DIGITAL YOUTH TEENS REVEAL WHAT THEY’RE UP TO ONLINE KOODO & BK COP ATTITUDE, XBOX, MAPLE & UNIVERSAL PIMP CELEBS HOW BIG BRANDS CONNECT WITH GEN Y CCoverApr10.inddoverApr10.indd 1 33/18/10/18/10 55:27:49:27:49 PMPM Globe Drive Performance, stunning looks and serious stopping power. ...and the cars we feature aren’t bad either. The Globe and Mail’s automotive website and newspaper section are the perfect vehicles to reach Canada’s most engaged readers. Learn more about Globe Drive: |
[email protected] | 1-800-387-9012 sst.15068.globeandmail.inddt.15068.globeandmail.indd 1 33/17/10/17/10 33:14:00:14:00 PMPM CONTENTS April 2010 • volume 21, issue 7 4 EDITORIAL Longing for the good ol’ Cola Wars 8 UPFRONT Post puts (digital) toys back in the cereal box, Virgin Mobile rewards loyalty, men are 19 bombarded with new grooming options 13 BIZ Entertainment brands take a page (or tweet) from Justin Beiber and nurture 22 one-on-one star-fan interactions 17 DECONSTRUCTED Health Canada wants teens to say drugs are Not4Me – but will they? 19 WHO Burger King Canada’s Jason Keown gets in touch with the brand’s rebellious side 22 CREATIVE Koodo Mobile puts contracts in a cage, Quebec Milk Producers tell cheesy stories 24 YOUTH REPORT 24 Growing up digital: we listen in on how brands, websites and all manner of youthful pursuits fare online 47 TRIBUTE 47 As Pepsi heads into its 76th year in Canada, we take a look back at the fi rst 75 66 FORUM Youth marketing expert Mike Farrell ON THE COVER Who better to design the cover of our debunks the hive mind myth, youth issue than a keen pair of students from OCAD’s Will Novosedlik taps the wisdom of a advertising design program? We asked fourth years Kim young marketing expert Proctor and Nick Anderson to create a representation of their online universe.