Footprint | none | 10 May 1999 | Footprint Maps | 9781871149500 | English | , : Map/Guide PDF Book

First aid kit. See Map Testimonials Read some of the lovely messages that our customers send us. Mountain views. Devil's Staircase views. The following links are for official guides of the West Highland Way, both of which have comprehensive maps:. There's a few bag transfer services that can take your extra gear to pre-arranged locations every day. End: . Transport Options. Several more. Hot meal and a beer. Day 2 Images. Day 3: to . It can be tough going in extreme weather, particularly in the exposed areas like , but the route is rarely strenuous. You can but it's not always safe e. Golden Eagle. The Inn. Travels with a Kilt travel blog. Day2: Drymen to Rowardennan. Day 1. Another fantastic photo opportunity. Wicking t-shirts. West Highland Way: Map/Guide Writer

Loch Lomond Lodges. Difficulty : Hard, due entirely to its length. Country Mumkins Cafe. Ticks are little bugs that feed on human and animal blood. Tigh Na Cheo. Tyndrum Bus. You'll be fine. Rarely Seen. You then continue north into the desolate Rannoch Moor, magnificent and onwards by the main road to Fort William. Drymen Village Shop. Ardlui Inverarnan. Zoom in and out as needed and, to help guide you further, this map is built with geolocation incorporated into it. Have some practice walks. Leaving you with a small backpack to carry everything you need for that day. You can switch this on and off with one press. But always prepare for "4 seasons in one day". Day 1. Green Welly Stop. Route sections. Bothies x2. Be prepared: The weather in Scotland can change really quickly. Caolasnacon Campsite. The West Highland Way was designed for walkers, therefore some terrain is unsuitable for cycling — some obstacles can be very tricky to negotiate even when dismounted. Special mentions for a couple of little blighters here: Midges and Ticks. West Highland Way: Map/Guide Reviews

Read more. End: Kingshouse. Day 6: Kingshouse to . view. Day 1: to Drymen. TB Bistro, . Drovers Inn visit. The Route in Numbers. Village Shop, . Stunning glens, lochs, and rocky paths. Bus. Worth a share? Can walk a distance without getting out of breathe? Getting to the top gives you some stunning panoramic views of the surrounding highland landscape. Drymen to Rowardennan. Rowardennan Hotel. The following links are for official guides of the West Highland Way, both of which have comprehensive maps:. Go on Travel Essentials. Wild Camping. Bus. Share on linkedin LinkedIn.

West Highland Way: Map/Guide Read Online

Day 7. In any case though, be prepared for the scourge of the midge. You can switch this on and off with one press. Fort William Hostels x8. Start: Kinlochleven. Mobile phone. Kinlochleven to Fort William. Inverarnan Bus. Route sections. Auchtertyre Shop. The following is a guide to the West Highland Way, designed to help you in booking your baggage transfer. JD Wetherspoons. Elevation profile. Drovers Inn visit. Share on email Email. Full Packing Checklist. Day 6. Normally the route is completed from south to north, the thinking behind this being the southern stages are easier and will prepare you for the more demanding northern stages. Glen Nevis view. Carrying all your gear with you? Beanie hat. The Winnock Hotel. Share on facebook. Country Mumkins Cafe. Campsite. Varied terrain. Train stations on route:. Bothy Bar. Using the Map Take note of the icons running vertically on the left of the map. Tesco, Fort William. Start: Inverarnan. Devil's Staircase views. This marks the end of your hike and signals the time for a well earned beer, or two. Some much harder to find than others:. Start: Drymen. Auchtertyre Farm. Day 2: Drymen to Rowardennan. Day 7 Images. Open toolbar. Kingshouse, Glencoe. Red Squirrel.

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