) P( I) -(5-) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5~

    1,017,00 984(143) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    816.00 679(103) PO) -( - 5) W -(-5) -(--5) -(-S)

    288 .q'61ll"T 974.00 721(140) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

    1,42Y.00 1,105(183) i'( 1 ) -(-5) w - ( -5) -(-5) BS

    867,00 2,804(498) P(2),M(1), PHC(I),f'i(I), W, WT PO Thufc;day BS PUCCI) SMP(4) 800 00 qT<:f'{

    1,023.00 1,202(208) P( 1 ) -(-5) W -(- 5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1,026,00 757( 132) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    559,00 557(94) Pel) -(5-10) W -( 5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    443.00 776(142) P( 1 ) D( 1) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    1,286,00 1,251(224) D( 1) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    297 Ii,! 630.00 656(103) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    298 ~~r If'''fi 625 00 995(136) P(l),MO) -(-5) W PO -( -5) -(-5)

    526,00 650(96) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    765,00 1,172(168) P(l) -(-5) W _. (-5) -(5-10) -(5-10) 131

    AmEnities and Land use Harsud Tahsil

    IIrq crq; f~ 'f~~ f

    22.00W, 3(iO 00 77 .00 45.('0 Saidabad Jo\vJ.r 1 OOR PR Khar.dwa (35) vVhcat, 16.00 675.00 234.00 27.00 T(l ),C(2) Sirpur JowaI FP Khandwa (38) EAg Wheat, 35.0(,\V, 493.00 181.00 65.00 Sukawa Ryt. Jowar 4,OOR FP Khandwa (40) Wheat, 5.00 12.00W, 351.00 79.00 27.00 Ahmad Nagar Jowar 5, OaR FP Khandwa ( 3 8 ) ED Wheat, 39.00 600,00 209.00 41.00 M(I) Sukawi Jowar PR Khandwa (39) EAg Wheat, 27.00 18.00 584.00 164.00 224.00 Mohnya Kheda Jowar FP Khandwa (41) \lv'heat, 4.00 436.00 88.00 288.00 Manpura Jowar PR Khandwa (32) EA Wheat, 90.00 23,OOW 643.00 189.00 29.00 M(2) Bhadangiya , JO\\ ar PR Khandwa (38) EA Wheat, 9.00 1 5 ~ .00 943 .00 259 CO 65.00 T(I) Rajpura Bakhar JO\',ar PR Khapd\va (38) EA Wheat, 1.00 106.00W, 516.00 182.00 53 .00 N(l7 ),M(7) Khar Kalan Jowar 19.000 C(I),T(I) Uninhabited Khar Khurd

    KR Khandwa (41) EA Wheat, 4.00 33.00W,727.00 193.00 56.00 Jnmuniya Kalan Jowar 10.000 FP Khandwa (44) Wheat, 46.00 900.00 44.00 36.00 Jamuniya Khurd Jowar FP Khandwa (44) Wheat, 1.00 459.00 1.00 98.00 Chikatlai Jowar FP Khandwa ( 51 ) Wheat, 357.00 37.00 49.00 M(I),T(l) Sendhwal Jowar PR Khandwa (5'J) Wheat, 377.00 4.00 835.00 71.00 M(l) Raipur Jowar FP Khandwa (44 ) Wheal, 1.00 2.00 424.00 150.00 53.00 Khairi Jowar FP Khandwa (46) WhccH, 4.00 483.00 51 .00 87.00 M(l),C(I) De\\aJi Kalan Jowar FP Khandwa (47) Wheat, 4.00 406.00 41.00 75.00 Dewali Khurd Jowar FP Khandwa (49) Wheat, 2.00 2.00 577.00 33.00 151. 00 Dongaliya JO\var 132

    ~'!{TifTli 11)11 'fiT iff11 lilif "T :!;\'f ""HllS,!;! ~'{<'\;;.;cr "l'f-'lta;aT~ (1:[P;: 'APi i1 '_!f"lC!T'l; -a'liif.cr ifQ:r ~ iJT 'fifOil1 it (-) :hr IfiT6 ~"I' aTatfiii'l Q;Cf rrfT'IHt <'f'lT1:[T 'PH;' i>11. ,"Iii OfT.. .rr ,":]-(0'1> iT 'XTI1 ir forn;fr ~ir q, 'If''fm,~ ""3"q(>fier ~ ."111' Olifl-ll< It) ~1 <1"[[1 ms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility IS ava:lc.ble IS gIven). r------"--.------. iii !Htcrr'fi f"f,,!"!r qf., 'fiT 'n

    302 ~<:rl1("I'. 208.00 72(14) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5--10)

    303 ~T-t. 390.00 480(91) P(l) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    962.00 ;,045(150) P( I) -(5 -10) w -(-5) -(5 10) -(5-10)

    70-l.00 733(122) P~I),i\1(I) (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1 , I 22 . 00 824 ( 1 39 ) P~l) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5 10) -(5-10)

    534.00 313(42) P( 1 ) -(10+) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+).

    244.00 137(22) P( 1 ) -(10-;-) W,R -(IO-;-) -(10+) -( 10 -+- )

    309 191fT 693.00 554(84) P( 1 ) -: 10 i ) W,R -( 10 ,) -(10+) -( 10+)

    1,252.00 901(131) P( 1 ) -( 10+ ) W,R -(10+) --( lO -t) --(l'H) R 3 I I 1ii'1rt 532 00 1,425(213) P( 1 ) -(1 0 -t) W,R -(10+) SunjJY (10+ )

    312 1:"-') 908 00 402(55) P( l) -( 10 -e ) W,R -(10+) -(-5) -( 10+ )

    384(79} --( ·-5) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    3 14 Gfl'l>T 'l"ff'f ("f'1'Jf11) 187. 00 351(65) P( 1 ) -( 5 10) W -(5 10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    327(83) -(-5) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+ )

    546(110). -(-5) -(10+) T,K -(10+) -(10+) -( 1 0 -}- )

    179(31) -(5-10) -(5-10) \V -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    174,00 209(29) -(-5) -(5-10) R --I 5 -10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    231.00 127(25) -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) -( 5-1 O) -( 10-+ )

    537.00 -(5-10) -(10+) w -( 10+) -(10+) -( 10+) 133

    Amenities aod Land use . Harsud Tahsil

    IITlt a'ti f~ ;;m; f;r'OR'fT 'l~ ,!fl1~)tr (illlricT 'IJ:flr ~ :r

    Q muon 9 ~h ~T ~ f~ ~)'lif~ m~cr mr.rcr ~~ ~ (tIm an;: Remarks ifT;:flT~) «~) i'tlcluding any place of Appro. Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- \iIIage (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical ~nterest Name of Villag., 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    FP Harsud (37) EA Wheat, 36.00W, 561.00 145.00 44.00 N(2),T(l), Kotha .Towar 26.00R Temple FP Harsud (J 7) Wt;(rt, 28 .00 12R.OO }S.I)Q I4JQ L:;'~:lOra t"fal. Jo"" ar FP Harsud (37) EA Whe:1t, 19.00 207.00 95.00 69.00 Lakhora Ryt. Jowar FP Harsud (40) Wheat, 7.00W, 717.00 173.00 62.00 Namapur Jowar 3.000 PR Harsud (45) EA Wheat, S.OO 460.00 130.00 106.00 Sawali' Kheda Jo\\ar FP Harsud (53) Wheat, 5.00 757.00 236.00 124.00 Kumhar Kheda JO\\ ar FP Harsud (S2) Wheat, 339.00 111.00 25.00 59.00 Ghutighat Jowar FP Harsud (51) Wh~at, 61.00 100.00 76.00 7.00 Khutwadiya Jowar

    FP Harsud (51) Rice, 259.00 269.00 14.~ .00 22.00 Khari Jowar FP Harsud (5 J ) Rice, 448.00 1.00 376.00 384.00 43.00 Karwani Jowar FP Harsud (62) Rice, 161. 00 1. 00 227.00 111.00 32.00 Gulai Jo"var FP Harsuj (69) Rice, 279.00 1.00 452.00 131.00 45.00 Buti Jowar FP Harsud (46) JOVvar, 6.00 99.00 79.00 Mathani (F. V. ) Maize FP Har~ud (35) J(Y;var, 25.00 92.00 70.00 BakapaJas( F. V. ) Maize KR Harsud (58) ]o\vz..r, 25.00 30.00 29.00 Bhct Kheda (r. v. J Maize FP Harsud (46) Jowar, 12.00 59.00 S2.00 Sirkya (F.V. ) Maize FP Harsud (35) Jowar, 49.00 57.00 105.00 Andharwadi (F. V.) Maize KR Harsud (23 ) JlJwar, 57.00 117.00 Sarai (F. V.) Maize FP Khirkiya (Iii) Wheat, 45.00 186.00 Darf(ali (F. V.) Jowar FP Khirkiya (50) Wheat, 285.00 10.00 242.00 Taw Khedi (F. V. ) Jowar 134

    ~t~1t ~~ i(t=f-§fllf'i{T~ q~ 1J:f1:r '3tft{\ W'I

    ~;ft'll unr I!rr WillI Ullf ... T ~Of WHI1&Ul ~'«1$'E! GR-T # f~cFt.'r ~ft q, W'ffiT~ '3q<'fia- i IIqrc (ij~i!'H if) ",') !'Hilll 11)'~ a'l, IF crt: ~it \Hf If'fm: G";;f if,T 'l~ ~ -5 fot;.I1T.,5-10 fifo. if\'. ff'f. QT 10+ ~.'1T.) AmenitJes avaIlable (If not available wIthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges vlz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility IS avaliable IS gIven) . ~------~------~ qia:rfilT'ii f"f'lifB"1 arh iifl;;r.<:/~TC ~'


    322 ;i't

    323 f

    324 UllfBl:!T (cr.TIrm) 607.00 376(47) P( J) -,5~10) W -(S~l 0) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    325 q"fF''f'_!<: (


    327 on+I'ilT"f (q;;lJTll) 417.00 198~26) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    328 ~ «"'PlT'1) 684.00 529(91) P( 1) -(5-10) W,N -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    329 'qT~RT (q;; >iT,,) 328.00 382(40) -(-5) -( 1 0 + ) w -( 1 0 + ) -(10 +) -(10+)

    330 :qe~ qe~ ("I"T'ln'l1) 402.00 203(27) ~ (5-10) -( 10+ ) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+ )

    331 ~r~T (

    332 llPFfT «FllJT'1) 404.00 439(55) -(5-10) -(10+) W -( 10 + ) -( 1 D +) -(10+)

    333 'it"ififTQT ("I"T'l,TTlf) 628.00 334(33) -(5-10) -(10+) W -( 10+ ) -( 10 +) -( 1 0 + )

    334 f'l ef.'1'_!<: (q;;lJfl'f) 315.00 177(28) P{ 1 ) -(10+) w -( 10+ ) -( 1 0 + ) -(10+ )

    335 m'T~ «f'fliTlf) 401.00 250(34) -(-5) -( 1 0 + ) W -(10+) -( 10+ ) -(10+)

    336 w"""i

    337 'IlfIT~T ('fll'Xm) 538.00 497(90) P( 1) -( 1 0 + ) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+ )

    338 fu<:'lT ('R'rt'1) 945.00 528(73) P(1) -(10+) W -(10+ ) -(10 +) -(10+)

    339 m~~T (or;nITll) 277.00 340(57) -(-5) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(lO+)

    340 .Pfl~if (Cfif'I,TI>f) 638.00 416(45) P( 1) - (10 --l ) W -(10+) -(10-+ ) -(10+ ) 135

    Amenities aod Land use Harsud Tahsil

    VA Mi r~ ~ fif;;J"\>f) 'il"flf ~lf)lr (arl!ltcr 1Iflr ~ '1ft ferN "1ft ~ ~Gr tktqvfi aTIlflii VA 'fir ;mJ ~ 'fil ~ ;ffl~T ~ ~') f'f~zr;: it f~1T ~ lii' ;it ~~A'

    tv «11iA'1 ~ Ij'{ ~T ~ f<'!it ~j ~ foril f~f'f;r f~ ~ar~ ~ (ITm aft~ Remarks lifT ..flTTifT IJ~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area aot religious; ach t

    KR Khirkiya (41) Wheat, 171,00 . " 243,00 Rani Jhiri (F, V.) Jowar KR Khirkiya (44) Wheal, 122.00 647,00 Gaul Kheda (F, V . ) Jowar KR Khirkiya (44) Wheat, 48.00 202,00 Bichpuri (F, V, ) Jowar KR Khirkiya ( 36) Wheat, 162.00 445,00 Semaliya (F. V,) Jowar KR Khirkiya (42) Wheat, 10 00 111,00 Palaspur (F, V.) Jowar KR Khirkiya (27) WheJt, 15,00 81,00 Kadwaliya (F, V, ) Jowar KR Harsud (32) 'Wheat, 67,00 350,00 Am Khal (F, V,) Jowar KR Khirkiya (27) Wheat, 284, 00 2.000398.00 A\\alya (F. V,) Jowar KR Khirkiya (45) Wheat, 56.00 20.000 242.00 10.00 Chadida (F, V , ) lowar KR Harsud (48) Wheat, 104.00 10.000283.00 5.00 Chattu Battu (F, V ,) Jowar KR Harsud ( 50) Wheat, 136.00 4,000 285.00 10,00 30.00 Jhinjhiri (F, V.) Jowar KR Khirkiya (35) Wheat, 136,00 6.000242,00 20.00 Mathani (F.V,) Jowar KR Khirkiya (42) Wheat, 160,00 5 .000 395.00 40.00 28.00 Kekariya (F. V.) Jowar KR Khirkiya (50) Wheat, 113.00 202,00 Vikrampur (F, V,) Jowar KR Khirkiya (35) Wheat, 1 18 00 283,00 Bagda (F, Y , ) Jowar KR Khirkiya (50) Wheat. 98.00 20,00 202,00 DhoJgaon (F. V. ) Jowar KR Khirkiya (50) Wheat, 100,00 25,00 413,00 Bhagpura (F, V. ) Juwar KR Khirkiya (75) Wheat, 945.00 Jhirpa (F. V.) Jowar FP' Khirkiya (55) Maize, 277 .00 Did:nada (F, V. ) Kudo FP. Khirkiya (52) Maize, 638.00 Eakarjun (F. V.) Kudo ]36

    ~'{T'fTll IHil q;T ~ In.. # f'3P.l'fT 'f,_,5-IO fq;. m. qf 10 + TO; • liT. ) Amenitle'> .lValldOle (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad rangel V17-5 : ms, 5.1 () kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility IS avail .llie IS given).

    ~_. ______.A.. ______.-.

    f.. f'fimT in"!", '/~ ~"IT<: ~T f~/if; ~ (ap:[ ~?iq ~~ Loca- T( tal q~ 'f;T{ ~ ~~,~-tlTtf) lion Total area poptJlatiol\ Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking day~ of tions(Bus-stoP. Dum- village number of water POS! a nd the lTlar} ell railway slatioo ber Name of Village (m hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) ~~----~------~--~~~~------~------~-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ~------~------

    3 41

    374.00 406(5(,) -(1(1+) w -(10+) -(lOt) -(10+ )

    3 4 3 'lmt ( q 'HrPl ) 772.00 1,131(158) P( I) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    223.00 231(31) P( I) -(10+) W,R -(10+) -(10+) - (10 -j- )

    2GI.CO 275(35) PCI) -(IO+) W -{10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    346 ~i.1T<'!T pal:1'i",r J96.00 249(39) -(-5) -(5-10) W --(5-10) -(5 .. 10) -(5-10) ("1<[<;111) ~ 4 7 ;fl"~ ("FrmtT) 4 ') 5 . 00 8 I 2 ( 1 22) P(I) -(10-1) W,R -(5-10) -( I 0 + ) --(10+1

    348 mij.\<: pFH!..,} 458.00 779(118) pel) -(5-10) W,R .. (5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    349 m'fOfT q~ ("f'f'lrtT) 431.00 465 (-70) P(I) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+ )

    350 lTqfWliT (q'flHl1) 808 00 675(97) P( 1) --(5-10) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    3 51 mf<.... rI1T'I:f~ (Cf'I.;rp1) 225 . CO 245 ( 40) P( 1 ) -(-5) w -(10+) -(10.1. ) -(10+)

    352 3lIq;>l[T ("Ff'lTl'T) 2,975.00 2,492(376) P( I) -(5 1() W,R -(10+) -(-5) -(5-10)

    353 Hrn'iii?"f (""HIH) 1,50200 1,209(169) P( 1) - ( 5) W -(10+) --(-5) -(5-10)

    -(-5) W -(10+) Tuesday -(10+)

    P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    356 3fr~l~~r (""'llTl1) 458.00 747(101) p( 1 ) - ( I 0 j. ) W - ( I 0 + ) .- ( 1 0 + ) -( 10+ )

    357 T;;;~~G (qif'AFf) 342.00 919(130) P( 1) -(10+; W -(10+) -(JO+) -(10+)

    358 trftrF'l' (,r'l'A"r+r) 718 00 1.384 (207) P(I) -(IOj) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    P(I) -(1 0 1) W -(10+) -(10+) -( 10+)

    360 ~}~~?T ("!'f'U"') 7i9. flO 435(66) P( 1) -(5-10) W.R -(10+) -(-5) -(-5) 137

    Amenities and Land use Harsun Tahsil

    Q'1'lf "iii f.fiR;:r~ 11m: fiif;;n;ft ~f~ ~1it

    QcrT ~ f~ '3'ffliU" ~ (lTm an~ Remark. f{T~rrrnrr ~) including any place of Appc.)­ Nearesl Culturable Area not religious, aeh town and waste (inclu­ available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri­ ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply fuod Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village I J 12 13 14 l5 16 17 19 2U 2

    FP- Khirkiya (55) Maize, 567.00 Dawaniya (F. V.) Koda FP Khirkiya (58) Maiz~. 374.00 Kodo FP Khandwa (40) Maize, 772.00 Gu1ai (F. V . ) Kodo KR Harsud (S 2) Rice, 223.00 Chimaipu[ (F. V.) lowar KR Khandwa (15) Rice, 261.00 Karwani (F. V . ) Jowar KR Khandwa (32) Wheat, 34.00 162 00 Harbola Harbanspur Jo\var (F. V.) KR Harsud (3) \Vheat, 405.00 Morud (F. V . ) Jowar KR Khandwa (36) Jo" ar, 458.00 Sarmesar (F. V . ) '(odo KR Harsud ( 50) Jowar, 431.00 Sa \'alidhad (F. V.) Kodo KR Khandwa ( 47) Jcwar, 808 00 Gadhadiya (F. V.) KoLlo FP Kllaildwa (47) Jo,' .lr, 225.00 TaLyadhad (F. V.) Kodo FP Khnndwa \ 7 S ) Jtwar,2,10S.00. 870.00 Rice FP Khand,va ( 75) Jo\\ar, 557.00 945.00 .lhari Kheda (F. V.) Rice FP Khandwa (60) Jowar, 1,321.00 763.00 Nagotar (F. V • ) Rice FP H<.rsu,j (47) lov.ar, 196.00 173.00 5 00 Chunakhal (P. V.) Rice KR Harsud (67) JO\\ ar • 142.00 316.00 Ada Kheda (1-. V • ) Rice KR Harsud (79) Jowar, 43.00 299.00 Sundar Dey (F. V.) Rice KR Harsud t79) Jo\\ar, 176.00 S42.00 Gog~lIpur (F. V . ) RIce K R Harsud (79) 10\\ aT, 164.00 316.00 Dharr'l (F. V. ) Rice KR Khanctw:.l (70) Jowar, 365.00 4!·LOO BOI \heda (F. V . ) RIce 13&

    «1~ ;fir ~'" ;;ji'f~ 19l'T :JI.ffi'U '"A4fcmT~ (lff~ In+f it ,!fqm~ ~q<'f"Of 'fil:t ~ aT ~l'<'flf it (-) ,fliT ~IH~ !!,cf q-f<:~H) i;f1IT>:{T 'flfT € ~{'.,. '3tTn: ~;;f 'fiT q{ ~ -5 f~. 11')_,5-10 f"'. 1ft. Cflfi lJf 1 0 + f'P. '1'.1 • ) AmenitIes available (If not available wIthin the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5·1 0 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility isr--- available______is gIVen). ...,..______-.

    wlffiiJrl; f.of

    361 trr'f,"

    362 nl+ff,'n (c;:-r;;rr11) 231.00

    363 ~'l~ tT<:if'l<'f<: 591.00 c[FFr

    364 ~~ +iT"f 109.00 <1'1,1'1

    365 "T(;1 11T<,[ 90.00 "'1'1''1"

    366 an~m 33.00 c:ft<:r.r

    367 IlT@ '(. 227.00 14(2) -( 5-lfl) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    l:tTtT 212,896.00 205,104 P(286) D(13) (34,151) M(35) H(3) PFC(2) MCW(5) 0(4) PHC(6) FPC(2) 0(9) 139

    Amenities aod Land use Harsud Tahsil

    VA <:rIi f.~'f iftJ", fil',""," 1Jfli~)tr (Of'ffu lJfli ~ , q~ 11&'1 Ifni (fit;.m.) v 'If.nn Land use (i. e . area under different types of Land 6N'fT ~" use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~iNiif) .-______,.A..______""" uf&

    !Ill mMU Ih lief) ~ f~ 1ia1 'Ii t~ ftmra f~ ~~ ~ (1Tm ai't, Remarks "r~flTl&) ~) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, aeh town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest DY source gated and groves) cultivation gica! interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    KR Khandwa (72) Jowar, 930.00 520.00 Dhakana (F.Y) Rice Uninhabited Dimariya (F. V.) L •

    Uninhabited Harsud Circular ~.

    Uninhabited Harsud Mal.

    Uninhabited Mohi Mal.

    Uninhabited Akiya

    PR Harsud ( 1 ) Jowar, 44.00 155.00 11.00 17.00 Mohi Ryt. Rice

    23,512.00 126,234.00 15,864.00 N(165) Total 6,551.00 35,324.00 M(5S) C(13) T(16) 140

    ~Tr{T"Il UHf Ii> I ill'" UHf q;r ~<'! "FHlliiUJ ~ ij (-) ~1II 'iiI;: ~&l~ ~q' rrf"<:qf<:l ;;[tfT4T ITT U.l:fl llta oh F q;.; "fr ~'-r If"''' G"i if;) '1{ ~ -5 fit>. lft., 5 -I 0 f'f>. ift. 0'Ii 1fT 10+ f9 .. "*I.) AmenitIes avaJlable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad range. viz-5 1-[1:8, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility !s ava:l .. ble IS given). r--______..A.. ______""'

    tilBf""" V«t'lltf!! ari<: iIT'>i1<:/~ fi"fT~ '

    502.00 7{.fl(125) P (I) - (10-1 w -(5 10) -(5-10) -( 5 10)


    520.00 589(92) PO) -(10-+ ) R -(5-](1) -(5 10) -(5-10)

    374.00 612(87) PO) -(10+) R -(10+) -(10+) --(1(\+ )

    1.015.00 2,004(273} P(I) -(10+) \V -( 10+) - ( 1 (l + ) -(10+)

    7 f"f'fi('IH J04.47 485(71) P(l) -(10+> W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    296.10 809(122) P(I) -(5 10) W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    1,776.87 2,873(478) P(I),M(I) H(l) W PO Monday BS

    6r) 7.00 1 ,343 (218) -Pc I) ,M(l) -(5-10) W PO -(5-10) -(5-10)

    11 ~RT 389.59 694(99) pel) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    250.10 603(91) P(Z) :__( 10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    371.93 1,540(207) P(2) -( 10+ ) W -(10f-) ~(10+). -(10 -l

    143.57 784(132) P( 1) -( -5) w -(--5) -(-5) BS

    458.00 742(135) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    16 M~l 975.00 143(25) -(-5) -( 10 -;- ) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    17 ~tm 260.00 766( 128) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    493_00 429(81) -(-5) -(10+ ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    73.00 437(99) -(-5) -(5-10) W (5-10) -(5-10) BS

    395.00 2,531(465} P(l),M(I) -(5-10) w PO Saturday BS 141

    Amenities aod Land use Burhanpur' Tahsil

    vrq Clif; f~ecri1 .m.) it 1ff.wJ Land use(i.e. area under different -./)C es of Land 3fl!f'fT q'Um'l use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~i~iif) m&

    !(if ffi~) e q~ ~Cft

    KR Burhanpur (44) Jowar, 3.00W 689.00 9.00 137.00 Itariya Wheat KR Burhanpur (36) Jowar, 3.00 2.00W 344.00 10.00 143.00 Harda Wheat Uninhabited Baki

    KR Burhanpur (36) Jowar, 13.00 2.00W 378.00 5.00 128.00 Sukta Khurd Wheat KR Burhanpur (40) Jow.lr, I.OOW 253.00 2,00 118.00 Dhond Wheat KR Burhanpur (43) JO\\' ar , 50.00 I.OOW 653.00 4.00 307.00 Jhirpanjariya Wheat Chiklya KR Burhanpur ( .. J.7 ) JONar, 0.73 2.22W 97.80 3.72 Wheat KR Burhanpur (45) Jawar, J 7.13 O.92W 262.59 15.46 Rohni WI'eat PR Burhanpur (3 -+) Jowar, 217.62 14.22W 1,227.73 5 i 5 312.15 M(2) Dhulkot Wheat KR Burh.1n.1Clf (50) J).vlr, 43.32 18.18R 576.89 3.50 25. II M(J), Khatla Wheat T(1) KR Burhanpur (48) .lowar, 15.34 10.82W 338.34 3.44 21.65 MO), .lalandra \\'heat T( 1) Bagw2.niya PR Burhanpuf (50) Jowar, 16.91 171.52 5.89 55.78 Wheat

    J0\\,~lr , 27.05 4.90W 320.43 0.01 19.54 Bori BUZlJIg PR Burhanpur (50) \\'heat Piprana KR Burhanpur (3 I ) Jmvar 34.89 93.53 1. 69 13.46

    KR Burhanpur (18) EA JO\\ ar 1.00 97.00 10.00 350.00 A~cr

    PR Burhanpur ( 10) EAg JO\\ ar 409.00 3.00W 307.00 7.00 249.00 Jhiri

    Jhanjhar KR Burhanpur ( 10) JO\\ ar 102.00 6.00 152.00

    10.00W • 278.00 205.0{\ Mangrul KR Burhanpur ( 1 I ) EA .1o\" ar

    58.00 Ma(;halpura PR Burhanpur (8) EA Jowar 7.00W 8.00

    PR Burhanpur (8 ) EA JO\\ ar 102.00 143.00 50.00 N(5),M(2), NimhJla T(2) 142

    ~~T*U 11111 q;T llTli ifill "'1 i'" "ill~~1 ;aG<'fog "1'1-'1fCf"HQ; (l(f~ In., it ~fqmq; ;oq\'f.. g 'f~l ~ \1) 'l1T$l" if (-) tw 1f,16 ~ ~Wfiiil I:(q qf.f of.t 'l~ ~ -5 f"'.l1T.,5-10 (,,,,. >ft. iJ'f> In 1 0 + f~" liT. ) Amenities a vailabJe (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges VIZ- 5 I..ms, 5·10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility isr- avaIiable______is glveo). A ______....

    WIJiJfl1fil> fqf'liffiJ T 'H.n 6"P{i T fG"fiit fu";J latH l,2,'q nr~ Loca· Total qR 'lil{ ~ ~~,~-m;i) dOD Total area population Day or Communica- code of the and Drinking da)' s of tions(Bus-stop, Dum- village number of water Post and the market} railway station ber Name of Village (in hectares) households E~\lcational Medkal (Fotable) Telegraph hat if any water way) ------~------~--~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IG ~~------

    443.00 863 ( 1 (,8) P( I) -(10+) W --I -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    279.00 p( I ) -( 1')+) \V - (- 5) --(5 10)' -(-5)

    1,316.00 769(128) P( 1 ) --(J(J+ ) w -(10+) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    359,00 488(94) 1)( 1 ) -( 1 0 +- ) w -(10+) -(-5) -(-5)

    584,00 854(!5G) P( I) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    26 mU"IT 801.00 2,046(375) P(I) H( 1) w PO Wec1nesday BS

    171,00 555(92) P( 1) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) - (--5)

    354.00 1,062(184) P( I ) -(-5) w PO -(-5) -(-5)


    474.00 402(68) P(I) -(-5) \\' ,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    208,00 1,153(194) P(I) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) - (-5)

    677,00 941(164~ P( I) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    33 ~r t. 760.00 512(94) P( 1) -(-5) w ._( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    3 4 ~Cf7r +fT"l . 564,00 64} (121 ) P( 1) -(-5) w - (-5) -(-5) _, (-5)

    35 f


    182.0C 237(39) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    628,00 396(84) P(l) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    802.00 784(155) P( 1) -( -5) w -(-5) -(-5) -~-5) 143

    Amenit[es and Land use Burhanpur Tabsil

    Illl{ (I'1fi f~ if1n: fil"~ 'I~ 'ifhr d'nrTtr (ar'fffl 'iffl:r \NliTIr i!it fCff'il;;f ~r ;f; ~Q R;cquft mfif'fi vnr 'fiT iiT1I IJ~~ ~~fU 'til IifTV'IW f'f~~ it f~ ~'i

    ft m&;fr u h ~l >i f<'[ir lief"! >i f~ f«fi;{cr f~ ~iS" ifi'''f<: ~ll (iff.;n: aft;:: Remarke <;fr{l'Tn{t Q"~) including any place of Ap{:ro. Nearest Culturable Area not religious, aeh town and waste (inc!u- available historical to distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gica! interest Name of VilIag" 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 2

    KR Burhanpur (I 1 ) EA lowar 60.00W 320.00 63·00 Chulkhan

    KR Burhanpur (14) EA Jowar 194.00 85.00 Nimna Ryt.

    KR Bu;-h:.lnpur (13) EA Jowar 224.00 34.00W 791.00 17.00 250.00 Nasirabad

    KR Burhanpur (I 2 ) EA Jowar 61.00W 239.00 59.00 Borikhurd

    KR B.urhanpur ( 19) ED, Jo\var, 20.00W, 386.00 5.00 170.00 Umarda EAg Wheat 3.00R PR Burhanpur (18) ED, lowar, 216.00 430.00 10.00 145.00 N(l). Sarola EAg Wheat 1\1(4),T(3) KR Durhanpur (19) ED, IowaI', 55.00 93.00 2.00 21.00 NO), Hanmat Kheda EAg Wheat M(2),T(I), KR Burhanpur (19) ED, Jowar, J 22 .00 188.00 4.00 40.00 N(2), Maha I Gurada EAg Wheat M(2),T(1) Mahal Uninhabited Rda Theka

    KR Burhanpuf (22) EA Jowar, 6.00W 350.00 43.00 75.00 Sands Khurd Wheat PR Burhanpur (18 ) EA Jowar, 7.00W 116.00 11 00 74.00 Bada Jainabad Wheal KR Burhanpur (20) EA Jowar, 1.00 40.00 505.00 33.00 98.00 Sand; K,ll:m Wheat KR Burhanpur ( I 8) ED, Jowar, 46.00 608.00 5.00 101.00 Hingna Ryt. EAg Wheat KR Burhanpur (23) ED, Jowar, 16.00W 516.00 2.00 30.00 Deori Mal. EAg Wheat KR Burhanpur (20) ED, Jawar, 207.00 4.00 95.00 Linga EAg Wheat Uninhabited Neori Khurd

    KR Burhanpur (25) ED, low3f, J 61.00 1.00 20.00 Neori Kalan EAg Wheat Uninhabited Hathni ala is Chidiyapani

    KR Nepanagar (7) EA ·Jowar I,OOW 348.00 279.00 Bonal Ryt,

    PR Nepanagar (2) EA Jowar 1,00 2.00W 443.00 356.0Q Ratagarh Ryt. 144

    G!~~I~~~ 1i(i{-~ctemJ ~ct 'Jf~ ~qtf) tf1

    flf{Fil'U VTlI l6T ;:1111 Ull! ~T ~<'! ~.l:l>::1..1 d'i<'i'l:j ~'1-'ifq'!nt:( (lit.:; UPl it ~f'nTTQ, '3q\'fol:j ~T ~ q) 'fi1'<'Tl1 it (-) tw 'fiTs 't"f eTOf'Ji"f o.q- rrf,ClT,) iifm'ir '1m ~ ar1, ;;"11<% orr~ W rt.,5-10 f.i;. m. 0'''' 'iT 10+ fen.lif .) Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is .,hawn in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance-in broad ranges V12- 5 kms, 5·10 krns and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility ISr-- a va"able______is given). -"--_. ______-..

    ti~1f'lJ>ii f'ftq;tffl

    41' OfT'9 ~. 579.00 526(110)' P(I) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    42 'IWf~~ t. 265.00 808(15.t) PC 1 ) -(-5 ) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    43 ~T~. 497.20 1,747(307) P (1) -(-5) R PO -(5-10) -(5-Jn)

    44 'Sq'<'fT ~~ I ,066.70 827(142) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

    45 ~ 'fi""rt 405.71 950(150) '- (-5) -(5-]0) W,R -(5-10) -(-5 ) -(-5)

    46 w~ 604,57 546(92) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    47 flJO(1;f 864.00 2,069(401) P( 1 J, H(ll W PO -(5-10) BS M( 1) 48 3f'al<:

    49 mmnn:"r 703,00 798(143) P( 1) -(-5) W -( --5) -(-5) -( - 5)

    50 m~~~ 815.00 956(167) P(l) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5}

    51 a:~T ~T 845.00 674(150) P(l) -(10+) w -( -5) -(10+) -( - 5) ., 862(164) P( 1) W 52 ~ 876.00 -(5-10) -(-5) -(5--10) -(-5)

    53 f'Q_-;;ro 315.00 232(52) -(-5) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) BS

    54 :s'TmlfT ~~f 400.00 1,751 (351) P( 1) , SMP( 1) W PO -(-5) BS M( 1) 55 ~~m 594.00 388(78} P(l) -( -5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    56 fua:€{~T t. 707.00 763(]57) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    57 ~~ 698.00 1,940(368) P (1) , -(-5) R PO -(-5) BS M( 1) 58 'ElT"1f<:m 635.00 1,003(169) P(I} -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    S9 ~R 391.00 243(49) P( 1 ) -( -5) W -(-5) - (-5) -(-5)

    60 ifmJ 479.00 976(208) Pill, H( 1) W PO Friday -(5-10) M(I) 145-

    Amenities and Land ust: Burhanpnr Tahsil

    lin!' alfi" fiflI>Za-if i'ffl<: fil";;n;fi ~fif ~m (ar'iRl' ~~ ~ '1ft fqfu, < ~T ;fi ;J'g t~<:q1IfT S"rf~'fi lilll 'fiT i'flif "I'.r.t ~ ~'Il')!u '1ft f't~lf( it fi'f'liGa~ <:1IT~ iii

    ih VaT oil f<'[if f

    KR Nepanagar (1) EA JowaT 12.00R 207.00 46.00 Bhat Khcda Ryt.

    KR Nepanagar (7) FA Jowar, 15 .35 65.26W 338.80 4.33 73.46 Ambada Ryt. Wheat KR Nepanagar (3 ) Jowar, 3.44W 610.68 86.61 365.97 Dabli Khurd Wheat KR Nepanagar (3 ) Jowar 293.04 33.80 78.87 Dabli Kalan

    KR Nepar:2.gar ( 8) EA Jowar 2.21W 475.89 118.23 108.24 Shankarpura

    KR Nepanagar ( 7 ) ED, Jowar, 68.00W 697.00 20.00 H . 00 N ( 3 ), Sival EAg Wheat M(2),T(2) KR Nepanagar (4) EAg Jowar, 33.00W 426.00 26.00 173 . 00 Andharwadi Wheat KR Nepanagar (4) BAg Jowar, 17.00R 474.00 38.00 174.00 Satpayari Wheal KR Nepanagar (8) BAg Jowar 11.00 28.00W 470.00 306.00 Saikheda Khurd

    KR Nepanagar (11) ED, Jowar 4.00 43.00W, 494.00 299.00 Badi Kheda EAg 5.00R KR Nepanagar (9) ED, Jowar 24.00 40.00W, 618.00 192.00 Palasur EAg 2.00R PR Nepanagar (17) EAg Jowar, 153.00VV 120.00 6.00 36.00 Hivra Wheat p~ Nepanagar (17 i ED, Jowar, 126.00W 224 .00 2.00 48.00 N(2), Dabhiya Kheda EAg Wheat M(7),T(7) KR Nepanagar (16) ED, Jowar, 44.00 8.00W, 380.00 8.00 152.00 Panch Imli BAg Wheat 2.00R KR Nepanagar (19) ED, Jowar. 50.00 451.00 2.00 197.00 Sindhkheda Ryt. EAg Wheat I':'R Nepanagar (28) ED, Jowar, 126.00W 393.00 5.00 174.00 Haidarpur EAg Wheilt LR Nepanagar (28) ED, Jowar, 12.00 14. DOW 536.00 1.00 72.00 Ghagharla EAg Wheat KR Nepanagar (26) ED, Jowar, 3.00 5.00W 296 00 1.00 86.00 Da!m:thu FAg Wheat KR Neralla£ar (25) FD, Jowar, 84.00W 350.00 16.00 29.00 Navra EAg Wheat 146

    VJ1f !fiT f"'\JIOIQ'W ~ ~4f'nlTl:{ (1iR VJlf it ~~

    829.00 695(127) P( 1) -(-5) w - (-5) - -') -(-5)

    832.0) 977(174) P(I) -(-5) W -(--5) -( - 5) -(-5)

    673.00 518(91) P(1) -(-5) W -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

    595.00 612(101) P(I) -(10+) W -(5-10) --( 5-] 0) -(5-10)

    790.00 844(136) P(I) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    522.00 638(114) pel) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    644.00 452(71) P( 1) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    866.00 638(104) P(l) ·-(10+) W -( -5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    431.00 558(94) pel) -(10+) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    691.00 370(67) P(l) -(10+) W -(-5) ·-(5-]0) -(5-10)

    651.26 575(101) P{l) -(10+) HP -( -5) -(-5) -(-S)

    340.97 293(45) P(l} -(10+) R -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    397.18 125(27) -(-5) -(10+) HP -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    74' 'U~ 799.56 1,383(220) P(I),M(l) -(10+) w PO -(-5) BS

    893.82 1,261(196) P(l) -(-5) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    672.04 462(65) P( 1) -(-5) w -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    691.39 497(75) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(10+ ) -(-5)

    747.73 1,124(175) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    770.24 765(118) P(1) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    604.98 792(126) P(1) -( -5) w -,(-5) -(-5) -(-5) 1-47

    Amenities and Land use Burhanpur Tahsil

    IIT'f a;iji f~l1 ;;lf~ fiif'll<'f') 'if'f ~lftlf (BT"irn 'iff'l: '3"Vll'T ~T jqf'l1 f' <''fT ~

    .11 ~nwrT ~ ~rm aTh Remarks 'ifI<'TttT1'(T "f~) Includmg any place of Appro­ Nearest Culturable Area Dot religious, pcb town and waste (inclu- avaIlable historical ,0 distance Power Staple Irrigated Unirri. ding gaucbar for or arcbaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Villag., 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    KR Nepanagar (34) Jowar, 6.00 10.COW 617.00 17.00 179.00 Rahmanpura Whe3t KR Nepan::t;!;ar (3../) ED. Jowur, 30.00 34.00W 651.00 IJ .00 ]05.00 Gordiya EAg Wheat l\tachgaon KR Nepanagar (34) Jowar, 514.00 15,00144.00 Wheat Kerpani KR Nepanagar (30) Jo\var, 4.00W 442.00 19.00 130.00 Wheat 532.00 2.00 250.00 Dudhiya Ryt. KR Nepanilgar (25) ED, Jowar, 6.00W BAg Wheat 7.00 172 .00 Naya Kheda Ryt. KR Nepanagar (30) Jowar, 343.00 Wheat 12.00 303.00 Daryapur Ryt. KR Nepanagar (35) Jowar, 329.00 Wheat 30.00 389 00 Gol Kheda KR Nepanagar (48) lawar, 2.00 8.00W 437.00 Wheat 39.00 155.00 Amla Khurd KR Nepanagar (41) Jowar 3.0(JW 234.00

    34.00 295.00 Ratnapur KR Nepanagar (47) Jowar 4.00W 358.00

    40. 61 197 . 93 Jhirmiti KR Burhanpur (62) Rice, 412.72 Jowar 246.35 12.30 82.32 Ramdhad KR Burhanpur (69) Rice, Jowar 256.42 42.87 46.12 Melehuka KR Burhanpur (56) Rice, 49.96 1. 81 Jowar 617.00 17.66 39.21 Raytlai PR Burhanpur (59) Rice, 113.80 11.89 Wheat 615.69 0.87 276.43 GvJldri KR Burhanpur (72) Rice, 00.83 Wheat 397,17 52.65 222.02 Teliyadhad KR Burhanpur (74) Rice, 0.20 Wheat 1.14W 458.07 49.10 183.08 Khairmal KR Burhanpur <.70) Rice, \Vheat D:lbali Ryt. Rice, 7.28W 611.05 0.94 128.46 K "h BurhanpUf (77) Wheat 4.18W 621.97 1.59 142.50 Dahewla PR BurllanpJr (77) JON.!r

    4.84W 481.19 5.02 113.93 Sami Ryt. KR Burhanpur (75) Jawar 148

    fI!fT.it~ 11m q;y i:r !HlT €{ fornr ~u q, '1:RC1T~ '3"N'!:f Ii !iq:~ (g'fil."I"{ it) ~1 l1'1

    is,.- avadaLde______i, g,\'en). .A.______. ______....

    'IT'" "j~R: ~ 'fI<: ~l".{ 'Ili"fT Iflf f'0' lit f~ (iiPf ~e ,q 'l:iiJ~ Loca­ TO"ill "f~ ,,-;r~ i'[r fa-'

    88R,(1 ~27(13q) Pll) -(-5) w -(-5) -- ( --5) --(-5)

    6~~ 14 1,232(218) P(I) -(-S) w -(-5) Satw-]ay BS

    70'7.34 893(144) P(I) -(5 10) W -- (- 5) -(5-) -(-5)

    \V -( 5--10) --( - 5) -( 5)

    I,Og257 2,(73(482) P(I),M(I} D(2) W PTO, Sunday BS Phone 441 15 516(86) P(I) -(3 10) W -(5-101 -(5-10) - (5 -10)

    551,92 582(98) P(I) -(-5) W --(-5) -- ( -5 ) -(-5)

    833.93 1,093(189) Pill -(5-10) W,HP -(5-10) -(5 10) BS

    435.96 420(74) P(I) -(5-10) VV -(5-10) -(5 IO) BS

    49n 16 516(82) P(I) -(-5) VV -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    n fqq<:r 529.69 1,162(184) p( I) -(5-10) VV -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    377 24 ~11(145) P(I) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    94 'f1~r 86'1.11 1,089(169) 1'(1) -(10+) W,R --(-5) -( 5 10) -(-5)

    827.92 239(32) P(I) -(10+-) W -(-5) -( -5 > -(-5)

    768.90 2,020(370) P(I},lI;l(l) SMP(2) W PTO Thursd3Y BS,RS

    524.91 608(108) P(1) -(--5) R,HP -(-5) -(--5) -(-5)

    368.47 331(51) pel) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    657.58 1,391(231) p( I ) -(-5) w "":(-5) -- (- 5) -( --5)

    453,59 708(121) P{l) -( J I) + ) W,ht -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5--10) 149

    Amenities aod Land ·use Burhanpur Tilhsil

    IIT1tCl~f~i'I'T1; f

    'iii UTl.. ,''iil ih 1[01 i; f~ ~1 i; t~il laf"

    KR Burhanpur( 75) jowar O.51W 589.96 0.76 131.48 M(3) Paretha Ryt.

    KR Burhanpur ( 72) Jowar 5.17 S.26W 636.32 1.47 240.39 T( 1) Daiyat Ryt,

    KR Burhanpur (74) Jowar, 6.96W 545.26 0.41 113,71 Shekhpura Rice KR Brrhanpur(70) Jowar, 3.09 6.90W 531.31 256.04 Ramakheda Kalan Ri';e KR Burhanpur (72) Jowar, 4.11 I.OOW 546.62 5.59 147.29 Ramakheda Khurd Rice PR Burhanp.ur(65) ED, Wheat. 50.62W 859.90 14.71 157.34 Dedtlai EAg Rice KR Burhanpur (65) ED, Wheal, 2.74W 361.06 25.08 52.27 Chokhanda EAg Rice KR Burhanpur (68) EAg Wheat, 11.92W 465.61 4.50 69.89 Balapa~ Rice KR Burhanpur(65) Wheal, 71.98 11.30 658.39 9,45 82.81 Dhar alias Baildhad Rice PR Burhanpur( 64) En, Wheat, 12.03 309.80 18.31 95.82 Pip alpani EAg Rice KR Burhanpur ( 67) Wheat, 293.21 40.08 162.87 Sotod JO\\ ar KR Bmhanpur(67) Wheat, 27.79W 457.37 20.63 23.90 Pipri Jowar PR Rurhanpur( 65) Jowar 2.01W 329.12 6.25 39.86 Sagmali

    PR Burhanpur (61 ) Jowar 189.52 1.82W 644.58 1 .01 29.18 Mondra

    KR Burhanpur (60) Jowar 384 69 411.05 32.18 Jampani

    PR Burhanpur( 55) EA Jowar 4I.44W 556.49 20.9'1 150.05 Tukaithad

    KR Burhanpur ( 55) Jowar 2.41W 357.66 14.81 150.03 Dasghat

    KR Burhanpur( 56) Jowar 3.41R 296.34 6.03 62.69 Khodri

    PR Burhanpur ( 56) EAg Jowar 8.61W 564.08 10.93 73.96 Bijori

    KR Burhanpur (60) Jowar, 1.01W 378.65 24.47 49.46 Chidiya Mal. Rice ],)0

    ~ifllj" VIlI" ~ ;rIff lUll" ;;j>r ~~ ;;r;r«ISUT ~& 1fT 10+ f,..-.llJ.) Amenities avallabJ.: (if not available wIthin the village, a dash (-) il shown in tbe column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges Vlz-5 kms. 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given). ~------~------~ IlilHf'J;;j> f'fflifflT oWl 'tiT 'ffifi 1"J;;j> aft, iff~i,-/m ~"'-m: ;;IJ~T Em: ;;j>f f~ I ; fl:;r (iTt[~' i'Q" 'l:nrif Loca- Iotal IfR

    855.84 59J(IM) P (1 ) -(10+) W,~ -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    1, G27 . '27 ~4R(T65) P( 1 ) -( 1 0+) W,N -(-5) -(10-'-) -(5-10)

    571 84 976(190) P( 1) -(5-10) W PO -(- 5) BS

    1.05 't,RT'];: SJti.55 550(108) P( I ) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) BS

    4()1 .53 339(76) PO) -(-5) W -(5-10) -{-5) BS

    424.84 912(151) P( 1) -(5-tO) W -(-5) ,-(5-10) -(-5)

    729.82 737(146) P( I) , H( 1), W Pc) -( --5) B~ M( 1) FPC(I) 112.59 7ti(15) P( I) , -( -5) W -- ( -5 ) -(-5) -(-5) M(I) 825.80 695(134) -(-5) -(- 5) w -( 5) -( -5) -(-5)

    325.13 602(101) PO) -(-5) w -(-5) -(5-10) BS

    974,78 2,652(514) P(I),M(l), PIlC(1) w PTO, Monday BS PUCCI) Phone 521.64 1,352(260) P( I) - (- 5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

    852.51 936(168) PO) -(-5) w -( -5) -(-5) -( -5)

    115 ;;n~:qi 922.02 639(116) P(I),M(1), -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5) PUC( 1) 949,12 888(153) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    725,27 826(154) P (I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5--]0) -(5-10)

    292 .93 329(61) -(-5) - (-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    977 .63 946(174) P(l) -(5-10) w -(5--10) -(5-10) BS

    -(-5) J20 'f;;,~;n 983.98 983(192) P(I) -(5-10 ) W -(-5) BS '151

    Amenities sud Land use Buchanpur T dhsfl

    tm' alii f~ 'fin: fir~i q-fl1 ~ (~m1r;a-'i1im

    ttl icrT 06 f~ ~;;r.;;r<: (t{~ aI'\'{ Remarkl oqHJlTn.fllirf~) including any place of AP,N- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ,ob town lind waste (inclu- available historical to distance !:'owel Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo. village (in kills) slip-ply t(.,oo Por~st by source gated and groves) cultiva'tion gica) interest Name of VilIag., 1l 12 13 14 IS 16 17 19 20 2

    KR Burhanpur (62) ]owar, 410.84 28.18 322.42 Pandhari Rice KR Burhanpur (56) lowar. 1. 52W 440.22 J 9.37 394.73 Khadki Ric~ KR Burhanpur (53) Jowar, 1.04 4.55W 746.76 80.69 194 .23 Rangai Rice PR Burhanpur (57) BD, Jowar, 25.66W 460.90 23.34 61.94 Manjrod Kalan EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (48) BAg Jowar, 22.43 8.78W 353.85 24.00 127.49 Kanapur Wheat PR Burhanpur (40) EAg ]owar, 28.02W 267.91 15.78 89.82 Tembhi Wheat PR Burhanpur (5!) BAg Jowar, 31.50 371.46 7.74 14.14 Manjrod Khurd Wheat KR Burhanpur (45) ED. Jowar, 44.97 42.99 76.56 Shekhapur Ryt. EAg Wheat KR Burhanpur (46) EAg J 0\\ ar , 2.23R 99.01 1 66 9.69 Shekhapur Mal. Wheat KR Burhanpur (40) BAg Jowar. 21.64W 657.86 35.46 110.84 SavaJi Wheat KR Burhanpur (42) ED, Jowar, 7.39W 295.92 10.5R 11.24 Mohangarh BAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (42) ED, Jowar, 143. 29W 693.76 48.27 89.46 Khaknar Kalan EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (44) ED. Jowar, 137.22W 336.66 22.41 25.35 Nimbdad EAg Wheat P~ Burhanpur (43) EA Jowar, 185.46 21.70W 531.01 70.34 44.00 Khaknar Khurd Wheat PR Burhanpur (43) EA Jowar. 41.40W 783.79 58.77 38.06 Jamuniya Wheat KR Burhanpur (46) lowar, 13.76 7.48W 745.94 42.56 139.38 Pangrj Mal. Wheat KR Burhaopur (35) Jowar, 70.83 15.68W 590.11 22.52 26.13 Basali Ryt. \Vheat KR Burhanpur (45) Jowar, 61.60 214.54 J.2.39 4.40 Kardli Wheat PR Burhanpur (35) ED. Jowar. 15.61W 756.86 81 . 76 123.40 Dhaba EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (32) ED. Jowar. 30.50W 889.49 34.65 34 34 Karkheda EAg Wheat 152

    ~~~~ ~~ iiA-W"'~U~ ~~ ~fu ~

    ~1I' 11m Ifil 'i!nl IU>f

    _lRftm ~ Ifil qroft I1"f; an':!: if{'i{R/~ ~~ ffi{ !fiT f,::.J Ii R;r (ifq" ~IQ' ~~ Loca· Total lfR 'f'li ~ mr.:r ,'i{<'f.. mtf ) riOD Total ace. populatioD Day or Communica- code of the aod Drinkins days of tjons(Bus-slop, DUm- village number of water Post and the market/ railway station ber Name of VJlJage (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat jf any water way) J 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    121 ~m 579.39 655(120) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -l-5) -(-5)

    122 ;;r;r f:"l'') 467. 66 gJ~(127) P( 1) -(5-10) 'W,R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    123 ;;t~'T 'f."l 820.87 524(76) Prj) -(5-10) N -(5-10) -(5 10) -( 5 - J 0)

    124 i1T'3fiiTy<: IlRS.Z6 1,156(188) p( 1) - ( - 5) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    125 sf'!;tf,1fs"!.fT 829.82 3,070(527) p( I) , PHC(1 ) W,T -( - 5) -(-5) -(-5) M( I) 126 "PH 416.48 877(165) P( 1) -(-5) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1.1.7 ifi~<:T ~:i: 818.34 1,331(215) p( I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    128 <'!mfulfT 647.00 555(98) P( 1) -(-5) W --(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    129 ;;-t;:: ~1';r t. 1 ,144. CO 1,045(200) P(l) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    130 f"lifo( <'1;<1 l1"T<'T. 49.00 .. fr'r'T

    131 @T'l(

    132 lh ~~r 815.00 726(127) P(l) -(10+-) W -( --5) -(-5) -(-5)

    133 f~'IU 444.00 244(50) -(-5) -(5-10) W - (-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    134 f

    136 "1rnT'!<: 251.49 671(107) P( 1 ) -(10+) W -(-5) - (--5) -(-5)

    137 o[~Tq~ 349.93 419(90) pel) -(10+) w -(-5) -( - 5) BS

    138 f«aiI~( ~ 321.38 32(10) -(- 5) -(10+) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1,298(233) PO -(-5) -(-5) 139 ~~ 437.23 P(l) -( 10 +) w l4()

    Amenities aud Land use Burhanpur Tllhsii

    Q'f1I' ,~ f~irlf 'ftT'{ f~or.rr 'i~ ';!flJ ~m (

    ,. m!M iI h VaT ~ f~ ~1ifif~ tQf'lf5 ftrf;rn ~~ ar.rr~g (tTffi an'{ Remarlta <;ff'{f1TlQ:) fl'fQ:a) including any place of Appro- Nearest Culturable Area not religious, ,cll town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Powel Staple Irngated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in kms) supply food Forest by source gated and groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Village 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    KR Burhanpur (38) ED. lowar, 93.92W 435.20 19.63 30. 64 Saikheda Kalan EAg Wheat KR Burhanpur (36) Jo,\ar, 81.69W 393.60 11.97 53.40 Nagjhiri Wheat KR Burhanpur (36) tAg lowar, R .50W, 674.95 47.30 86.37 Nandura Kalan \Vheat 9 75R KR Burhanpur ( 3 I ) ED, 10war, 112. OOW, 694.54 52.84 21.06 Tajnapur EAg Wheat 4.820 KR Burhanpur (3; ) ED, lowar, 98.00W. 578.79 31.54 114.00 Doiphodiya EAg Wheat 7.490 KR Burhanpdt (32) ED, .lowar, 60.91W 324.81 15.94 14.82 Nayar EAg Whe:lt KR Burhanptlr (38) EAg Jowar, 31. 20W 708.47 39.41 39.26 Nandura Khurd Wheat KR Burhanpur (33) Jowar. 1.72W 553.31 51 .84 40.13 Lokhandiya Wheat KR Burhanpur (26) EAg lowar, 43.00W 976.00 47.00 78.00 Nand Kheda Ryt. Wheat Uninhabited Shirkarpura Mal.

    KR Burhanpur (25) ED, JOW;Jf, 14.00W 945.00 48.00 116.00 Hasinabad EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (22 ) EAg, lowar. 30.DOW 719.00 38.00 28.00 Khair Kheda Wheat PR Burhanpur (22 ) EAg 10war, 79.00W, 292.00 12.00 54.00 Shikarpura Wheat 7.000 PR Burhanpur (2 I) ED, lowar. 111.00W. 298.00 10.0J 37.00 M(3) , Sirpur Maj. EAg Wheat 6.00GC T(3) PR Burhanpur (16) EA Jowar. I07.89W 265.24 8.20 27.59 NO). Sindhkheda K:>.lan Wheat M( 2) KR Burnanpur (18) EA lowar, 74.68W 126.05 1. 72 49.04 N( I), Nirnapur Wheat M(2}, T(3) PR Burhanpur (14) EA lowar, 27.31W 283.50 9.99 29.13 Badgaon Mafi Wheat KR Burhanpur ( 15) lowar. 86.63W 219.89 8.10 6.76 Sindhkheda Khl1rd Wheat KR Burhanpur (17 ) EA Jowar, 49' 33W 359.43 5.94 22.53 N( 1). Gulai Wheat M(2), T(l) KR Burhanpur ( 18) EA Jowar, 32.16W 167.66 2.48 15.15 Pipalg.wn Mafi Wheat 154

    ifIll" '1'1 ~~ 'iR~n.Ul a

    141 c;r<0~{t 950.57 1,428(273) P(l) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    956.18 377(66) P( I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    51l.94 1,448(221) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

    450.00 t .217(223) P( I) -(JO+) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

    145 W

    l52.00 328(63) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -(- 5) • BS

    681.00 1,047(206) P( 1) , -(10+) w -(-5) Sunday BS M( 1) 160.00 346(76) P (1) -(10+) w -( -5) -(-5) -( -5}


    263.00 271(47) P(I) -(lOT) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


    931.77 1,222(217) P( 1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) BS

    385.16 676(97) P(I) -(10+) W,R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


    333.80 172(29) -(-5) -(10+) W -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    P( 1) 156 ~M: 256.14 534(105) -(10+) W -(-5) -( - 5) - (-5)

    354.02 262(42) P( 1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)'

    137.97 223(38) -(-5) -(-5) W PTO -( 5) BS

    1,782.~9 3,465(549) P(3) , -(-5) W PO -(-5) BS M( 1) 119.24 1,212(198) P (1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -- 5) 155

    AmeniHes & od Land Dse Burhanpur Tahsil

    1IJ1l' (,II> f.~1I' ;rtf{ f.;rijl~') '!~ 'lfl1 ;oqlfTtr (artrm "Jf11 ;ro:ittr .liT.) U ~tiitil1 Land use ( i. e . area under different types of Land OT'q"qi 'l~f

    •• aTam U q~ Va, ;fl f<'Pt ~'l;fl t~ fur.. a faf.o«l '3q~if";JR ~"fia (T[);;r<: an't Remarkt 'IfT>:TT£T~ft (ff~) including any place 01 Appro- Nearesl Culturable Area nOI religious, pcb town and waste (inclu- available historical <0 distance POWCJ Staple Irngated Unirri. ding gauchar for or arcbaeolo- village (in kms) supply food forest bJ:' source gated ami groves) cultivation gical interest Name of Villag.,

    1 J 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2

    PR Burhanpur (22) EA Jowar, 57.77W 826.77 35.05 30.98 Badjhiri Wheat KR Burhanpur (22) ED, Jowar, 27.54W 643.31 120.08 165.25 Ghanshyampura EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur ( 1 8) EA Jowar, 42.50W 362.49 10.71 96.24 M(1 } Dongargaon Wheat PR Burhanpur (14) ED, Jowar, 59 .OOW, 297.00 23.00 39.00 M(2) , Titgaon Kalan EAg Wheat 32.00GC T(2) KR Burhanpur (14) ED, Jowar, 10.00W 133.00 4.00 7.00 T( 1) Iklara EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur ( 1 3 ) ED, Jowar, 26.00W 118.00 2.00 6.00 C(I), Titgaon Khurd EAg Wheat T(2) PR Burhanpur (12) ED, Jowar, 101.00 492.00 44.00 44.00 M(l) , Daryapur Kalan EAg Wheat C(2), T(I) PR Burhanpur ( 11 ) ED, Jowar, 13.00W 133.00 2.00 12.90 Mordand Kalan EAg Wheat Uninhabited DJryapur Khurd

    PR Burhanpur ( 11 ) ED, J:)\var, 4.00W 231.00 8.00 20.00 Mordand Khurd EAg Wheat Uninhabited Gulna Kyt.

    PR Burhanpur (10) ED, Jowar, 58.97W 724.05 8.59 140.16 Temple, Khadkod EAg Wheat T (1) KR Burhanpur (8) ED, Juwar, 204.31 18.25 162.60 T( 1) Sukhpuri EAg Wheat Uninhabited Takli

    KR Burhanpur ( 11 ) El\g Juwar, 8.46W, 223.81 2.27 93.33 R.:thet. Wheat 5.93R KR Burhanpur (14) ED, JowaI', 19.28W 188.47 1.26 47.13 M(3) , Selgaon EAg Wheat T( 1)

    P;~ Burhanpur ( 15) ED, Jowar, 15.49W 286.80 4.18 47.55 M(3) Deohari EAg Wheat PR Burhanpur (1) ED, Jowar 125.08 1.54 11 .35 M(l) , Ahukhana EAg T(2) PR Burhanpur ( I ) ED, JoV\;ar. 66.41W, 1,262.76 37.51 409. 18 Jai!'abad EAg Wheat 7. !3R PR Burhanpur ( 1 ) ED, Jowar, 0.04R 62.35 8.90 47.95 Jaisinghpura EAg Wheat 156

    f'I1il:T~ Irri!" Itil if Ill" lUi!" i1iT '1'"" "fiIUllJ ~c" ->R-~fqmt1: (ll"f~ '.:rTif it ,!fqm~ "q<;fi" i'f~r ~ q) 'fiHif it (-) ~w l(i~. ~~~;;r qq qf'~T~) iif'lT'1T 'PH ~ "ft, '3"'1-i; it fOf(j;l:'r ~ U IH 'ff~a:T'{ '3"'1<'fi!J i "qll l ~"~11~ ij) .lfr.,5-10 f'l>. lfr. af> In 10+ f:.r..tfr.) Amenities available (If not available within the village, a dash (-) iJ shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz-5 kms, 5·10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available is given). ~------~------, WlHfJf'l> M'lilm #I 'l>T liM IT'Ii an<: iilTOfRjm: ~'qn: "q'R'~ or, 'l>T f

    161 ~)'JU 282.00 313(62) -(5-10) -(5-10) VV -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-IC)

    162 €[1jT~ 542.00 ~45(I06) P(I) -(5-10) R -(5 10) -(5"-10) -(5-10)

    210.00 47(10) -(-5) -(5~10) VV -(5-10) -( 5 10) -(5-10)

    272 ro 199(45) -(-5) -(-5) VV -(-5) -(-5) -t-5 )

    540.00 46(19) -( 5) -(-5) VV -(-5) -(-5)

    166 a~) 169.3J 411(76) P(I) -(10+) HP -(10+) -(10+) -( lOt)

    167 oTC;~ 64.99 256(42) -(-5) -(5-10) R,W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(10+)

    168 f~ 460.47 1,469(306) P(I) -(5-10) VV -(5-10) -(5-10) -(_"i .'

    1,IIS.47 1,472(266) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) (-5 ) -(-5)

    17. ,8 42(11) -( 5) -(-5) W -(-:") -(-5) -( -5)

    87.95 46(15) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    775.72 1,772(321) P(l) ~(-5) W -(-5) -(~5) _.( -5)

    348.57 758(149) P (1 ) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    470.66 90 ( 19) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1,125.412,960(578) P(I),M(I) SMP(3) W PO -t - 5) BS


    133.63 141(31) -( ~5) -(-5) W '-(~.5) - (--5) -(-5)


    179 f~RT 1,960.25 3,615(667) P(I),M(J) -(5-10) W PO -(-5) -(5-10)

    60.40 (487) pel) -( 5) W -( .. 5) -(--5) -(-5) 1.)7

    Ameni\ie~ II ud Land use Burbanpur Tahsil

    VIif ~ if; fTif.<:aor 'ilf,( f~;;r.;fl 'i'i!'l" ~r'1 ~"l'i'I ("TllIt\i 'ilf'i '3'l

    'ill QTIRt ;l ij:t. ~(!T of; f;;;i\ ~1 i tmr luf'ii('J tirfirn '3'1t1iS' ..;ort Of'!'l;;;;,01 (tIT,n: an..: Remarkt <{l".flllQi «fQQ) including any place of APpro- Neare:n Culturable Ar

    PR Burhanpur (7) ED, Jowar, 25.00W 211.00 3.00 43.00 Rahipura EAg Wheat KR Buri1Jn;,ur (5) E:), J{}\\'~,r , 50.00W 235.00 17.00 240.00 T(4) Basad EA;:: Wheat FP Bvrhanpuf ( 5 ) Jawar, 3.00W 131.00 25 .00 51.00 GoJegaon Wheat KR Burhanpur (2) EAg Jo\\:'ar, 26.0(]W 171.00 6.00 69.0f) Fatehpur Wheat FP Eurhanpur (2) Jo\;:ar, 34.00W 298.00 53.00 155.00 Ukhadgaon Wheat 78.09 Badi KR Burhanpur (24) EAg Jowar, 88.60 2 .62 Wheat 28.44 Thathar KR Burhanpur (12 ) EAg J owar, 8.99 25.34 2.22 Wheat 126.44 T( 1 ) ChinchaJa KR Burhanpur (4) FAg Jow:lr, 31.58W 289. 82 12.63 Wheat 635.99 1 .Sf. 386.30 Borgaon Khurd KR Burhanpur (2) ED, Jo\var, 94.30W Wheat 10.38 2.72 TO) Shahdara PR BurhanpuT (2) ED, Jowar, 4.2RW EA~ Wheat 31.93W 42.60 2.80 10,62 Hamidpura KR Burhanp1.lT ( 1 ) EA lowar, \Vh;).!t 112 .20 174.11 Makdara, Emagird PR Burhanpur ( I ) EA Jowar, 169.40W 313.51 W;leal 6.SuR Gurdwara .Ne 12) 636.21 19,7 J 93.14 M ohammadpura KR Burhanpur (3 ) .2Ag lowar, 94.51W Wheat 125.16 7. &7 240.67 BhoJana K,,{ Burbanpur ( I ) EAg Jowar, 95.54 1.42W Wheat 104. &4W 776.46 13.90 230.61 Patonda PR Burhanpur (3) I:A Jowar, Wheat lj ni nha bi ted Sultanpura

    64.44W 58.55 0.41 10.23 Bada Buzurg KR Burhanpur (3) Jow~r , \Vllcat Uninhal:tlr"d Lalbag Ryt.

    338.96\V 1,276.88 12.90 331 .51 N(lO), VirO(h PR Burhanpur (9) ED, Jowar, M(10),T(5) EAg Wheat 5.86W 44.48 0.36 9.34 Ra,ulpura PR Burha;Jpur (4) EAg ]uwar, Wheat 153

    ~i'fTli llIif 'lIT i'fI1!' lUll" 'fiT 'f,Oi 'lRtllii1.lr ",{<'i'a "R4f"!!1F( (trR >:rr+l i:r l!fqm~ ;a-'liifiOU l f"l" Q'T 10+ f:r;,tr,.) "rnenit!es a\aUable (if not available within the village, a dash (-) L . own in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad rang!.! viz-5 ' ms, 5-10 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facJllty isr------_ ava ,~bje IS given). ._---"----- .------. W!8fir

    53.55 11(5) -(-5) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)


    773,27 6,741(1,163) P(3),M(I) S\1P(I) T PTO BS

    3(16,59 466(80) PO) -(-5) R -( 5) . -(·5) -(-5)

    185 <,{Tilt 1,293 25 4,712(378) P(1) ,MOl, -(5-10) W PTO, -(-5) B3 PUC (1) Phone 136.42 243(46) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    256,71 298(56) P(l) -(5 10) R -(-5) - ( -5) -(-5)

    490.50 478(84) pel) -(5-10) R -( -)! .- (-5) -(-5)

    189 ~~ 207.00 42~(72) p( I) - ( -5) R,HP -(5-10) --I -5) -( 5)

    190 ~ ~~, 240 00 620(125) P(I) -(5-10) R,HP -(5-10) -( -5) -(-5)

    19 1 f'1zmT;;{ 197.00

    411 .00 904(173) p( 1) -(5-10) T -(-5) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    418.0Q 1,783(336) p(] ),M(1) PH3(1), T PO -(10+) -(10+) SMP(1 )

    1 9 4 3T"slTT OJ 491.77 1,522(280) P(l) -(5-10) w -( -5) -(-5) -(-5)

    1,484.49 4,C46(753) P(l),M(1) PHC(] ) W PO Monday BS

    259.00 1,993(381) P(I),l\1(l) -(10+) W PO -( -5) -(-5)

    487. CO 881(148) P( 1) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

    377.00 524(86) P( 1) -(-5) w -(-5) - (- 5) -(-5)

    lR2. vI) 73 (14) -(-5) -(10+ ) W -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    325 Cf) 1,)9

    Amenities aod Land use Burbanpnr Tabsil

    Il1falfi"f~~ f~ 'l'!Q" ,flf~)1r (Ol"vrio ~ \NIim 'lit fq~ fit.ro;fi Q{~ R;cqvft ~rf1{ili V [11 'fiJ ;r[1{ q~ ~~)fU 'fit WT1mI ~if~1R if f~1I' ~ i ~ ~ O'ifi) ~If(tifi (fi6 •.n,) i ~ Iff" ,mn Land lIIe (i • e • area under different types of Land lINen ~~ use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) ~IfR ...l efQtJ ,------~------""' .. fT8iIl a Ij~ .iff. ~ f\'lit Wa-) Iii tlR '~f.a fum ~~~ ~.a (if~ &ih Remarkl .-n:Jif~ ~) including Any place 01 Appro- Nearest Culturablc Area nOl religious, ach town and waste (inclu- available historical to distance Powel Staple Irrigated Unirri- ding gauchar for or archaeolo- village (in k.ms) supply food .Porest by source gated and groves) cultivation gica! iuterest Name of Villa., 11 J2 lJ 14 1.5 J6 l7 J~ 19 20 2

    KR Burhanpur (3) EAg Jowar, 22.76W 24.64 2.48 3.67 Bada Khurd Wheat PR Burhanpur (4) EA Jowar, 83.1SW 314.88 32.99 56.89 Lalbag Mal. Wheat pR Burhanl?ur (4) EA Jowar, 68 .43W. 572.40 13.20 117.22 Bahadarpur Wheat 2.02R KR Burhanpur (3) EAg Jowar, 2.43W 243.09 17.24 103.83 N(50),M(9), Boharada Wheat T(2) PR Burhanpur (6) EA Jowar, 291.85W 839.69 27.24 134.47 N(40),M(18),Loni Wheat C(2),T(S) Jowar, 7.37W 99.90 2.94 26.21 Gavhana .KR Burhanpur (7) EA Wheat KR Burhanpur t 8) EA Jowar, 9.71W 136.23 4.14 106.63 Nagul Kheda Wheat KR Burhanpur (8) EA Jowar, 30.21W 284.81 20.35 155.13 Hatnur Wheat PR Shahpur (3 ) ED, Jawar, 46.00W, 97.00 1. 00 53.00 T( 1) Ner EAg Wheat 10.00R PR Shahpur (4) ED, Jowar, 75.00W 133.00 1.00 31.00 Bad Kheda EAg Wheat Uninhabited Piplaj

    -PR Shahpur (6) ED, Jo\\ar, 184.00W, 149.00 9.00 65.00 M(6),C(I), Sirsoda EAg Wheat 4.00R T(3 ) pR Shahpur ( 10) ED, Jowar, 182.00W, 190.00 1.00 43.00 Temple Nachan Kheda EAg Wheat 2.00R N(7),M(7),T(2) KR Shahpur (8) ED, Jowar, 198.85W 248.86 23.44 20.62 M(t),T(l), Adagaon EAg Wheat PR Shahpur (8) ED, Jowar, 827.8IW 564.31 19.53 72 . 84 N(25),M(8), Chapora EAg Wheat C(3),T(9) KR Shahpur ( 11 ) ED, Jowar, 142.00W 93.00 1.00 23.00 N(8),M (8), Borsar EAg Wheat T(3 ) KR Shahpur (16) ED, Jowar, 169.00W 279.00 7.00 32.00 T(2) Baroli EAg Wheat KR Shahpur ( IS) ED, Jowar, 7I.OOW 222.00 11.00 73.00 T(2) Bhota EAg Wheat KR Shah pur (12 ) Jowar, 41.00W 126.00 1.00 14.00 Gor jhan Kheda Wheat Uninhabited Gol Kheda 160

    fO!l"TOlTq lITO{ 'fiT 'Ill! 11"11{ 'liT ~ !iT 1 0 + h;. 1fT . ) Arr.enitres avallable (If not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next (0 It in brackets, the distance in broad ranges viz 5 : ms, 5· I 0 kms and 10+ kms of the nearest place where the facility IS ava: given). r- __ikole . ______IS .A.... ______-_ ....

    !!l~ fif'fi r'iff'li"mT.not ,.;1 qRT &T'l> ",l"{ ;r·,"f,<"/\lTG 6'ifT<: 'lq'«O!l"T fiT< 1f;T f<0/* R

    318.00 219(41) - (- 5) -(10+) w -(-5) -(-5) -( - 5)

    3,527.97 6,68011,170) P(3) M(l) PHC(I), w PTO Wedn::sday BS PUC(I) Sl'viP(1) 719.48 4,360(755) P(J ),M(I), SMP(l) w PO Satuday BS

    414.03 1,564(289) P( 1 ),MO) -(5 10) w PO -(5·.10) BS

    868.08 120(22) -( - 5) -(-5) w -{-5) ':'(-5) -(-5)

    206 '3"~r 253.66 9(7) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

    207 ~ 127.60

    287,75 3,488(651) P(l),M(l), SMP(2) PTO -(-5) BS PUC( 1) 209 f~r 238.76 16(5) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    638.19 1,401(267) P(I),M(I), -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    211 "P:'cl 132.33 1 (1 ) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5.-10)

    2 12 ;ftlVrt" 260.21 299(57) -(5-10) -(5-JO) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    551.99 .337(66) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    214 l11Trpfr 1,118.00 3,516(610) P( 1 ),M(l) SMP(2) w Phone -(5-10) BS

    2} 5 1I"m1.l" 2,432.52 2,266(445) P(l),M(I) -( 10 +) w PO Monday BS

    505.54 321(57) PeI) -(10-1 ) w - ( --5 ) -(-5) -(-5)

    217 ;;rp:pjr 3,439.83 515(86) -(-5) -(10+) w -(-5) -( -5) -(-5)

    218 ~T:>ti1r 308.00 1,755(324) P(1 ) SMP(1 ) w PO -(5-10) BS

    371.00 34(10) - ( ·5) -( ·5) w -(-5) -(5-10) -( -5)

    220 1T~T 251.1)0 24(7) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) - (-5) -(-5) 161

    Amenities sud Land use Burhanpur TaibsU

    VA (Jlfi" ~ifIT1: fiR"" 'l~ iff1\" O'fl1R (

    r- ______~ ______""' ufilCl

    .. mr;jf it th Ql;fif~ Q1itf~ ArNe fuffiI

    KR Shahpur (13 ) EAg Jo~\ar, 9.00W 248.00 15.00 46.00 Khapur Kheda Wheat Temple PR Shahpur (13 ) EA, Jowar, 499.91Wl,090.89 80.12 1,857.05 N(35),M(7), Ichhapur Wheat C(1),T(7) PR Shahpur (6) ED, Rice, 241,01W 434.64 8.70 35.13 N(6),M(3), Bambhada EAg Jowar T(3) PR Shahpur (8) ED, Rice, 67,27W 297,43 1.73 47.60 N(3),M(6), Dhamangaon EAg Jowar T(6) KR Shahpur (7) ED, Rice, 35.64W 523.86 30.79 277.79 Temple Chandgarh EAg Jowar KR Shahpur (8) Jowar, 1.42W 165.19 8.45 78,60 Udali Wheat Uninhabited Davela Temple, PR Shah pur (3) ED, Jowar, 193.39W 72.31 1.23 20.82 N(30),M(24), Dapora EAg Wheat C(I),T(18) KR Shahpur (4) Jowar, 35.21W 148.92 32.37 22.26 Dighi Wheat Temple, KR Shahpur (2) ED, Jowar, 8.90 228.25W 354.50 25.09 21,45 N(5),M(4), Bakhari EAg Wheat T(1) KR Shahpur (7) Jowar, 15.78W 71.22 29.95 15.38 Gharta Wheat KR Shahpur (6) ED, Jowar, 54.63W 144.88 4~.09 18.61 Temple Nimgaon EAg Wheat Temple, KR Shahpur (6) EAg Jowar, 133.14W 288.54 79.32 50.99 M(l) Raigaon Wheat Temple, PR Shahpur (5) ED, Jowar, 421.00W 576.00 12.00 109.00 M(6),T(31) Khamni EAg Wheat PR Shahpur (11 ) ED, Jowar. 155.13Wl,083.59 82.15 1 ,111 .65 N(14),T(3 ), Mohad EAg Wheat M(2) KR Shah pur (14) ED, Jowar, 49.36W 385.00 9.63 61.55 N(I).M(2) Malvir EAg Wheat KR Shahpnr (13 ) Jowar, 3,439.83 Jamthi Wheat PR Shahpur (10) ED, Jowar, 153.00W 126.00 4.00 25.00 Bhawasa EAg Wheat KR Shahpur (5) Jowar, 51.00W 268.00 10.00 42.00 Samarpura Wheat KR Shahpur (4) Jowar, 28.00W 204.00 3,00 16.00 Mehta Wheat 162

    VI''!' lfiT ~~ ~{l"1&£fI d~'!:l "R ~f'f!n~ ( ~ lITlI' it ~fqm~ '3'R'fs'!:l ~T ~ (f) Ta"ifT ~ 'n: W'mT~ '3'R'f0!:l i (illm it) ~ ftlilfl q)~ cn'l: 'H ~ iU ~ SI"'lm: ~;;f 'tiT qf ~ -5 f'li. 1ft., 5-1 0 flf;. 1ft. 6'fi IfTIO+f.t;.*.) Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash (-) is shown in the column and next to it in brackets, the distance in broad rangel viz-5 kms, 5-10 kms and 10 + kms of the nearest place where the facility is available IS given). r--______. ___.A______~

    rialfarq; M

    222 141.00 81:1(14) -(-5) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) -( -5)

    775.00 40(9) -(-5) .. (10 +) W -(10+) -( I 0 + ) -( 10+ )

    224 2,032.00 1,127(180) p( 1) -(10+) W -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    225 613,00 211(33) -(-5) -(5 10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    1,011.00 4,231(784) P(l),M(l). PHC(l) • W,R PO, Friday BS PUC( 1) SMP(4 ) Phone 335,00 830(155) P(I) -(-5) W -(-5) -(-5) -(10+)



    890.00 2,545(437) P(2),Md) -(-5) W PO,Phone - ( ·-5 ) BS

    23 I fqq"fT i: . 892.00 985(183) pel) -( 5··10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    476.00 519(87) P(I) -(-5) W,N -(-5) -(-5) -(-5)

    233 1,101.00 2,290(426) P(1),M(l) H(I) , TW,T PO, ~ Wednesday BS PHC( 1) Phone

    ' t 1,234.00 662(114) P(I) -(-5) W,N 2 .''-t -(-5) -(-5) BS

    1,441.00 717(134) P( 1 ) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS


    332.00 940(158) P( 1) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    289.00 30(4) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    PHe( 1) 2 3 9

    832.24 36(5) -(-5) -(5-10) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) 163

    Amenities and Land use Burhanpur Tahsil

    1I'T1f ~ f'l'll

    ,... ______,...A..______~ ~fiF'

    •• aUl'fT U h ~') rfi f~ ~T~f~ 16f"ifll f~f;ro ~

    KR Shahpur (12) EAg Jowar, 16.00W 88.00 8,00 41.00 Morkheda Kalan Wheat KR Shahpur (11 ) EAg Jowar, 4.00W 93.00 13.00 31.00 Morkheda Khurd Wheat FP Shahpur (15) Jowar, 44.00 2.00 729.00 Garhi (F. V.) Wheat KR Shahpur (25) Jowar, 508.00 421.00 12.00 1,091.00 T( 1) Jambupani Wheat KR Shahpur (28) EAg Jowar, 120.00W 391.00 11.00 91.00 Dahihandi Wheat PR Shahpur (11 ) ED, Jowar, 420.00W 426.00 28.00 137.00 N( 40), Fofn'ar Kalan EAg Wheat M(20),C(3),T(8) KR Shah pur (11 ) ED, Jowar, 166.00W 145.00 5.00 19.00 Badsinghi EAg Wheat M(2) Uninhabited Andhari

    Uninhabited Balapur

    KR Shah pur ( 1 4 ) ED, Jowar, 241.00W 565.00 48.00 36.00 N( 5), Turak Gurada EAg Wheat M(4),T(5) KR Shah pur (18) ED, Jowar, 67 .OOW, 553.00 44.00 225.00 M(l) , Pipli Ryt. EAg Wheat 3.00GC T( 1) PR Shahpur (12) ED, Jowar, 37.00W, 327.00 57.00 52.00 Fofnar Khurd EAg Wheat 3.00GC PR Shahpur (10) EA Jowar, 2.00 185 .OOW, 602.00 124. 00 173.00 N(6),M(7), Pipalgaon Ryt. Wheat 15.00R T(4) PR Sll1hpur ( 1 3 ) ED, Jowar, 157.00 22.00W 612.00 ·!OS.OO 238.00 M( 1) Sitapur EAg \\'heat KR Burhanpur (20) ED, Jowar 93.00 . 6.00W 555.00 42.00 745.00 Chakbara EAg Uninhabited Raysena

    KR Burhanpuq 31) EAg Jowar, 10.00W 257.00 13.00 52.00 Jasondi Wheat KR Burhanpur (27) Jowar, 236.00 2.00 51.00 Rasulabad Wheal PR Shah pur (17) ED, Jowar, 70,OOW 760.00 145.00 82.00 N(2) , Sangrampur EAg Wheat M(I),T(I) KR Shahpur (19) Jowar, 465.30 0.41 238.53 23,00 105.00 Dau]atpura Wheat 164

    ~Jlj' 'f>T ~n ~ aft<: m ii[r~ ~ 'fifGo'f) if IfT11 « fOfa

    ilflf 011<: i1T'>IHJlflC ~ ~ an: iii! l"-'{Iit f~ l'HI ~11t ~" Loca· Total I.ff<;" ~ ~ fm,;;ror-11IJf) CiOD Total area population Day or Communica'- code of the and Drinking days of tions(Bus-S10P, Dum- village number of water POSI a nd the marketJ ratlway station bee Name of Village (in hectares) households EducatIOnal Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat If any water way) ------~------~~~~~~~~--~------~~ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

    224.00 265(48) -(-5) ~(5-10) R -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    242 ~T<:<.!'U( q. 'AT. ) 266.03 696(108) -(-5) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    243 3THIT«L W . ) 596.01 8,000(1,247) -(10+ ) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    244 ful!l'f.:rt1'T(q.'AT.) 230.03 641(102) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    245 'li'tO<:T('-i.W.) 393.04 200(37) -(5-10) -(5-10) R -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-)0)

    246 ~(q.w.) 210.05 298(44) -(5-10) -(5-10) W . -(5-10) -(5-10) -(-5)

    247 ;ro~ ~ 402.03 619(84) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5) (q.m. ) 248 llIIcIm(q.'lT.) 250.09 484(77) -(5-10) -·(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    249 WT'IDCT(q.'XT.) 496.01 695(109) -(-5) -(5-10) W -(-5) -(5-10) RS

    250 G~'{r.n(~.'lT.) 229.01 646(92) P(I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    469.48 1,801(253) -( 5-10) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(5-10) RS

    252 ~(",.m.) 602.10 1,477(200) P( I) -(5-10) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

    253 ~"f'fU(q.1H.) 303.05 964(118) P( I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS

    254 ~(or.m.) 106,05 677(126) P(l) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(5-10) BS,RS

    861.02 1,099(159) P(I) -(-5) w -(-5) -(-5) BS

    256 arr+Im( or. 'AI. ) 547.03 982(153) P(1) -(10+) w PO -(5-10) RS

    257 ~u('f.m.) 615.09 511(76) P(I) -(10+) W -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10)

    604.02 575(95) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(-5) -(10+) -(5-10)

    530.6S 1,163(202) P( 1) -(-5) R -(-5) Sunday -(-5)

    374.07 1,354(228) P( I) -(5-10) R -(5-10) Sunday -(5-10) 165

    Amenities and Land use Burhanpur Tahsil

    IIA6ll1'~~ fil"~ Ii¥< 1!flt ~trr (6{1frn/~ ~ ;it flrM'i' j', ~ ~ &tGr t~cqvft ~nf1f'li liT" 'liT i'Il1I 1If~ ~, ~

    •• Ellflill it Ih. icr1

    KR Shah pur (20) Jowar, 66.00 9'1,00 6.00 61.00 Jafarpura Wheat KR Burhanpur (41 ) Jowar, 46.54 219,49 Gambhirpura(F. V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (55) Jowar, 169.97 426.04 Amba(F. V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (52) Jowar, 38.45 191.52 Dimaniya(F • V • ) Wheat KR Khandwa (36) Jowar, 138.40 254.64 Kothra(F. V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (40) Jowar, 65.15 144.90 Pura(F. V.) Wheat KR 'Burhanpur (37) Jowar, 180.09 221.94 Nasimpura Wheat Badnapur(F. V .) KR Burhanpur (10) Jowar, 138.40 111 . ." Khatla(F. V. ) Wheat KR Nepanagar (10) Jowar, 20.24 463.63 12.14 Sagfata(F. V. ) Wheat PR Burhanpur (30) Jo\"ar, 8. 10 216.44 4.47 Dahinala(F. V.) Wheat PR Nepanagar (6) ED, Jowar, 109.26 337.91 22.31 Mandwa(F, V.) EAg Wheat KR Nepanagar (16) Jowar, 141.64 446.30 14.16 Bakdi(F. V.) Wheat PRo Burhanpur (12) Jowar, 16.19 278.77 8,09 Hasanpura (F , V. ) Wheat PR Nepanagar (6) ED, Jowar, 8.09 89.87 8.09 Chandni(F. V.) EAg Wheat PR Nepanagar (3J ED, Jowar, 21. 04 825.il 14.17 Badnapur(F. V. ) EAg Wheat KR Khandwa (64) Jowar, 55.03 492.00 Am1a(F.V.) Maize KR Khandwa (64) Jowar, 369.09 246.00 Jholpura (F. V • ) Maize KR Khandwa (70) Jowar, 294.02 310.00 DangucJa(F. V, ) Maize KR Burhanpur (61) Jowar, 156.01 374.64 Navatha(F. V .) Maize KR Burhanpur (61 ) Jowar, 56.08 317.99 Sonud(F. V.) Wheat 166

    IfHI 'liT ~<4 ;;[i'Hfliilll 'iiq~& ijf;f,fi'5-f; if !I'm fi' fmt'ff itt q~ wr!'fT~ "q;;ro& ( (~'~1l1 Ii) lIi'I ~n1Jl 'l1i m<: 'H "'<1 ~fr iHf s!'fir~ <;';:;[ 'iiI lf~ ~ -5 f'fi.l'I"l .. 5-IO f'li. >ft. 1fii; 'fl 10 + fil;.

    262 "I"1"<::1I;1"T<': (Of'BIIl'f) 303.05 590(101) P( 1) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    310.04 467(97) p (1) -(10+) w -(1O-1-} -(10+) -(10+)

    255.08 621(99) P( I) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    26 5 llT"'H[T~ (

    343.10 670(88) P( 1) -(-5) o -(10+) -(10+) -(5-10)

    267 <{FIT ;;;r{T (

    240(34) -(-5) -( 10+) o -(10+ ) -(10+) -(10+)

    269 Wm'11 (>:\;rn-Tl'I") 247 _03 605(103) - P(]) -( 10+) w -( J 0 -r ) -( 10+) -(10+)

    270 1'f~ ("fil">;fT+t) 99. 15 681(103) -(5-10) -(5-10) w -(10 +) -{10+) -(5-10)

    332.03 1,408(189) P{l) -(5-10) w -(5-10) -(5-10) -(5-10)

    272 ~"'i (q.'f 'ATI1) 340.00 347(38) -(5-10) -( 10+) w -(10+) -(10+) -(10+)

    273 1111: fllHT ("{'1'\\,IIf) 332 03 138(30) -(-5) -( 5-1 0) w -(-5) -(5-10) -(-5)

    301.05 446(70) -(5-10) -(10+) w -(5-10) -(-5) -(5-10)

    555(77) -(-5) -( I 0+ J w -(-5) -(10+) -(10+)

    445(78) P(1) -(10+) W -(-5) -(10+) -( -5)

    277 fq8m (

    253.03 471 (70) -(10+) -(10+) w -(10+) -(10+> -(10+)

    78 .09 167

    Amenities aod Land use Burhanpur T~bsiJ

    Ill{ tf'6 ~lf ~ fif'lf;;O 1{flt~)1y (~mlt ~ ~ fotNt';) L"",," ~ ~QI f~oqqft ~ Vi1{ 'fil 'ffIf qJ;A q~ i3t1'

    .v Vcr) ~ f

    KR Durhanpur (30) Jowar, 163,08 192 95 Samariya (F. V.) Maize KR Burhanpur (53) Jawar, 20.02 283.03 Bhauraghat (F. V. ) Maize KR Burhanpur (20) Jowar, 100 07 20~.97 Kalapat(F. V. ) Wheat KR Burhanpur (35) Jawar, 65.02 190.06 Amgaon (F. V. ) Maize KR Bur}1anpur (53) Jowar, 16.00 391 .02 Datpahadi (F. V . ) Wheat KR Durhanpur (37) Jowar, 59.09 284.01 Usarni (F.V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (37) Jowar, 104.08 66.00 Nana Nagri (F. V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (23) Jowar, 118 . 07 n.02 Pachori (F. V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (35) Jowar, 0.97 246.06 Basali (F . V . ) Maize KR Raver (20) JowaI, 27.12 72.03 Solabardi (F. V . ) ( Maharashtra) Maize KR Burhanpur (20) Jowar, 56.66 275.37 Utambi (F.V.) Wheat KR Burhanpur (25) Maize 155.80 184.20 GarhtaJ (F. V .) Jowar, KR Burhanpur (28) Jowar, 69.20 262.83 Morjhira (F. V. ) Maize KR Durhanpur (37) J awar , 1 1 . 74 289.31 Chnodi (F. V . ) Wheat KR Burhanpur (27) Jowar, 170.78 275.24 Chidiyapani (F. V • ) Maize KR Burhanpur (30) JowaI, 85.39 245.61 Tarapati (F. V.) Maize KR Burhanpur (33) Jowar, 6.70 434.35 ChiIlara (F. V • ) Maize KR Burhanpur (40) JawaI, 110.88 142.15 Karali (F. V .) Maize Uninhabited .. Sarai (F. V. ) 168

    vr1J 'liT ~~ "ImtliillT ~r:r ~-W'1SO

    illfOAi ~ tif.t 'liT qr-ft m; '!ft<: ilT\iTR/~ ~ ~~ ~ 'lit \,,<,;/~ f~ (.~'3~!'t ~~ Total £I'~ ~ @ ~~,~.l{1ti) Loca­ pOpulatioD Day or Communfea- don Total area Drinking days of tions(Bus-stop. code of the and number of water Post and the marketl railway station num· village ber Name of Village (in hectares) households Educational Medical (Potable) Telegraph hat if any water way) I 2 3 4 5 6 V 8 9 10

    -(5-10) -(10+) -(5-10) 280 "fil'1f "lTb (iFf" rlf) 323.10 198(26) -(-5) w -(10+ )

    156,318.49 248,626 P(203) D(2) (43,461) M(37) H(6) PUC(6) PHC(8) FPC(I) PHC(I) 0(19) 169

    Amenities aod Land use Burhanpor Tabsil


    KR Jalgaon ( 15) Jowar, 183.32 139.78 Kalimati (F. V. ) ( Maharashtra ) Maize 7,474.40 '8,197.30 31,764.72 N(318) 11,560.39 4,342.04 M(Z02) C(14) T(167) 170

    qfdill6i! 1 Wf~lfi, f~

    -----..__------~-----~------~ifl!;lrtt;qfl19l. ll"Q:Tf'lm<'l'lt q't.l1... ij.')' • (~ffiiIi am: s:'~rn~, ~~ arf!:T'fi) ~~

    Higher Matricula­ Secondary, College Adult tion, P.U.C., Inter­ (Graduate literacy Primary Middle Secondary mediate/ and Class! Schooi School School Junior college above) Centres Others

    en '" ._oC Villages u - with no S1. educational No. Name of Tahsil ..... -1:!.B-'" facilities ~;;. ______~ ____• ______,:; w ______

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ------1 ~Khandwa 404 420 59 62 9 9 2 82

    2 ~~ Harsud 280 286 35 35 2 2 2 4 61

    3 ~Burbanpur 195 203 37 37 6 6 68

    ------,,'" Total 879 909 131 134 17 17 3 6 211 ...... _------_._------"------171


    TabsiIwise Abstract of Educationa) Medica) and otber amenities ------_------

    f'ff~ijl MEDICAL r------"-----.------""""' 31W!H~ ar~?f'F'f. ([

    Villages with no Medical facility

    ------.------.------~- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

    - ______r ______• ___-

    10 11 11 11 4 6 20 21 13 13 7 11 446

    13 13 3 :1 5 5 6 6 2 2 3 9 320

    2 6 6 8 8 1 10 19 240 ------24 26 20 20 9 11 34 35 16 16 1 1 20 39 1,006 ... ------172

    qttfu~ 1

    uf~C!fi, f'£4'ftfiffii a-qf Wq ~fcrm3f)'

    27 13 27 1 &T06'IT Khandwa 466 2 4 40 7 37 2 ~ Harsud 330 1 16 2S 3 "!.~ Burhaupur 5 226 2 39 ------_._------_ 89 1I''\1t Total 5 1,022 3 7 106 ------~-- 173


    Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other- amenities -----_------.__...------_-- :n<1i q <'IT"( ~'ifT"( ~ 'fft art'J;T" POST AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNICATIONS POWER SUPPLY r- ______....A-______-, r-----_.JI.__-__-, r--__..I\...---,

    iffl grq ~ ~m ifltrl'lI';;f\1 ~~ 3f~ 1fTlf

    Navigable PO and TO and PTO and Railway Water- Avai- Not av­ PO TO PTO Phone Phone Phone Phone Bus Stop Station Way lable ailable

    --.------.------.------~.-.--...... 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 54 55 56 ------~------43 9 2 5 129 16 277 209

    30 2 37 79 263

    27 5 4 3 59 5 155 108 ------_ .. - 100 15 6 10 1 225 22 511 580 ._--_------_._------174

    qfd~TtSe 2 APPENDIX II

    !lTa fcrflf""- 5f'liT< oj; 'l)_fll '3"'p;nlf If 3ff.l"

    r---______~ ___".A_ ___ • ____ ~ ______._. __......

    ~11 PflT'<:j~~ lfi'T "IT+! f"F ~~ cr"! mwn

    qf~fWlSe 3 APPENDIX III

    W'f >;[T11T 'liT efQWi'P-IT<: ~'tfT ;;m: t wf!!1'li' , f'tffot;;:tIT: ~T'l)

    25/1 ~~tfT ?f~m'{l( Khandwa Tahsil

    Sailant 28 II ~hrr'1r 236

    9 85 fYQ:gT~T ~~ ~. Biharipura Khurd Ryt. 36 395 ~~T"fT~ Rajhola Khurd 37 10 87 f~TTJ 'fi'<1T t. Biharipura Kalan Ryt. 401

    15 106 ~T11lif,?T l1~ ~. Damkheda Khurd Ryt. 42 458 'llTI1'T~

    22 172

    24 198 'l:TC;T

    25 204 ~'fl'1GfrsT lholwada 52 543 ~T (

    26 214 'TT?,<'rr<.r Gohalari 53 544 13T11 ~'?T ("Hll'T11) Kham Kheda (F. V.)

    27 215 ,!!~'fT,?T Kurwada 54 545

    qf~lSe 3 APPENDIX III

    ~ lAr+rY EPT ~T;;r;;rl<: ~T ;;rq:r m~, f'ffEPmT, :&Ti" ... an:,

    25/2 ~q C'f~~ Harsud Ta hsiJ

    2 Dang 30 218 Band] Ryt. 2 8 '

    13 45 +rTo:rT Mouia 42 320 crr~~T (qi'f>rf+r) Tawkhcdi (F. V.)

    14 47 ~f;;:<11 ~'f~"'f<: Khudiya Circular 43 321 <:fil'rfilHT (Cfi'f>rTlf) Rani Jhir (F. V. ) 15 51 if~Tq ~~ Gehugaon Khurd 44 323 fiiRr~<:T ('fil1Ir+r) Bichpuri (F. V.)

    16 53 'li"'ITfurr Pangariya 45 325 'l"'fT~ (ifi'f'Ar+r) Palaspur (F. V . )

    17 54 Gf5

    18 56 'l1TtT'fr Bhogani 47 327 arr+r~f?f (Cfi'flArif) Amkhal (F. V . )

    19 59 ~Te ~

    20 74 lUIf<'IT Khamla 49 330 "'~~ ~~ (er'f'lTif) Chattu Battu (F. V . ) 21 89 9lT;;:rers Kalghad 50 331 ilTTilT,'T (Cf;' 'Ir+r) Jhinjhiri (F. V .)

    22 107 ~'s'ff "{ • Undawa Ryt. 51 332 +rr~ifT (H'If+r) Mathani (F. V.) 23 130 f

    24 147 'l<;fRT ~ • Palani Ryt. 53 335 ilIPf'S1 (Of"f 'I r+r) Bagda (F. V . ) 54 25 186 ~~rfslfT Sukhadiya 339 ~r~<;T ('fi'f'X r+r) Didmada (F. V. ) 26 197 lOCfiJIT- ~ . Saktapur Ryt. 55 342 "frEPU (

    qf~m15e 3 APPENDIX III

    ~ ll"p:ff 'fi"T mpnwn<: 'l:'fT ~ t l1if~,", fq~~T, ~ti'fi cr Cil"<:, 0fl7 ,he ifi R;r lIT RT arrr.fu' ~ wcrm« ~ r ;rif ~ Tahsilwise list of villages where no Education, Medical Post and Telegraphs. Dya or Days Market/Hat, Communication and Power supply facilities are available. ------.. _------~1l ~.~ ~f


    20 17 \llTE<: JhanJhar 241 ;;rr'li~'l:T Jafarpura Dabli Kalan 21 242 2 45 sT

    15 219 ~n+n1<:T Samarpura 33 275 f'ff~lfI'TI'f1'(

    16 220 it~r Metha 34 277 f~<:T (Cf'f'AT+r) Chillara (F. V . ) 17 223 if'1!>"T (<.f

    18 238 <:¥I'fTG: Rasulabad 36 280 i 'fiTi1'Tl1[eT (

    19 240 tr~ Daulatpura 178

    qftfuJs(!' 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Casles and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    "fi --3FHrf"fa ;;nf;;r A --Scheduled Castes ~~

    Ol'!~f;ro ~ifT~ ~I flf 'liT ifT+I ~~r;ft~ 1ITl'f 'fiT ifflf "ITfC!

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~-gCiT ff~ Khandwa Tahsil

    0-5* 11 ~mrrT Sailani 197 ;;p;;r;or'flcr Lakhangaon 13 ~f~ Duhikya 199 oRt!lCf<: Kaweshwar 25 'f>i'["fil1~ Kanakgarh 222 iif:Sl1rcr lH<'f . Badgaon Mal.

    26 ~T[~ Bakhatgarh 257 lJi:scrr a-.;q; '!jl=.ft Khadwa Taraf Kumbi 29 l'f'l)ffi'I' Saktapur 261 lJi.gcrr a~ l=frq;T Khandwa Taraf Mafi 55 fG:?lFfG1'T Deenayatpura 266 +fHT,!<:T '

    61 G;;rerTf:s

    64 '!;T[crr~ Dugwada 277 +f1"1T1'T Malipura 73 brif'llfiflTr i'l1m Jinwaniya Ala 320 <:Tf<:lfr Roriya 85 f

    88 <'fi<'f'!<:T Lal~ra 384 'lI'1fl=qlfT Kusumbiya 94 <:TWll<'f Reechhphal 3B9 'Hq~ ~;;[ Pabai Khurd 96 if<1WTF'f ~. NawuJgaon Ryt. 396 ;;rT+fOff 7T~'Ti? Jamll Rajgarh 100 ift~€i '?T +frq;) NandKheda Mafi 402 Of~<:lTT Astariya 104 ifIif€f

    ctftfWISe 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'P--a:rl:w;re "fTfff A--Scheduled Castes

    8l'!~fqQ ~ti 11fli '!;"T 'ffli ~lf Illlr '!;"T ifJ1J GlTfu '1ft m 'PTa sr.rnlSlfl -ll"mll ~

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~CfT ({~~1~ Khandwa Tahsil

    0-5* 497 f"f;f'f Jir~an 526 i~ ~. Gujri Rheda Ryt.

    6-10 6 fw:rT<:T "!:~ Pill ora Khurd 97 a+f'f'TT'I' ~. r;or lamkota 51 f<:lH (arn<:) Kankariya ( Attar) 133 fW'I:llSfi"f ~. Sindh Khal Ryt. 62 f,f'Cf'T~ Chichgohan 134


    mmlSa' 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas.es aud Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fi-al1~ "J"Tfu A--Scheduled Castes

    CIli!{f"r.rn ~q 1Ifl'f 'fit ;wi ~~r;ftlf VfIl' '!if ;wi '3f1fu ~ m 'fiTs ;p:;;n: ~tlmi ~ (~) Ranse of sche- duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    2 3 2 3

    25/1 {CfsCfT ft~~~ Khandwa Tahsil

    Bandarala 6-10 171 ;;rn:rQft ~1~ m;r Jamli Sayad Khan 431 ;t'<'T'fr~ Injalwada 442 ~r Sekhpura 213 a-i'flTfor Dhangaon 447 i'l1T ~~ Tembhi Khurd 214 'lt~'1;) Gohlari 458 'l1Tlfif~ ~ Bhamgarh Nazul 216 ~~~) Surgaon Banjari 474 f~Tiflc: Singot 219 ~'for:T ~;;n~ ~ • Bainpura Kur",ada Ryt 478 f~~r Chichkheda 221 lfm~) "{. Machhodi Ry. 483 ~'!

    398 <:T"fif~ Rajgarh 522 ~ lfT<'T {. Nahar Mal. Ryt. 399 ~r<.fT~ Deewal 534 i'if;:r.:rr (i{if'Afl'f) Hantiya (F. V.) 406 ~~T <'fiT "Efrc:T Khedi Tape Ghati 536 'l1T<:<'Tf (<.f

    414 ~~ Arud 540 Of~~t (<.f

    11-15 2 1im:ifiIil Mortakka 27 "V!JFf~) Indhawadi 7 fiiK'<'i't<:r "!"l

    qftfu~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    A-Scheduled Castes

    at'!~m '3\1fu

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~'i'CfT ~t:I' Khandwa Tahsil

    11-15 77 'fiT'm:rn Feepharad 264 ~r;;:rGI Nahalda 80 ~ Karond 289 f~ Sirra 82 f~~. Jhiranya Ryt. 303 q;;:rmr Palasi 90 ;f~ifT Mohna 307 ihflTR Deshgaon 93 ~'1t"lltq Dudgaon 313 'i9'hirn Chheerbel 105 ~~. if.l Dhamangaon Ryt. No 1 346 ~Qf( Dulhar

    108 ~r Ptinasa 544 7Sfl11 Ii~T ('l'iflll11) Kham Kheda (F. V.) 110 af{Pn ~. Aranda Ryt. 357 ~~T Sangwada 119 "'r~ Chandel 364 'R1"",1 Karoli 122 0ITlT~ Bangarda 375 iiTT~l

    125 ~~ Gulgaon 376 ~T Kharwa 131 cm:",orr~r Dharakwadi 380 q~TifT Padhana 137 ",1~Tlfl:=f Cheerakhan 404 "(nr$~r '

    184 ~<:T~ Gurada 452 iiT'lffi Hapla 188 ~ Rangaon 456

    226 Ollf;;:r~ Amalpura 512 qm~~ Peeplod Khas 235 ;;r~mcr m;;:rr Badgaon Mali 519 qffil:rr ~t ~ . Pipalya Khurd Ryt. 244 ""lq:~r Lohari 533 arrqrf;;:rllT (cr:=f'Al11) Awaliya (F. V. )

    16-20 5 Bhogawan Karoli (Sail ani) 8 Kothi Baidiya Khurd 182

    qftf~e 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Ca,tes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    A--Scheduled Castes

    at'!~f;m "fTf<:l

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~ (l~)t=I' Khandwa Tahsil

    16-20 43 Khedi Buzurg 304 ~T~;;~ Rohnai 44 Mathcla 308 ~nn- ~~) Bhoja Khedi 59 Attar 310 ~<'flIT ~~r Sulya Khedi

    83 arc:-:,~ll' Atoodkhas 311 ~ fqc~O<'I' Awaliya Vithal 98 fIm;U r. Phiphari Ryt. 319 f~ff~)G: Sisrod 103 .ft,~ ~. Bordad ~yt. 335 cT'l'i

    275 'Z:<:lm~ Itmampur 477 fl'fi'TTGf Khidgaon

    287 3fip'r~<: Ahamadpur 496 iiI'I<:~,?T '1';<11 ~. Borkheda Kalan Ryt. 293 .f'l1'TT

    21-30 14 mm<:lU Dhawadiya 41 ~lftq Delgaon 20 ~'J[<'fr GunjaJi 45 ifc;;;rrtCf Netangaon 23 r.:;~o:g Ekhand 48 ~lTTq Bakhargaon 32 lT~ (~l"1'FrT) Gaul (Sailani) 49 ~~lIf'rU Harbanspura 33 a:rm;T1TTer Ghoghalgaon 52 ait~T:ST ~. Boradi Ryt. 35 'l'iTl9''l'~ Kaman Kheda 60 ~qr6T Rewada 36 ~

    qfd411Sa 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages accordin~ to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fO--3Ti:P unfi.'f A--Scheduled Castes

    iP!~m ~ 'lflf ~ 0I'T1i f'fr.ITlf VPI' ~ 0I'T1i iOfI'fu

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 tli~ ~R:r Khandwa Tahsil

    21-30 129 f

    174 ~l;:t:mr. Palsud Mal. 317 ifiTwn ~~"t Kalda Khedi

    179 ~T Keilari 320 ~r~ Haraswada 181 ~ 1f.~r Jamli Mundi 321 .nrm Banjari 196 ~mmlf Kalgaon 323 iJifiq' lflliFl' Chhaigaon Makhan 200 mfiIT Dhorani 328 rit~ Dodwada 203 ~1l

    209 ~~ Lalwada 355 l!ft~q'~ Kondawad

    211 'm'r~ Jawar 363 an

    232 ~ Satwada 434 Wfflr~~ Sultan pur 233 ~<{1ff Sunderbel 437 ~~ Piplod Khurd 240 mqf~'fU Bhawsinghpura 438 ~,~ KudaMa 242 GI'WIT~ Jaswadi 444 liif~t"l!.~ Badgaon Gujar 248 ~~ Ladanpur 448 ~'{)<'I'T Sarola 251 f.T;ful.TT ;;ftm Kitiya Josh i 4SS ~~~ Lachhora Khurd 254 ~ Korgala 462 1J~~ Gondwadi 256 f~ Sirpur 469 wm: v~r~. Sutar Kheda Ryt. 263 ~~~ Kotwada 472 ~l;::rm Rampura Kalan 265 li6rf~ Bhandariya 475 ~ Mordad 271 1JT~tq Gokulgaon 486 ~ Chhanera 273 1'I'it<'IT Mathela 508 ~CIJ c. Itawa Ryt. 278 ~lftq f.rtnrrr Surgaon Nipani 517 ~"f !i~~. Takal Kheda Ryt. 280 f~'iTR Bijora Bhil 1M

    qfd~(~ 4' A ?PENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Ca"tes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fi --ar.J:w-rer "'rfer A--Scheduled Castes

    ~~~ ~ ~Iflf ~ ;rrl1 ~~~ UTl{ ~ ifll{ ~1Il"t m 'f>1;r ~~t ;rRI"( ifI"f{ (srfamr) Range of sche-' duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~ ~KhaDdwa Tahsil

    31-+ 'lI rftw~ Morghadi 288 i!nrr 'fi<'l'f Tembhi Kalan 4 'fi"fTT Inpura 306 G~I' Torani 24 ~T

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fO--ar~ '3fTfu A--Scheduled Castes

    ~m f~R~ 1lT>r 'fOT ;Tft1i {~.fTlf !lllr 'fi1 ill1'\" G!1fu "') ~ 'fOT6 \iI'rn 191iT >.i fVr:rt ~ i{l'iI"'l; (llf

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 Q~~~ a~T~ Harsud T3hsiJ

    0-5 5 fleclTl1 T itwas 206 q;'li<:T ('2. 3TT. ) Fafari (Police Abadi) 6 ar-;;rwr Anjaniya 210 'H<:'2U Dinkarpura 247 '3f~T~;' "I1R'f Udiyapur Ryt. 120 f.1t~r u;ft 264 'f>T<'fT 3H"I1 ~~ Kala Am Khurd 174 vrr~'f'T "I1T<'f. Shahpura Mal. Pipal Tola 180 Tf>fZ~FT t. NaJarpura Ryt . 2M T<: Sadiyapuni Sarkar 272 3l'!1T<:'ii "l'f<: 186

    List of Villages according to ~he proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    A--Scheduled Castes

    mt~t ~ ('il"f~) Range of sche- duled Castes Population L. C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. l'-Iame of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~~i{ ('f~ Harsud Tahsil

    275 ;;1+1' l§'~ Nim Kheda 327 anll~<'f (cr. 'AT. ) AmkbaJ (F. V .) B~lilT~ Saidabad 281 328 on~1:fr (cr.IH.) AWalya (F. V.) Mohanya Kheda 286 JI''lWlfT ~ 329 'ifT~"t~T {q ;~r. ) Chadida (F. V .) Jl'T'f'];<:T Manpura 287 337 ~T'IT~r ('I". ~r. \ Bhagpura (F. V.J . '$f~~1:fT Bhadangiya 288 338 f~<: (cr .~r.) Jhirpur (F. V .J Jamuniya Kalan 292 "lll!,f;;;::rr ~ 339 . r:-T;:-tr;n (cr. ~T.) Didmada (F. V.) 294 Chiktalai f"''RI'~ 341 G"lcrfi:n;n (cr. iJT • ) Dawan iya (F. V. ) 295 Sendhwal ~"acrr<;f 342 ~ ('I" .IH.) Chakra (F. V.) Raipur 296 <:fll'~ 343 lJ:<'fTt (q.~T.) Gulai (F.V.) Dewali Kalan 298· ~T'fi<'ft 344 f;;mT1:f'r< (Cf. 'AT • ) Chimaipur (F. V • ) Katha Ryt. 301 '!i'foT ~. 345 q;'~9"P'rT (Of .~T • ) Karwani fF. V .) Lakhora Ryt. 303- ~;:r ~. 348 liTDtIif'( ( 'f. 'AT. ) Sarmcrsar (F. V . ) Namapur 304 ifTlT~ 350 ifenf~T «r.ilT.) Gadhadiya (F.V.) .sawali Kheda 305 mw~ 351 nfu1nu~ (c;. ilT.) Taliyadhad (F. V .) Kumhar Kheda 306 ~iIT<: ~~r 352 orrq('lf[ (cr. ~IT • ) AwaJya (F. V . ) Karwani 310 ~F{t 353 ID;:T 1i~ (c; .lH.) Jhari Kheda (F. V.) BuH 312 "lcT 354 "TmTm~ ('f.iJT.) Nagotar [F.V.) 11:P.:r;ft (Ef. l,1T. } Mothani (F. V . ) 313 355 ~"Tf ~<'f(?( • 1fT .) Chuna Khal (F. V.) 316 f~~ (cr. 'AT. ) Sirkya (F. V . ) 357 ;_r~~q (q. In.) Sunderdev (F. V.) 317 o(m<:Efl~T (q. 'AT.) Andharwadi (F. V • ) 359 !iTP:[T (;r,m.) Dhama (F. V. ) 322 'l'[f<;r ~~ (q. \1IT .) Gol Kheda (F. V _) 360 'fT (<(. m.) Dhakana (F. V. )

    Pamakhedi 25 Nirgudiya Mal. 4 Nandna 27 BijaJpur Mafi. 7 Badkeshwar 38 Jaitapur Kalan 10 Bori 60 ~<'f Kukdhal 13 Chandgarh 65 omfrnm t. Ambakhal Ryt. 15 Nawghata 77 ~T~lfT llT<'f. Kundiya Mal. 18 Baladi 78 ~9') t. Gad1-adi Ryt. 24 Kharwa 99 ~rt:rm Borkheda Mafi 1.87

    qft~ 4 ft.PPENDIX IV

    List of Villages-according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'Ii--~iilTfcr A-Scheduled Castes

    VT1t 'liT ~1l{ ~f,rn ~ qpr 'lit ijllI {~tr \ilTfu ",1 lfi'R ~ ~~~t iJ1'~ <{+on: (SIf

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~t~.:{ "~«')~ Harsud Tabsi1

    109 ~J_ Pipalya Bhoju 125 fw'l:l~ Sindh Kheda Mamadoh 127 mqm q;;;rt Chhapla Kalan 228 m11Tilq: Roshani 129 fqtl~ f~i'Tf'jfr W Pipalya Singaji Mafi 233 ~T Ambada 131 f~

    Dong 58 ~'fffi Punghat Kalan 11--15 2 mr 67 'l~m f. Gurawan Ryt. 19 T{Til'1~ ~f Nagpur Mafi 90 f'q~ Chlkali 32 ~'i. Naval Ryt. 93 fqq;;£f,.-T piplani 36 Malood l1:1~ Dhanwani Theka K,uksi 95 U'f'IT'lT ~"fl( 40 ~ 188

    qfdWlSa' 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fi-ar~~ 'OllRr A--Scheduled Castes

    IWt 'fir ii(lf 0I'!~f;re" ~ vrq 'fir iTll'I' PTmlf ;;R'OllRr

    ~~t ~ ;P:Gi~ ("SIfCf!!lC!) Range of sche- duled Castes Population LoC. LoC. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~~q~ a-~~1\Wf Harsud Tahsil

    96 ~)<;

    106 €Irnlq~·L Pratappura 107 '3"'"SC!T f 0 Undawa Ryt. 203 tfi"fi<.T m'fin: Fefan Sarkar

    108 ~q;f<:l

    111 iil'mt~ 'fi

    16 -20 3 i3T Dantha 102 l'f~rlfT ~ Mohanya Khurd 23- 'J:t'<'fT

    115 ~'!<: lfffi. Lahadpur Mal. 319 'nT'6<'fT ("1". m.) Darka Ii (F.V.) tl7 ~T Dhanora 347 *?'('f.m.) Morud (F.V.) 189

    qf~fw~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the tota] population by ranges

    'Ii--3f'l~ \;JTfu A--ScheduJed Castes

    Vl"r 'liT ;fllf ~f;rn ~ V(lf 'liT ijT1{ ~'I1'ftlf "ITfcr 'fiT ~ 'Ii~ ~ ~fUr:rt ;:n:

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~~~~ a~~li:.¥f Harsud Tahsil

    21 -30 14

    Labadpur Ryt. Abhawa 84 ~-{. 31 + 16 a;'lW(T 92 ~ Bbawarli 20 m<'f'!<: 'E!~ Bijalpur Kburd 104 f'll'fR m<'f • Ghisor Mal. 37 :il~~ lS!~ Jaitapur Kburd 121 'FTfslfT ~m Kodiya Kbeda 44 ;;rwn ('lfTI1"lfT l'fl"f) Ladwa Jamanya Mal. Imlani Ryt. Subhanpur 132 ~m;:rr-{. 48 ~~ 136 "fm:l,u-{ . Sonpura Ryt. 49 ~f<:'lT '1T"f • Khudiya Mal. ~T-{. Mojwadi Ryt_ 64 iT~ Rosad 142 176 Dot Kheda 69 B'li~~ '1T"f • Semrudb Mal. i'!C ~ ;;':~<'I" +11<'1". Undel Mal. 71 f1:r;:n'crr l'fT'1, Minawa MaJ. 184 189 ;:p:~rrfcr -( , Nandgaon Ryt. 75 ~ll Barmalay ManjadilaJ 21)1 iT;;rrll~ 83 unrlflcr ~~ $omg:lOn Khurd 19C

    q~~ 4 API-ENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    !fl'--aqW'rn 6ITfu A--Scheduled Castcs

    ill{ ltiI iIliI ~~f.qa ~ IIr'f 'i1T i'I'A ~ \II'if;;rrfu Ifi7 '!its 'file mT ~fGTlIt ~ ~ ('!!mra) Range of sche- duled Castes population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    2. 5/3 ~~~T",,!~ ({~~:il~ Burhanpur Tahsil

    0-5- J ~fu:rr Itariya 70 ;::1l'~f Jhinniti 5 CT~ Dhond 72 u+rCT~ Ramdhad 6 ~_'h:q~ Jhir Panjariya 74 Ul:f~' Rayatlai 7 f~l:fT Chiklya 75 m~f Gondri 8 Rohni 77 &~ llt.,. Khair Mal. ro •llm"fT Khalla 78 ;sror.rT f. . DabJi Ryt. 1'2 ;;rt Rama Kheda Kalan 27 ~~ Hanmat Kheda 35 Ulff ~¥f ~~ Rama Kheda, Khurd Dedtalai 28 ~<'flJ:~ Mahal Gurada 86 ~~~ 37 rn)'fi<'IT Neod Kalan 37 ;;£I;lll"U~T Chokhanda i;{lffi'lTc Balapat 42 'llT<1 ~(f. • Bhal Kheda Ryt. 88 45 :sor.rT 'f.<9"T. Dabli Kalan 39 m~ci;;r~ Dhar Alias Bailthad fqtf(1q;;il 46 l1T~r Shankarpura 90 Pipalpani Satod 47 f~ Siva:! 91 tlK':l~ Pipri 49 ;mrqr;gT Satpayan 92 fqq.:r Sagmali 30 ~~~i Sai Kheda Khurd 93 ~11T<1) Mondra 51 ~r~ Badi Kheda 94 llr~t Dasgbat 53 fil:oro Hivra 97 ~c: 55 q.t'if ~lf<'f'r Pan€:h Imli 99 f....n,): Bijori 56 flJCI ~l '{~ Sindh Kheda Ryt. 100 f~ ltT<'r. Chidiya Mal. Kanapur 57 ~~~ Haidarpnr J 05 'l>FIT1~ 58 ,,(1"IT,""!) Ghagbar!a 106 ~'Ilr Tembhi Manjrod Khurd S9 m~ Dalmahu 107 l'Iron:~ ~ 60 ;:rrq;:T Navra 117 omrm ~. Basaii Ryt. 62 tfT~fgt(r Gordiya 119 ~H;;rr Dhaba #;4 ~1 Kerpani 121 lifT{ ~¥f 'fi<'lf Sai Kheda Kalan 48 iIT"l ~~ Gol Kheda 122 ;:r!'Tf~ NagjhiJi. 191

    qfdwlSc 4 APPENDIX IV

    ~ ~ if 8Pf[f'ffl 'OITfa' ~I'fl1O it" IIt'if1R vro !Il't won

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    ifi--3f~ 'OITfu A--Scheduled Castes

    VPl 'lit ~Tlf ~f;rn t¥rfiilll VA 'liT ifllI ~1;f GfTfu iliT m ifi16 ~~ ~fTJTl(t ij+Of"( i{1''I" (l1fCllmf ) Range of Sche- duled Castes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25i2 ~~ t=l~~ft\'=f Harsud Tahsil

    3fT~orr w.) Amba (F. V.) 124 (l"M;:rT~ Tajnapur 243 (<£. Naseempura Badnapur 125 m ifiTfulfT Doi Phodiya 247 i{IjT+r~~ (F. Y.) 127 ifrFT ~~ Nandura Khurd (Cf. W.) Sagfata (F. V.) 131 ~lJmiilT&" Hasinabad 249 lJT~q;TcT (If. lH.) Dahinala (F. V.) 132 1i~ ~~T Khair Kheda 250 ~@';mrr' (Cf. l:rT.) 141 ifr+rif~"Lq]ifT lambupani 269 ormm (If. :.rr. ) 'AT .) 232 q;TtnifmGT Jasodi 274 'Cfm (er. '7T.) Chondi

    Tukaidhad 6-10 9 ~. Dhulkot 96 ,\if>~0l~ Shekapur Ryt. 15 3fTB~ Aser 108 llT~~. Savali 30 ~k

    qf~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    'fi--Of,!~cr \lfTfcr A--Scheduled Castes

    ar.J~f;rn ~"hr ~nf 'Ii1 iiTli ~~ fWf 'fir ifTq :;r.,mrn 'Iil 'fi~ 'I;"r~ ~~T ~fU1

    2 3 2 3

    25/3 ~~T"fl!~ ('f~~l~ Burhanpur Tahsil 129 "R~~r {. 'Nandkheda Ryt. 134 f~n:~ 1'fi;;r. Sirpur Mal. 183 '1"rT Titgaon Kalan 226 'lit'li"ifT'<: 'fi'ifT Fofnar Kalan 148 Mordad Kalan 1'f)<:~~'fi<'r1' 230 "f,<:if> l!<:i~ Turak Gurada 156 U"I'Tfcr Selgaon 231 fi1tr;;r'H . Pipli Ryt. 157 ~~n:t Deohari 233 'f~r.r· . Pipa!gaon Ryt. 160 ;;rlffu&'!'T Jaisinghpura 239 ",h;rf11~ Sangrampur 162 Basad

    11-15 20 R~RI Nimbola 23 NasiIabad ;p'fr"(i"i~ 164 '!i~<: Fatepur 25 '3"'1<~T Umarda 168 f'\f"l1

    16-20 21 "{<'f&Ff Chulkhan 198 -.:fm Bhota 24 orR) ~~ BOli Khurd 201 ~rq<: ~ Khapar Kheda an:'fT'ST .... , 43 Ambada Ryt. 213 <:n:Rncr Raygaon 139 'l"'''~ Gulai 225 G"it 1'f;sr Dllhi Mandi 152 ~'IiT<; Khadkod 254 "f['{i'fr (or. 'Jf.) Chandni (F. V .) 172 il;"lf~r,R Emagird 276 m<:T

    qf~fw6C!' 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion... of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    "'--~\il'Tfa A--Scheduled Castes


    1 2 3 2 3

    25/3 ~~~1~~ ~)(Of Burhanpur Tahsil

    f.n:T;:rr .. , 22 ~ . Nimna Ryt. 140 'l'l'lmd'q- 11TtliT Pipalgaon Mafi 194 8@TTcr Adagaon 147 ~l:Tf<1<: 'fii;ff Daryarpur Kalan 211 £T<:GT Gharta Badsinghi 165 '3'~fq Ukhadgaon 227 .. ~fum

    Jhiri 187 ~i;f l.i~ Nagul Kheda 31 + 16 lH'hT Hatnur 35 lffTm Linga t88 ~<: Ner 39 .."Tw<'r t. Borsal Ryt. 189 ~<: Bad Kheda 40 ~T<1e -(. Ratagarh Ryt. 190 iil"T<; ~ Sirsoda 146 f~~ Titgaon Khurd 192 fuWM 193 Nachan Kheda 155 <:~ Raheta ifI'

    Population. * Excludes Villages with no S. C . 194

    ~! 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according: to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    llI'--at'!~ \iA'orrm B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~~f;re ~ VTIJ 'fil ;mr ~q VTlf 'fit ;rrq ;;r-t'"l'Tfu '!it om • ~~

    ~~t ~ ;{~ (~) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~clT ~~1\=( Kbandwa Tabsil

    0-5* 2 In''~c'FfT Mortakka 256 fl1<:'V. Sirpur 3 ~~T Morghadi 263 'fi"~qy:sT Kotwada 20 Gllnjali ~ 264 ~ Nahalda 24 it'fi"T Toki 265 '+i?tfurr Bhandariya 31 q;<;tm (m:rr'fT) Karoli (Sailani) 268 f~~ Sihada 32 11'\<'1' (~T) Gaul (Sailani) 271 lf~~lftq Gokulgaon 33 ~'li'-t Ghoghalgaon 278 'lnrT

    6-15 7 f

    qftfW2 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages accordin~ to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population~by ranges


    3liqm ~ I1fl{ 'liT ifn:l fq ..ftq vm 'lit <['['If ~mre

    2 J 2 3

    25/1 ~'~cn (l'&~i~ Khandwa Tabsil

    6-15 61 ffi'f'"T"f'!73T Kalmukhi 251 f'!;"(5l:[f ~Im Kithiya Joshi '85 f~r~'-T '1~ ~. Biharipura Khurd Ryt. 257 ~:sqr "<'IT Sujapur Kalan 96 i'f:iiHT


    126 IDffl'tTi'\_'1T t. Satmohni Ryt. 287 srq:~~ Ahmadpur 131 CfTtr'{;;:;:;:tt Dharakawad i 2&8 ~"'T~ Tembhi Kalan 133 nF'U ~Tt'! ~. Sindh Khal Ryt. 293 f'lllffOfr

    149 "!'GOiT ~~ Khutla Khurd 312 ~~ Bawd 160 r~1ff ~ Chicbli Khurd 314 ~~r·~T KhaJuri 165 {T~ Becd 318 ,!~'fi'if BhUlfal 166 .t~ Mohad 319 hn3·iT~ Sirsod


    208 3{~C: Nl'iIlfr Atoot Bhikhari 346 ~n: Dulhar 211 O1TCf<: Jawar 349 ~.~ ~~ Bhairu Kbeda 212 '-T~uft Rohani 352 'ifT1lit Chamati 214 <["IBmi\' Gohlari 357 WT"ITi!!'f Saullwada 220 In: { S

    221 l{'i9Tsl ~. Machhondi Ryt. 360 <:rT'l,frl: (~) Songir (Khandwa) 225 ",').f<'l:[T Kapooriya 363 OfWl:fT 'J;fT<:

    qfU~e 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    ~-ar,!~ ~:;rrfu B--Scheduled Tribes

    ;;r'{ (srmm) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~Cin (lf~~1~ Khandwa Tahsil

    6-15 369 qT~ 'fi<'IT Pokhar Kalan 439 l1TTQ:,!<:T

    16-25 5 'I1l

    qftfu~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages accordin~ to the proportion of Scheduled Castes_-and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by range.

    V --3fi! qf;rcr ;;fiT ;rTm B--Scheduled Tribes

    !If.!~Ra' ~ IJTIJ iI>r iI11i f1rr4111 VT1r ~ ifflf i>I'lmffi I'lmr ~i "I1'irt ""iiI~ (~) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~T ~~l\"l Kbandwa Tabsil

    16-25 462 ~~ Gondwadi 499 q-T~~ 'fK'It f . L'okhar Kalan Ryt. 474 f~.,.g Singot 508 ~i!:

    26-35' 18 fOf<'l1lfT Bllaya 187 f~1ft;;r Rechhgaon

    '41 ~ Delgaon 189 ~i!:Cfi~ Khutphal 42 it~T~~ Baidiya Khurd 209 ~T Lalwada

    46 0{~'(i{1l:T Narlai 210 ~Tf~.:jT ct.sr Talwadiya Tanda

    60 ~q~ Rewada 222 i!f~~~ Badgaon Mal

    6$ ~ Bamjhar 240 'ilTqfu'T~ Bhaw~ingpura

    79 'll1fmtTT &~T Kalya Khedi 295 eT'I><: ~~ Tokar Kheda 103 ~ f. Bordad Ryt. 310 WliT 19Wt Sulya Khedi 110 3Tl':Rr i. Aranda Ryt. 313, ~1<::~,1 Chheerbel 113 .r~ifT -.:_" • Bedhani Ryt. 370 <:1'llT Dabhi 114 f~T Piplani 382 "lfG">:fT Kundiya 117 o(~lfT ~t -t . Anjaniya Kalan Ryt. 383 ~ Bark¥di 120 f"fifieT 'S1

    134 fuT '1GT Kakariya Mundi 460 ~ Dharampuri 198

    qfd1Ube 4 APPENDIX IV

    ''It'f ~lP:IT q ~ <5ITfa- ~q' at,!,!f"l(f "f'f;;rt:1" ~ ~r{ 3T~ ~ Oioim: ~lfj "" ~

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes~and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    ~-arl~f"l'a "TiflfTfcr B--SCheduled Tribes

    6r.J~f;m ~ Vl'1f lI>T iIl1l' M'ftlf Vl'I 'liT iJTJ( ~!fi't ~ !fi~

    ~~t ifl'iR iI'1~ (srfu'mf ) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. ( Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Vlilage

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~T ~~t\=l' Khandwa Tahsil

    26-3S 465 ~~ Bhagwanpur 481 ~'Ttar fi1~ Badgaon Piplod ('lT~) (Bhamgarh) 492 "ff~ li~ -(. Char Kheda Ryt • 473 ~(~~) Jalkuwa (Bhamgarh) 493 ~-(. Rampuri Ryt. 475 ~~ Mordad 502 ifTf~~ Nandiya 479 ·rt!:T'll Gan!lhawa

    3'-50 8 i!iti5r Kothi 157 'lmr Bhamori 10 ~tmm Mandhata 216 'i~'Tjq 1iI'~r Surgaon Banjari 11 ~ Sail ani 219 ~'1~<:r ~ ~. Benpura Kurwada Ryt 15 qT~') Ghosali 245 q;~~<: ISITcff Fatepur Khandwa 16 C{rq(.'l{( (~f<;[("l"t) Pipalya (SaiJani) 300 ~~;;r1~T ~~r Kalda Khedi 58 'f>T'f>f{l:H (~<:) Kankariya (Attar) 371 i;{~ (1't>-.rr Badlya Sakna (j6 iT;sIiffi?T Gaj'Wada 375 iiRflTT lSIl"m Badlya Kharwa 67 "{fj:<'{~ ~. ::)alal Ryt. 379 fuft:e'u Siltiya 70 atl1t~ (~<{) Amoda (Atood) 384 ~fl'l'ifliliff). (Kalmukhi) 389 qT

    qftfu~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population~by ranges

    lSf-~,!f'f(f GJ'ilmfa B--Scheduled Tribes

    ar.Jqf;ffl ~ I1rq' ~

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~T a~~T~ Khandwa Tahsil 31"l'f1;fTi;:- 36-50 463 Amlani 498 ~T (~) Balwada (Piplod) 466 'lJ_"f'fT

    29 l1'fGT'2<: Saktapur 88 ~r LaJpura 30 't;<;fOlT ~{ Kelwa Khurd 91 l!

    qftf~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes 'land Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    {i'-aT'f«"f'ifCl""Q GfifjfTf(f B--Scheduled Tribes ~1

    8I"!~m ~ 'Illl ifIT ifIlf ~lf a11l 'fiT ifIlf ~iti\'

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/1 ~~T ~~iT~ Khandwa Tahsil

    51+ 145 ;;ft~ Beejapur 391 'Ilt6T~ Kakoda

    161 ;;m:rf;nn (~T) Jamaniya (Mundi) 398 <:nm~ Rajgarh 168 mn

    197 ~1T)q Lakhangaon 432 'I1~r Makarla

    198 .-ftqTl'f'!Ui Gopalpura 438 "¥t~~ Kudalda 199 ifi~~<: Kaweshwar 449 3[~.,-r 'f.<1T Ardala Kalan U.,'li

    281 fi:l;<:lTror Kirgaon 483 ~clfT llT<'T ltwa Mal 305 ;rrem) Nawali 486 'i9~T Chhanera

    377 UT

    381 utma: Gogawan 489 Gf'J~,!'l Jagatpma

    386 ~'H51 Guwadi 490 ~HTIl' Sarai 388 iJ:f\'fll'f ~r Buliya Khedi 491 'lfT"f~~T (fqtr"lR) Bheelkhedi (Piplod)

    390 '5T'l'f'lfi Dapkaya 494 ~+rOT Kumtha 201

    qfd~T6a' 4 APPENDIX ,IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    B--Scheduled Tribes l1l--~~~fu.. "

    ~f;;rn ~ V11l ifiT ;rpJ ~'l(RTlI' VPI' lIi1 ;fllf ~if>'T If>''ti" ~ ~~mi ~ ;r~i'~ (SJ:f<1'llT

    2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~~ ~)<:Wf 1 Harsud Tahsil

    51 + 495 i~f<:l:fT Dehariya 529 ~'fiCIT ( or;;m+f) Sukwa (F.V.) 503 qmu Pangra 530 ;fT+f) Kirgaon (F. V. ) 506 <:l' (or'fr.TT+f) Takri (F. V. ) 522 ~':l'n;;rt. Naharmal Ryt. 539 a-R:T 'li'R:<'!'f ('f'fI,W'f) Dhari Kf)(ia (F. V. ) 523 f~<:CfT t. Chhirwan Ryt. 540 q;;rqr~T (q;f';(ll1) Balwada (F. V .) 524 ~iT:s

    25/2 ~~~~ o~~n~ Harsud Tahsil

    *0-5 21 iiimf.pn Bandhaniya 94 n=m ':3"'m:T Gambhir Ubari 133 ~~cll'r "(. Khutiya Ryt. "( . Bhar:ldi Ryt. 79 "'~iiT~T m;;r. Gadbadi Mal. 135 -.n:rsT Rewapur 81 ;nf~ t. Nandiya Ryt. 139 ~

    ifTl'f;;r ..A. Mogal Ryt. 85 ~<:: lffi'r. Lahadpur Mal. 143 202

    qft~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    ~--arT!f;rn ~fu B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~fcRI ~RTl[ VTlf 'fiT i[JlJ ~~lf VTlJ ifiT "IJ1{ ~aifiT ~ .m- ~~f~t PTl'Gl't iiU1; (llfQ!IRT) Range of Sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    2 J 2 3

    25/2 ~~il ~)~ Harsud Tahsil

    148 ;fi;r "A . Chich Ryt. 189 ;t~'f "A. Nandgaon Ryt. 149 ~~11A Dagadkhedi Mal. 201 I'fm~ ManJadha(l

    6-15 5 fe-"O:

    16 ~ Abhawa 128 fqqf"l"::rr T~lf:iT ~om Pipaliya Singaji Theka }S ~r Baladi 134 lfT91~~r ~. Gondikheda Ryt. 29 ,fR"'{<:( +fR1. Sonpura Ma). 138 ~l?lr~T Badkhalya 33 iR'i<: Gannaur 146 ifl:l1Ef"? ~. Baramdhad Ryl. 'f'f'fTq" Ilf~ Saktapur Khurd 15'5 OfTf4'l"r 'P;;;rT '{ • Bothiya Kalan Ryt. 34 ~ ,. 35 ~'i9W Chhuchhrel 163 '+\"qfi'f!li t. Bhawaniya Ryt. 39 \:T"'ff Borkheda Kalan 280 1f<'f7lti.f Malgaon

    113 ~'p:r Bhagwanpura 290 1lfP: 'P<'Ii KhaT Kalan 203

    qf~~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges ti--~.'" ::sr;nrrfu B--Scheduled Tribes


    2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~ ~')~ . Harsud Tahsil

    16-25 28 ~T ~T':Of Jalwan Mafi 145 ~"Il<:t Hathnora 30 ;;romiq Jabgaon 151 'Firr.rt 11 r<'f Palani Mal. 37 ~al~~~ Jaitapur Khurd 154 oiTMm ~~ lf1<'l'. Bothiya Khurd Mal. 47 ~ fc:1.'fT

    90 f'if'fi<'IT ChikaJi 209 'lT~T llT<'f. Padlya Mal. 96 ~f<.

    102 llTi!:

    26-35 3 '6-oT Dantha 110 ~T'f~f Dabri 14 'TTr~,n~Q Padiyadeh 129 j'qqfu1.TT fl1~T Pipaliya Singaji Mafi 19 ~11l"Iif Nagpur Mafi llT'fiT 23 ~m Gullas 131 t~ma: 11T<'f • Billod Mal. 58 '!"I'EfTc 'fi<'fT Punghat Kalan 147 'T<'fT'fr ~. Palani Ryt. 88 'fi'6T"I'T ~ . Kadauli Ryt. 150 ~~r ~. Bahedi Ryt. 99 .m:~~T 11T':fiT Borkheda Mafi 161 ffi;ni~T Sonkhedi 107 ~'$Crr ~. Undawa Ryt. 174 lIfll['J,<:1 111<'1' • Shahpun Mal. 204

    qf~e 4 APPENDIX IV

    p ~ if ~~ ~d 11;"" ~f.R'mRf iI> ~ 3l''!''ffi'I' it; ar:rm: il"PIl Ii\' ~

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    If---amrf.;rn ... \lA'illfu B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~f-;rn ~~ VIlI 'tiT "I'A \'oq;.f\'lf V11I 'liT ~t1t ~'ti1 om- ~~ ~ '!l1Q(11"T ~ ;{roR (S!f~) Range of Sche- duled . Tribes Population L.C. L.C. i Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name OJ VIllage

    2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~q ~,~ 1 Harsud Tahsil

    26-35 185 ~:iiif -t. Undel Ryt. 285 ~ Sukawi 187 ~ Selda 288 '+fiutT Bhadangya 191 ~~ ('1. orr.) Charkheda (Police Abadi) 293 '>fll!RlfT 'f!~ Jamuniya Khurd 197 WfflTT= t. Saktapur Ryt. 296 <:r~ Raipur 204 ~~<: ('!. orr.) Chainpur (Police Abadi) 314

    36-50 2 ;;-ItT Dang 162 ~"l"m -(. Damdama Ryt. 9 fif'if 'hf~ Bich Pudiya 182 ~Tm Karoli 27 f.n:~f9'iT lffi'I". Nirgudiya Mal. 212 fc'

    42 mr<: Khalwa Sarkar 50 iT~tTtq ~ Gehugaon Kalan 259 'f'T<'II 'HoT Kala Patha

    65 a:n:

    75 ~ BarmaIaya 272 a"I"!lT<:q; ;:r.r~ Somgaon Khurd 274 mf<'flIT ~r Saliya Kheda 116 ~ Devalan 281 1:m~ Saidabad 117 fG'1~ Dinakarpura 283 ;_;if;


    11 ;;r~T'" Jatam 52 ~;:rI'W!T m<'l". Junapani Mal. 12


    qfd1('~ 4 ApPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by caages

    B--Scheduled Tribes llr--

    ar.rqf;rCT ~mli Vf1J ifil if11I ~;ftli VIi[ ifiT

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~'{~~ ff~~irt¥f Harsud Tahsil

    Kukdhal Dhawdi 51+ 60 ,!~rr 231 ~ 74 llrP:rm Khamla 232 ~CTG!T Hawa Kundiya Malo 233 <:"Pwrr Roshani 77 ,!Psm l1l<'r 0 109 WJcrOO Hanwantiya 234 orP:T~ Bara Kund 112 '>!,'<:"fPi Bhuralay 235 ap:srr~ Ambada

    158 f5['iT ~ Chhapa Kund 236 ll~ llrr"U Mohal Khari

    177 .rtu OIm:r Bori Banderi 237 'i

    190 "'Il<~~T i: 0 Charkheda R)t 0 239 'Tl"flT,? Samasgarh 256 ip

    qf'{mlSe 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~~T >;{f

    2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~q ~T(¥f Harsud Tahsil

    51 + 270 11')<:'!<: Meerpur 323 fvr~ZT (or

    287 lf~ Manpura 327 31"PfliIf" (,,;:nTTll) Amkhal (F.Vo) 292 ~f.1m 'Il<'\t Jamuniya Kalan 328 o\Vl1.'i:ff «!"'i'lTlf) Awalya (F.V.) 294 N'fFF'iT~ Chikatlai 329 'fr,?r~T ('AlJT+r) Chadida (F. V . ) 295 <'T'CI'lT<'r Sendhwal 330 'fC: ~ qC~~ (9

    302 <'I~ l1T<'1-_ Lakho, a Mal. 335 Gfl'qT (g'oHHll) Bagda (F ° V 0 )

    303 w;rr<:T ~. Lakhora Ryt. 336 '-I T,'fllTl" (oFTlf 111) Dholgaon (F. V 0 ) 304 :ofFfl1'l: Namapur 337 "l1["lT'!U (<{if" Tll) Bhagpura (F. V . ) 306 'gl-Vn: ~r Kumhar Kheda 338 ifft.. 'ff ('T'l'XT>f) Jhirpa (F. V .) 307 "{'O'hnc Ghutighat 339 ;;-T <':11<:r (,,;nITl'I) Didmada (F. V . ) 308 ~?Alf~l:TT Khutwadiya 340

    319 <:<:91"1"T (q:of'APi) Darkali (F. V 0 ) 349 +rT,,!,;fl U~ (~<;[TI1") Sawalidhad (F. V. )

    320 (ffq r,rsT (~JPf) Taw Khedi (F ° V . ) 350 IT =< f s'IT (,{"!fIll") Gadhadiya (F. V . ) Taliyadhad (F. V . ) 32] <:T:ofrf.;n:T ("li'f'XTl1) Ranilhiri (F ° V 0 ) 351 'ilr""'TOr~ (c{

    qf~f~~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    lif--3[~~ ;;r;r'J[rrcr B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~f;:rn ~fifhl Vfif 'iiI ifIli ~lf VHf 'liT if(1!' q;,;;rrrn'liT ~ 'Ii~ ~ >..Tfur:ri rr~ rrq"{ (~f~cr) Range of Sche- duled Tribes l'opulation LoC. LoCo (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    2 3 2 3

    25/2 ~~~Cl ~~)~ Harsud Tahsil

    0 0) 51 + 353 iHn:T ~~T (cr

    0 0 ) 354 rrT'ftcrn: (crrr ..fif) Nagotar (F 0 V 0) 359 m+rT (cr

    356 ~r ~~r (or'f'Xrif) Aada Kheda (F. V . ) 361 ~T (cr

    25/3 ~~!;:r~~ a~~ Burbanpur 'Iabsil

    0-5* 20 f"f~ Nimbola 175 '1Cii¥T Patonda 26 m'it;;;rr Sarcla 183 ~

    142 q'11!lffif~'" Ohanshyampura 208

    145 i;~T Eklara 212 'friflfT

    173 lit~I1~,!u Mohammadpura 233 fqq;;;r'Tter '( 0 Pipalgaon Ryt 0 208

    qftf",lSe 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    B--Scheduled Tribes

    Wlqfirn 'G{i'[:;rrfu 'lit ;;rrrmT ~fur

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/3 !~T~~ a-~~1~ Burhanpur Tahsil

    6-15 18 $r~ Mangru) 169 ;;frortCf ~~ Borgaon K.hurd 19 lf~~T Machalpura 171 Qlf~r:T Hamidpura 21 "f'Tl?IT;:r Chulkhan 179 fr) Gambhirpura (F. V . ) 161 U~"r,:!<:T Rahipura 254 'if~T (q.:rnm) Chandni (F. V. ) 162 iffiT?" Basad 274 '

    16-25 16 f~T Jhiri 126 <,[pn Nayaf 40 <:c!T~~ ~. Ratagarh Ryt. 129 "t~ ~?"T ~. Nand Kheda Ryt. 43 a:r';;n~T '(. Ambada Ryt. 166

    26-35 23 'l"fT<:T"IN Nasirabad 113 fr[l:~~ Nimbdad 37 itcrtT ~t Neori Kalan 125 ~T~ q;T~liT Doi Phodiya 44 6'Til<'fl ~~ Dabli Khurd 131 'l"'t,, r

    52 erm~;~ Palasur 275 fCff?"lfT erFir Chidiya Pani (F. V.) 54 ;sTI\ll:lT ~?"T Dabhiya Kheda (q.:rnr+r )

    59 :mf11g Dalmahu 277 f~mu t 'OA'm+r) Chillara (F. V.) 209

    qf(flU6(! 4 APPENDIX I'"

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes~and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by ranges

    li"--3Til1.fqcr 'lfifllTfu' B--Scheduled Tribes

    8r.!llFta ~!J qrq ~ ;n1J ~;ft1r Il11f 'fir ifTlf GR'mrn ~ m ~). ~!fT~t If1'iR ""

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/3 !~~Tt=tJ!~ a~~)\;r Burbanpur Tabsil 36-50 15 ami.; Aier 96 ~~ Tukaithad 22 f.rWrT ~. Nimna Ryt. 106 ~'q"r Tembbi 39 ;;iI<:m;r i:. Borsa! Ryt. 108 l1T~~~. Sbekbapur Ryt. 42 mer Il(~ ~. Bhat Kheda Ryt. 114 ~~~ Khaknar Khurd 47 ~-q\'f Sival 119 'am Dhaba 48 3f~T~') Andbarwadi 150 'lfr<:G~~ Mordand Khurd 57 ~,,~ Haidarpur 163 .m:r~q Golegaon 64 ~;ft Kerpani 165 :a-;;r~~ Ukhadgaon 65 ~fglfr i:. Dudhiya Ryt. ;1.34 ~ Sitapur 67 GUIlT' "{. Daryapur Ryt. 268

    51 + 1 ~nfuTr Itariya 53 f~ Hivra 2 ;r:~1 Harda 55 qt.q ~;;fT Panch Imli 4 ~'ffiI" ~~ Sukta Khurd 56 fu

    6 f~i<;ffu:n Jhirpanjar iya 61 ~R'~r(r Rahmanpura 7 f'tf

    12 ;;m


    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes~and Scheduld Tribes to the total population by ranges

    Q"-3T1W'ffl >lfifmffl B--Scheduled Tribes

    ~~~ ~!{ qrlf iiIIT i{(l( m;itQ II1lf iii! ;nil ~'1>1' m Slit.

    ~~t ;w.n Q""~ (srfa-I!ffi ) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/3 i~R'!"( ~Q'\=I' Burhanpur Tahsil

    51+ 79 ~"R:r Dahenda 120 ~~ Karkheda 80 ~r~. Sajni Ryt. HI ~ ~:srM Sai Kheda Kalan 81

    100 fqf~T lfR;. Chidiya Mal. 238 ~¥I'I

    101 tttro Pandhari 241 t,;(f'ii~~ Jafarpura 102 ~ Khadki 243 Q[l=GIT (~Tll) Amba (F. V.) 103 <:tTlii Rangai 244 ~llrf;;~T (q;;o;rr;I') Dimaniya (F. V . ) 105 'liF'rT~ Kanapur 245 'IiTou (qiflfIll) Kothra (F. V. ) 107 ~11!~ Manjrod Khurd 246 ~ (q;m;r) Pura (F. V.) 109 ~llT~. Shekhapur Mal. 247 ~;;U~ Nasimpura Badnapur 110 ~T Savali (

    qfd~T~ 4 APPENDIX IV

    List of Villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes~and Scheduled Tribes to the total population by rangos

    1f-or1~'fa "A"lIlffl B--Scheduled Tribes

    Cll'!tJ:f.«r ~ f,JJ''' "" ifTI'r flPlfiftq lIP{ if>I iff" ~;tft • '1>"- ~~t II1=n ifl11~ (~) Range of sche- duled Tribes Population L.C. L.C. (Percentage) No. Name of Village No. Name of Village

    1 2 3 2 3

    25/3 ~'~lo:t''1' n~~m Burbanpur Tahsil

    51+ 252 ~ (C!'iWTlf) Bakdi (F 0 V 0 ) 264 amr~tlf (C!'iWTlf) Amgaon (F 0 V 0 )

    253 ~ (q-;:nl'Tl1) Hasanpura (F. V. ) 265

    255 'if~~ ('fl'f';TTlf) Badnapur (F. V 0) 266 '3'mvrr ("CA'Itf11) Usarni (F. V.) 256 3TTm'Il (CR"!fI'l1) Amla (Fo Vo) 267 'fro ;:m:r('fifliT11) Nana Nagri (F. V.)

    257 if~ (C!'iWTlf) Jholpura (F 0 V • ) 269 iIm<'iT (

    258 wr...-;;n (CR"!fTl1) Dangurla (F. V 0) 270 ~1 (

    259 ~ (CR"!fTlf) Navatha (F 0 V 0 ) 271

    260 ~r~~ (CR"!fTl1) Sonud (F 0 V 0 ) 272 ~ ... (

    261 m+m:lIT (

    262 ~ (

    263 ""<'rT'H?: (CA'!ll+!') Kalapat (F 0 V 0 ) 280 ~llTGr(

    * Excludes Villages with No 0 SoT 0 Population.



    The det>lils <"If st'ltement pre"ented in the Town name of and road distance in Kms. is sh')wn within Directory, 1981 are given below; b rackets, from the state headquarters, District headquarters, Tah~il headquarters, nearest city with Statement I: Status and Growth History pcpulation 1 lac and above, Railway Station, Bus route, : Navigable river Canal (if within 10 Km.) This statement provides some basic data based have been presented. If the name' mentioned in on the Primary Census Abstract (PCA). In column 2 these columns are the same as the referrent tGwn of the statement the class of the town has been itself the distance has been recorded 8S '0' (Zero). indicated according to 1981 Census pOp Illation of In case the railway station (Col. 10) or bus route the core town as follows :--- (Col. 11) is not available in the referrent town, the name of ne'irest town where the faCility is avai­ Population Clas& labe with distance in Kms., from the referrent town 100,000 an d above I has been presented. If navigable river/canal is 50,000 99,999 II passing within a distance of 10 Km. from the town 20,000 - 49,999 III the name of river / canal with distance has been 10,000 19,999 IV presented in column 12. The abbreviation Rand C 5,000 - 9,999 V stand for the River and Canal, respectively. Below 5,000 VI Statement III: Municipal Finance, 1978-79

    The civic administration status of the town as The data for this statement is caUected from in 1980 has been indicated. Where there is no civic local administrative bodies and has been presented body in the to wn it has been treated as Census not only in respect of statutory bodies but aLso in Town. The fdlowing abbreviations have been used respect of non-sta:tutory bodies managing the to denote the civic status of the town ;- civic administration 'of the town, if they have sepa­ rate budgets and accounts 0 f their own pertaining to Municipal Corporation M. Corp. the town. Municip al Committee/Municipality MC Cantonment Board CB Under column 12, the expenditure incurred by the civic authority pn 'public safety' includes such Notified Area Committee NAC items as fire fighting service, rescue operations during Gram Panchayat GP floods and fairs etc. Like wise, column 15 includes Special Area Development Authority SADA ex pend itures incurred on maintenance of schoolS, Census Town CT colleges and other institutions like public libraries, Column 5; Area (Sq. Km.) as supplied by the museum etc. The exact items covered, may however, local bodies. vary from town to town, which would depend on the practice followed in this regard by each local authority. Statement II: Physical Aspects and Location of Towns Statement IV : Civic and other Amenities, 1979 This statement gives for each town, physical aspect and location of towns. In columns 6 t::l 12 the The information given under columns 2 to 6 215 are new additians. Information under column 6 Borew -II pumping system BWP represents Pucca and Kachha roads for which abbre­ Pressu· . cank PT viations used are PR and KR respectively. In column 7 the various types of seweargejdrainage In caSe of availability of fire-fighting service in systems ha ve been presenteu as given below ;- a town 'Yes' has been indicated, otherwise the name of the nearest place where available and the distance Sewer S in Kms. within brackets, have been shown. Open Surface Drains OSD Box Surface Pr"ins BSD Statement IV (A): Civic and other Amenities in Sylk Drains SD Notified Slums, 1979. Ces!.p->ul Meth(j)d CD Pit SYf>tem PT Information relating to civic and other ameni­ ties in respect of slum areas of those towns where In Columns 8, 9 and 10 information collected the population exceeds 50,000 has been presented. from respective local bodies on diiferent types of latrines has been presented. It includes public as Statement V : Medical, Ed ucational, Recreational and well as privllte latrines. Cultural Facilities, 1979.

    In Column 11, the abbreviations used for the In columns 4 and 5, the information collected various prevalent methods of olsposal of night soIl from the State Health Department has been are gIven below. When;; llivrt; tllan vne methu(11lS prescuteo. The institutions run by private doctors used, the information given IS upto tWO ml!\.nO\ls. have not been included. The information is limited for those institutions as are run by or aidea by Head loads HL Government / Semi Government / Local boaies llnd BaSKets B charitable institutIons or social service agencies Wheel barrows WH like the missionanes. Where the family planning Septic Tank latrine ST centres are att&lched to hospital or maternity and child welfare centres or primary health centres, Sewerage S those have been treated as indepenaent unit and In Columns 12 and 13 the sources of protected presented separately. The maternity and child. water supply tind the system of storage With capa­ welfare centres, venera! disease clinic, chest clinic city therein within brackets have been presented with leprosy clinic bave not been given separately. These the following abbreviations. Where more than one have been indicated alongwith ..other medical insti­ source or more than (tne system of storage exist, the tutions in column 4. The following abbrevilltions information is restricted to tw-> major sources or have been used. systems. Hospital H Column 12 Dispensary D Tube well water/Hand pump TW Health Centre HC Tap Wilier T FC Well water W Family Planning Centre Tank water TK T. B. Clitlic TB NH Column 13 Nursing Home Others 0 Overhead Tank oaT Service reservoir SR If there are more than ~one institutions of any River infiltration gallery 10 type the number of such institutions have been 216

    indicated within brackets e. g. dispensaries (2) Shorthand and Typewriting nursing home(4) etc. Others

    All types of hospital I dispen~aries etc. wheth~r The vocational institutions like Applied Art! a II opatbic or ayurvedic or unam or homeopathic. . . painting College, Pharmacy College, B. Ed. College have been covered in column 4. Thes.e mstitutlOns Teacher'S Training Institution, Music J Dancing have been indicated with the followmg abbrevia· School, Nursing School, etc. have been covered tions ;. under 'Others'. However the type of institutions included under 'Others' have been described in the Ayurvedic A introductory note. Unani U Homeo pa thic Hom. Columns 11 and 14···The information has been collected from the district Education Omcers. The ic no abbreviation is given. In case 0 f allop ath , following abbreviations have been used •• - If meJical facility is not available in the ref~r- Primary t wn the name of the nearest town wIth P rent 0 . In Columns 6 and 9, Junior Secondary or distance thereof has been gwen· the Education . D . n collected rrom Middle School M the 1n ormatlO b esented with the following Department has een pr MatriCUlation or Such type of insti. abbreviations. Secondary tution does not exit in Madhya Pradesh A Arts only Higher Secondary/Inter. PUC Science only S mediate/Pre.University! Arts and Science only AS Junior COllege 1(10+2) C System Whether held in Commerce only Schools or Colleges. Arts and Commer.ce only AC Combined for all Categories Arts, If there are composite schools, like Midd]e Science and Commerce ASC schools with Primary classes, or Higher Secondary Law L Schools with Middle classes these have been included in the number of Primary and Mid1:l1e Schools If there are more than one institutions of a type respectively. For example, if in a town, there are the number has b~en given against each in brackets. two primary schools and one middle school with Column 10 :. The information has been coUec· primary classes, the number of primary schools in ted from the Education Department. Where the the town have been given as three and that of middle schools as one even though there may be only three institutions are found to be located just beyond the boundarie s of the town but near the referrent town educational. institutions. This also applies in the case of highe:- secondary schools. and for all purpose arc considered as belonging to the referrent town only such marginal cases have been included in the town directory. If there are If there are more institutions .. of a type in the more than one institutions of such type the number town, these have been indicated with numbers has been given against each in brackets. The within brackets against the abbreviations e. g. D(3), following abbreviations ha ve been used :. M (2), H (2), etc.

    Shorthand SH Column 15··· The number of Adult literacy Typewriting Type classes has been Shown. 217

    If an educational facility is not available in the PubH; Library PL town, the name, of the nearest place where fhe ReadmgRoom RR facility is available, have been given with distance i L Km. from the referreDt town.

    Column 17-19:- The information has been colle­ Stat ement VI Trade, Commetce, Indu stry and cted from the Excise Department and concerned lJaDkiog 1979 local bodies. Touring Cinema talkies have not been taken into account. Community halls have been included in Column (19). The Statement depicts information relating to three most important commodities imported, expor­ Column 20 :- The information has been collec­ ted and manufactured. The commodities have been ted from Education Department and the local mantioned in order of voillme. Besides, informa­ bodies who maintan public libraries and reading tion relating to the number of banks, number of rooms and the following abbreviations have been agricultural and non-agricultural societie s has also USed in presenting them. been furnished· 218~

    fClfq~ 1 ~f~~fu ~;:i C!nr ~fa'~

    "IiI{ ~

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    I OJ,WW (if.q'f.) 25/1II iil~~ 12.67 20,210 33,341 22,777 35,916 Burhanpur (M) Burhanpur (-31.68) (+57.69)

    2 IV ~~<;: (3f.~.) 25/V ~<;: .... 76 2,267 Harsud (N .A. C.) Harsud

    3 I ~(if.I:fT.) 25/1 morr 22.57 19,486 19,401 21,604 26,802 Khandwa (M) Khandwa (+11.36) (+24.06)

    4 V ~T (3f.~.) ~G

    5 III ilq~ «(if.if.) 25/11 "!~ 44.89 4,112 Nepanagar (C. T. ) Burhanpur

    6 IV ~<: (<1".CIT.) 25/VI '!<:~~;~ 38.82 2,082 Shah pur (M) Burhanpur 219


    Status and Growth History

    '1:f'RCI" (1981 i>f'flT1lT'iT )

    growth rate of the town at the Censuses of Density ____' ______..A..______...... Sex-ratio (1981 ~ ____ -...J\...,-____ .., 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 Census) 1961 1971 1981 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

    44,066 53.987 70,066 82,090 105,335 140,986 11,128 936 930 942 (+ 22.69) (+ 22.61) <+29.78) (+ 17.16) (+28.32) <+33.85)

    11,713 2,461 867

    34.622 38.493 51.940 63,505 85.403 114,725 5.083 879 903 916 <+29.18) <+11.18) (+34.93) (+22.27) (+34.48) <+34.33) 7,589 433 925

    i&780 15,743 22,609 4.624 839 907 915 (+ 79.31) (+43.61)

    11.578 29il 976 220

    ~'ii ~ f.n:;;f"fm oo;ff !fiT "fl1i 51"1<: «~~ Physic"al Aspects r------__.A---______~ r-----.------

    1 I "!~~ 'I1)qn;r ~T Burhanpur Bhopal Khandwa 824.1 33.6 19.6 (339 ) (68)

    2 IV ~ 'flTtTT"f .~ Harsud Bhopal Khandwa 960.7 33.6 19.6 (208) (63)

    3 I ~ 'l1'ttmr ~ Kbandwa Bhopal Khandwa 960.7 33.6 19.6 (271) (0)

    4 V ~.~ 1flmr fi

    S III ~ 'I1)qn;r ~~ Nepanagar Bhopal Khandwa 960.7 33.6 19.6 (333) (62)

    6 IV ~ ~ ~ Shabpur Bhopal Khandwa 824.1 33.6 19.6 (350) (79)

    f~urT:- (1) lfirelr 3 e- 5 Rlf ... ~ ~ . ~


    Physical Aspects and Location of Towns. 1979 ~

    1JTf. U ~ (f.f; .1£T .it) Name of place and road distance '(in kms.) From ~------~------~-~------~ ~;:rcill~ ~ ~ \l11i am: m arf!l'li ~ om lITlT (m 10 f.f;.1ft. it; BRr~ ~) ~ ~~~l£~ ~~QA' Tahsil Nearest city with Population Railway Bus Navigable river/Canal H.Q. of one lakh and more Station Route (if within 10 Kms.) 8 9 10 11 12

    "!~ lS/g'lfT "!~ ~ Burhanpur Khandwa Burhanpur Burhanpur (0 ) (68) (0) (0)

    ~ VnT ~ ~ Harsud Khandwa Harsu4 Harsud (0) (63) (0) (0)

    1i~ ~r~ lRifr ~ Khandwa Burhanpur Khandwa Khandwa (0) (68) (0) (0)

    ~ m

    ~ '!~ ~ ~ Burhanpur Burbanpur Nepanagar Nepanagar (32) (32) (0) (0)

    ~ ~~ ~ 1lTT~ Burhanpur Burhanpur Burhanpur Shah pur (11 ) (11) (11 ) (0)

    Note:- (1) The rainfall and temperature figures in coIs. 3 to S represent the figures furnished in D.C.H.B. Series 1971.For the new to\\ns Harsud, Mundi and Shahpur, the rainf.ill and temperature figures for the nearest place have been reported. 212


    ~1fTf\>f1fil f~, 1978-79

    "'tfee! (<1qtlt q' '00, r----____ -______Receipt --""- (in ______Rs.' 00)

    ~,q if~ 'fiT 111,," oi\, ifJll' ~fu; SI1!I'wf'fifi 'fiU anf~ if; ifi"RTs:tif if; ~ i'IlR- lITr~ ~ atfint mlfl srWrfu l!:m snfCQ q,-fu

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    1 I "!~~ (if • Iff .) Burhanpur M 39,719 16 3,148 2,554 2,081

    2 IV ~ (at.&l.) Harsud N.A.C. 2,590 249 750 36 3 I fi;n (if,IIT.) Kbandwa M 42,384 8.767 2,869 6,070 4.000

    4 V ~~"t (at .!fl. ) Mundi N.A.C. 403 135 17

    S 111 ~ ('Sf.;;. ) Nepanagar C.T. 2,733 1,816 , .

    6 IV ~ (if.trr.) Shahpur M 1,271 40 100 10 223


    Muni cipal Finance, 1978-79

    &(l{ (~lll, '00) Expenditure (in Rs. 00) ---~-----~ r------~------~------~ ~ ~01W ~itf smrnrI ~-~~ ~lf ~~ f.:rl'ffor ~~

    Other General Public Sources Total Adminis- Public health and Public Other Total (specify) Receipt tration safety Convenience Public works Institutions (Specify) Expenditure

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

    19,194 66,712 2,647 2.212 30,451 10,504 1,675 18,344 65,833

    375 4,000 351 126 1,548 45 4 411 2.485

    1'.069 65,159 5,809 2,350 40,278 3,966 1,675 11,488 65,566

    82 637 48 88 342 26 185 689

    21 4,570 14,103 9,900 1,211 6,373 5,389 36,976

    10 1,43J 220 250 290 70 60 644 1,534 • 224

    ~~~4 onm~ ai'tt i31t=lf ~fcf~·, 1979

    arif~f'i{Q ~:s'!i1 'liT ;:;rn--+r.'I' ~ ;:rtn: ~ ,,;r' '1fT ... ~ :;riffilSlfT ~~l<#tt~ at'R <'f~ani f.r

    Civic Scheduled Admini- Castes and stration Scheduled Road System SI. Class and Name Status Popu- Tribes length of Water No. of Town (in 1980) lation Population (in kms.) Sewerage borne Service Others

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    (if.'lT.) 140,986 7,147 q.~.PR (40.60) OSO~ 230 6,271 34 1 I ~~R~ Burhanpur M ifi.~. KR (7.50) SO

    11,713 1,889 q.~. PR (3.50) OSO, 27 713 10 2 IV ~~ (ar.e'r.) Harsud N.A.C. 'Ii'.~. KR (8.70) SO

    13,887 q.~. PR (50.60) OSO, 3 I ~:scrr (if.'ll.) 114,725 4,115 8,973 23 Khandwa M ifi.~. KR (29.80) BSO

    4 V i!'~T (ar.e'r.) 7,589 1,403 q.~. PR (1.00) OSO, 17 243 1. Mundi N.A.C. ifi.~. KR (2.00) SO

    5 III ~, (~.'f. ) 22,609 2,379 I.q.~. PR (11.00) OSO, 1,842 20 Nepanagar C.T. ifi.~. KR (25.00) BSD

    6 IV m~ 'f.1fT • 11,578 1,658 q.~. PR (3.50) OSD, 235 5 Shahpur M 'Ii'.~. KR (4.50) SD f~IIiT:- (1 ) *'Iil<'f1f 14 it l!f~ fifi~T iftr<: it li~ ~crr ~Of 'f~r ~T efT ~r ~<'f ifi f'fifiGCfli ~I!fl'f !fiT 'ffIl' liT f~ fqffi !fiT iff1{ ~fG qq: ;am U\il;f if ~ liT ~~ <:T\ilf !fiT ifTl{ ~~ ~r ~l;:f ~ 'liT ~~o'li' it

    STATEMENT IV Civic and Other Amenities, 1979

    lffl ~ qy;ft

    Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

    WB, T, ORT ~YES 5.843 3,935 2.456 2.776 177 ST W (1.287.000) WB. W 'lim Khandwa 678 SO 481 259 97 ST (63)

    WB, T, OHT ~ Yes 7,383 244 3,130 2,124 173 ST W (3,141,550) B.W.P. (340,650) RL. T. OHT qiTcfT Khandwa 694 3 299 186 233 ST W (125,000) (32)

    ST T SR ~t Yes 2,165 209 11 705 23 (225,000)

    WB T. ORT ~Burhanpur 567 15 70 206 666 W (37,850) (11 ) Note:-Col. 14 * In case t}lis service is not available in the town the name' of the nearest place in the same district or the name of nearest district in the same State or other State where this service is available alongwith distance in kms in brackets have been reported •. 226'

    fi,"("f: 4",

    sn~~f~.r q;:4:T ...m)' if "I~I~ -atR ~ !lFctaltr~, 19'19_

    'l51f ~ ~ IIlvft tr~T ~ IfiT ~

    SI. Class and Name Name of Area of Slum Population Paved roads System of No. of Town Slum in Sq. Km. of Slum (in Kms.) Sewerage

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    I 0crT aPri.'l'I !fmiI)';ft I, Khandwa BangIa Coloney 0.08 150 080- aPrm ~~ 2 Bangia Desh 0.18 .1,440 1.00 OSD '!;;:<1'{ f

    C). t:hampa Nagar 0.30 1,051 1. SO OSD f~ ~ crqro lfTlT 71 Civil Line Tapasvi Marg 0.08 500 i ;';00 OSD q;m~ S; Fakeer Mohalla 0.02 950 OiD ~~~~ Ganesh Ganj Bhatt "R:oad 0.15 2,000 1.00 ~ OSD ~i1m 0.18 1,216 1.00 tilt Ganesh Toli OSD 'E!T1;I"~r 0.01 2,010 1.00 Itt Ghaspura OSD ~1fl{ ~ ~ lfTl{ 0.02 1.500 12'. Mohd. Khan Patel Marg 1. SO OSO ~1f~ 2.25 1,216 1-3- Padam Nagar OSD q<:~~ 0.01 1,500 14 Pardeshipura 1. SO OSO 'U~ 0.01 700 JSi Rameshwar 1.00 OSO m<;1f ;;fT1fm !tIlT 3,000 lfji Salam Jamadar Marg 0.13 1.00 OSO f~~eOO 0.18 1,238 2.00 17 Singar Toli OSO ~iff~ m~ 700 ' 18 Trenching Ground 0.08 OSO .wr 4.11 22,764 15.50 :!27


    Civic and Other amenities in Notmed Slums. 1979

    ~l:ffifr~T 'i<'i'T ~T ;;rtTf('lif fq"{CII'fl(U]' Number of Latrines ~ f;;;riT ~f'ffl ;;r;:r (mwiff 'Ift~) r------~------"""\ ~'!i'T~ Electrification f.I

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    1 WB .3 10 20

    2 64 WB 24 7S 40

    15 179 1 WB 4 25 2()

    10 20 1 WB 5 6 7

    20 WB 24 8 10

    2 10 WB 10 12 14

    50 35 WB 5 6 3

    115 WB 10 20 30

    5 105 1 WB 16 12 n

    14 72 1 WB 30 225 7S

    2 65 1 WB 10 75 7S WB 5 76 1 J2 .35 '2 WB 100 25 8 40 30

    IS 216 WB 10 30 22

    40 65 1 WB 14 IS 11

    15 WB 10 10 12

    18 185 1 WB 10 4S 26

    10 WB 4 20 25

    178 1,177 11 111 669 447 228

    fC4'4 <'f 4 'fi

    an~~l.f "'~, ~y if;ntTf~ SlR aJ;1:f ~fifm' t 1979

    !fill' if1R'ti'I ~ tfo'~ iffiit ifiT ~r orffi ifiT ~r oren ~

    SI. Class and Name Name of Area of Slum Population Paved roads System of No. of Town Slum in Sq. Km. of Slum (in Kms.) Sewerage

    i 2 3 4 5 6 7

    II ~~ ~ r Burhanpur Alamganj 0.01 702 3.00 OSD ~

    ~I- SI1Jlf ~ ~ ~ it; i'ffl''U it; ~ ~ ~

    Civic and Other amenities in Notified Slums. 1979

    ~T~~T ~~1 mCf'.l1"~~ r"l'Q«l1i

    8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    2 190 2 WB 78 230 76 1

    18 190 1 WB 54 256 25 1

    3 WB n 238 35 IS

    5 220 2 WB 61 251 26 I

    3 147 1 WB 55 202 J

    81 49 2 WB SO 219 to I

    12 173 2 WB 73 71S 99

    15 230 3 WB 42 172 176 %

    10 170 1 WB 61 359 57 I

    15 175 2 WB 84 565 3J ...

    10 110 1 WB 66 216 35 Z

    6 180 3 WB 66 413 143 2

    241 320 1 WB 52 J67 24 1

    197 1,154 24 789 4,603 741 27

    Note:- The slum areas of class 1 and class II towns obly have been reported. 230,

    fCf~ 5

    f:t{ft5ffiT, ~f&lf{it q;f'WiiI;:r ~ ~f~fuCfi WCftTl~', 1979

    '!ijiq Ofil<: qit ._fIlTT ~~T fqf~T ~fornn!;' l[f!li'f; ~f S1. Class and Name PopuJa- saries/T.B. tions noted degree level Medical ring technic training No. of town lion Clinics etc. in column 4 and above) College College College institutions

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    H (A.l.I), ~)~ ~~Cfr 1 I "!.~~ ~ Burhanpur 140,986 D (U-l,2), 115 AC (1), Indore Indore Khandwa Sh,Type (1) FC(2) ASC( I) (203) (203) _ (68)

    (1) If'fiT<;flf 4 Il;


    Medical, Educational. Recreational and Cultural Facilities, 1979

    Educational facilities

    ------,_...------~ ~ fuit Q:T~r Numbers of recreational and cultural ~ ~j~- 1ff~if'Ii '3"Vif ~ m~lf'l'i ~~mmqr ;arh '3"@t"ij"1t facilities lfTf~cjq).~.m. ~~~. ait~ ~\'f 'liliTn(/~ ,------~------~ (m. l!.fifCffuc;T flffe1f"l

    ~ffiij;m!J Higher Secon- d aryjIntermediate/ Junior Adult lite- Working PUC (Pre- Secondary racy classes! women's Auditori- Public/Ii bra- University SecondaryI and centres hostels with um/DramaJ ries including CollegejJunior Matricu- Middle Primary others number of Commu- reading College level lation Schools Schools (Specify) seats Stadium Cinema nity halls rooms

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

    ~'I~ 9 8 53 Indore 7 1 6 (203 ) ~"h: 2 4 8 Indore 1 (195) ~.m 10 J 1 S3 Indore 4 2 t 125) ~i.{1<. 2 2 2 Indore (165) ~.m 2 3 7 Indore 2 3 (196) ~

    Note:-(l) *Cols 4 and 6 to 15 : If a medical or educational facility is not available in the town, the name of the nearest place if in the same district or the name of nearest district in the same State or other State and where this service is ayailabJe aJongwith distance in kms. in brackets from the town have been reported. 232


    ;tfftm', -~ aiR _'fiwffT, 1979

    'lIi'I' ;m: ~ l5f"vft ~ ~~ dR amnftrn ~an it; ;n'1f u.« ~'rvf dR ~ ~ it; ;mr ~ Olh: ifT'l Name of three most important commodities Name of three most important commodities imported exported r------"------. ~------~------~ Sl. Class and name ~ ~ ~ ~ 'lU'U ~ No. of town 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd

    1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8

    1. I ~ &1'1T ~" ~t ~~ ~ Burhanpur Thread Tendu Leaves Tobacco Cloth Bldl f.t;u;n 2. IV ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Harsud Kirona Cloth Sugar Cotton Urad Orain f.fm;n 3. I V:AT ~ mm ~ Q11lT ~ Khandwa Medicines Klrana Cotton KhfJdi Thread Dalda

    4. V ~"T R,'UifT

    s. III ~ i(16 ~ ~ =,.:sr fSl~·~ ~f ,_-q

    STATEMENT VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979

    , m~·ffi;{~~~;nl{ ~ 'I[1If mtffu1fl q"( 'fiN '!I['Ur Name of three most important commodities cti\'~ ~

    'li'Jf!' IfiImf it; mit ~'fiT~ 12 3 7 Cloth Cotton Yam Foundry Items

    ~ 1Ilf m1I'A' ifitmT~q;ri ",1 lid", I (\ !fiT ffi1i1'f 3 2 3 Wooden articles Cotton Ginning Asricul~ural Goods 13 3 38 ~%~ '!!fm ~ Milk Tank Vegetable Oil

    ~~ !pi m;rlif ~ 'fiT mm;r 2 J Wooden articles Leather articles 2 2 ~ ~ Ifi(t[;;f ~ n News Print Paper Lime Bridts 2 ~ it~.'r ~~ 2 1 Furniture Bid; Groundnut Oil 234

    -m:~ APPENDIX

    "",1 .. 1I1~f:' im. .. mill ..~"" Towns Showing their vutgrowtbs witb, PopulatiQD _------'lfi1{ ~l9llT ;:pr~ 'fiT ifTlf ~I