Acne Keloidalis Nuchae in the Armed Forces
MILITARY DERMATOLOGY MILITARY DERMATOLOGY IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE ASSOCIATION OF MILITARY DERMATOLOGISTS Acne Keloidalis Nuchae in the Armed Forces Catherine Brahe, MD; Kristopher Peters, DO; Nicole Meunier, MD cne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) is a chronic inflam- PRACTICE POINTS matory disorder most commonly involving the • Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) is a chronic inflamma- A occipital scalpcopy and posterior neck characterized tory disorder of the occipital scalp and posterior neck by the development of keloidlike papules, pustules, and characterized by keloidlike papules, pustules, and plaques. If left untreated, this condition may progress plaques that develop following mechanical irritation. to scarring alopecia. It primarily affects males of African • Military members are required to maintain short hair- descent, but it also may occur in females and in other cuts and may be disproportionately affected by AKN. ethnic groups. Although the exact underlying patho- • In the military population, early identification and treat- not genesis is unclear, close haircuts and chronic mechani- ment, which includes topical steroids, oral antibiotics, cal irritation to the posterior neck and scalp are known UV light therapy, lasers, and surgical excision, can inciting factors. For this reason, AKN disproportionately prevent further scarring, permanent hair loss, and dis- affects active-duty military servicemembers who are held figurement from AKN. Doto strict grooming standards. The US Military maintains these grooming standards to ensure uniformity, self- discipline, and serviceability in operational settings.1 Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease Regulations dictate short tapered hair, particularly on the characterized by the development of keloidlike papules, pustules, back of the neck, which can require weekly to biweekly and plaques on the occipital scalp and posterior neck following haircuts to maintain.1-5 mechanical trauma and irritation.
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