The Cerebral Sulci and Gyri
Neurosurg Focus 28 (2):E2, 2010 The cerebral sulci and gyri GUILHERME CARVALHAL RIBAS, M.D. Department of Surgery, University of São Paulo Medical School—LIM-02, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil The aim of this study was to describe in detail the microanatomy of the cerebral sulci and gyri, clarifying the nomenclature for microneurosurgical purposes. An extensive review of the literature regarding the historical, evo- lutionary, embryological, and anatomical aspects pertinent to human cerebral sulci and gyri was conducted, with a and gyri is needed to understand neuroimaging studies, as well as to plan and execute current microneurosurgical procedures. (DOI: 10.3171/2009.11.FOCUS09245) KEY WORDS LTHOUGH there is no strict relationship between 23 As early as ~ 10,000 years brain structure and function, current knowledge ago, cranial trephination was performed “successfully” Ashows that the two are closely interrelated. The (that is, with new bone formation after the procedure) in brain is divided into regions and subdivided into more dating to 2000 years ago in South America, where the practice was particularly common in the pre-Incan and was previously thought.35 Therefore, it is essential that Incan cultures of Peru.26 Despite this historical context, neurosurgeons have an intimate knowledge of brain mi- knowledge of the anatomy of the brain in general and of croanatomy, not only to improve their understanding of its surface in particular is quite recent.23,26,38 neuroimaging studies, but also to allow them to plan and perform neurosurgical procedures while considering par- ticular brain functions. Hippocrates (460–370 BC), who is considered the father of medicine, posited that the brain was responsible for mental activities and convulsions, whereas some impor- and transsulcal approaches80,84,85 have established the sul- tant Greek philosophers, such as Aristotle (384–322 BC), ci as fundamental landmarks on the brain surface.
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