17th Annual Café Shapiro Shapiro Undergraduate Library February 10, 2014 February 11, 2014 February 12, 2014 February 17, 2014 Anthology of Selected Poems & Short Stories Café Shapiro 2014 Anthology ©2014 The authors retain all copyright interests in their respective works. Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without permission of the authors. Please contact
[email protected] for permission information. Original Artwork provided by: Margaret Hitch University of Michigan Major: Art and Design Printed on the University of Michigan Library’s Espresso Book Machine Introduction Introduction Café Shapiro Welcome to Café Shapiro! Café Shapiro began in February 1998 as part of the University’s “Year of the Humanities and Arts” (YoHA). Originally conceived as a student coffee break. Café Shapiro takes place in the Sha- piro Undergraduate Library during winter evenings in February. It features undergraduate student writers nominated by their professors, many of whom have also been nominated for various writing prizes within the University and beyond. Students are invited to perform a live reading for a peer audience. For many student writers, Café Shapiro is a first opportunity to read publicly from their work. For others, it provides a fresh audience, and the ability to experience the work of students they may not encounter in writing classes. Through its seventeen years of existence, Café Shapiro has evolved to become several nights of sharing among some of our best undergraduate writers, their friends, families, and the wider community. Café Shapiro has been popular, and in many years we have created an anthology to provide access to these students’ works after the live perfor- mance.