Foundations of Relations and Kleene Algebra
Introduction Foundations of Relations and Kleene Algebra Aim: cover the basics about relations and Kleene algebras within the framework of universal algebra Peter Jipsen This is a tutorial Slides give precise definitions, lots of statements Decide which statements are true (can be improved) Chapman University which are false (and perhaps how they can be fixed) [Hint: a list of pages with false statements is at the end] September 4, 2006 Peter Jipsen (Chapman University) Relation algebras and Kleene algebra September 4, 2006 1 / 84 Peter Jipsen (Chapman University) Relation algebras and Kleene algebra September 4, 2006 2 / 84 Prerequisites Algebraic properties of set operation Knowledge of sets, union, intersection, complementation Some basic first-order logic Let U be a set, and P(U)= {X : X ⊆ U} the powerset of U Basic discrete math (e.g. function notation) P(U) is an algebra with operations union ∪, intersection ∩, These notes take an algebraic perspective complementation X − = U \ X Satisfies many identities: e.g. X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X for all X , Y ∈ P(U) Conventions: How can we describe the set of all identities that hold? Minimize distinction between concrete and abstract notation x, y, z, x1,... variables (implicitly universally quantified) Can we decide if a particular identity holds in all powerset algebras? X , Y , Z, X1,... set variables (implicitly universally quantified) These are questions about the equational theory of these algebras f , g, h, f1,... function variables We will consider similar questions about several other types of algebras, a, b, c, a1,... constants in particular relation algebras and Kleene algebras i, j, k, i1,..
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