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Ana Turri Gimilli UNIVERSITÀ DI ROMA « LA SAPIENZA » DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE STORICHE ARCHEOLOGICHE E ANTROPOLOGICHE DELL’ANTICHITÀ SEZIONE VICINO ORIENTE QUADERNO V ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi R O M A 2 0 1 0 VICINO ORIENTE – QUADERNO V ana turri gimilli studi dedicati al Padre Werner R. Mayer, S.J. da amici e allievi a cura di M.G. Biga – M. Liverani ROMA 2010 VICINO ORIENTE Annuario del Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Archeologiche e Antropologiche dell’Antichità - Sezione Vicino Oriente I-00185 Roma - Via Palestro, 63 Comitato Scientifico : M.G. Amadasi, A. Archi, M. Liverani, P. Matthiae, L. Nigro, F. Pinnock, L. Sist Redazione : L. Romano, G. Ferrero Copertina : Disegno di L. Romano da Or 75 (2006), Tab. XII La foto di Padre Mayer è di Padre F. Brenk UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA «L A SAPIENZA » SOMMARIO Presentazione 3 M.G. Amadasi Guzzo - Encore hypothèses à Karatepe 7 L. Barbato - Esarhaddon, Na’id-Marduk e gli šībūtu del Paese del Mare 23 M.G. Biga - War and Peace in the Kingdom of Ebla (24 th Century B.C.) in the First Years of Vizier Ibbi-zikir under the Reign of the Last King Išar-damu 39 F. D’Agostino - Due nuovi testi dal British Museum datati all’epoca più antica di Ur III 59 P. Dardano - La veste della sera: echi di fraseologia indoeuropea in un rituale ittito-luvio 75 G.F. Del Monte - Su alcune tecniche contabili delle amministrazioni di Nippur medio-babilonese 85 F. Di Filippo - Two Tablets from the Vicinity of Emar 105 F.M. Fales - The Jealous Superior (ABL 211) and the Term ýābtu in Neo- Assyrian ‘Everyday’ Texts 117 P. Fronzaroli - Les suffixes éblaïtes de la première personne du duel 129 M. Giorgieri - Osservazioni sull’uso di accad. kubbutu e kubburu in EA 20:64-70 137 M. Liverani - The Pharaoh’s Body in the Amarna Letters 147 P. Mander - The Mesopotamian Exorcist and his Ego 177 M. Marazzi - Pratiche ordaliche nell’Anatolia hittita 197 G. Marchesi - The Sumerian King List and the Early History of Mesopotamia 231 L. Mori - The City Gates at Emar. Reconsidering the Use of the Sumerograms KÁ.GAL and KÁ in Tablets found at Meskené Qadime 249 P. Notizia - Ðulibar, Du ðdu ð(u)NI e la frontiera orientale 269 F. Pomponio - Assiriologia e letteratura poliziesca: rapporti tra due nobili avventure intellettuali 293 M. Ramazzotti - Ideografia ed estetica della statuaria Mesopotamica del III millennio a.C. 309 D.F. Rosa - Middle Assyrian gin ā’ū Offerings Lists: Geographical Implications 327 M. Salvini - Contributo alla ricostruzione del monumento epigrafico degli Annali di Sarduri II, re d’Urartu 343 C. Saporetti - Qualche nota dai testi di E šnunna 353 S. Seminara - ‘Uno scriba che non conosca il Sumerico, come potrà tradurre?’ I Proverbi bilingui: fra traduzione e reinterpretazione 369 C. Simonetti - Note in margine ad alienazioni immobiliari d’età paleo- babilonese 375 G. Torri - The Scribal School of the Lower City of Hattu ša and the Beginning of the Career of Anuwanza, Court Dignitary and Lord of Nerik 383 L. Verderame - Un nuovo documento di compravendita neo-sumerico 397 P. Xella - Su alcuni termini fenici concernenti la tessitura (Materiali per il lessico fenicio - IV ) 417 [Quaderni di Vicino Oriente V (2010), pp. 231-248] THE SUMERIAN KING LIST AND THE EARLY HISTORY OF MESOPOTAMIA Gianni Marchesi - Bologna ∗ Of course, there is no such thing as a Sumerian king list. The text usually referred to as the Sumerian King List (hereafter SKL) is a composition half- way between a literary text and a list proper, which deals with the history of kingship in Babylonia from the beginning of time to the early centuries of the second millennium BC1. In fact, the native original title of this composition was simply, after its first word, nam-lugal, ‘Kingship’ 2. ki ki nam-lugal an-ta e 11 -da-ba / kiši lugal-àm / kiši -a ÆIŠ.ÙR-e / mu 600×3+60×6 ì-na, ‘When kingship came down from heaven, (the city of) Kiš was sovereign; in Kiš, Æušur exercised (kingship) for 2,160 years’. So begins the oldest extant manuscript of SKL, which dates to the time of Sulgi(r) (= ‘Šulgi’)3. Later compilers might have felt uncomfortable with ∗ The present paper originates from my PhD dissertation at Harvard University. I have greatly benefited from the help of several people. Piotr Steinkeller, my advisor at Harvard, put his photos of the Ur III version of the Sumerian King List at my disposal; Andrew George generously shared with me his unpublished copies of MS 3175 and MS 3429 (two new manuscripts of the Sumerian King List in the Schøyen Collection); Jacob Klein kindly sent me his copy and transliteration of the exemplar in the Brockmon Collection before its publication; Yoram Cohen, Jeremiah Peterson and Aage Westenholz provided photographs of other manuscripts. I am most grateful to all of them. My thanks are due to Glenn Magid for revising my English. This study was made possible by a research grant from the Department of Archaeology of the University of Bologna. 1 Cf. most recently Glassner 2004, 55-70. The editio princeps is still that by Jacobsen (1939). The most complete manuscript of SKL – W(eld-)B(lundell) (1923.)444 (= OECT 2, pls. I-IV) – has been re-edited by Glassner (2004, 117-127). An electronic transliteration and translation of a composite text, based on Old Babylonian sources, is also available on the website of the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL 2.1.1). For an Ur III forerunner, which differs in many respects from the various Old Babylonian recensions, see Steinkeller 2003 (also cf. the remarks by Glassner 2005b). In the references to SKL, the line numbering of the ETCSL online version is followed here (unless reference is made to a specific manuscript). 2 See Kramer 1961, 171 line 25, 174 ad loc. 3 See Steinkeller 2003. 231 Gianni Marchesi such an incipit, and with the prominence accorded to Kiš. They provided a new beginning to the composition by devising a prior descent of kingship in the Sumerian city of Eridu(g). A pre-existing separate tradition concerning kings who reigned before the Flood supplied them with the raw material for reconstructing an antediluvian era of sovereigns with millennium-long reigns 4. According to the redacted tradition, the Deluge came and swept everything away, putting an end to this primordial age. Kingship came down from heaven again. The northern (and non-Sumerian) city of Kiš was selected this time. In the original version, however, it is likely that Kiš was recorded as the first seat of kingship. In that city a certain Æušur (‘Tree-Trunk’?) reigned for hundreds and hundreds of years 5. There follows an enumeration of similarly long-lived kings of Kiš with their respective regnal years 6, until the city was defeated and kingship was transferred to Uruk, or rather to E ƒana(k), the sacred precinct of Uruk – the city of Uruk proper having not yet been founded. Various kings succeeded one another in E ƒana(k)/Uruk in the exercise of kingship. Then Uruk was defeated and kingship moved to another city. The same story is repeated many times; according to SKL, kingship continued to shift from one city to another. In this narrative framework, all the rulers who allegedly held sovereignty over the whole of 4 Cf. Jacobsen 1939, 55-68; Finkelstein 1963; Hallo 1963; idem 1970, 61-66; Civil 1969a, 139; Lambert - Millard 1969, 15-18; Glassner 2004, 56-58, 108-109; Friberg 2007, 236- 241; Peterson 2008. It is also possible, however, that the addition of the antediluvian section to SKL was not motivated by any particular political or ideological bias, but rather by the desire of some ancient scholar to combine and reconcile different traditions. 5 For Æušur, see also Frayne - George 1990. Note the variant lú-ÆIŠ.ÙR-ra in MS 3175 rev. i 9 ′ (collation courtesy of Andrew George). 6 There is some uncertainty concerning the names of the immediate successors of Æušur. The name of the second king of Kiš is variously written ku -la -zi -na -be -el (BT 14 i 6 [Klein 2008, 89]; PBS 13, 2 i 3 ′), kul -la -zi -na -bé -el (MS 3175 rev. i 11 ′), gul -la -zi !{-an }- na -‹be ›-el (OECT 2, pl. I: WB 444 i 46; cf. Civil 1969b), […]-na -i-be <-el > (Scheil 1934, 160 frag. A i ′ 4′) and ‘ ‹x(-x)-la ?›-na -bi -ir ’ (Steinkeller 2003, 269 i 5). The first four spellings are undoubtedly writings of the name Kullassina(i)bêl, ‘He-Rules-over-All-of- Them’ (cf. Hallo 1963, 52). This name is the re-interpretation of a corrupted original name, which I would reconstruct as [ ku -u]l-‹la ›-na -bi -ir (cf. photo in Steinkeller 2003, 289; the identification of the second sign as UL is also supported by a collation by Renee Kovacs), i.e. , /kulla-nawir/, ‘Kulla-Is-Shining’ (cf. ibidem , 277 ad loc. ). As regards the name of the third king of Kiš, previously read ‘Nangišlišma’ (Jacobsen 1939, 78 note 44; Hallo 1963, 53), the unpublished manuscript MS 3175 rev. i 13 ′ gives it as na -an -zi -iz -li - dar -ku . The same spelling probably also occurs in BT 14 i 8 (collated from a cast in the University Museum; cf. Klein 2008, 89). Other sources bear the variants [ n]a-‹zíl ›-zíl -tar - ku -um (Steinkeller 2003, 269 i 7; cf. photo, ibidem , p. 289), na -an -iz -li -‹dar ›-ku (PBS 13, 2; collated) and […]-li -tar -ku (Scheil 1934, 160 frag.
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