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NOGALES, ARIZ., TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 NOGALES INTERNATIONAL PAGE THREE Jgj|E||ga# PH ¦VgM Wl MWU:>W>M »m JjM'JgllK33B| i Mrs. E. S. Edmonson, Society Editor —Phone 534 For Speed. Smoothness MISSIONARY SOCIETY | j CARD CLUB ??? ? * * ififif*sjs ifif and Economy The ladies of the Methodist Mis- ! j ! Mrs. Craig Pottinger entertained sionary Society spent a most en- her card club on Friday afternoon, joyable afternoon Thursday at the TO CHOOSE A SIX and a most enjoyable time was had S IT’S WISE home of Mrs. P. C. Harrell. Mrs. C. I at bridge, Mrs. L. L. Odle winning ! L. Jones, vice-president, presided prize for high score and Mrs. Pot- j over the meeting, and the program Get out on the straightaway —step tinger winning prize for low. De- ! “Rural Life in Korea”, was under on the gas and you’ll know why lectable refreshments were served the leadership of Mrs.. T. M. Pow- owners are so enthusiastic about the GET YOUR THEATRE TICKETS HERE by the hostess in the middle of the ell. Following the meeting, a social Chevrolet Six. EVERY 50c PURCHASE afternoon. Those playing were: Mrs. FREE WITH time was enjoyed and refreshments L. J. Mansfield, Mrs. L. L. Odle, At every point on the speedometer of ice cream and cake Served. Those Mrs. Earl Seger, Mrs. Andrew Bet- present included: Mrs. I. D. Owen, you travel smoothly, quietly, safely. twy, Mrs. Cecil Cooke, Mrs. Gus can drive from daybreak to dusk Mrs. C. L. Jones, Mrs. W. V. Stew- You Michaels, Miss Evelyn Francies and cs you never Mrs. M. Powell, Mrs. F. C. —as fast please —and C art, T. the hostess. | I-larrell and daughters. ; grow weary of the journey. 1 ************ ************ s This type of performance is only i Miss Thelma Francies arrived # Miss Van Dcren of Patagonia possible because of six-cylinder de- Sunday from Globe to spend the re- Lois is spending the summer with Mr. sign. And six-cylinder smoothness c mainder of the summer visiting her and Mrs. F. C. Harrell and family. economy—for sister, Miss Evelyn Francies. makes possible greater ififififif*:Je sa.- J>sje M 14 if**ifif , it saves the car from the strain The Coupe, SS6S Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ike of El On Sunday special training cer- Centro were Nogales visitors Thurs- tificates were presented the young and wear of vibration—resulting in iday Friday, visiting and C and Mr. people of the Methodist Church who fewer adjustments and longer life. Edmonson and family. Mr. at a Mrs. E. S have been taking a religious train- j drive Come in. Learn once more to 9 and Mrs. Ike resided in Nogales ten ing course with the ultimate objec- a car for the sheer thrill of driving! years ago. tive a Christian Culture Diploma. ** * '¦t if if if Those receiving certificates includ- Some Distinguishing Features Mrs. Herbert Chatham and child- ed: Marjorie Rickenberg, 1 Maurine 50-horsepower six-cylinder motor ... ren departed last week-end for Ne- Curry, Jessie Lee Harrell, Joyce Par- full-length frame . four semi- S'- braska, where they will be met by ker, Dean Harrell, Harold Owen, 31 . fully-enclosed SWANSDOffN preceded elliptic springs c Mr. Chatham, who his Robert Lowe, Charles Jones, Keith PLATE FREE 1 CAKE four-wheel brakes . four Love joy family by car, a week prior. Burr, Everett Payne, Eugenia Har- * * . :Je ififif :Jt hydraulic shock absorbers . rell, Louise Stewart. Fisher R. G. Darrow of Tucson spent the hardwood-and-steel body . safety ******* d week-end in Nogales. gasoline tank in the rear . and, c ******* for your protection, a new and liberal I Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gushing of FLOOR fam- service policy. 84 Mr. and Mrs. Bonneran and RfAX^”-r Faso Robles, Cal., motored to San ily of Hereford Drive returned Sun- Francisco, recently on business for day from a vacation of six weeks several days and on their return The Sport Roadster $555 FOADSTER The Club Sedan $665 * ‘ spent in California. i stopped at San Jose for their The Coach 1565 The Sedan $675 C ******* M mWA The Special Sedan 5725 | daughter Lois, who is taking a con- i .ie .Ocpe 11 l (6 wire wheels standard) TO Coupe -afcilv on Special Sedan) POTTED\ MEAT TRIP OREGON ; servatory course in music at San The Sport $655 JHL ' 3 | ******* Jose college. She is a member of Allprices /. o. b. factory, Flint, Michigan Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Owen and four the Symphony Orchestra. Miss Lois i small children will leave Wednes- wiH be remembered as one of the ! day by motor for Ashland, Oregon, much admired girls of Nogales by ! tc visit Mrs. Owens’ parents. Their all who knew her. She lived here CHEVROLET SIX ASPARAGUS Mammoth White 3^ j / son, Harold, who has spent the sum- with her parents during her high i X there, mer with his grandparents school years and after her grad- ' - j g j will return with them. uation the family moved to Cali- j if if*:J: * *ififif fornia. In September she will re- j Miss Eugenia Harrell spent the turn to San Jose college to pursue j week-end visiting in Tucson. her musical studies. CREME BROS. MOTOR CO. j FHONE S 9 243 MORLEY AVE- dicap are to be attempted in turn, j GALLANT MAYand then next season the handsome fellow headed West to Agua Ca- : SIX-CYLINDER SMftO TSi N ESS .AT E* W €OSI liente. Tucson — Chamber of Commerce RACE IN WEST j Gallant Fcx has been before the recommended lease of 40-acre tract public for twelve months. In that SANTA CRUZ i of land, located south of Mayse Agua Caliente, Baja California, the galloper has - time earned $280,- COUNTY i PALACE BARBER Airport, as permanent site for Pima Ruby Nogales July 21—The next running of the 190. This can be separated as fol- Up-to-the-Minute fair and Abstract & Title SHOP Agua Caliente Handicap, which for lowes: County rodeo. N. E. CRENSHAW, Prop. time will have guarantee the first a Two year olds earnings $19,890 Modes Company Stage Line All union barbers—Best paid A. French, Manager that the winners share of the purse Wood (Jamaica) 10,150 F. workmen Memorial, ! will not be less than SIOO,OOO, may Preakness (Pimlico) 51,925 Prepared WEST COAST Courthouse Barberia Con Tres Viejos Especially This Phone 86_ be the medium of making the great Kentucky Derby for 245 Morley Ave. Gallant Fox the world’s greatest Newspaper PRODUCE CO. (Louisville) 50,725 j ' poney winner of all time, by pass- Daily 1 Belmont Stakes, I j j IMPORTERS & EXPORTERS ing Zev’s phenominal figures of (New York) 66,000 ' Freight WHOLESALE Passenger and $313,693. i> Dwyer Stakes, A ASSAYING Service Gallant Fox with $210,230 already (Aqueduct) 11,500 PRICE LIST his credit, started in the Vegetables, Fruits A to Arlington Classic $70,000 Gold and Silver in 1 sam- SIO,OOO added, Arlington Classic, at As Zev annexed, in all, $313,693, j Produce ple SI.OO "flower? the big Chicago course, Saturday, two, four year old, | ; Gold, Silver, Lead aad Cop- as a three and 1 W |" Box 366 Phone FOR ALL * ' 11 Headquarters At OCCASIONS July 12th, and as victory was his por far ahead of the v j j per in 1 sample $2.50 Gallant Fox is I/end, Copper, Zinc, Mangan- tion, Trainer “Sunny Jim” Fitz- money champion, comparing them UL simmons will, according to reports, aee, Iron, Lime, Graphite, 332 Avenue HOTEL EVANS at corresponding times in their Jj3 Sulphur, Insolubles (gold Grand richest “point” him for the world’s careers. or alone) each SI.OO NEWS STAND here, silver race, which will be run March With Whichone removed from $6.00 Worth of Discounts on large amounts. GEO. FRANKLIN, 373 22, 1931. his path, due to injuries, the Ga- ! j Work for $5.00 ORES BOUGHT f.o.b. '¦ Nogaies, Ariz., at Prop. IPhoneCIGAR STAND W i “Sunny Jim” considered sending ilant one faces danger from a new I Make Your Ap- : 00% of smelter leas $5.00 per Diavolo or Distraction, stable mates source. Flying Heels, Tijuana Fu- DOimrnent now value i ky i sampling assay of the “Fox.” to the coast the turity *if \ Get Your Ticj£et lot and for and Pimlico Futurity winner, l charge. Agua Caliente of last March. The recently displayed stunning form. 1 Accuracy and Promptness man responsible for the condition In winning the celebrated Carterj FOUNTAIN OF My Aim. 12 Tears In Pres- cf the 1930 Champion has informed Handicap at Aqueduct, Flying Heels YOUTH ent Business. friends that as long as Gallant Fox whipped Jack High, which most j BEAUTY PARLOR Hugo Miller continues in good shape, he will i j experts deem the sharpest thor- W. shoot at all the major stakes of the oughbred in America’s older set. 214 Grand Phone 58 Nogales, Box 257 Arisona 10® REMODELED turf. The Classic, Travers, Law- Tjje Cochran colt is out after the rence Realization and Riggs Han- scalp of Gallant Fox and may oe m ON a real menace. Developed at the Baja California course, Flying Keep Cool With Andy Heels was taken East as a two year#- Thirst Quenching Drinks old, to win a juvenile rating higher ! than Gallant Fox, and second only That Hit The Spot EASY PAYMENT PLAN to the figure of the Whitney pair, Whichone and Boojum—the disap- AllKinds Os Alterations And Repair Work On pointments of 1930. Gallant Fox j Cooling, Refreshing and Luscious and Flying Keels did not meet in j Houses And Other Buildings, And AllMaterials la 1929.