Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Greetings and thank you for taking a proactive approach to your “health care” reform.

A bit about the author behind levity lessons, I began to have a vested interest in my health many years ago however, I became proactive in my health choices roughly in 2006. Grass Roots Health Care “reform” is a long journey and no one will arrive over night. To some the information provided may seem to be overbearing and taxing but be patient and remember your health is at stake. The modern world bombards us with all things appeasing to the eyes and deadly to body and soul. Growing up in a Carribean house my family use to have a saying “what sweet you is going to sour you”. As a child I didn’t understand but I grew to understand that proverb. The things that we so delight in “ie junk foods, process foods, fast foods” are going to take a toll one day.

Recently in 2008 my family and I journey to the East African country of Ethiopia. It was there that I saw a stark contrast between people who eat pure unprocessed foods vs. people who eat processed foods with chemical additives and toxic drinking water. Way before I left for Africa I began to “watch what I eat” however I was still carrying around extra weight. In my eight months away I lost over 25 pounds and it was not from lack of eating. The diet there was one of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains. I drank bottled water that came from the highland pure sources of Ethiopia.

This radical change in my eating habits is what allowed my body to begin its purging process. Upon returning to the states in the summer of 2009 my family and friends were astonished to see how I have changed, they constantly inquired of me asking what I did. In an effort to share with them my findings the Livity Lessons series was birthed and subsequently my special interest group aimed at “Grass Roots Health Care Reform”. My trip abroad opened my eyes to why so many people living in America today experience so many food related sickness. Indeed food is either medicine or poison.

These E-book lessons are a compilation of experience, resources and tools, gleaned from different sources Knowledge is power and understanding is key; Livity Lessons aims to provide a tool and some guidance that will hopefully get a percentage of the population to become more proactive about their health.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

If you are reading this then you are well on your way. Thank You for taking a vested interest in supporting your own Health Care reform.

Overview: Livity is a word coined in the Caribbean by a demographic of people who promotes a holistic lifestyle, things that are natural and healthy. The word Livity means a positive way of living. These Livity Lessons are elementary step by step tutorials to aid the individual who is on a quest to regenerate positive health within them. True health begins first in your mind this is why Livity lessons have taken this tutorial approach to healthy living

Livity Lessons E- Series Overview (You have purchased Livity Lessons 1A)

(Lesson 1 Section A) In the body

1. Preparation Consultation includes: pH Balance Test, weight, body measurements, picture and video journal (website display) 2. Hydrate Body (Learn knowledge of water, toxins present in many water sources, explore water options and alternatives) 3. Learn about toxins in food (Chemical Additives, ie artificial etc) 4. Identify Toxins in food in your home 5. Learn about necessity of healthy Colon 6. Cleanse Colon (Learn Blessed Herbs 9 day colon) 7. Progress consultation after Colon Cleanse

(Lesson 1 Section B)

1. Cleanse Internal System (Blessed Herbs 21 day Internal Cleanse) 2. Learn about food alternatives 3. New Recipes 4. Pilot Shopping Trip

(Lesson 2) On the body

1. Learn about skin

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

2. Identify toxins that go on your body 3. Introduce alternatives

(Lesson 3) Around the Body

1. Identify Toxin in Environment 2. Learn about Alternatives 3. Develop Exercise Plan *This is a phase by phase program once participant passes one phase and is committed to changing their Livity then more time will be invested in their health recovery. This is a pay as you go e-book series

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

 Note: The bodies natural defense against toxins is to surround the toxin with fat cells. Toxins remain in fatty areas stomach, arms, legs, buttocks and face.

What is a toxin? Any of various unstable poisonous compounds produced by

some microorganism and causing certain diseases.

Toxins are in us, on us and around us. Toxins are killing us slowly!

Our body is designed to utilize natural substances, which includes foods, herbs and photochemical. Any foreign substance will serve as a stimulus to our immune system, which has the function of removing these substances. Although the toxicity of a chemical may vary, it is the job of the liver to reduce toxins into compounds that the body can safely handle and eliminate through the kidneys (as urine), skin (as sweat), lungs (as expelled air) and bowels (as feces). Maintaining these eliminative organs in good working order is essential for one's good health to continue

Environmental toxins are chemicals and other materials created largely from industry and carelessness. These chemicals have saturated our water, food and the very air we breathe. You can't see, feel, or smell many toxins--at least, not right away. We don't realize their affects until we come down with a chronic disease after years of exposure.

77,000: chemicals are produced in North America, Over 3,000: chemicals added to our food supply

Over 10,000: chemical solvents, emulsifiers and preservatives used in food processing

1,000: new chemicals introduced each year,

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

The Effects of Toxins on Your Body

A study by The British Medical Journal says that 75% of most cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors.

A report by the Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity.

Most Americans have between 400- 800 chemicals stored in their bodies, typically in fat cells. Some of the short- and long-term effects of these toxins include


Standard American Dead Diet consists of processed, microwave foods, fast foods, coffee, soda, alcohol, pharmaceutical, toxic water

In a word the standard American’s diet is full of KILLER TOXINS! Wonder why you can’t shake those pounds, why no matter how much exercise you do it still doesn’t work, why you are low in energy; have head aches, chronic fatigue, acne and many other ailments? In a word more TOXINS!

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

With the adult body weight comprising of up to 70% water, it is the single most vital component of our daily diet, essential for growth and maintenance of our bodies' vitality, health and wellbeing.

Let’s talk about toxic water.

Excert from About Article: Tap Water in 42 States Contaminated by Chemicals

EWG Tap Water Probe Reveals 141 Unregulated Chemicals Flowing into U.S. Homes

By Larry West,

Public water supplies in 42 U.S. states are contaminated with 141 unregulated chemicals for which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has never established safety standards, according to an investigation by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

Tainted Tap Water Used by Millions of Americans Another 119 regulated chemicals—a total of 260 contaminants altogether—were found by the environmental group in a two-and-a-half-year analysis of more than 22 million tap water quality tests. The tests, which are required under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, were conducted at nearly 40,000 utilities that supply water to 231 million people.

Pollution Threatens Tap Water Quality According to a report by the EWG, the top 10 states with the most contaminants in their drinking water were California, Wisconsin, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, New York, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Illinois—in that order. EWG said the biggest sources of contaminants were agriculture, industry and pollution from sprawl and urban runoff.

Common Chemicals found in tap water: disinfection byproducts, nitrates, chloroform, barium, arsenic and copper.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Excerpt from article

1. Radon

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that radon in household water causes 30 to 1,800 deaths per year. You may be exposed to radon in your water via two routes. The first is by breathing in radon vapors from your water while doing everyday tasks such as showering and doing dishes and laundry.

The second way is through actually ingesting the radon in the water. Because radon does evaporate readily into the air, surface waters, such as those from lakes and rivers, are less likely to contain high levels of the substance.

However, groundwater, which is used in wells, has not been exposed to much air, and therefore may contain much higher levels of radon. Wells filled by ground water supply about half the drinking water in the United States.

Because radon is tasteless, odorless and colorless, the only way to find out if high levels are in your water is with a water test. Fortunately, you can easily test your water with our top-recommended Radon-in-Water Test Kit.

2. Chlorine and Chlorine Byproducts

There are numerous studies that link drinking chlorinated water to increased risks of cancer, birth defects, miscarriages, and more. But what you may not realize is that showering or bathing in chlorinated water can be just as dangerous as drinking it, and even more so.

By taking a hot shower you end up absorbing over 600 percent more chlorine and other chemicals than you would from drinking the same un-filtered water all day!

This is because, when you shower, the warm water opens up your skin's pores, making it like a sponge for chlorine. Meanwhile, the steam in your shower, which you readily inhale, is full of chlorine and its byproducts as well. Since your skin is the largest organ of your body, some estimates say that steam can transport into your body up to 100 times the toxic chemicals as you would get from drinking tap water.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

The good news is that chlorine and other chemicals can be easily removed from your family's shower with The Wellness Shower Filter.

The Wellness Shower effectively reduces up to 99 percent of chlorine from your shower's water for up to 24 months, which is two or three times longer than any other shower filtration system available. Plus, the filter actually increases hydration of your skin and hair by 115 percent!

3. Trichloroethylene, or TCE

Trichloroethylene, or TCE, a solvent with a fairly sweet odor and taste used in adhesives, paint and spot removers, and also to remove grease from metal airplane parts and clean fuel lines at missile sites, is a widespread pollutant of U.S. drinking water supplies.

TCE is often described as the most pervasive industrial contaminant in drinking water. It has been linked to numerous health risks, such as kidney cancer, reproductive and developmental damage, impaired neurological function, and autoimmune disease.

4. Prescription Drugs

Prescription drugs, along with medications given to livestock, are increasingly showing up in our ground water, soil, waterways and even our drinking water. That's because our conventional sewage treatments may not be looking for drugs, and certainly don't always remove them.

Adding to the problem are prescription drugs that aren't used, then are flushed down the toilet or deposited in landfills -- ultimately ending up in the environment.

This so-called "pharmaceutical pollution" could have major implications on wildlife, agriculture and humans - - yet is only beginning to be studied.

5. Pesticides

According to testing done for the Chicago Sun-Times, DEET, a chemical commonly used in insect repellants, may be present in your drinking water.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Thought the amounts detected were low -- 8.3 parts per trillion -- the testing was done during March, when insect repellant use was still low. And according to some experts, this is still cause for alarm.

DEET is potentially very toxic, particularly to children. It has been shown to cause nervous-system damage, including:

Insomnia Mood changes Disorientation and clumsiness when walking Seizures Coma Even death

How important is clean water?

 With the adult body weight comprising of up to 70% water, it is the single most vital component of our daily diet, essential for growth and maintenance of our bodies' vitality, health and wellbeing. Throughout our daily activities we lose up to 2.5 liters per day, through perspiration, breathing and bodily functions, so it is imperative that we replenish and stay hydrated!  The average human brain is 75% water and even moderate dehydration can result in headaches or dizziness.  Water regulates our body temperature and carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells in our bodies. It protects and cushions our vital organs, helps to convert food into energy, helps to absorb nutrients and assists in removing waste

Suitable Drinking water is imperative to your health! Some bottle water companies proclaim to offer clean water however, in recent years it has been discovered that some companies are getting their water from municipal water supply. Such products will be labeled as "reverse osmosis water" or "purified water. Research shows there are a few bottled water companies whose source is pure and healthy.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Source of unparalleled purity

Icelandic Glacial is a Natural Spring Water of exceptional purity, bottled at source in Iceland and entirely untouched by contaminants & even outside air until the cap is unscrewed for the first time.

 The source of our water is the legendary Ölfus Spring - a naturally replenished catchment zone formed during a massive volcanic eruption more than 4,500 years ago.

 Contaminant free Our water is microbiologically pure when extracted and free of even trace levels of contaminants. With a TDS - Total Dissolved Solids level of only 62 parts per million and a pH level of 8.4, our water is unmatched in terms of taste & overall quality.

There are other water purification options, one has to do their research and find one that is suitable for you.

You can visit the site to gain more insight; the water is widely distributed in the US

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Our food is suppose to gives us nourishment right? Food is medicine or poison you choose!


1. Sodium Nitrate/Sodium Nitrite

What is it? Nitrates/Nitrites preserve, and maintain a red color in many processed meat products.

You can find them in: Processed meat products-Bacon, sausage, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, pepperoni, smoked fish, corn beef, canned meat. It’s also found in some cheese. Why you should avoid them: Nitrites can form potent carcinogenic nitrosamines in the body. Nitrosamines are among the most powerful carcinogens known and even small amounts can lead to cancer. Studies confirm that nitrates and nitrites can cause prostate, breast and stomach cancers in humans. Nitrates are associated with increased miscarriages, fetal deaths and birth defects in laboratory animals. Both US and Canadian regulatory agencies have lowered the permissible levels of nitrates/nitrites for use in processed foods. Alternatives: Health food stores offer a variety of nitrite/nitrate free meats.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

2. BHA & BHT

(Butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydrozyttoluene)

What is it? BHA and BHT preserve many common processed foods

You can find them in: cereal, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils.

Why you should avoid them: Repeated studies show that BHA and BHT increase the risk of cancer and accumulate in body tissue, causing liver enlargement. They also slow down the rate of DNA synthesis and cell development.

3. Propyl Gallate

You can find it in: some processed meat products, chicken soup stock and gum.

Why you should avoid it: Propyl Gallate is a suspected carcinogen. It is also known to cause kidney, liver and gastrointestinal problems.

4. MSG

What is it? Monosodium glutamate enhances flavors

You can find it in: most canned soups, salad dressings, chips, crackers and frozen foods. It is also found in most spice and flavoring blends.

MSG can be legally concealed on food labels behind harmless-sounding names like “natural flavoring”, “spices”, “seasonings” etc…

Why you should avoid it: MSG can cause severe reactions in some people- headaches, nausea etc… Animal studies link it to damaging nerve cells in the brains of mice.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

5. Hydrogenated Oil

What is it? Hydrogenated vegetable oil sometimes goes by the name “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.” It is more commonly known as a trans fat.

You can find it in: Processed chips, microwave popcorn, crackers, cookies, pastries, pies, cakes, most fast foods, butter, margarine, lard, coconut oil, cottonseed oil & palm kernel oil etc…

Why you should avoid it: Trans fats raise levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and lower levels of “good” HDL cholesterol, which increases your chances of developing heart disease, having a heart attack, stroke or kidney failure.

Alternative: Monounsaturated fats like Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil, help to lower bad LDL cholesterol and raises good HDL cholesterol.

6. Aspartame

What is it? Aspartame is sold by the brand names Neutrasweet and Equal. It’s found in 6,000 products worldwide.

You can find it in: Diet foods- diet soft drinks & drink mixes, low calorie desserts, gelatins, puddings, frozen desserts, yogurt, some children's vitamins etc…

Why you should avoid it: Aspartame is responsible for 75 percent of the complaints that the FDA receives. The FDA has compiled a list of 92 Aspartame poisoning symptoms, from over 10,000 consumers. These complaints include- headaches, memory loss, seizures, vision loss, coma, and cancer.

Aspartame was once listed as a “Biochemical Warfare Agent” by the Pentagon.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

For 8 years The US Food and Drug Administration did not approve Aspartame because of the evidence that was brought to light by numerous scientists, litigators and consumer groups, that aspartame damages the central nervous system and causes cancer in animals.

Alternatives: Natural sweeteners

7. Acesulfame-K

What is it? This is a relatively new artificial sweetener, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 1998.

You can find it in: Diet soft drinks, baked goods, chewing gum, and gelatin desserts.

Why you should avoid it: Acesulfame-K often is on many top 12 lists of additives to avoid because further study is needed in order to decide whether or not it is harmful to humans.

Some studies showed this additive causes cancer in rats.

Alternatives: All natural safe sweeteners.

8. Food Coloring

Food Colorings: Blue 1, 2; Red 3; Green 3; Yellow 6

Blue 1 and 2: used in beverages, candy, baked goods and some pet food. It has been linked to cancer in mice.

Red 3: used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy and baked goods. Causes thyroid tumors in rats.

Green 3: used to color candy and beverages. Has been linked to bladder cancer.

Yellow 6: used to color beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candy. Causes tumors

9. Olestra (Olean)

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

What is it? Olestra is a synthetic fat that prevents fat from getting absorbed by your digestive system. It also prevents valuable fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E & K) and carotenoids from being absorbed by the body. You can find it in: some brands of potato chips Why you should avoid it: More than 15,000 consumers have filed complaints saying that Olestra has caused health problems- gas, diarrhea and abdominal cramps so severe that they had to go to the emergency room.

10. Potassium Bromate

What is it? Potassium bromate is a bleaching agent in white flour. You can find it in: breads, rolls and pizza dough Why you should avoid it: It is known to cause cancer in animals and humans. It is still legal for it to be used in the United States and Japan. The state of California has it listed as, “chemicals known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity” and requires a cancer warning on products that have Potassium Bromate as an ingredient. Alternative: Look for flour and bakery products marked “UNBROMATED”

11. White Sugar/ High Fructose Corn Syrup

Why you should avoid it: Too much white sugar/high fructose corn syrup in the diet puts on the pounds, causes depression, rots teeth and messes with blood sugar levels, which can lead to diabetes. It also leaches valuable vitamins and minerals out of the body. Alternatives: Maple Syrup (not the kind with High Fructose Corn Syrup, dye & synthetic “maple flavoring”), Brown Rice Syrup, Sorghum Molasses, Barley Malt Syrup and Date Sugar are all nutritious sweeteners that won’t put you on a blood sugar rollercoaster ride.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

12. Sodium Chloride

What is it? Sodium chloride is more commonly known as table salt. It enhances flavor and acts as a preservative. Processed foods have extremely high levels of sodium, so read those labels carefully. Why you should avoid it: Refined, table salt is 99.9% sodium chloride. During the refining process, naturally occurring minerals and trace elements are stripped away, then it’s blasted with high heat, bleached and chemicals like aluminum and anti-caking agents are added to it. Too much processed table salt intake burdens the kidneys and adrenal glands, depletes calcium and interferes with the absorption of essential nutrients. It also causes high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke. “Low-sodium salt” is even more toxic than table salt. More chemicals are added to the mix, in order to remove the sodium and stimulate the synthetic taste of salt. Alternatives: Flavor your food with herbs, a squeeze of lemon or lime, unrefined sea salt

NOTE: Artificial food preservatives, food colors and flavour enhancers, these are dangerous chemicals added to our food and are known to be linked to Hyperactivity, Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD), Asthma, Cancer and other medical conditions.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Dangerous Food Additives table

Hyper- Additive Number Name of Food Additive Asthma Cancer activity

102 & E102 Tartrazine (food color) H A C

104 & E104 Quinoline Yellow (food color) H A C

107 & E107 Yellow 2G (food color) H A C

110 & E110 Sunset Yellow (Yellow food color #6) H A C

120 & E120 Carmines, Cochineal (food color) H A -

122 & E122 Azorubine, Carmoisine (food color) H A C

123 & E123 Amaranth (Red food color #2) H A C

124 & E124 Ponceau, Brilliant Scarlet (food color) H A C

127 & E127 Erythrosine (Red food color #2) H A C

E128 Red 2G (Red food color) H A C

129 & E129 Allura Red AC (food color) H A C

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

E131 Patent Blue (food color) H A C

132 & E132 Indigotine, Indigo Carmine (food color) H A C

133 & E133 Brilliant Blue (food color) H A C

142 & E142 Acid Brilliant Green, Green S, Food Green (food color) H A -

143 Fast Green (food color) - A -

150 & E150 Caramel (food color) H - -

151 & E151 Activated Vegetable Carbons, Brilliant Black (food color) H A C

154 Food Brown, Kipper Brown, Brown FK (food color) H A C

155 & E155 Chocolate Brown HT, Brown HT (food color) H A C

160b & E160b Bixin, Norbixin, Annatto Extracts (yellow, red to brown natural colors) H A -

E173 Aluminium (preservatives) - - C

E180 Latol Rubine, Pigment Rubine (preservatives) H A C

200 & E200-203 Potassium & Calcium Sorbates ,Sorbic Acid (preservatives) H A -

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

210 & E210 Benzoic Acid (preservatives) H A C

211 & E211 Sodium Benzoate (preservatives) H A -

212 & E212 Potassium Benzoate (preservatives) - A -

213 & E213 Calcium Benzoate (preservatives) - A -

E214 Ethyl Para Hydroxybenzonate (preservatives) - A -

E215 Sodium Ethyl Para Hydroxybenzonate (preservatives) - A -

216 & E216 Propyl P Hydroxybenzonate, Propylparaben (preservatives) - A -

E217 Sodium Propyl P Hydroxybenzonate (preservatives) - A -

220 & E220 Sulphur Dioxide also Sulfur dioxide (preservatives) H A -

221 & E221 Sodium Sulfite or Sodium Sulphite (preservatives) - A -

222 Sodium Bisulfite or Sodium Bisulphite (preservatives) - A -

223 & E223 Sodium Metabisulfite or Sodium Metabisulphite (preservatives) - A -

224 & E224 Potassium Metabisulphite or Potassium Metabisulfite (preservatives) - A -

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

225 & E225 Potassium Sulfite or Potassium Sulphite (preservatives) - A -

E226 Calcium Sulfite or Calcium Sulphite (preservatives) - A -

E227 Calcium Hydrogen Sulphite or Calcium Hydrogen Sulfite (preservatives) - A -

Potassium Bisulfite, Potassium Hydrogen Sulfite or Potassium Bisulphite, Potassium E228 H A - Hydrogen Sulphite (preservatives)

E230 Diphenyl, Biphenyl (preservatives) - - C

E231 Orthophenyl Phenol (preservatives) - - C

E236 Formic Acid (preservative) - - C

E239 Hexamine, Hexamethylene Tetramine (preservatives) - - C

249 & E249 Potassium Nitrate (preservative) - A C

250 & E250 Sodium Nitrite (preservative) H A C

251 & E251 Sodium Nitrate (preservative) H - C

252 & E252 Potassium Nitrate (preservative) H - C

260 & E260 Acetic Acid, Glacial (preservatives) - A -

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

280 to 283 Calcium or Potassium or Sodium Propionates, Propionic Acid (preservatives) H A -

310 & E310 Propyl Gallate (Synthetic Antioxidant) - A C

311 & E311 Octyl Gallate (Synthetic Antioxidant) - A -

312 & E312 Dodecyl Gallate (Synthetic Antioxidant) - A -

319 & E319 TBHQ, Tert Butylhydroquinone (Synthetic Antioxidants) H A -

320 & E320 Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) (Synthetic Antioxidants) H A C

321 & E321 Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) or Butylhydroxytoluene (Synthetic Antioxidants) H A C

Citric Acid (NOT DANGEROUS naturally occurring e330 & 330 citric acid additive - can 330 & E330 contain sulfites and mold, explained earlier in the article next to this table printable - - - version link.)

407 & E407 Carrageenan (Thickening & Stabilizing Agent) - A C

413 & E413 Tragacanth (thickener & Emulsifier) - A -

414 & E414 Acacia Gum (Food Stabilizer) - A -

416 Karaya Gum (Laxative, Food Thickener & Emulsifier) - A -

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

421 & E421 Mannitol (Artificial Sweetener) H - -

430 Polyxyethylene Stearate (Emulsifier) - - C

431 Polyxyl Stearate (Emulsifier) - - C

E432 - E435 Polyoxyethylene Sorbitan Monostearate (Emulsifiers Gelling Stabilisers Thickeners Agents) - - C

433 - 436 Polysorbate (Emulsifiers) - - C

441 & E441 Gelatine (Food Gelling Agent) - A -

466 Sodium CarboxyMethyl Cellulose - - C

507 & E507 Hydrochloric Acid (Hydrolyzing Enhancer & Gelatin Production) - - C

518 & E518 Magnesium Sulphate (Tofu Coagulant) - - C

536 & E536 Potassium Ferrocyanide (Anti Caking Agent) - A -

553 & E553 & E553b Talc (Anti Caking, Filling, Softener, Agent) - - C

620 - 625 MSG Monosodium Glutamate, , all Glutamates (Flavour Enhancers) H A C

627 & E627 (Flavour Enhancers) H A -

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

631 & E631 5 (Flavour Enhancers) - A -

635 & E635 Disodium Ribonucleotides 5 (Flavour Enhancers) - A -

903 & E903 Camauba Wax (used in Chewing Gums, Coating and Glazing Agents) - - C

Paraffin and Vaseline, White Mineral Oil (Solvents, Coating and Glazing, Anti Foaming 905 & 905 a,b,c - - C Agents, Lubricant in Chewing Gums)

924 & E924 Potassium Bromate (Agent used in Bleaching Flour) - - C

925 & E925 Chlorine (Agent used in Bleaching Flour, Bread Enhancer and Stabiliser) - - C

926 Chlorine Dioxide (Bleaching Flour and Preservative Agent) - - C

928 & E928 Benzoyl Peroxide (Bleaching Flour and Bread enhancer Agent) - A -

950 & E950 Potassium Acesulphame (Sweetener) - - C

951 Aspartame (Sweetener) H A -

952 & E952 Cyclamate and Cyclamic Acid (Sweeteners) - - C

954 & E954 Saccharine (Sweetener) - - C

1202 & E1202 Insoluble Polyvinylpyrrolidone Insoluble (Stabiliser and Clarifying Agent added to Wine, - - C

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Beer, Pharmaceuticals)

1403 Bleached Starch (Thickenner and Stabiliser) - A -

Food additives to avoid …

… linked to hyperactivity, asthma, cancer - avoid these in your every day diet! Allergic and other reactions to food additives occur hours and even days later therefore many people cannot notice these connections.

LIST UPDATES AT: and search the blog for 'food additives' or go straight to the page:

Author’s Note: When my family and I went to Ethiopia we got a rude awakening, yet it became a blessing in disguise. Upon arrival we rented a fully furnished guest house; however when the landlord saw we were foreigners he sought to raise the rent price. When we refused to pay more he began to take away the stove, the fridge and the television. We called his bluff and lost because soon after, he took away the “modern” appliances. Coming from America this was an adjustment. A friend loaned us his gas stove but we were still left to live with no fridge or television. Thrown into this situation we had to learn a new relationship with food. “Eating Fresh”! Our diet consisted of fruits and vegetables and foods that we cooked. After a meal was prepared you either consumed it the day of or after, by the third day it was no good. We did not keep cooked food beyond three days by preserving it in the fridge. We learned the true life span of food; this experience taught me so many things, forging my new more natural relationship with food.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)


Mental Exercise: Open your pantry and refrigerator review the ingredients and contents of all your pre- packaged foods. If you identify any of the above HARMFUL chemical additives listed mentally throw out the poisonous food.

Physical Exercise: When you have mentally reached the stage to make a Livity change then take the offensive contents and really throw them away. You goal is learning step by step to replace the pre-porcessed toxic foods with a healthy no additive alternative.

What’s the big deal with a few toxins here and there? Toxins in your food end up in your system namely your colon and surprise, surprise when your system is backed up then all of those toxins enter your blood stream and other parts of your body making you SICK!


 Why a Colon Cleanse? The average American & European colon today carries within it over 5 pounds of putrid, half digested red ....another 5-10 pounds of foul toxic waste impacted for years in the folds of the colon with mucus.

 The colon’s main function is the re-absorption of nutrients and water into our bodies and the elimination of toxic wastes through regular bowel movements.

 Colon health is a topic of lasting human interest. Statistics indicate the sooner we start monitoring our own colons, the better. Today over 90% of Americans are walking around with clogged colons (US Health Service), and colon cancer is killing people at an alarming rate. The saying "you are what you eat" is unconditionally true and all the more reason to cleanse and detoxify the body. When the bowel and/or colon is impacted problems arise such as skin rashes, headaches, nutritional deficiencies,

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

chronic fatigue, heart disease: high blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, varicose veins, gas, bloating, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, Crohn's Disease, Colitis, Diverticulitis, Fistula, Fissure, Hemorrhoids, Ulcers, Hiatal Hernia

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)


Do you have a video camera or web cam?

You can do a video journal about your cleansing. Livity Lessons will post your story on the Livity Lesson C3 challenge website.

In order to be selected to be posted your speech can not contain any profanity Video1-2 minutes per day in journal of progress Submit video :[email protected]

*If you meet success with the first phase of this program please contact us for the second phase. Livity is interested in those who are committed to the process of change. We hope to hear from you soon!

We here at Livity believe in you, we understand that a health you lead to a healthy family and a healthy family leads to a healthy community and a healthy community leads to a healthy nation.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)



Date pH Weight Waist Chest Shoulders Neck Thigh Hip Calf

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Referral Program

Let’s shed some more light on this very serious issue. Livity Lessons is setting out on a colon cleansing campaign. Help us meet our goal of unclogging 1000 colons and dumping a collective 5000 lbs of excess weight. After you help refer another, venture to make a difference in the lives of those we love.

90% of Americans have Clogged Colons! Lose 5-10 lbs in 8 Days

Name Phone Number Email Best time to call

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Cleansing Journal

Pre Cleanse Day 1 Date: Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Pre Cleanse Day 2 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Pre Cleanse Day 3 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Liquid Fast Day 1 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Liquid Fast Day 2 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Liquid Fast Day 3 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Liquid Fast Day 4 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Liquid Fast Day 5 Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Overall Experience Journal Entry (mood, bowel movements, effects)

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)

Livity Lessons References

1. 2. US health service 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Livity Lessons 1A (Colon Health E-Book)