UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 26 Date 12/06/2006 Time 2:11:31 PM S-0882-0001-26-00001 Expanded Number S-0882-0001 -26-00001 items-in-France Date Created 23/06/1969 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0882-0001: Correspondence Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant: with Heads of State, Governments, Permanent Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit of New- UJi i. Canjeru Pro s Fix Keyslcna > Maurice Schumann Gifcarfr d'Estajng Olivier 'Guichard , Foreign' Minister rmanve Minister Education Minister ', JF loquacity helps win nego- ARISTOCRATIC by family, A BARON, .has devoted tost - tiations, France has just *>.wealth J&nd intellect;'he •*~V of"1 career "'to' 'serving i acquired a redoubtable nego* is ' back -tftolnfi'' .what he Gerieralide.-Gaulle andfiaull- lotowsvbast-— administering tiator . .... Articulate 58-year- the country's economy as ismi . i Curiously,, rewards •'old. pbh'tici&n, jqurnalist;.comr have been? feWf-for/despite J Firia'rice- Minister .... Born mentator, -.-novelist", ..' :Firs't February' 2j_ 1926, but looks winning personality! 'and ex- gained fam& es spokesman .of like- a'" young Jet --setter Re- quisite rnanners, has. been in .-.General Charles ,de.*:GauUe's spite a receded, hair line ..." relative obscurity ,'un2l .re- ..Free French forces iri ion- -'.:ConsecvatiJ'e in politics and cently. .... .Born- July 27, don where for four war. years in. economies, and favors.- Jnr 1920, jand did not become,a , he.broadcast nightly to occu- Cabinet.• minister until' two ternatiopal j monetary : coop-' -.pied france .-;•.
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