KILLIN & DISTRICT COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER KILLINKILLIN NEWSNEWS PRICE £1 Issue 84 February 2005 Fire Floods Earthquake High Winds Out-of-Hours What Next? Water water everywhere THE FALLS OF DOCHART INN Feature Menus Valentine’s Day Mothers’ Day February 14th 6th March A night out for Romantics Why not make this a very Our very special menu is special celebration for all not to be missed the family Enjoy our traditional and a tribute that will always intimate setting be remembered Booking Highly Recommended Tel: 01567 820270 Fax: 01567 820159 Email:
[email protected] 2 Petition Out-of-Hours Update The petitioner requests that the Scottish Community Councils the caller after three hours Parliament considers resorted to calling 999, and debates the Petition the Scottish whereupon an ambulance implications and Parliament transferred the patient to Stirling shortcomings arising in Royal Infirmary. There are other This petition although submitted instances, which can be rural areas following the by the Chairman of Killin elaborated on verbally, if required, introduction of NHS 24 Community Council, has the always bearing in mind patient services. In particular support of the neighbouring confidentiality. with reference to Community Councils of 3 At the present time an ambulance cover and Strathfillan, St Fillans, arrangement is in place between time scales involved in Lochearnhead, Balquhidder the Health Board and local GPs getting medical Strathyre, and Callander. With whereby out of hours ( OOH) the exception of St Fillans, which cover is still provided by the local assistance to patients in is in the western area of Perth & GPs, however some operators at these areas Kinross Council, all the other the call centre appear to be areas are situated in the rural unaware of this, and on one northwest area of Stirlingshire.