A Journal of International Literature and the Arts 002
MUNDUS ARTIUM A Journal of International Literature and the Arts MUNDUS ARTIUM A Journal of International Literature and the Arts Volume XVI. Numbers 1&2, 1985 STAFF EDITOR IN CHIEF, Rainer Schulte ASSOCIATE EDITORS, Thomas J. Hoeksema, Roma A. King, Jr. CONTRIBUTING EDITOR, Samuel Razo ASSISTANT EDITOR, Sheryl St. Germain COPY EDITOR, Sandra Smith Mundus Artium, A Journal of International Literature and the Arts, publishes two issues per volume. Subscription rates per volume are $8.00 for individuals, $10.00 for institutions; single copies $4.50. The Editors MUNDUS ARTIUM University of Texas at Dallas Box 830688, MS J03 I Richardson, Texas 75083-0688 U.S.A. Mundus Artium is a journal of translations and interdisciplinary studies. It will consider for publication contemporary poetry, fiction, short drams, essays on literature and the arts, photography, and photographic reproductions of paintings and sculpture. The editors of Mundus Artium gratefully acknowledge support from the National Endowment for the Arts which made the publication of this issue possible. Copyright. 1985. Rainer Schulte 3 CONTENTS EVA GERLACH - tr. Mura H. Scholz 8 Doc ht er DAVID ESCOBAR GALINDO - tr. Elizabeth Gamble Mill<'r 10 Nocturnes of Trajaloar Place III. V Picture Postcard REINER KUNZE - tr. Lori Fisher 14 A Small Account of Mora ria VO PHIEN - tr. Vo Dinh . Hi A Day to Dispos« Of RODICA JACKSON 2:1 Pont-en rd 5 VERONICA VOLKOW - tr. Forrest Gander 24 The Weariness of Eurylochos The Washerwoman El Inicio Death's Self Portrait Memory INES ARREDONDO - trs. Margarita Vargas, Bruce-Novoa 36 The Shunammite BRANKO MILJKOVIC - tr.
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