If Wy Isilie Redeem
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THE CAIRO BULLETIN ritUI-SDA- "AY 14. 1?14. i IAGE TWO. secret or ttecret-?eping- . THE CAIRO' If a woman toultl only'ki e serret Learn IV 14 tha fact that she has a secret to keep, EiiablUhrd 18G8 her secret would bo Eafe. Iiudtou Tratstrijit. AVOID rut uav Scientific THE BULLETIN COMPANY Happy Ui Cains. LJ V- ll il - Baseball iii&a ter ba Li - No. 703 Ohio Street It's rassitle f,- po' 0 pc (in A IMG BARGAIN iiitinon-ii--- rati 1 1 U. des i if 5 .1 el hai:py i i ALllKRT J. LANP, you'll give biia tin: ter s' EES dream that li Is ilch.- - Atl--- U BuMlneftH PmL-Compoun- Cash Manager Hy Takl.ig Lydia L. d. Bubtscriptioti Kates liy Mall Ruhiue on linu Invariably In Advance I They Wear A eg or. 208 I Dne Daily and $6.00 Khii year. Sunday I've r,i-e- r any jiliy for j (riil. Wood ' ' ' Joe. "Nap" 1 CiiiiT.'.T'. lii. ri;i;8t tht;rik a r,f.nli. IhliiU vA'i wit Btisiiu-c-- s ! . Kate Carrier fc. Ysluabl IV(.!;n: cf lA Lotto lly : them my heart for l.yuia l'.ki.uin'ii Otlifoit iboat v.lth I Rucker Cairo COc a mouth I tVc:-JkjUIu- Wot J Champion In Eliot. - e ' t; t a h L of Cairo GOe a month I of th Brtntklynt Outtide tl.siii li t R. H. SI 'ANN, viil teach yoa to rny Jtiotort'o.i.;:!.; will teach yoa Entered at tha Cairo Post Office a Secout' Dally Thouyrt. ivi!ie!ic-- 4 his ecret mmMmm ui,J a n J great a !i::tt vh:.'h It the mastery oi Class Mail Matter !.nd '.i n:at;uet. theyc'id Ji.lt help of breaking orer it will .!mw to itself !:,. thln!;i I Uiia' fa-mo- ont:nai:y bail hi hcs unl us hit famoui CO I r Lis world Roth Phone Keen the IulM:i Oil at reiigth, .uld iioteut.ar.il Ihi! JOS WOOD WALTER JOHNSON NAP RUCXEal Knuckler. da.l lovo aul J on will ilr.r.v Smoke Ball rt tL.WhtaatalM will teach r rj btit';;i;t, doctor fl.iiiiirti , I naj Im ! akutra mad suMotmiu power and love to you P. MuliorJ.. female tvuuhlo ani must have incper:V! COi SAGE IEA Happens That Way, Sometimes. And many a father ivho thinks he la if BOYS Through an agreement we saving mouey when he gives his daugh- Wy discovers later that h table Compound and Redeem have made with the BASE- I NT GRAY HAIIi ter la marriage Las a sonlu-la- to support. feel line. A lady said one day, 'Oh, I BALL CORKESPONDPINCE LEAGUE OF iSiliehesd-rtch- feel ho tired ail the time and have e.' AMERICA we are able to offer the most I 1'ink-liam- you said, Ta!.e I.ydi.t K. 's PUFFED WHEAT ami sli.V complete and fascinating course of baseball ever com- His Inspiration. Vegetable Compound,' did and fends fine now." hira. M. K. piled. In this course CHRISTY MATHEWSON of Ladiei! .Try This! Darken beauti "Darling, will you marry me?" ar.d Karschnick, li:W N. Paulina Street, the N. Y. Giants; ED. WALSH of the White Sox; back its gloss 'This is so suflileu! Why, you old, , Brings Cl.iv-ujfo- Miiioi.i. WALTER JOHNSON of the WashinKtons; JOE and nobody can tell conflrmed bachelor, when did you ever PUFFED RICE fully The WOOD of the Doston World Champions; "NAP" . and thickness. get the idea that you ought to gut Other 1'ako. married?" ' Itayton, Ohio.- -" f.ydia K. PinHiai .'i RUCKER of the Brooklyns and "DOC" WHITE formerly "I decided coin XiUtnl rc'ieVed nie t li of the Americans, will nnd di- Commr garden sage brewed Into it yeBterday." ej;eiauio Chicago througtvpersonal pains in my side thut 1 had for 'i rect lessons teach the secret of Professional aU'o-ho- l "But what decided you?" yearj you Pitching. a tea, with and ! COUPONS! heavy sulphur "I won a side euddlu iu a raffle " and which dcUra' medicines failed t i streaked f.-v-n should have this course. It will a added, will turn gray, Cleveland Flulu Dealer. relieve. It has certainly saved rue i Every boy male und f i d bair beautlfuly dark a n 1 an operation. I will he ilad to ajteiat man of him mentally, morally and physically. Every a her to secure it and luxuilant; remove every bit :i Always on the Run. you liy personal letter to any womi:i mother should urge 6cn every Mi-g- . -- in the condition." Watch N.nion.il dandmff, stop scalp itching ami Hem Is Uaveuyelp much of an suiae J. V. the father should insist that his son follow its teaching! SttKUKK, 126 Cuss Olii . falling hair, Mixiits the Sa Te-.- actor? t., Dayton, to the letter. out of Magazines aiul Sunday of and Sulphur recipe at home, thougu flaw Nothing the ordinary. If you '.vaiit spocliU mhuo We give here small portions Doc White's lesson Hem Hut "he is ED. WALSH If An I: always boasting wrile to K. Mtii which deals in with proper methods of CHRISTY WATHEWOttlit is troublesome. easier way Lydiu riiihhain Editions of tho part training bout his long runs. Large trm SOX ofthmN Y. CiKbfi to the to use tonic rout- Mino 'o. (i'oulitleiitlal) Chicago WHITE and living. We also give two cf the introductory para- get ready Maw That's probably because he rtll lcli you th dIil ! fci IU atplaiu fultr M Fttlatwa a Muns. Vour letter Hill fur for them Spit Ball of Ed. Walsh's instructions. II. II ing about fifty cnts large hoitle akes a iroiuhicnt part In the chase 0H'iu". City Papers graphs read and u ut. druj stores, known aa "SVyeih"? ilnis for a movi.ig-pictur- company. answered by womii:.1, home Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy," and held in strict eoulidcnce. 5om of "Doe" White' Inttnctio-fo- with the cripples and with Instructioue) Our First Lesson Shadow tj practice with anyone who wanted excicla. a lot of muss. Out of Commission. Pitching This gave me of a and tima thus avoiding P.ir l;rsl lesson will be by "lOC" WHITE. aorlieiliing jolt ta) l think. It hIso gave me a kejhidti.in v. 1 Tho Mr. the Immense Forest Nursery. OTTO J. FAHIt yT?fd;-r.- some an t'ut While ispy, ray. faded hair Janitor Deanbrough, by ttrr.ely ajvivt phytic! aome in a or.e e "Boas' ..! how l day, sijed game, ti '.rala announcer, Juirt sent word he One of the largest forest nurseries t '.un to (;et it how ta keep It. would send me to the and that not we all desiro to re:nii , ii ta fvic mound, ruf sinful, !:i Is 100! Wash. Ave., Cairo, II!. I ti u t better guilihtj ,ive yuu t late depended him some- All! not te able to work tcday. the Tutted Stut3 conducted t.y t' i must matter thai it "Doc" upon my showing our yoirthful and :0 4 t,i important thing when that day erne. Control of the) appearance Ticket that ko? What"! tho foroat service near Mont. V.Ter. He it a col!e;:e bre.l man, who by and how was mv AotitU llaugen, his devi a tall to get it p.oblem, and tiactlveuesa. Hy you; 1h JM't. brains, j vecret, on matter-an- d darkening uli him? It known as tho Satenoc i hi.Ti after heavy drafts my gray vrong nursery, system tint enable. to blossom out 1 '( I muih eiperimcnting, this is now solved ill While wispy, gray, faded hair Janitor Ills! wife boupht conio plue und has a capacity of 4,000,000 nitiht with that ritle sliot control ol tha details of ahadow younj nr tlut has ever since been a terror to tha Cotnvlata pilchina ate) Sago-an- Sul now trees a tall Ivan iu tha cortspMa eours of lustructlona hair with VVjvth's n a tube, like tooth paste, and year. ten and surest batters. Kead carefully and no one can tell, beeauso ii e can't open his mouth. t J'.nvt UitU-.ill- hu aJviie on getting Into Ed. phur, cnn.liiiun end conserving your health, wind, Introductory to Walsh't Contribu; does It bo evenly and bo naturally. 3t;ht and t'ttrw then fellow and pracUca ti nit to Thi Court of Immtuiit hit ol control ol tha ball. You Just dampen a or h(A tystcm gaining By ED. WALSH Put eight lung years the spHter has beea - It. Liii: 1 brush- with ..and draw Lesson Number my ttoik In trade. With its :t i hsvt won 1001a In 011a season ttian t.hrouga.' your hair, taking out tw T. HARRIS WKITB ga,net aiiy piicher ' ol tnoiiern times, ft htlped me to do m email strand at a time; by moruiui "DOC WlllTK shate in ona American league t'l.ihipl.ihoh.pc Tn tilt lesson I will talk "riant s9 tha une World's Championship and in. tso senes all gray lialra ha,ve disappeared tdt '.tn pixin, sno.t Knglish. Lat a beata by ol games for the Championship of lhica.io.s a. t.iLt 1' aael.ail is the liieat Amaru Having thoi cttghly mastetcd control of tins After another application or tw, t I tn Ciau.e W'h You will say becauaa It t.tyle of twulirig.