INS Price 1F-$0.65 HC Not Available from EDRS. Basic Song List, While
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 048 320 T7 499 843 TITLE Music Appreciation for High School. Curriculum Bulletin, 1969-70 Series, No. 4. INSTITUTICN New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, N.Y. Bureau of Curriculum Development. PUB DATE 69 NOTE 188p. AVAILABLE ERCM Eoard of Education of the City of Pew York, Publications Sales Office, 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.11201 ($4.00). Make checks payable to Auuitor, Board of Education FURS PRICE INS Price 1F-$0.65 HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Bands (Music), Choral Music, Educational Objectives, *"tunic Activities, nisical Instruments, *Music Appreciatlon, *Music Education, Music Reading, Music Theory, Opera, Or-Jlestras, Oriental Music, Teaching Procedures, Vocal Music ABSTRACT Organized flexibly- these 17 unit. outlines are arranged to provide articulation with lower levels, utilization of student-preferred material, and coverage of the most essential instructional aspects of music appreciation in an increasing order of complexity. Each unit outline contains (1)aims and objectives, (2) vocabulary, (3) suggested and alternate lesson topics, (4) procedures,(F) summary concepts, (6) references, (7) audiovis.ial mat, al lists., (8) sample lesson plans, and (9) sample worksheets. The ,ntroducticn includes a sample pupil inventory lorm, an auditory discrimination test(of both performers and symphonic wor%s), and a basic song list, while suppleentary materials conclude the syllabus with lists of popular songs, au%iovisual aids, and recordings; an outline of musical rudimEnts; a sample lesson plan for appreciation and understanding of prograff music; and a bibliography. (JMC) OS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION a WAR! OFFICE OF EDUCATIO! !HIS DOCUMENT HIS ND REPRODUCED EXACTLY A: WEND IROM THE PERSON CR ORGANIZATtOH CR161111E10 ItPOINTS Of 011W OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT KCESSIPILY REPREtrif OFFICIII OFFICE OF FIIKVION POSITION OR POOCH.
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