House of Representatives
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23690 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE September 22, 1966 Crime clearance rates, by month, calendar years 1960, 1961, 196~, 1963, 1964, 1965, and 1966-Continued PT. I OFFENSES I Month 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 44.0 36.4 29.8 46.8 47.0 27.2 50.1 37.0 25.2 47.6 43.1 27.8 39.6 49.0 30.9 42.3 41.4 35.3 39.4 38. 2' 29.9 35.5 38.4 45.0 42.2 36.5 36.6 41.2 31.8 31.6 33.4 41.3 39.2 PT. I OFFENSES CLEARED, BY FISCAL YEARS \. Percent cleared Classification Prior to Mallory decision 2 After Mallory decision • 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 ---------------1-------------------------------------------- Criminal homicide: (a) Murder_--------------------------- 94.9 85.3 97.3 100.0 94.5 96.8 92.2 89.8 97.2 91.1 96.5 98.8 97.1 95.5 93.8 (b) Manslaughter_--------------------- 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 (c) Negligent homicide_---------------- 100.0 100.0 96.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 --ioo.-o- 100.0 92.9 100.0 95.6 92.9 93.6 93.4 91.8 92.0 91.9 82.3 94.2 87.8 90.7 90.1 86.4 79.2 70.4 70.5 58.6 57.5 63.3 59.2 54.8 61.3 65.0 61.9 52.7 50.2 47.5 44.9 39.3 35.6 Aggravated~~rb(ify==================================== assault _________________________ _ 82.2 81.3 85.1 88.5 86.8 88.8 84.3 88.2 84.9 79.9 79.9 81.3 81.0 78.3 73.6 Housebreaking _________ -----_______________ _ 46.3 37.5 44.0 52.6 51.1 47.2 50.5 54.6 42.7 44.1 42.2 34.0 33.5 27.0 17.• Larceny, theft: (a) Grand larceny_--------------------- 39.9 34.9 38.3 42.2 37.7 41.9 43.4 38.8 36.8 29.4 29.3 26.4 19.6 19.5 12.9 (b) Petit larceny_________ __ _______ _____ _ 33.8 36.3 34.9 40.3 36.8 36.8 40.6 40.4 39.8 34.0 33.4 33.2 32.3 33.3 23.5 Auto theft ____ ------------------------------ 31.9 23.2 26.9 28.4 38.7 34.7 31.9 41.2 28.7 36.7 29.3 28.9 30.0 25.3 17.1 ------------------------------------------ TotaL_------------------------------- 49.3 46.0 49.4 55.6 50.2 49.5 51.0 52.5 48.3 44.7 43.3 40.9 38.1 34.1 26.3 1 Includes murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated ~ Includes all crime index offenses and also negligent homicide, carnal knowledge, assault, housebreaking, larceny ($50 and over), and auto theft. and petit larceny. a Mallory v. United State1, decided June 24, 1957. AMENDMENT OF MARINE RE NOMINATIONS fill a new position created by Public Law 89- SOURCES AND ENGINEERING DE 372, approved March 18, 1966. Executive nominations received by the Arexander Harvey II, of Maryland, to be VELOPMENT ACT OF 1966 Senate September 22, 1966: U.S. district judge for the district of Mary The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE land. fore the Senate a message from the House Robert M. McRae, Jr., of Tennessee, to be •• ...... •• of Representatives announcing its dis U.S. district judge for the western district agreement to the amendments of the of Tennessee vice Marlon Speed Boyd, re HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Senate to the bill <H.R. 16559) to amend tired. the Marine Resources and Engineering POSTMASTERS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1966 Development Act of 1966 to authorize the I nominate the following-named persons establishment and operation of sea grant to be postmasters: The House met at 12 o'clock noon. colleges and programs by initiating and n.LINOIS The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, supporting programs of education and Henry W. McGee, Chicago, Ill., in place D.D., offered the following prayer: research in the various fields relating to of H. H. Semrow, resigned. the developmt:nt of marine resources, and Open Thou mine eyes, that I may for other purposes, and requesting a con KENTUCKY behold wondrous things out ot Thy ference with the Senate on the disagree Archie Slone, Pippa Passes, Ky., in place Zaw.-Psalm 119: 18. ing votes of the two Houses thereon. of Manis Slone, retired. Eternal God, our Father, who didst Mr. PELL. I move that .the Senate PENNSYLVANIA lead our fathers through the wilderness insist upon its amendments, agree to the Myra E. Taylor, Gastonville, Pa., in place into the promised land, we thank Thee request of the House for a conference, of Edith Carter, retired. for Thy providential care from that day and that the Chair appoint the conferees Richard J. Evans, Peckville, Pa., in place to this. Thou didst guide them with a on .the part of the Senate. of Benjamin Shaute, retired. pillow of cloud by day and a pillow of fire The motion was agreed to; and the TENNESSEE by night, and caused them to dwell in the Chair appointed Mr .. PELL, Mr. MORSE, Maurice A. Peck, Jr., Charleston, Tenn., secret place of the most high. As Thou Mr. NELSON, Mr. KENNEDY Of Massachu in place of J. C. Shelton, deceased. didst bestow upon them the blessing of Thy law, as Thou didst pour out upon setts, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. MURPHY, and Mr. TEXAS FoNG conferees on the part of the Senate. them the gifts of Thy spirit, as Thou Jewel M. M. Brooks, Hart, Tex., in place didst lead them in the way of Thy com of Herbert Williams, resigned. mandments-so teach us to follow in ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY their footsteps that we, like them, may Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. Mr. seek after truth, strive to deal justly, to President, under the order previously CONFIRMATIONS love mercy and to walk humbly and entered, I move that the Senate adjourn reverently with Thee. until12 o'clock noon on Monday next. Executive nominations confirmed by Grant, 0 Lord, that we may love Thy The motion was agreed to; and <at the Senate September 22, 1966: law and live Thy life that the benediction 3 o'clock and 30 minutes p.m.> the Sen DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE of Thy peace and the blessing of Thy ate adjourned until Monday, Septem Frank A. Kaufman, of Maryland, to be U.S. presence may rest upon us and upon our ber 26, 1966, at 12 o'clock meridian. district judge for the district of Maryland to Nation now and always. Amen. September 22, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 23691 THE JOURNAL men and women serving in our Armed ect, plus H.R. 12047, to amend the In The Journal of the proceedings of yes Forces overseas. Almost half that num ternal Security Act of 1950. terday was read and approved. ber are serving in, over, or around the In light of the fact that there is 2- area of hostilities in Vietnam. They are hour general debate provided on the lat engaged in the defense of free and demo ter measure, and further in light of the MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE cratic institutions in that troubled part fact that tomorrow is a very sacred day of the world. They risk their lives and in the Jewish Congregation, and we had A message from the Senate by Mr. many have laid down their lives in that previously committed ourselves not to Arrington, one of its clerks, announced faraway land as a symbol of our resolu have a session on that day, we would like that the Senate had passed without tion to punish aggression; and to give to announce that the latter bill will not amendment a bill of the House of the warning to other potential aggressors be called up today. following title: and hope to other potential victims that Mr. YATES. Mr. Speaker, will the H.R. 9976. An act to amend the act of the cherished principles which are the gentleman yield? September 2, 1964. cornerstone of liberty throughout the Mr. BOGGS. I yield to the gentleman The message also announced that the world will be defended. from Illinois. Senate had passed, with amendments in Many of those who serve in our Armed Mr. YATES. Mr. Speaker, does this which the concurrence of the House is Forces have not yet been granted citizen apply to the rule upon the bill as well? requested, bills of the House of the fol ship in the country whose uniform they Mr. BOGGS. It applies to the rule as lowing titles: so proudly wear. In initiating steps to well. H.R. 14019. An act to amend the Foreign correct that situation, I have intro Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, will the Service Buildings Act, 1926, to authorize ad duced a bill to permit the expeditious gentleman yield? ditional appropriations, and for other pur naturalization of alien members of the Mr. BOGGS. Yes, I yield to the gen poses; and Armed Forces who have served or are tleman from Mississippi. H.R. 15857. An act to amend the District serving during the current period of Mr. COLMER. Mr. Speaker, a parlia of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act hostilities.