Upper West Branch Delaware River
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Section 319 NONPOINT SOURCE PROGRAM SUCCESS STORY New York Restoration and Protection Activities in the Upper Branch of the Delaware River Protects New York City’s Drinking Water Supply The Upper West Branch of the Delaware River is a significant Waterbody Improved source of drinking water for New York City (NYC). It directly feeds the Cannonsville Reservoir, the third largest reservoir serving NYC. Historically, the Cannonsville Reservoir experienced summertime eutrophic (low oxygen) conditions because of high phospho- rus loads predominantly from nonpoint sources. New York State (NYS) placed the Upper West Branch of the Delaware River (UWBDR) on its 1998 303(d) list due to concerns about the vulner- ability of the reservoir to additional sources of phosphorus. Because efforts by the local commu- nity and numerous other partners successfully reduced phosphorus loads, the state removed the UWBDR from its 2004 impaired water list. Problem The UWBDR is in Delaware County in south- Prior to the restoration central New York. The UWBDR and its tributar- work in the watershed, the UWBDR’s tributaries ies encompass a watershed area of 450 square frequently suffered from miles with approximately 662 linear miles of riv- algae blooms caused by ers and streams that are the source waters for phosphorus inputs from the Cannonsville Reservoir. The 37.1-mile listed agricultural runoff. This segment of the UWBDR begins near the Village image shows a 1981 algae bloom that occurred of Stamford and runs to Chambers Hollow on Trout Creek (Photo Brook. NYS listed this segment on its 1998 credit: Patricia Bishop, NY 303(d) list of impaired waters for not meeting Dept. of Environmental criteria to support its designated use—aquatic Conservation). life support—due to excess phosphorus levels. The state’s narrative standard states that phos- promise the reservoir as a source of high-quality phorus may not exist “in amounts that will result drinking water. in growth of algae, weeds, and/or slimes that will impair the waters and their best usages.” Project Highlights NYC’s Department of Environmental Protection Delaware County worked with watershed completed a TMDL for phosphorus, which EPA partners to develop the Delaware County Action approved in 2000. Forestry and agriculture Plan (DCAP), a comprehensive watershed man- represent 95 percent of the UWBDR’s land agement program that provided a framework use, and impacts from forestry, agricultural for protecting water resources through local areas, and septic systems contribute to nutri- decision making—within the context of state ent enrichment. NYC identified dairy farming and federal laws. Through the DCAP, Delaware and failing onsite septic systems as the most County has achieved many of the initiatives significant watershed sources of impairment to highlighted below. The accomplishments of the the UWBDR. Runoff from these sources carried DCAP demonstrate the importance of managing excess phosphorus to the UWBDR, threatening land uses and nonpoint pollution sources at the to alter the natural aquatic community and com- local level. The New York-based nonprofit Watershed assessment surveys, and ambient monitoring in Agricultural Council championed a voluntary, the UWBDR and in the Cannonsville Reservoir. incentive-based program through which farm- These monitoring activities showed a reduction ers implemented numerous best management in phosphorus enrichment in the UWBDR and practices (BMPs). The Watershed Agricultural the achievement of the state guidance limit of Council encourages farmers to adopt and imple- 20 micrograms per liter (μg/L) for reservoirs. ment Whole Farm Plans (WFP) on dairy farms to These findings ensured that the drinking water successfully integrate traditional and innovative supply was safe from eutrophic conditions and farm management approaches. These holistic that the waterbody provided a healthy eco- farm plans (along with other nonpoint and point system for aquatic life. After the Cannonsville source reduction activities) helped reduce Reservoir met the state’s guidance limit, NYC dissolved phosphorus loads in the UWBDR by removed it from the phosphorus restricted list in 53 percent and particulate phosphorus loads 2002. This list, established by NYS regulations, by approximately 36 percent. The agricultural limits the amount of phosphorus released in BMPs implemented through the WFPs included designated reservoir basins. In addition, survey riparian buffers; alternate water sources for data collected on the UWBDR indicated that dairy cows; barnyard management improve- the waterbody fully supported its designated ments (waste removal, collection of polluted uses and had no water quality impairments runoff); precision feeding (controlling nutrient associated with the state’s narrative standard excretions through diet management); and for phosphorus. Therefore, NYS removed the stream relocation. UWBDR from the 303(d) list of impaired waters in 2004. A septic system repair and replacement pro- gram, overseen by the Catskill Watershed Corporation, also served as a key element of the Partners and Funding Many agencies participated in the restoration UWBDR watershed protection and restoration of UWBDR including the NYC Department program. of Environmental Protection, Soil and Water To ensure continued success, the Delaware Conservation Districts, Delaware County County Soil and Water Conservation District Planning Department and Department of worked with watershed stakeholders and Public Works, Catskill Watershed Corporation, cooperating agencies to develop a West Watershed Agricultural Council, Upper Branch of the Delaware River Stream Corridor Susquehanna Coalition, NYS Department of Management Plan. This plan provides a founda- Environmental Conservation, NYS Department tion for local residents, municipalities, inter- of Health, NYS Department of State, NYS ested organizations, and cooperating agencies Department of Transportation, NYS Department to enhance stewardship of the UWBDR and its of Agriculture and Markets, NYS Soil and Water tributaries. Conservation Committee, Cornell University, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Results Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Army Corps Project partners conducted several monitor- of Engineers. Funding for the phosphorus load ing activities in the UWBDR Basin, including reduction efforts came from many sources, a paired watershed study to evaluate water including more than $420,000 from Clean Water quality impacts of agricultural BMPs, biological Act section 319 funds. For additional information contact: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Donna Somboonlakana, EPA Region 2 Office of Water 212-637-3700 Washington, DC [email protected] Michael Shaw, EPA Region 2 EPA 841-F-07-001Z 212-637-3785 October 2007 [email protected].