Topics in Genetic Analysis
TOPICS IN GENETIC ANALYSIS G. PONTECORVO Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from i - .j,. - "I •a < ' :’ ■ :^ ■ / k f-: - :;•■■ ^ . > .>4^ .-.t'- ^ . - •V Topics in Genetic Analysis Selected Papers of G. Pontecorvo Raman Professor, 1982-83 INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BANGALORE 560 080 1985 1>; 1985 INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, BANGALORE I'hc copyright ol individual papers rests with the original publishers viz., Macmillan Journals I.united, London; Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York; Interscience Publishers Inc, New York; Academic Press, New York; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge; Annual Reviews, Calilornia; Royal Society, London; Columbia University Press, New York; Alternative bookshop, London; British Council, London; Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam; Raven Press, New York; Plenum Publishing Corporation, New York. Prinu-d at Sharadh Enterprises. 19/6 Nagappa Street, Palace Guttahalli, Bangalore 560 003, Phone: 364311 FOREWORD Prof. Guido Pontecorvo visited India for three months during December 1982-February 1983, as Raman Professor of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Prof. Pontecorvo and Mrs. Pontecorvo spent much of this period in Bombay (the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) and in Bangalore (the Indian Institute of Science). He also visited and lectured at Universities and Institutions in Delhi, Poona, Hyderabad, Calcutta, Madras, Ahmednagar, Patna and other cities. The Academy takes great pleasure in bringing out this
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