केजरवाल के कम से परेशां कसी आम आदमी ने उनके ीमखु पर याह फेकं.

आम आदमी पाट क सभाओं म# काय$कता$ओं से &यादा 'ेस वाले होते ह).

क*मीर +वरोधी और भारत देश को खं.डत करने वाले संगठन2 का साथ इनको श5ु से 6मलता रहा है.

Shimrit lee वो म8हला है िजसके ऊपर शक है क वो सी आई ए एज#ट है. इस म8हला ने केजरवाल क एन जी ओ म# कु छ 8दन रह कर भारत के लोकतं> पर शोध कया था.

िजंदल ?पु के असल मा6लक एस िजंदल के साथ अAना और केजरवाल. िजंदल ?पु कोयला घोटाले म# शा6मल है.

ये है इनके सेकु लCर&म का असल 5प. Dया कभी इAह# साध ू संत2 के साथ भी देखा गया है. मिलमु वोट2 के 6लए ये कु छ भी कर#गे. दंगे के आरो+पय2 तक को गले लगाय#गे.

योगेAF यादव पहले कां?ेस के 6लए काम कया करते थे. ये पहले (एन ए सी ) िजसक अIयJ सोKनया गाँधी ह) के 6लए भी काम कया करते थे.

भारत के लोकसभा चनावु म# +वदे6शय2 का आम आदमी पाट के Nवारा दखल. ये कोई भी सकते ह). सी आई ए एज#ट भी.

केजरवाल मलायमु 6संह के भी बाप ह). उAह# कु छ 6सरफरे 8हAदओंु का वोट पDका है और बाक का 8हसाब मिलमु वोट से चल जायेगा.

ये (गजेट 6मPल) एक +वदेशी मिलमु पQ>का का भारत के मिलम2ु को आप को सपोट$ करने के 6लए कया जा रहा केRपेन का Sच> है. ये सबतू है क कस तरह से भारत के लोकतं> और चनावु को +वदेशी ताकत# 'भा+वत कर रह ह). और केजरवाल +वदेशी मदद से भारत के लोकतं> को बबा$द करने क शािजस रच रहा है.

केजरवाल 8दPल के सी एम बनते ह उAह2ने २ बंगले मांगे, उAह# सरJाु भी 6मल, और उनके मंQ>य2 ने तो सरJाु के साथ ह मंहगी गा.ड़याँ खरदं और वी आई पी नRबर भी 6लए, और सरकार पैसे से महंगे सोफे और एल ई डी ट वी आ8द भी खरदा.

वी आई पी नRबर वाल केजरवाल के मं>ी क कार

आप के नेताओं म# Sच> म# 8दए वो नेतागण भी शा6मल ह) िजAह2ने संसद हमले के आरोपी अफजल गXु क माफ़ के 6लए अ6भयान चलाया था.

+वदेशी और भारत +वरोधी पैस2 का एक और सबत.ू

अर+वAद केजरवाल खुद को आर ट आई का जनक मानते ह) मगर खुद पर जब '*न पछाु जाता है तो उसी आर ट आई का गला घ2ट दे ते ह) .

कां?ेस से 6मल भगत का सबसे बड़ा सबत.ू

ये अAना हजारे का केजरवाल को 6लखा पा> है िजसमे वो चंदे क रकम का 8हसाब जानना चाहते ह).

ये कैसे काय$करता ह) जो दा5 क दकानु पर खड़े ह).

केजरवाल के समथ$क2 म# क*मीर अलगावाद भी शा6मल ह).

मी.डया को पाट 8टकेट क घसू देने का Cरवाज़ इAहोने ह श5ु कया.

२०११ म# लोकपाल आAदोलन म# ये दोन2 एक दसरेु को पानी पी पी कर गल देते थे. ये Sच> साQबत करता है क अर+वAद केजरवाल क आम आदमी पाट कां?ेस क बी टम है.

केजरवाल के एक और झूठ का खुलासा क 8दPल म# ^ताचार कम हुआ उनक सरकार के कारण.

सरकार बनते ह ये शीला 8दिDसत के _खलाफ मी.डया म# सबतू मांगने लगे.


ये तवीर तब क है जब आशतोषु ने आम आदमी पाट &वाइन नहं क थी. और वो आई बी एन ७ म# नौकर करते थे. मी.डया को चनावु 8टकेट देकर खरदने क शXआतु इAहोने ह क है.

कमल 6म> Sचनॉय जे एन य ु +व*व+वNयालय म# 'ोफेसर ह) और क*मीर क आज़ाद के 6लए लड़ते ह). ये भी आप म# शा6मल हो गए Dय2क आप क*मीर को आजाद देने के पDछ म# ह). गोले म# कमल 6म> Sचनॉय

मी.डया आपको ये सब नहं 8दखाएगी.

सdता 6मलते ह सोने लगे आप के नेता.

8दPल चनावु के पहले तक ये कां?ेस के _खलाफ थे और इतीफा देते ह बी जे पी के _खलाफ हो गए.

पाक आतंकय2 क मदद और नDसा6लय2 क भी मदद. 'शांत भषणू भारत देश को िजAनाह से भी बड़ी JKत पहुँचाने क फ़राक म# ह). इनके क*मीर पाक को दे देना चा8हए का आज तक केजरवाल ने खंडन नह कया है.

ये आप पाट के सदय ह) . इAह# केजरवाल और आप पाट से बहुत आशाएं थीं. लेकन इAह# जPद ह केजरवाल का असल चेहरा पता चल गया और इAहोने अपनी टो+पय2 म# आग लगा कर केजरवाल का +वरोध कया.

केजरवाल का य ु टन$

योगेAF यादव एक कां?ेसी नेता के साथ गम$जोशी से 6मलते हुए.

योगेAF यादव पहले कां?ेस के टु कड़2 पर पलते थे. आप &वाइन करने के बाद कां?ेस ने इनसे इनक रोज़ी छeन ल

पकतान को परू उRमीद है क केजरवाल क*मीर पकतान को देने म# परू मदद कर#गे.

नयी पाट देख कर गल मोहPले के गुंडे भी आप म# शा6मल हो गए ह).

ये भारत के आम आदमी ह) Dया. ?

अंजल दामानीया नागपरु से KनKतन गडकर के _खलाफ चनावु लड़#गी.

केजरवाल क पdनी के _खलाफ एक आर ट आई काय$कdता$ ने 6लखा प>.

कहा था क सरJाु नहं लँगाू


ये केजरवाल क Sचgी है सी एम बनने के बाद अपने 6लए २ बंगल2 क .डमांड करते हुए.

आप क सभा म# काय$कता$ओं क कम और 'ेसवाल2 क संhया अSधक रहती है.

पराू पCरवार ह कां?ेस के हाथ2 मलाई खा रहा है.

केजरवाल ने उसी आ ई एस को हCरयाणा म# 8टकेट दे 8दया िजसने सोKनया गाँधी के दामाद राबट$ वाiा के _खलाफ आ ई एस अशोक खेमका Nवारा क गयी भ6मू घोटाले क जांच को १५ 6मनट म# उPट 8दया था.

इनके कानपरू रैल का हाल . भीड़ का नामोKनशान नहं और चले ह) मोद जी के _खलाफ खड़े होने.

सी आई ए से 6मलभगत का एक और सबत.ू

Difference between two AAP vs BJP: BJP : Ex Army Chief / General Joins BJP (V.K Singh) Ex RAW Chief Joins BJP (Sanjeev Tripathi) Ex- Police chief joins BJP (Satyapal Singh) Ex Home Secretary joins BJP (R.K. Singh) Ex Major General joins BJP (G.D. Bakshi) Ex IPS to join BJP (Kiran Bedi) Ex Naval to join BJP soon (Admiral D.K. Joshi) Armed forces and are made for each other, both are nationalists and patriots, Narendra Modi is going to plan the strongest National Security Policy ever had. AAP: Kashmir Separatist Supporter is a founder of AAP () Osama Bin Laden, Afzal Guru, Naxal Sympathiser joins AAP (Kamal Mitra Chenoy) Maoist sympathizer joins AAP (Soni Sori) Afzal Guru and Ajmal Amer Kasab sympathizer joins AAP (Medha Patkar) Naxal Terrorist joins AAP (Dr. Binayak Sen) Anti-national Kashmir Separatist joins AAP (Raza Mujaffar Bhatt) Kashmiri Sepratist sympathizer 's mother Mary Roy joins AAP Ajmal Amer Kasab sympathizer joins AAP (Mallika Sarabhai)

Choice is yours, whether to go with Nationalists or with Anti Nationals. AAP = All Anti-National Party

केजरवाल से 11 सवाल 1) उNयोगपKत न+वन िजंदल और 8हरो सायकल वाले मुंजाल से करोड़2 का चंदा Dय2 6लया ? 2) पाकतान और CIA जैसी +वदेशी ताकत2 से चंदा Dय2 6लया ? 3) आतंकवादय2 और नDसलय2 क पैरवी Dय2 करते हो ? 4)Income Tax +वभाग म# केजरवाल ने 9.5 लाख Xपये का जमा$नाु Dय2 भरा ? 5) 8दPल के बाहर तबादला ना हो इस6लये , सोKनया गांधी का 6सफाCरश प> Dय2 6लया ? 6) नोएडा के 6शJक अजय पाल क वराज कताब Dय2 चुरायी ? 7) खुद के ^kटाचार मामा को छु ड़ाने के 6लये पु6लस थाने Dय2 गया था ? 8) अंजल दमाKनया , मयंक गांधी , भूषण जैसे ^kटाचारय2 को कब तक बचायेगा ? 9) अlणा आंदोलन के चंदे के गबन कये 200 करोड़ का Dया कया ? 10) अlणा 6समकाड$ घोटाले म# गबन कये हुये 28 करोड़ Xपय2 का Dया कया ? 11)AAP पर +वदेशी चंदा लेने क केस म# , हायकोट$ को चंदे के पेपर/document Dय2 नह 8दये ?

AAP पाट के ये बयान 1. आप कांnस से गठबंधन कर सकती है शािजया इPमी - 2. तXण तेजपाल Kनदpष है शािजया इPमी - 3. नरेAF मोद मानवता का हdयारा है संजय6संह - 4. ठंड म# 8हमालय पर बैठा 8दया और कपडे भी नह 8दए Qबचारे को और सर के ऊपर से गंगा Kनकाल द तो वो शंकर तांडवनह तो Dया .डको करेगा कु मार बकवास - 5. पदम ् ी मेरे पाँव क जूती है कु मार बकवास - 6. इशरत जहाँ मासमू थी योगेAF यादव - 7. 42% भारतीय चाहते ह) क राहुल गाँधी जी 'धानमA>ी बने योगेAF यादव - 8. बटला हाउस फजr है अर+वAद केजरवाल - 9. राजीव गाँधी इकलौते ऐसे नेता थे, िजAह2ने आम आदमी क भलाई के 6लए काम कया अर+वAद केजरवाल - 10. राहुल गाँधी जी को देश क समयाओं क समझ है अर+वAद केजरवाल - और अब इनक नीचता का सबसे बड़ा नमना-ू 11. भारत के 6लए 8हAद ू शिDतयां खतरा है 'शांत 'दषणू - 12. क*मीर को पकतान को दे देना चा8हए 'शांत 'दषणू - अगर ये बयान सननेु के बाद भी आप लोग AAP (Aam Atankwadi Party) पाट को वोट देते ह) तो आप काटज ू के 90% Dलब म# शा6मल होने लायक है।. ajay

कसी भी आ+पये ने अभी तक इस सवाल का जवाब नहं 8दया क य8द गवन$र के प> ( १ - पर आपिdत थी , तो उसे लेकर कोट$ Dय2 नहं गए ? २आठ 8दन Xक ( जाते तथा उस +वधेयक को दोबारा राkuपKत जब वहाँ से वापस ... केAF के पास भेजते- आता तो काँ?ेस)" एDसपोज " भाजपा के _खलाफ -?) केस और अSधक मजबूत बनतातब ... इतीफ़ा देते...

48 day ! 48 Achievement Of AAP #QuitAAP #BhagodaKejri 1. Polluted water giving in name of free water 2. More Than 178 people died due to cold and shotage of night shelter 3. Increased water traffic charges 10% 4. Increased electricity traffic charges 8 % 5. Support Terrorist ! AAP govt opposes death penalty to Khalistani terrorist Bhullar! 6. Half Electricity for only those who supported Ak , defaulter 7. Cutting water connection who did not voted to AAP 8. Invitation to Naxal, Maoists for joining AAP 9. Stopped retail FDI , Making people jobless , but no action for creating new jobs 10. No Women Security Force 11. No Permanancy of Guest Teachers 12. Racist' comments made by AAP MLA somnath bharti 13. Somnath bharti abusing to other 14. Somnath bharti trying to influence a prosecution witness in a case 15. Aap leader has been arrested for allegedly raping a woman on the pretext of providing her a job 16. No security provided for women 17. He stopped the janta durbar. 18. No Permanancy of temporary DTC employees 19. No Permanancy of Contract Labour 20. No action against corrupt aap Law Minister 21. AAP MLA Dinesh Mohaniya was slapped by a woman over water supply problem 22. 372 Crore subsidy to Ambani(discoms) 23. Took Govt house, sofa 24. Took vip cars with vip number 25. More than 70 press conference but no development work 26. AAP leader was forced foreign women to urinate in public 27. No scholarship for students 28. AAP MLA somnath bharti Selling/running PornSite 29. AAP activists caught in an immigration test fraud in UK 30. No improvement in govt school 31. Breaking india unity and Support reservation ! 90% DU seat reserved for delhi people, now imagine if bangalore say 90% jobs reserve for bangalore people 32. Lots of drama n Dharna 33. Transfer 800 delhi jalboard to delhi jalboard ""34. Installing faulty water meters 35. Zero Governance & Full anarchy 36. Power Cut started 37. slept on street to protect his own minister 38. Supporter drinks alcohol during dharna 39. using NGO Kabir fund for personel use 40. AAP fund fraud: Issued same receipt to multiple donors 41. AAP Members' Involved in Visa Scam 42. Creating Lots of Problem to common people through dharna 43. AAP Supporter threaten to heart attack patient when they ask the AAP workers not to park vehicles outside my house and it was difficult for my family to take my vehicle out during the emergency 44. Insults women ( nurses) 45. insults Christians and Hindus 46. AAP has stopped all the projects which were sanctioned earlier 47. No improvement in colledges 48. Somanth Bharti's supporters molested foreign women

Aam AAdmi Jag gaya #BhagodaKejri bhag gaya !

1. Who gave the Bungalow in Connaught Place for Rs 1/month as rent to Aam Aadmi Party? Why his/her name hasn't been disclosed? 2. Binayak Sen, a member of Planning Commission, drafts policies of Aam Aadmi Party. Then, what is the connection between AAP and Congress? 3. AK says, he served 5 years as an honest IRS officers, but no transfers happened ever. Whereas, in the same system people like Ashok Khemka gets transferred twice a year for his honesty. Why? 4. Admiral Ramdas, who is a part of AAP's internal Lokpal, was against Nuclear Tests held in Pokharan. He even vowed to fast in front of 7 RCR against the tests. In a reaction to this, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam had said, "Ramdas can sit on a fast in Islamabad because Pakistan was planning to conduct nuclear tests." (Ref: Ignited Minds by APJ Abdul Kalam) Why did AK take persons like him in his party? 5. Santosh Koli, closest aide of , was killed in a hit and run case. Should not he pursue this issue or demand probe? 6. AK blames, Congress and BJP to be like mafias. Why doesn't he come and prove his statement? 7. Why has Aam Aadmi Party given tickets to some rejected workers of both BJP and Congress in Delhi? Is popularity the main factor behind selection? 8. Donation for the movement got collected all over the nation, still why is it being used for a political party that exists only in Delhi? 9. Why is the supporters of IAC receive mails from AAP? Who hacked the IAC's database? 10. Kejriwal's NGO was supported by Infosys of which Nandan Nilekani is a co-founder and also the chief of Aadhar Project and moreover, enjoys the rank of a cabinet minister. It is well-known for Nilekani to contest from South Bangalore Loksabha on a Congress's ticket. Isn't it Congress-AAP bhai-bhai? 11. A few months ago, Yogendra Yadav addressed a meeting organised by Rajiv Gandhi foundation. This meeting was chaired by Sonia Gandhi and here Yogendra Yadav spoke passionately about creating India of Nehru's dreams. Now does he not want to do the same in AAP? 12. Closeness of Sanjiv Bhat and Prashant Bhushan is well-known. They organised a workshop together against Modi's govt in IFI (Islamic Foundation of India). Also, Sanjiv Bhat's wife contested against Narendra Modi with a Congress's ticket. Does it not mean Congress- AAP are different faces of the same coin? 13. Arvind's NGO received huge funds from Tata Trust. He exposed Ambani brothers, but why is he silent against Tata's role in 2G scam? 14. Why have publications like Indian Express, Tehelka, Kafila, Open, Caravan, Hindustan Times, NDTV who gave negative coverage to the movement and then again when the party was formed have suddenly started praising Arvind Kejriwal? Is Congress using its clout in media in creating an illusion that Arvind Kejriwal is a major force in Delhi elections to split opposition's votes? 15. Sanjay Kumar, the associate and deputy of Yogendra Yadav, did not give a single seat to Aam Aadmi Party in his own survey (Divided They Fail: 7 October 2013, Indian Express). Whose survey to believe, Sanjay Kumar or Yogendra Yadav? 16. What is the source of income of Manish Sisodia, , Sanjay Singh and Arvind Kejriwal? Is it the donations from common people? 17. Some journalists say that Arvind had several secret meetings with Ahmed Patel (political adviser of Sonia Gandhi) and Pawan Khera (political advisor of Sheila Dikshit). What is the deal? What did they talk about? 18. Shazia Ilmi, Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav openly supported the controversial communal violence bill. What is Aam Aadmi Party's stand on the same?Is it still their personal views like Prashant Bhushant's view on Kashmir's plebiscite? 19. Prashant Bhushan and Co. have filed several PILs for riots. Have they filed a single PIL in court regarding the recent riots in or in West Bengal. Is only Gujarat on the target? 20. In March 2012, Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan were preparing a list of candidates for Himachal Assembly elections. Then, why this drama of fasting in July & saying that they were left with no other option but to form a party when it got decided many months before? Anna himself scolded Arvind, Prashant and co. when he came to know their plans to contest in Himachal elections and they had to drop their plans. 21. After elections were announced in Delhi, most cases of violation of Model Code of Conduct have been registered against Aam Aadmi Party - 61 against AAP, 54 against BJP, 52 against Congress and 2 against BSP as per Election Commission of Delhi. Are you cleaning the system or damaging it further? 22. Arvind was against High Command culture in politics. The same culture and same personality cult is there in AAP. Why posters of AAP only has pictures of Arvind Kejriwal? 23. How can Arvind declare himelf the next CM of Delhi. That call has to be taken by MLAs after elections! AAM Aadmi Party is nothing but Arvind-Arvind Party being run as one man's business? 24. Arvind says he has sacrificed by leaving IRS because the system is rotten. Why is his wife Sunita still a part of the rotten system and enjoys the perks and privileges of that same system? Why doesn't she also quit IRS and contest elections in Delhi? 25. Arvind lives in the same house alloted to his IRS wife in Koshambi by Govt. This is pure double-speak. Arvind and his family enjoy all perks given by the govt? 26. Why in all of Aam Aadmi Party there is nobody bigger in stature than Arvind Kejriwal? Why people like Kiran Bedi, Fali S Nariman, Santosh Hegde, Rajinder Singh, P V Rajagopal, Medha Patkar, Devinder Sharma, Arvind Gaur, Archbishop of Delhi, Syed Mahmood Madani are not part of the party? 27. Is it a fact that in your entire service of 20 years in Indian Revenue Service, you never served outside Delhi, even though the norms of the service are that all IRS officers serve a posting only for 3 years in a place’? 28. Is it a fact that even your wife, who also is an Indian Revenue Service Officer, has never served outside Delhi? 29. Is it a fact that any serving officer who goes on a study leave for two years with full pay, has to submit a full report of his study to GOI? 30. Is it a fact that you didn’t submit a full report, but only an interim report to G0I with a promise to submit a full report later, which you never did? 31. Isn’t it a fact that the Service Rules provide that an officer who goes on a study leave has to compulsorily serve GOI for 3 years ? 32. Is it a fact that you went on an unsanctioned leave, without permission, after serving for only one and a half year, post the study leave? 33. Is it a fact that you were transferred to Chandigarh once, but you never joined? 34. Is it a fact that you then sought voluntary retirement from service and even without it being approved, you absented from your office? 35. As a serving officer of IRS did you take permission of GOl to form your NG0? 36. Is it a fact that the NGO Kabir, with whom you are closely associated. received US$ 172000 in 2005, $ 197000 in 2008 from Ford Foundation? 37. Was this foreign money used to organize seminars, advocacy discussions, programmes, social media campaigns and publicity material related to the issue of corruption? 38. Being still in service did you take permission from your Ministry to receive these foreign and private funds in your NGO ? 39. Why there are no details of individual donors and Corporate donors on any website of your NGOs? 40. Is it a fact that you took a cheque of Rs. 2 Crores to Anna and he refused to accept as he felt collection was much more? 41. A senior member of your Core Committee has alleged that you have misappropriated funds to the tune of 20 Crores. Why you have not responded to this charge? 42. We would also like to know your relationship with US based NGO Avaaz, which has been funding Civil Disobedience Movements in Libya Tunisia Egypt and Syria’? What is the logistical and other support your anti-corruption movement received from Avaaz ? 43. Is it a fact that you had announced to lead a Tehrir Square like movement in Delhi? 44. Is it a fact that you have diverted the funds which you received in the name of India Against Corruption to your NGO Parivartan/Public Cause Research Foundation ? 45. Why have you collected funds for India Against Corruption in Parivartan/ PCRF? 46. You did connect a disconnected electric connection on non-payment of dues, which resulted in a criminal offence against the consumer. As a responsible citizen of the country, don’t you think it was a criminal act to do so?