Kitniyot on Pesah – Are They Really Forbidden?
Rice, beans and kitniyot on Pesah – are they really forbidden? By Rabbi David Golinkin The following responsum was approved by the CJLS on December, 24 2015 by a vote of fifteen in favor, three opposed, and four abstaining (15-3-4). Voting for: Rabbis Kassel Abelson, Pamela Barmash, David Booth, Elliot Dorff, Susan Grossman, Reuven Hammer, Joshua Heller, Jeremy Kalmanofsky, Adam Kligfeld, Gail Labovitz, Jonathan Lubliner, Daniel Nevins, Paul Plotkin, Elie Spitz, and Jay Stein. Voting against: Rabbis Amy Levin, Micah Peltz, and Avram Reisner. Abstaining: Rabbis Aaron Alexander, Miriam Berkowitz, Baruch Frydman-Kohl, and Noah Bickart This responsum was originally written in Hebrew for the Va'ad Halakhah of the Rabbinical Assembly of Israel in 1989 and published in the Responsa of the Va'ad Halakhah 3 (5748- 5749), pp. 35-55 (which can be accessed at It was aimed at Israel where hundreds of products are labeled "Kosher for Pesah for those who eat Kitniyot" and where many Ashkenazim marry Sephardim. This revised translation is addressed to all Jews. In this version, we have added some new sources and references, but we have also abbreviated some sections by referring to the Hebrew original. Since this responsum is quite lengthy, I have included a brief summary at the beginning. DG * * * * * Question: Why do Ashkanazic Jews refrain from eating rice, beans and kitniyot on Pesah? Is there any way of doing away with this custom which causes much hardship and also divides Jewish communities and even members of the same family? A Brief Summary of the Responsum: 1) In our opinion it is permitted (and perhaps even obligatory) to eliminate this custom.
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