A Diary of My Walks
Climbing notes — May 1987 Sun 3 May Above Fort William — ORBS — Landranger 41 Parked in the golf course car park at 136761, and headed up across various fences and fairways to join a track heading up the Allt a Mhuillin somewhere near where the old tramway crosses it. Up steadily and above the forestry more steeply on damp heathery grass, up the shoulder of Carn Beag Dearg. Higher up the gradient eased, but the ground was rockier and the lying snow thicker, plugged away over Carn Dearg Meadhonach (1179m, 3868ft) NN175726, to reach Carn Mor Dearg (1220m, 4003ft) NN177721, 1 some time about midday. Short stop for photography and some food. From here finely along the famous arête, thick with snow; no obvious difficulties, and thence up on much steeper snowy ground to reach the flat summit of Ben Nevis 2 (1344m, 4409ft) NN166712. More photos, and then down the main tourist track as far as the lochan, and then on rough ground back down to the golf course. Mon 4 May Glencoe – Aonach Eagach — ORBS — Landranger 41 From Errachd, drove to the upper car park by the road in Glencoe at about NN173567, and from there up steeply on worn track to the high bealach W of Sron Garbh. Thick mist, but little rain. Turned W onto the ridge and up to Am Bodach (943m, 3094ft) NN168580, and so on to the up and down scrambles of the main ridge. Reached Meall 3 Dearg (953m, 3127ft) NN161583, and then more pinnacles and narrow paths. No views thanks to the mist, but noise of vehicles from far below.
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