WARD 05 17 19/00100/APP 7Th February 2019 Application Under
WARD 05_17 19/00100/APP Application under Section 42 to vary conditions 1, 3, 4, 5, 7th February 2019 7, 8, 9, 10, 26, 27, 28, 30 and 31 of planning consent 14/01486/APP altering the phasing plans delivery of affordable units (increased by 2 units) delivery of accessible units (increased by 1 unit) site layout details (altering the position of a SUDS basin landscaping and access/footpaths) which increases the total number of residential units to 265 (from 261) at R1 Sunbank Lossiemouth Moray for Tulloch Of Cummingston Ltd Comments: A SITE VISIT has been carried out. Application is major development as defined under the Hierarchy Regulations 2009 for a development with more than 50 houses, and the site area exceeds 2ha. Advertised for neighbour notification purposes - notification not possible because no premises situated on land to which notification can be sent. No representations received. Procedure: A variation to the existing Section 75 legal agreement for Sunbank 14/01486/APP would be required prior to issue of any decision. Recommendation Grant Planning Permission - Subject To the Following:- Conditions/Reasons 1. As part of the permission hereby granted, the 74 affordable house units (as identified on the 02 Phasing Plan Version J) shall only be used for affordable housing purposes in accordance with the agreement(s) reached between the applicant/developer and Moray Council and/or any registered social landlord to enable the long term delivery of affordable housing on this site; and no house development shall commence beyond Phase 2 until details of the agreement(s) to confirm the arrangements for the delivery of the proposed affordable house units hereby approved shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Council as Planning Authority.
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