Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia a Qualitative Systematic Review Martin S
Anesthesiology 2006; 104:570–87 © 2006 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Opioid-induced Hyperalgesia A Qualitative Systematic Review Martin S. Angst, M.D.,* J. David Clark, M.D., Ph.D.† Opioids are the cornerstone therapy for the treatment of an all-inclusive and current overview of a topic that may moderate to severe pain. Although common concerns regard- be difficult to grasp as a whole because new evidence ing the use of opioids include the potential for detrimental side accumulates quickly and in quite distinct research fields. effects, physical dependence, and addiction, accumulating evi- dence suggests that opioids may yet cause another problem, As such, a comprehensive review may serve as a source often referred to as opioid-induced hyperalgesia. Somewhat document. However, a systematic review also uses a paradoxically, opioid therapy aiming at alleviating pain may framework for presenting information, and such a frame- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/104/3/570/360792/0000542-200603000-00025.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 render patients more sensitive to pain and potentially may work may facilitate and clarify future communication by aggravate their preexisting pain. This review provides a com- clearly delineating various entities or aspects of OIH. prehensive summary of basic and clinical research concerning opioid-induced hyperalgesia, suggests a framework for organiz- Finally, a systematic review aims at defining the status ing pertinent information, delineates the status quo of our quo of our knowledge concerning OIH, a necessary task knowledge, identifies potential clinical implications, and dis- to guide future research efforts and to identify potential cusses future research directions.
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