Wave Hill's Summer Exhibition to Focus on Artist As Environmental
Images Available on Request Contact: Martha Gellens 718.549.3200 x232 or marthag@wavehill.org @WaveHill Wave Hill’s Summer Exhibition to Focus on Artist as Environmental Instigator Opening July 1, Glyndor Gallery Showcases Projects Across New York City Bronx, NY, June 11, 2018—Artists are the voice of the community. Often they are the first to voice social concerns and the most effective at garnering grass-roots support for important issues. Not surprisingly, as communities’ concerns about persistent environmental issues have escalated, artists have been uniquely positioned to actively respond, collaborating with engineers, designers, landscape architects, ecologists, historians and other professionals to bridge the gap between science, art and activism. Today, in New York City alone, artists and artist collectives have initiated dozens of complex environmental projects. Wave Hill stands at the center of this paradigm shift—and the work it has generated—providing the impetus for Wave Hill’s summer exhibition. Ecological Consciousness: Artist as Instigator opens July 1. For Wave Hill Senior Curator Jennifer McGregor, for the message of artist as instigator to be effective, it needs to connect with multiple audiences and resonate with locale and topic. Thus the garden’s curatorial team has devoted the gallery space to creating a kind of laboratory setting for showcasing more than a dozen artist-initiated projects generated across the city, addressing issues ranging from water quality and food justice to soil carbon content and resiliency. It is driven, in part, by Wave Hill’s desire to foster environmental stewardship, especially in ways that are explicitly educational. Stewardship, for example, lies at the heart of the garden’s decades-long paid internships for teens to learn about and practice urban ecology.
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