Graeme Pringle To: News desk From: Communication Officer for the Diocese of Date: 07 MAR 2013 Email: [email protected] Office: 024 7452 1336 Mobile: 07507 196 495

Bishop of Coventry makes his maiden speech in the House of Lords The of Coventry, the Right Reverend Dr , has used his maiden speech in the House of Lords to pay tribute to the vital role of women in Coventry and Warwickshire. “The Church will need their like to guide its life as our in the future”, he said. Bishop Christopher also spoke about the great relevance of Coventry’s history to the world today. He called for the centenary anniversary of the First World War to remember that the tears of German widows and mothers flowed with the same agony as those of British and Commonwealth women. He concluded by saying, “It is alongside and with our former enemy who is now our friend that we reflect with Germany and our European partners on the impact of war on our continent and share a commitment to work for a reconciled and peaceful future for the world.” On the eve of International Women’s Day, Bishop Christopher spoke about women who work tirelessly and with great skill for the good of their communities. He began by paying tribute to his “excellent women clergy colleagues who give of themselves with extraordinary dedication to the people of Coventry and Warwickshire”. Bishop Christopher then said: “The common life of Coventry and Warwickshire depends on the leadership of women in every other sphere – in political and civic life, in business activity and public institutions, in the arts and sport, and in the myriad of charities and agencies that care for those in need and raise the quality of our life together. It was notable that at our recent Coventry and Warwickshire Community Awards six of the seven prizes were awarded to women, all of them remarkable people.” Although International Women’s Day had its origins in the movement for women’s suffrage, during the First World War its focus shifted to the struggle against war – war waged through so much of history by men, but suffered by women and their children. Bishop Christopher continued, “Two decades later, many more women died in the Luftwaffe raids on Coventry in 1940. Instinctive Christian convictions in Coventry cried out for an end to the spiral of violence, calling not for retaliation but for a reaching out to the enemy armed only with the words of Christ, ‘Father, forgive’ – words that confess a common complicity in war, words that were etched on the East Wall of the ruined Cathedral and that continue to speak to the violence of the world. …Coventry convictions in 1940 did not save the people of Kiel, Berlin, Dresden and other German cities where tens of thousands of women suffered and died. But relationships between the cities at church and civic level were restored and it is an enormous privilege as to step into this remarkable story of reconciliation. To be asked as an English bishop to give the blessing in the now rebuilt Frauenkirche of Dresden on the anniversary of its destruction is deeply humbling and healing. Page 1 …Through these encounters and the friendships that have developed in the International Community of the Cross of Nails emanating from , I have learnt the importance of remembering the suffering of war together with those with whom we were once locked in conflict and of commemorating our dead together. As we approach 2014 with its anniversaries of great battles 100 years ago, and prepare to commemorate a period which so profoundly shaped our lives, my hope is that our local and national commemorations will remember that the tears of German widows and mothers flowed with the same agony as those of British and Commonwealth women. It is alongside and with our former enemy who is now our friend that we reflect with Germany and our European partners on the impact of war on our continent and share a commitment to work for a reconciled and peaceful future for the world.” The full text of Bishop Christopher’s maiden speech is available upon request.


For press enquiries, please contact Graeme Pringle on 024 7652 1336 or mobile 07507 196 495.

Note to Editors

1. Bishop Christopher and the House of Lords. Bishop Christopher was introduced to the House of Lords on 15 January 2013, but he made his maiden speech on 7 March. Further details about Bishop Christopher’s introduction and the role of Bishops in the House of Lords can be found at:

2. International Women’s Day. Further information about International Women’s Day can be found at:

3. Photo. A high-resolution photo of Bishop Christopher is available upon request.

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