Internally Deterministic Parallel Algorithms Can Be Fast Guy E. Blelloch∗ Jeremy T. Finemany Phillip B. Gibbonsz Julian Shun∗ ∗Carnegie Mellon University yGeorgetown University zIntel Labs, Pittsburgh
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[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract 1. Introduction The virtues of deterministic parallelism have been argued for One of the key challenges of parallel programming is dealing with decades and many forms of deterministic parallelism have been nondeterminism. For many computational problems, there is no in- described and analyzed. Here we are concerned with one of the herent nondeterminism in the problem statement, and indeed a se- strongest forms, requiring that for any input there is a unique de- rial program would be deterministic—the nondeterminism arises pendence graph representing a trace of the computation annotated solely due to the parallel program and/or due to the parallel ma- with every operation and value. This has been referred to as internal chine and its runtime environment. The challenges of nondetermin- determinism, and implies a sequential semantics—i.e., considering ism have been recognized and studied for decades [23, 24, 37, 42]. any sequential traversal of the dependence graph is sufficient for Steele’s 1990 paper, for example, seeks “to prevent the behavior analyzing the correctness of the code. In addition to returning deter- of the program from depending on any accidents of execution or- ministic results, internal determinism has many advantages includ- der that can arise from the indeterminacy” of asynchronous pro- ing ease of reasoning about the code, ease of verifying correctness, grams [42].