December 1935 (The Log Book)
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- T----------- THE <>-------- -- Entered as second class Accepted for mailing matter, February 3rd, 1923 at special rates of postage at the post office at Des provided for in Section Moines, Iowa, under the 1103, Act of Oct. 3rd, 1917, act of August 24th, 1912. LOa BOOK authorized Feb. 3rd, 1923. \v/ll PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY Volume 12 February 15, 1935 Number 1 l -~~~~- I-- I Commencement Exer- Large January Class Dr. Byerly Writes Senior Day, Friday, cises, January 25 Enrolls Canadian History January 18 Thirteen Receive Degrees The recently enrolled mid-year Dr. A. E. Byerly, '20, of The assembly of Jan. 18 was Commencement for the Class, 3lass set two records of which Guelph, Ontario, Canada, recent- ini charge of the mid-year grad- of January, '35, was held in the t may well be proud. y had published his book "Fer- uatingI class. Byron Wayland, college auditorium on the eve- First, it is the largest Janu- gus-Webster Settlement." classI president, greeted the stu- ning of January 25. The audi- ary Class to enter Still since The book is an extensive 372- dentI body and introduced the torium was filled to overflowing 1929. This is a good omen that page history of the development members of the class of Janu- by relatives and friends gather- )ld Man Adversity is relenting of that portion of Canada. It ary,4I '35. ed to pay their respects to the and that many more will now covers the founding of Fergus in Following this Lou Carleton thirteen men who received their be able to realize their ambitions L833 and carries the history deliveredI a whimsical paper apt- -octo-r s-d egree. ---.... and enter college. through to the present. ly labeled "Sense and Nonsense The processional march was Second, it has a greater per- Dr. Byerly previously pub- orI Facts and Fancies." This man- played by Mr. Robert Tessien, centage of women than any lished two works dealing with uscript concerned the activities, '35. The invocation was given by class in many a moon. We con- Canadian history, "The History past and present, private and Dr. Robert B. Bachman. Mr. gratulate these co-eds and hope of Lower Nichol" and "The Mc- public, of the men of Jan. '35, George Sutton, '37, presented a this is the beginning of an in- Craes of Guelph." For several andI much illumination was bask- vocal solo, "Before the Sun Goes creased enrollment of their sex. years he has contributed feature ed upon the private lives of -Down," set to the familiar While the majority are from articles to leading Canadian those ageing heads so bowed "Londonderry Air." Iowa, there are five states rep- newspapers and his historical with professional wisdom. The Rev. James Brett Kenna, resented, Michigan and Ohio library collection is among the Next Jack Ennis performed pastor of the First Methodist showing their usual interest. inest in the Dominion. the duties of administrator of Church of Des Moines, delivered Dr. Byerly served several the last will and testament of the address. "The ministry and years as president of the West- the Class of January, '35. It is a the healing professions are close- Faculty Meetings ern Ontario Historical Society, forgone conclusion that many of ly related to humanity," he said, was one of the founders of the those left to carry on will benefit "both are bound close to life. The regular January meeting Wellington Co. Historical So- immeasureably by the generosity How should we measure this of the faculty was held in the ciety and is a member of the of those who have gone before. life? Markham likened it to a college building on the eighth. Council of the Ontario Histor- The class prophesy, a remark- great battle; Job called it sor- This followed the regular meet- ical Association. able work of original poetry, was row; the Book of James refers ing of the Board of Trustees read by Lester Fagen. We shall ar- to it as 'uncertain and evanes- and was attended by the entire place this manuscript in the I instruc- cent'; Eccliastes term it vanity; group. Dr. J. P. Schwartz, Dean Minnesota Welcomes chives of the college with des- but Jesus taid that life was a of the College, opened the meet- tions to those who guide its D. O.'s hence, venture, thrilling and heroic." ing with a reading of the re- tinies some twenty years Rev. Kenna continued, saying, to check it and see how accurate ports concerning the standing of Following the example Wash- "Life cannot be measured by (Continued on Page 4) various members of the student ington set in last month's Log wealth for wealth is artificial. body. There followed a discus- Dr. Arthur Taylor, Sec'y. cannot be measured by time, Book, It sion of the merits of the final State Board of Honor Awards to Four (Continued on Page 3) of the Minnesota examinations given at the end of Osteopathic Examiners, writes the semester's work. that his state has many promis- Men Marietta Hospital Dr. C. W. Johnson, President ing locations for Osteopathic of the College, was the speaker physicians. Three members of the recent Organizes of the evening and gave the All those looking for a loca- graduating class were recipients group a resume of the most im- tion are urged to consider our of honary awards. Organization meeting of stock- portant of the reflexes from a neighbor to the North-Minne- The Sigma Sigma Phi certifi- Marietta (Ohio) standpoint of diagnosis and drove sota bids you welcome. For in- cate 'r profiriecy in--steo- holders of the awarded to Hospital, Inc., was home very forcibly the fact that formation, Dr. Taylor may be ad- pathic science was Osteopathic Nixon at the Senior recently held in Marietta. A we must know these in order to dressed at Torinus Blk., Still- Lawrence Day program. directors was elected be accurate not only in diagnosis water, Minn. board of The certificate for service to and plans were made to erect but also in the selection of the the college, awarded by Sigma the edifice during the coming proper Osteopathic treatment to be used on the patient. Oklahoma Invites You Sigma Phi, went to Russell B. months. This presentation was elected are: H. L. The meeting held February Stephens. Directors also made at the Senior Day as- Benedict, Pres., L. M. Bell, Vice- fifth also followed a regular Falling in line with Washing- Sec., A. Y. meeting of the Board of Trus- ton and Minnesota, the state of sembly. Pres., J. E. Wiemers, P. Fagen won the Psi Cham- tees. A final decision was made Oklahoma extends a cordial in- Lester Siewers, Treas., Helen D. Alpha scholastic award Alice L. on the matter of examinations vitation for Osteopathic physi- Sigma berlain, H. B. Goddard, and his name will be engraved Hogan, Paul L. Riemann and J. and a discussion followed rel- cians to choose their common- ative to the various bills now wealth as a field to practice in. upon the permanent plaque D. Sheets. which hangs in the reception governing regula- pending before the Iowa legis- Dr. C. Denton Heasley, surgeon A code of room of the college. The gradu- adopted. A building lature. at the Osteopathic hospital in tions was member having the high- appointed and Prof. 0. E. Owen of the fac- Tulsa, writes that there are at ating committee was for his four years' to ask for bids at ulty addressed the group on least six towns within a radius est average empowered work receives this award. In this the contract might "Heredity," and opened our eyes of 50 miles of the Osteopathic once so that class Dr. Fagen was first, Law- work begun on to the newer ideas being brought hospital which do not have Os- be let and the second and John C. early in Febraury. out in this subject. We found teopathic service. These loca- rence Nixon, the building third. Dr. C. W. Johnson that the hospital out that we can do a great deal tions are good ones and with Ennis, It is expected announced the award. will be completed by early sum- more good by planning for the hospital service so near each one future along this line rather should receive earnest consider- Joe Peterson, sophomore, was mer. awarded the key for having the will be a two- than by tracing back and trying ation on the part of any one The hospital highest scholastic average dur- of steel to establish a highly desirable looking for a place to practice. story fireproof structure ing his freshman year. Bennie for it pedigree. For complete information, ad- brick and concrete. Plans Devine, president of Sigma Sig- by the Ohic The March meeting will be dress Dr. C. Denton Heasley, 19 have been approved ma Phi, made the award. State Board of Health. held the fifth of the month. W. 5th Ave., Tulsa, Okla. THE LOG BOOK ; r I I It was 51 below when he left home every night-will it be a Cleveland by a local chairman Minnesota. Joy-ous occasion? Whit and who has plans already started In spite of the extreme cold Kay make a neat couple; Earl for your big night. If you have in Eveleth, Jarenson has suffer- is a nifty punch server; Wilkes any suggestions to offer, write to ed from the Iowa variety more has a swell sun-tan; Miller has Dr. M. K. Cottrell, 2010 E. than any of the rest of us.