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MCS/204/2020-22RNINO.MAHENG2002/21899 THE SUNDAY EXPRESSMAGAZINE eye LOOKING AT CHANGE In his poignant and measured presidential memoir,former US president Barack Obama MUMBAI,LATECITY examines the weight of NOVEMBER29,2020 expectations riding on 18PAGES,`5.00 him and his efforts to matchuptoit DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW,MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM PAGES 15, 16, 17 WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 CALENDAR THE SUNDAY EXPRESS,NOVEMBER29,2020 YOURWEEKAHEAD BRIDGE SUNDAY CROSSWORD 2297 If it’s your Dealer: South,Vulnerable:East-West ARIES (Mar 21 -Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept24-Oct 23) NORTH QUICKCLUES Birthday The firsthalf of the Romanceseems to ACROSS ♠ 106 week could be an 1. Bach, Beethovenand Brahms (3,5,2) be inseparable from ❤AK2 6. Excitedly expectant (4) excellent time for travel, so aholiday Q73 9. Mass communication (10) travel, butyou are affair maybe ♦ SundayNovember 29 ♣KQJ106 10.Gaming stake(4) also urgedtosortout any revived, or youmay find that a 12.Passing of judgement (12) Look around and see what youcan do next. lingering legal questions. hint of far-away placesis SOUTH (you) 15.Runner (7) Thereseems to be agreat deal on offer. In You'll become very much necessarytoget your juices ♠ A92 16.LanguageofFlanders (7) love,and all personalpartnerships, youare moreinsistent about asserting flowing. Adeeper lookatyour 17.First-rate; brilliant(7) your rightsafter Wednesday, chartalso indicatesthat the ❤95 19.Christening (7) ready to make firm commitments. and Thursdayand Friday religious side of your life ♦ AKJ95 20. Reinforced,beefedup MondayNovember 30 couldsee youtakingthe right requires alittle attention. ♣942 (12) steps, at last. 23. Creep along (4) New revelations areonthe way. The truth of SCORPIO (Oct 24 -Nov 22) WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 24.Diminishedprestige(4,2,4) aromantic connection will nowbegin to TAURUS (Apr 21 -May 21) Youcan’t afford to 25. Brewerygrain (4) dawn on you. The real question is whether Ihope be depressedfor ID 26. Ability to command (10) circumstances are longer than five youwish to spend the rest of your lifewith 1♠ 2♣ Pass 2♦ DOWN on your side, minutes. Youhave Pass 2♠ Pass 2NT 1. Pack down (4) someone special, or not. because home is toomuchtoachieve to waste 2. Hard to hold (4) the place to be this week,deep anytime, and the rootsyou Pass 3NT Pass Pass 3. Hair styling TuesdayDecember 1 in the bosom of your family. put down at work,inloveand Pass (12) Three planets align with your house of love, Even if youtravel, as youmay at home will setyou offona 4. Inflictcapital punishment on and four relatetoyour house of marriage. If around the end of the week, newcycle of experience Westleads thequeen ofhearts. Howmanytricks doyouexpect tomake? (7) TheWestHand:S-KJ875H-QJ108D-84C-A7 the most attractive lasting anything up to 5. Courtattendant (7) relationshipsfall intoplace now, family TheEastHand:S-Q43H-7643D-1052C-853 plans will work outnextyear.And at work, destinations will be places eighteen months. 7. Inflammation of the gums (10) whichhaveahomelyfeel 8. Askill formakingplants thrive Itlooksimpossibletotakelessthanonespadetrick,twohearttricks,fivedi- getonwith colleagues. about them. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 -Dec 22) amondtricks,andfourclubtricks.Youhaveexcellententriestobothhands. (5-5) Probably the most Whatcangowrong? 11.Highlyseasonedstew WednesdayDecember 2 GEMINI (May22-June21) useful days for (12) EverythingsplitsandSouthwilltaketwelvetricks.North,whohasnotseen Thereare certainweekswheneverythinghas The promise of your achieving your allofSouth'shand,askedifheshouldhavebidmore.Southrespondedthat 13.Self-love (10) 23. Seize the lastking to be asailor (4) 19.Sauerkrautonpiece of friedbread horoscope is now romantic ends are 14.Pertainingtothe stage 24.Having sinisterpropensities (4-6) (7) to becompletely above-board.Yousee,with theywere high enough. Eastsaid that he had hoped foraspade lead. What being pushed Monday and Thursday, and, if doeshappen withaspade lead? (10) 25. Small numbers taking hospital grub 21.Said differentlywhenbelongingto others already inclinedtomisunderstand, forwardbyleaps youare so inclined, aspotof 18.Negative electrode (4) the girl?(4) you'llsoonhave to work thatmuchharderto Aspadelead would have killed 3NT. South needsclub tricksand when he and bounds. Youmight even emotionalblackmail maybe (7) 26. Theymay take controlwhenpeople 22. Drinksfor Ed as different (4) getthem to see the light. leads clubs, West will take his ace and cash four spades.The pointofthis 19.Sanctified (7) fall asleep (10) discoverthat aloved one or permissible. At the end of the handistoshowthatbridgeisanimperfectgame. Onthishand,3NTwasa DOWN Solutions to 2296 younger relation comes up week,the intervention of badcontractthatwasrewardedwiththewronglead. Perfectionwouldhave 21.Tub forsoaking (4) ThursdayDecember 3 beenfiveofaminor suit. Thesecontractsmakeeasily. 22. Assistoraid (4) 1. Protectionfor cricket supporters with justthe idea youneedto planets aligned with your Dealer: South,Vulnerable:None CRYPTIC CLUES (4) QUICKCLUESAcross:1Casterbridge, You'requiteadreamer.It'spossiblethatthere'll break the bank and set house of pleasuresuggests ACROSS 2. Theyvote forseers to be heard 10Hemlock,11Taunton,12Donna,13 be momentswhen you'll wasteyour time, yourself up forlife. youcan nowlet your NORTH SOUTH 1. Cheapbuffetcasts blameondessert (4) Comeinto,15Versifiers,16Asks,18 some of your insightswill be revealing. You hair down. (5,5) 3. Away to getupquicklyand have Laud,20Aardwolves,22Overlord,24 CANCER (June 22 -July23) Addle,26Abstain,27Skeptic,28 maydiscovermoreabout your ownmotives. ♠ Q76 ♠ AK53 6. Bunkum from British, hardonthe firstnod perhaps (4,4,4) If youonlydoone CAPRICORN(Dec 23 -Jan 20) Letteropener. Down:2Almoner,3 ❤AK10975 ❤42 French(4) 4. Seen around swallowing drink- thing this week,see To be brief, it’s a means to getworkdone (7) Thoracic,4Rake,5Retrograde,6 FridayDecember 4 that it is to break period for 9. Is useless andisnot aphilanthropist Deuce,7Extends,8Thedeviltopay,9 ♦ 52 ♦ AQ 5. Seedy hotelwith bedroom in front The Moon is speeding around your chart, (4,2,4) Inconsistency,14Disarrange,17Nota with the habitsofa organisedfun and ♣87 ♣QJ643 10.The agonyoffindingfatheruseless becomeshouseofill-repute (7) bene,19Utensil,21Vedette,23Least, encouraging youtostand on your feet. lifetime and reform your games,soenjoythe (4) 7. Sort of lady we hate to go before 25Oslo. You’ll makeamajor choice and finalise entireapproachtomoney, atmosphereand castyour (4,3,3) 12.Drinkers crybelow deck CRYPTICCLUESAcross:1Well familyfortunes, but what youreally need setting yourself on a caresaside.The onlyproblem WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH (4,3,5) 8. Overbearing attitude of one informed,10Otranto,11Tactual,12 to do is look ahead over the next year. prosperous course. Even love area could be work,wherethe 1♣ 15.Takeoff topless bathing-costume surrendering ?(10) Eliza,13Effusion,15Aprilfools,16 affairs maystumble unless storm clouds gather afterthe 11.Ingreat numberslikeadim-witted (7) Ague,18Roll,20Hatchetjob,22Rats- youbackyour desires with middle of the week,with Pass 1❤ Pass 1♠ runner?(5,3,4) tail,24Genus,26Fellini,27Reigate, SaturdayDecember 5 16.Bookstand in service suitable amountsofcash. possible flashes of lightning Pass 3❤ Pass 3NT (7) 13.Experienceanearly springgoing 28Pheasant'seye.Down:2Earlier,3 Youhavedone well overrecent months. Linearly,4Neon,5Outofplace,6 by Friday. 17.Wretchedupliftdrawing one inside down the lane? (4,3,3) Pass Pass Pass Macau,7Dousing,8Modelaircraft,9 You’ll soon find that partners arewilling to LEO (July24-Aug 23) ... (7) 14.Real idiots mayproduce While the month AQUARIUS(Jan 21 -Feb 19) opinionatedarticles Blunderbusses,14Localities,17 see your point of view. Youmustnot only West's lead of the jack of diamonds was won by South's queen. Afriendly 19.Aplayonwords ? emphasises work, You’rea (10) Penguins,19Letslip,21January,23 start suggesting that West did have the king of diamonds. If so, 4H might (7) listentotheirideas, but makeagenuine 18.Waryabout Church inducing lust Tripe,25Bran. this week's stars perfectionistby notbemaking. 3NT is not yet home. Where are nine tricks coming from? 20.Richardshops aroundfor effort to understand their desires. promote changes nature, and that’s Howdoyouplaytheheartsuit? (7) instruments(12) and you’ll become steadily whyyou’realways moreconcernedwith tryingtomakethe personalquestions.Ifyou get world, or at leastyourcorner as muchaspossible of it, abetterplace. Muchof JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s accomplishedearly on, you’ll your energy this week will be Instructions then have very muchmore directedtowards sorting out Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, time to throw yourself into other people’s little problems, the social whirl. if onlybecause there’s no therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 4306 theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe other wayyou canfeelsettled. _____neverhasbeencompulsory.-AnthonyEden(10) VIRGO (Aug 24 -Sept. 23) nineverticalcolumns,in Youshouldbe PISCES (Feb 20 -Mar 20) 307 eachoftheninehorizontal awarethat partners In relationships, IPORR BEMRNU rowsandineachofthe might be in a twothings count: U4 nineboxes. difficult mood your needfor both SUDOKU around Wednesdayto emotional security Fridaybut, in reality,they’re and physical satisfaction. OMITS AMRSCP DifficultyLevel challenging youto Hopefully, you’ll find both in ION changeyourattitudesand