SENSEVAL-3: Third International Workshop on the Evaluation of Systems for the Semantic Analysis of Text, Barcelona, Spain, July 2004 Association for Computational Linguistics Simple Features for Statistical Word Sense Disambiguation Abolfazl K. Lamjiri, Osama El Demerdash, Leila Kosseim CLaC Laboratory Department of Computer Science Concordia University, Montreal, Canada fa keigho,osama el,
[email protected] Abstract more than four words around the target are In this paper, we describe our experiments on considered (Ide and V´eronis, 1998). While re- statistical word sense disambiguation (WSD) searchers such as Masterman (1961), Gougen- using two systems based on different ap- heim and Michea (1961), agree with this ob- proaches: Na¨ıve Bayes on word tokens and Max- servation (Ide and V´eronis, 1998), our results imum Entropy on local syntactic and seman- demonstrate that this does not generally ap- tic features. In the first approach, we consider ply to all words. A large context window pro- a context window and a sub-window within it vides domain information which increases the around the word to disambiguate. Within the accuracy for some target words such as bank.n, outside window, only content words are con- but not others like different.a or use.v (see Sec- sidered, but within the sub-window, all words tion 3). This confirms Mihalcea's observations are taken into account. Both window sizes are (Mihalcea, 2002). In our system we allow a tuned by the system for each word to disam- larger context window size and for most of the biguate and accuracies of 75% and 67% were re- words such context window is selected by the spectively obtained for coarse and fine grained system.