Agenda Item No: 5 RLW WATERBEACH NEW TOWN EAST PLANNING APPLICATION To: Economy and Environment Committee Meeting Date: 8 February 2019 From: Graham Hughes, Executive Director (Place and Economy) Electoral division(s): Waterbeach Forward Plan ref: 2019/007 Key decision: Yes Purpose: The purpose of this report is to: 1) update the Committee on the progress of the planning application for 4,500 dwellings at Waterbeach New Town East, 2) to appraise the Committee of the Council’s response to the application and, particularly in relation to the holding objections, and 3) to approve the draft heads of terms that would be used in the planning agreement. Recommendation: The Committee is requested to: a) Consider and approve the Council’s comments on the planning application and draft section 106 heads of terms; b) Delegate to the Executive Director (Place and Economy) in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee the authority to make minor changes to the Council’s response in Appendix 2; and c) Delegate to the Executive Director (Place and Economy) in consultation with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Committee the authority to conclude negotiations on the section 106 agreement. Officer contact: Member contacts: Name: Juliet Richardson Names: Councillors Bates and Wotherspoon Post: Business Manager Growth & Post: Chair/Vice-Chair Development Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] [email protected] Tel: 01223 699868 Tel: 01223 706398 1. BACKGROUND Policy Framework 1.1 The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan allocates three new strategic scale residential led development sites at Waterbeach (8,000 to 9,000 dwellings), Bourn Airfield (3,500) and Cambourne West (1,200).