
spiral galaxies with the 64-m Parkes Ra­ at the approximate centre of the GA Wall - including the nearby Pavo, Indus dio Telescope. overdensity. Although very massive as a clusters below the Galactic plane and Within the Abell radius of the cluster cluster, its mass contributes only about the shallow overdensity in Vela above A3627, 109 velocities have so far been 10% of the total mass predicted for the the Galactic plane at 6000 km/so This reduced leading to a mean velocity of < Great Attractor. Hence, it is not "the" whole large-scale structure embodies what has been dubbed in 1987 the then vobs > =4882 km/s and a dispersion of 0' Great Attractor as such, but it is the = 903 km/so This puts the cluster weil prime candidate for being the hitherto unseen Great Attractor. within the predicted velocity range of the unidentified centre of this large-scale GA. The large dispersion of A3627 sug­ overdensity. This is supported by the re­ References gests it to be quite massive. Applying the cent analysis of the ROSAT PSPG data vi rial theorem yields a mass of - 5 x 1015 of A3627 by Böhringer et al. (1996) Böhringer, H., Neumann, D.M., Schindler, S., Mev, Le. a cluster on par with the rich, which finds this cluster to be the 6th & Kraan-Korteweg, R.C., 1996, ApJ, in press. well-known Goma cluster - yet consider­ brightest X-ray cluster in the sky for the Felenbok, P, Guerin, J., Fernandez, A., Cay­ ably c1oser. In fact, simulations show, ROSAT spectral band and confirms its atte, V., Balkowski, C., & Kraan-Korteweg, that if Goma were at the position of vi rial mass. R.C., 1996, A&A, submitted. A3627 in velocity space and subjected The results from our programme with­ Kolatt, T., Dekel, A., & Lahav, 0., 1995, to the same foreground obscuration, the in the whole search area in combination MNRAS 275,797. two clusters would be indistinguishable. with the Southern Redshift Gatalogue Kraan-Korteweg, R.C., Woudt, PA, Cayatte, V., Fairall, A.P., Balkowski, C., & Henning, A3627 even has - like Goma - 2 domi­ suggest furthermore that A3627 is the PA, 1996, Nature, 379,519. nant cD galaxies at its core. dominant component of an apparent Lynden-Bell, D., Faber, S.M., Burstein, D., The most intriguing aspect of the rec­ "great wall" structure - similar to the Davies, R.L., Dressler, A., Terlevich, R.J. & ognition of the new cluster is its position Goma cluster in the (northern) Great Wegner, G.,1988, ApJ326,19.

10- and 17-f.lm Test Images of the Galactic Centre: Massive Protostars Near SgrA*?

H. ZINNECKER, Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam T. STANKE, Astronomisches Institut, Universität Würzburg; H.U. KÄUFL, ESQ-Garching

Abstract microns, to a 3-sigma limiting flux of sources at mid- wavelengths, so about 0.3 and 4 Jy per arcsec-2, respec­ that it is easy to find an empty sky posi­ We have obtained 10 and 17 micron tively. tion. The very Galactic Gentre is the ex­ (N and Q band) images of the central ception in this respect; there is no other square-parsec of the Galaxy. The imag­ Technical Details c1ustering of strong mid-infrared sources es were taken with ESO's mid-infrared in the Galaxy that rivals the innermost 64 x 64 pixel array camera TIMMI (Käufl The N band images (A =10.1 micron, parsec. et al., 1992, 1994) at the 3.6-m tele­ 01. =4.0 micron) were taken with a pixel The images shown have not been scope on La Silla. The reduced images scale of 0.66 arcsec/pixel in 1.2 arcsec f1at-fielded, as this appears to be unnec­ are displayed in Figure 1a,b: in total, 4 seeing. Due to the high thermal back­ essary: the overall gradient in sensitivity images are shown, two at each wave­ ground (sky and telescope) the on-chip across the array is less than 10%, and length (i.e. a linear and a logarithmic integration time of the individual frames the pixel-to-pixel variations are even stretch) in order to emphasise the full had to be very short (7 ms). Otherwise smaller (Käufl, 1995). dynamic range. The images represent standard infrared techniques were em­ The star ßGru was used as a point 1.5 and 7 minutes net on chip integration ployed, Le. chopping the secondary mir­ source calibrator (N = -3.55, Q = -3.58) time at each wavelength, respectively. ror (2.5 Hz) and nodding the telescope. and also to measure the seeing at mid­ The images indicate that the morpholog­ Sky frames were taken in a location infrared wavelengths; a Gen (N =-1.52, ical structure of the innermost parsec of clear of 10-micron sources. The Q band Q =-1.55) was used, too. the Galactic Gentre is rather similar at images (A = 17.15 micron, D.A = 1.5 mi­ both wavelengths, but differs significant­ cron) were taken with a smaller pixel Significance of the Images Iy at certain locations, in particular at the scale (0.33 arcsec/pixel), a necessity position of IRS3. This compact source due to the even higher thermal back­ A major goal of our observation was projected about 2 arcsec west and 4 arc­ ground at the longer wavelength. At 17 to compare the 17-micron image to the sec north of SgrA* is found to have an micron, the seeing FWHM was 1.5 arc­ 10-micron image in order to find out extinction corrected spectral energy dis­ sec - i.e. close to the diffraction limit at which of the well-known 10-micron tribution v Fv peaked near 10 microns this wavelength at this telescope. Again, sources in the Galactic Gentre (Gezari and may be a massive protostar (L bol > hundreds of short exposure frames were et al., 1985) have a rising flux density 104 Lev) or a cluster of protostars near coadded, this time with an individual distribution towards longer wavelengths. the Galactic Gentre. This might be possi­ on-chip exposure time of 12 ms. The The high spatial resolution mid-infrared ble, as there is indeed some dense gas same chopping and nodding as for the N TIMMI array data are superior to earlier in the innermost parsec from which stars band images was employed, and ap­ single-beam raster-scan observations can form (Jackson et al., 1993). In none proximately the same sky position was (Becklin et al., 1978, Rieke et al., 1978). of our images, mid-infrared emission used. The overall on-source observing The idea behind all this was to try to from SgrA* is detected. Likewise, the efficiency for the N and Q band integra­ search for dust-enshrouded massive strongest 2-micron source (IRS7) could tions was 40%. protostars, similar in kind to the not be detected, neither at 10 nor at 17 We note that the sky is fairly clear of Becklin-Neugebauer and IRc2 objects in

18 Figure 1a (Ieft =intensity linear, right =log intensity): TIMMI 10-micron image (YLlA =2.5) of the central40 x 40" of the Galaxy. The image scale is 0.66" per pixel. North is up, east to the left. The box indicates the position of SgrA', which is however not detected to a limiting 3-sigma sensitivity ofabout 0.3 Jy/sq". While much of the mid-infrared emission is due to diffuse non-stellar emission, the two isolated sources north-west of SgrA' (IRS3 and IRS6) are almost certainly powered by embedded stellar objects.

Figure 1b (Ieft =intensity linear, right =log intensity): TlMMI 17-micron image (Ai. A = 11.5) of the central20 x 20" of the Galaxy The image scale is 0.33"perpixel. Note the overall similarity to the 10-micron image, except for the cocoon source IRS3 which appears to be heavily self-absorbed due to silicate dust. It is unclear whether IRS3 is a luminous evolved star or a deeply embedded massive protostar.

the (Wynn-Williams et al., tie Centre). It is useful to compare our bright at 10 microns (7 Jy) and even 1984). Those sources would have about mid-infrared images to the K, L', and brighter at 17 microns (approx. 10 Jy). 0.4 and 0.2 Jy at 10 microns and similar M-band images of the Galaetic Centre Notice that the 17-micron detection is at values at 17 microns, if displaced from by Herbst et al. (1993) in order to more a much lower signal-to-noise level than Orion to the distance of the Galactic clearly isolate sources with flux density the 10-mieron detection. IRS3 is known Centre (8.5 kpc). This takes into aceount distributions rising toward longer wave­ to have a noticeable 9.7-micron silicate a foreground extinction of around 1 mag lengths. A combined inspection of K, L', absorption feature (Becklin et al., 1978, in the broad N band and 0.5 mag in the M, N and Q-band images suggests at Rieke et al., 1978), indieating a tempera­ Q band toward the Galactic Centre (cor­ least one compact such souree within a ture gradient in a dust shell or coeoon responding to Av = 27 mag, see e.g. 12 x 12 arcsee (0.5 x 0.5 pc) field around and considerable Jocal extinction. The Rieke and Lebofsky, 1985 for the inter­ the SgrA* position: IRS3! It is a very red question whether IRS3 is indeed a stellar extinction law towards the Galac- source in the K, L', M images, and is deeply embedded massive protostar or

19 a very young embedded cluster of proto­ reach the 10-micron diffraction limit of Galactic-Centre region, in an attempt to stars near the Galactic Centre is thrown 0.7 arcsec. This would much improve the study the spatial distribution of the ener­ open here, although other explanations 10-micron point source sensitivity and gy and excitation sources in this region. (a luminous evolved star such as an OHI the chance of detecting massive proto­ IA star or a dust-enshrouded supergiant; stellar objects in the circumnuclear ring. Becklin et al., 1978, Aieke et al., 1978) On the other hand, ISOCAM images may References have been considered in the past. Vet soon reveal the presence (or absence) the fact that there are massive young of young stellar sources in the circumnu­ Becklin, E. et al., 1978, ApJ219, 121. stars such as WA stars and a cluster of c1ear disk region, albeit with poorer spa­ Genzel, R., 1989, lAU Symp 136 (ed. M. Mor­ Hel stars in the IAS16 complex near tial resolution. Follow-up diffraction-limit­ ris). SgrA* (see the review of Genzel et al., ed imaging with TIMMI is likely to be Genzel, R., Eckart, A., Krabbe, A., 1995, Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sei. 759, 38 (eds. Böhringer, 19951) begs the question whether mas­ needed. We hope for the best possible H., Morfill, G.E., Trümper, J. (Proc. 17th sive continues in the Ga­ image quality at the 3.6-m by then. Texas Symposium Munieh). lactic-Centre region, even though no Finally, we briefly discuss our results Gezari, D. et al., 1985, ApJ299, 1007. compact radio sources or ultracompact on IAS7 and SgrA* (which are in agree­ Gezari, D. et al. , 1994a, in: The Nuclei ofNor­ HII regions have been found. ment with those of Gezari et al., mal Galaxies: Lessons from the Galactic It would be particularly worthwhile to 1994a,b). IAS7 - the brightest source in Center, eds. R. Genzel and A. Harrig, Klu­ extend the current 10-micron search for the 2.2-micron K-band - is not detected wer, p. 343. massive protostars to the Galactic Cen­ in our images, suggesting that this red Gezari, D. et al., 1994b, ibidem, p. 427. tre circumnuclear disk of dense molecu­ supergiant lacks a warm optically thick Herbst, T.M., Beckwith, S.V.w., Shure, M., 1993, ApJ 411, L21. lar gas (e.g. Genzel, 1989). dust shell. However, IAS7 is clearly de­ Jackson, J.M. et al., 1993, ApJ402, 173. A 5 x 5 mosaic of 10-micron TIMMI tected at 7.8 and 1204 micron (see Ge­ Käutl, H.U. et al., 1992, The Messenger70, images would cover most of the relevant zari et al., 1994a), suggesting that our 67. area. This TIMMI project would benefit non-detection at 10.1 microns may be KäufI, H.U. et al., 1994, Infrared Phys. Tech­ greatly from the successful implementa­ due to absorption in the silicon feature nol. 33, 203. tion of the 3.6-m refurbishment plan (M2 around 9.7 microns, either locally or Käutl, H.U. 1995, in ESOIST-ECF Workshop mirror), as it would probably enable us to along the line of sight. As for SgrA*, we on Calibration and Understanding HST see no mid-infrared source at its posi­ and ESO Instruments, ed. P. Benvenuti, p. tion, which may imply that there is no or 99. Krabbe, A., et al. 1995, ApJ447, L95. 'In this review. Genzel et al. displaya K-band very little warm dust in the immediate vi­ Rieke, G. et al., 1978, ApJ220, 556. spectrum of IRS3 obtained with their 3D spectrome­ cinity of the Galactic-Centre monster. ter at the ESQ-MPIA 2.2-m telescope. This spec­ Rieke, G., Lebotsky, M., 1985, ApJ288, 616. trum shows a hint of weak Hel 2.06-micron emission However, SgrA* has been claimed to be (Tab. 3). on an otherwise featureless rising continuum, indic­ detected in deep 8.7-micron images (S. Wynn-Williams, G. et al. (1984). ApJ 281, ative of a highly reddened hot massive star. Krabbe Stolovy, data presented at the recent 172. et al. (1995) also mention that IRS3 could be a ESO/CTIO conference in La Serena). young massive star, although in their paper the Hel P.S. We have also obtained 10A-mi­ feature in IRS3 is barely discernible. Long ago, Rieke et al. (1978) already suspected that IRS3 cron [SI V] and 12.8-micron [Ne 11] Hans Zinnecker could be a very young stellar object. narrow-band images of the innermost e-mail: [email protected]

Redshift and Photometrie Survey of the X-Ray Cluster of Galaxies Abell 85


1Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris; 2DAEC, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon; 3CAI, Observatoire de Paris; 4CAUp, Porto; so.c.A., Nice

As the largest gravitationally bound hydrostatic equilibrium, and, for clusters Beers et al. (1991) and Malumuth et al. systems in the Universe, clusters of gal­ of redshifts z ~ 0.31 deep optical imag­ (1992), totalling 150 redshifts; these au­ axies have attracted much interest since ing of ares and arclets in clusters. thors evidenced the existence of sub­ the pioneering works of Zwicky, who ev­ As a complementary approach to that structure in Abell 85 as weil as the pres­ idenced the existence of dark matter in of large cluster surveys such as the ence of a foreground group of galaxies. these objects, and later of Abell, who ENACS (ESO Nearby Abell Cluster Sur­ Abell 85 has a double structure in X-rays achieved the first large catalogue of vey) ESO key programme, we have cho­ (Gerbai et al., 1992 and references there­ clusters. sen to analyse in detail a few clusters of in), and is therefore not fully relaxed, as Clusters of galaxies are now analysed galaxies, by combining optical and X-ray many other clusters indeed, contrarily to through thres different and complemen­ data. We present here results on the first what was previously believed. tary approaches: optical imaging and of the two clusters observed at ESO: spectroscopy, which allow to derive the Abe1l85. Observations galaxy content, X-ray imaging and spec­ This cluster is rich and located at a troscopy, giving information on the phys­ redshift z - 0.055, corresponding to a We first obtained a photometrie cata­ ical properties of the X-ray gas embed­ spatial scale of 97.0 kpc/arcmin (Ho = 50 logue of 4232 galaxies (hereafter the ded in the cluster, and from which the km/s/Mpc). Previously published data on MAMA catalogue) in a region of ±1° total dynamical mass of the cluster can this cluster include partial CCO imaging around the cluster centre, by scanning a be estimated, under the assumption of by Murphy (1984), redshift catalogues by bJ photographie plate with the MAMA 20