METROPARKS M A G A Z I N E Summer 2010 Metroparks of the Toledo Area Summer Symphony 15 A Photo Essay Battling The Beetle 4 Cleanup Time Metroparks & Scouting 11 Longtime Connection METROPARKS M A G A Z I N E SPRING/SUMMER 2010 VOL. 17, NO. 1 n eason published by I S Metroparks of the Toledo Area 5100 West Central Avenue Toledo, OH 43615-2100 The Perfect Park For Summer 419.407.9700 emember summers at Side Cut? Generations Board of Park Commissioners o Toledo area residents have been drawn to the Scott J. Savage, President scenic spot or the cool breeze along the Maumee Fritz Byers, Vice President R River, where people have been gathering since, well, Lera Doneghy, Vice President probably as long as there have been people here in northwest Ohio. Sta: It also has the distinction o being the frst Metropark. Donald R. Rettig, Jr., Director
[email protected] It was 80 years ago this summer – August 7, 1930 to be exact Denise Johnson, Director, Visitor Services – that the Toledo Metropolitan Park District entered into an
[email protected] agreement with the Ohio Department o Public Works to lease Patty Morgenstern, Side Cut Park or $100 a year or two years. The parkland Membership/Customer Service Supervisor
[email protected] included land rom Lock 1 to Lock 6 o the old “side cut” that linked the ormer Miami and Erie Canal with the city o Scott Carpenter, Maumee. Public Relations Director/Editor
[email protected] Today, Side Cut is a popular local park as well as a destination Jesse Mireles, Art Direction
[email protected] or fshermen rom throughout the region and beyond during the nationally known spring walleye run.