On - Road Crash Experience
ON - ROAD CRASH EXPERIENCE OF UTILITY VEHICLES FINAL TECHNICAL REPORT Richard G. Snyder Thomas L. McDole William M. Ladd Daniel J. Minahan February, 1980 Prepared for Insurance Institute for Highway Safety Washington, D.C. Highway Safety Research Institute The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan I I 4. Title d Subtitle 1 S. Report Oote On-Road Crash Experience of Utility Vehicles I. PubdyOr+zdon R.pat Ma. 7. *.Ml) Snyder, R.G., T.L. McDole, W.M. Ladd, UM-HSRI-80-7 4 D.J. Minahan 9. P&ng 0t)rrixdan Nu-4 Addtoss 10. Wwt Unit No. Highway Safety Research Institute The University of Michigan 1 1. bntroct or Gtont No. Ann Arbor, Michigan 481 09 12. *wing Nmd AUnr* Final Report Insurance Institute for Highway Safety May 1978 - February 1980 Watergate Six Hundred 14. +soring Agency Cd* Washington, D.C. 20037 IIHS 1 IS. hltuyNetor 1'6. Absnw! The purpose of this study was to investigate the on-road crash experi- ence, safety, and stability of utility vehicles. Selected for study among the off-road, multi-purpose passenger vehicles were the JEEP, Blazer, Bronco (pre-1978), Jimmy, Ramcharger, Trail Duster, Scout, Land Cruiser, and Thing. Data studied included more than 12,000 fatal and non-fatal utility vehicle crashes in the states of Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, New York, New Mexico, North Carolina, Texas, and Washington. Also, FARS data, R.L. Polk & Company Vehicle Registration data, and data from Collision Per- formance and Injury Report (CPIR) files were examined. Selected vehicl es were subjected to physical measurement of the height of the center of gravity.
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