Open problems in commutative ring theory Paul-Jean Cahen , Marco Fontana y, Sophie Frisch zand Sarah Glaz x December 23, 2013 Abstract This article consists of a collection of open problems in commuta- tive algebra. The collection covers a wide range of topics from both Noetherian and non-Noetherian ring theory and exhibits a variety of re- search approaches, including the use of homological algebra, ring theoretic methods, and star and semistar operation techniques. The problems were contributed by the authors and editors of this volume, as well as other researchers in the area. Keywords: Prüfer ring, homological dimensions, integral closure, group ring, grade, complete ring, McCoy ring, Straight domain, di- vided domain, integer valued polynomials, factorial, density, matrix ring, overring, absorbing ideal, Kronecker function ring, stable ring, divisorial domain, Mori domain, finite character, PvMD, semistar operation, star operation, Jaffard domain, locally tame domain, fac- torization, spectrum of a ring, integral closure of an ideal, Rees al- gebra, Rees valuation. Mthematics Subject Classification (2010): 13-02; 13A05; 13A15; 13A18; 13B22; 13C15; 13D05; 13D99; 13E05; 13F05; 13F20; 13F30; 13G05 1 Introduction This article consists of a collection of open problems in commutative algebra. The collection covers a wide range of topics from both Noetherian and non- Noetherian ring theory and exhibits a variety of research approaches, including Paul-Jean Cahen (Corresponding author), 12 Traverse du Lavoir de Grand-Mère, 13100 Aix en Provence, France. e-mail:
[email protected] yMarco Fontana, Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo 1, 00146 Roma, Italy. e-mail:
[email protected] zSophie Frisch, Mathematics Department, Graz University of Technology, Steyrergasse 30, 8010 Graz, Austria.