Quarterly Newsletter of the Brooks Robinson - George Kell Chapter of the Society for American Baseball Research Volume 2, Number 1 January 2007 In This Issue Chapter Chairman Madison McEntire
[email protected] Trivia . page 1 Manager's Memo . .page 2 Newsletter Editor Fred Worth Biography - Brooks Robinson. page 2
[email protected] Schedule of Coming Events . page 8 Research Anecdote . page 8 Book Reviews . page 9 Editor's Note We are thrilled to include a special item in this issue. In the last issue, we featured a biography of George Kell, one of the two Arkansas Hall of Fame third baseman after whom our chapter is named. In this issue, we feature the other Arkansas Hall of Fame third baseman, Brooks Robinson. Again, the biography is written by Robinson's long-time friend, Jim Rasco. Please take the time to read this delightful biography of a wonderful player and man. We also have two book reviews, The Echoing Green, reviewed by Terry Turner and The Only Game In Town: Baseball Stars Of The 1930's And 1940's Talk About The Game They Loved, reviewed by Mike Dugan. I've read The Echoing Green and concur with Terry's endorsement. I haven't read The Only Game In Town, but after reading Mike's review I've decided it will be my next "baseball book" purchase. Trivia Column (For answers, look on page 8.) "Correct thinkers think that baseball trivia is an oxymoron: nothing about baseball is trivial." -- George Will (April 8, 1990) Questions of the day ----- 1. What is the longest winning streak by a team that finished with a losing record? 2.