Workshop Topics 2015

Bestselling authors and collaborators Bonnie Low-Kramen and Vickie Sokol Evans welcome the opportunity to educate and inspire your administrative staff. Through interactive training, they cover both soft and hard skills resulting in increased productivity as well as a renewed and reenergized commitment to excellence.


Soft-Skills with Bonnie Low-Kramen ...... 1 Signature Sessions ...... 1 Communication & Problem Solving...... 2

Gender Differences ...... 3 Topics for Managers ...... 4 Tech-Skills with Vickie Sokol Evans ...... 6 Signature Sessions ...... 6 Office Sessions (which include Word, Excel, PowerPoint) ...... 7 Microsoft Word...... 8 Microsoft Excel ...... 9 Microsoft PowerPoint ...... 9

Microsoft Outlook ...... 10 The Cloud ...... 12 Additional Topics Available ...... 13




ASSISTANTS AS LEADERS IN TODAY’S WORKPLACE As the backbone of companies, it is increasingly necessary for assistants to step up as leaders within their roles. This highly interactive workshop is designed to develop and fine-tune the mindset, confidence, and tools needed to succeed with the most challenging job description. It will focus on the soft skills necessary to excel as an assistant including communication techniques and problem-solving strategies. Assistants will learn practical ideas on how to excel as an assistant and how to make the most out of the relationship with managers and fellow staff.

When assistants are empowered to take the lead in collaboration with their managers and within their roles, the potential for increased productivity and professional growth is limitless. This workshop will focus on the ways to leverage these powerful relationships resulting in a renewed commitment to excellence in communication and superior customer service. This session includes:

 How does Leadership work in a support role?  Approaching the work in a customized and personalized way specific and responsive to the needs of assistants and their managers  What do you do really well?  Ways to build healthy, positive relationships between assistants and managers and assistants and fellow staff  Importance of mentoring as a key to success  Bringing added value to the assistant’s role  Finding your voice to speak up in an effective way  Moving forward: Strategies to exceed a manager’s highest expectations

Bonnie utilizes real-life stories, group exercises and anecdotes supporting and illustrating all of the above.

“Amazing workshop! I feel so encouraged and empowered, not just professionally, but personally as well.” ~ Anette E., Executive Assistant, Santa Monica

“I can’t believe the amount of new knowledge I’ve acquired. I’ve barely caught my breath. What a great experience!” ~ Angela D., Executive Assistant, L.A.


THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM — WORKPLACE BULLYING Never one to duck away from a controversial subject, world-class trainer and author of the bestseller Be the Ultimate Assistant, Bonnie shines a light on an epidemic problem that affects over 65% of Assistants at least once in their careers.

If you have ever witnessed or experienced bullying, you know that it takes many forms -- from the “Devil Wears Prada” irrational diva to the co-worker who intentionally withholds important information to the manager who applies rules to certain and not to others. All of it is bullying that is toxic to a healthy, happy and profitable workplace.

As someone who has first-hand experience with bullying, Bonnie has been researching this subject for years and has connected with some of the world’s experts on the subject. She will be focusing on the proactive and realistic solutions that Assistants are implementing that are slowing down the revolving door of staff who are resigning. Together, we will break the silence and eat the elephant…one bite at a time.

BE THE ULTIMATE ASSISTANT – SAVING THE DAY EVERY DAY Pulling off miracles – minor to major – has become the norm for today’s professional assistant. You’ll learn practical ideas on how to excel as an assistant and how to make the most out of the relationship with your employer. Bonnie will focus on what it takes to build a healthy, long-lasting, and mutually beneficial partnership. She will share her experiences of creatively solving problems through risk-taking, exploring options, and collaborating with colleagues. Her instantly applicable and entertaining real-life examples will show the path to success – for both assistants and employers – is found by facing our fears and proactively searching for solutions. Bonnie’s stories will resonate with every assistant as she relives the saga of 1988 when she coordinated Olympia’s life for her successful Oscar campaign for “Moonstruck,” the Presidential race for cousin Michael Dukakis, and her own pregnancy with son Adam.


FOR THE LOVE OF IT: GAME-CHANGING SECRETS FROM A CELEBRITY ASSISTANT Going above and beyond the call not just on some days, but every day, is business as usual for professional assistants. What makes us tick is that we love what we do and that is what keeps us going when the weight of the responsibility sometimes makes it hard to breathe. In a single day we can have enormous triumphs and situations that go horribly wrong. We move through it, learn by burn, and prevail. The challenges motivate us to seek better and more effective solutions.

Bonnie Low-Kramen has experienced all of these things and so much more in a 25-year career working as the Personal Assistant to Oscar winner Olympia Dukakis. Bonnie will share stories of life changing moments that define a career. These include the power of speaking up when it counts and how to build respectful and mutually beneficial relationships. Making huge mistakes, celebrating big successes, surviving personal crises, and bringing order to chaos - one situation at a time, one task at a time. You will


relate to the moments of epiphany when the clouds clear and the answers appear…as they always do for assistants who love what they do.

ESSENTIAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR ASSISTANTS Everyone knows that excellent communication is critical to success in today’s workplace. Communication can make or break an assistant. The ability to find the words to say what you mean and mean what you say is a challenge for many. In this presentation, we will explore ways to make it easier and even fun. You will learn instantly useful tips and tricks for: Public Speaking, Handling Difficult People & Situations, Written Communications including emails and texts, and Non-Verbal Body Language.

FIND YOUR VOICE AND CHANGE THE WORLD “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear that we are powerful beyond measure.” Marianne Williamson

Many assistants find speaking up a difficult and often impossible assignment. Why? Fears sidetrack and stop us from fulfilling what we know instinctively could change our world. But how? Bonnie Low-Kramen (author of Be the Ultimate Assistant) walked this road as the Personal Assistant to Oscar-winning actress Olympia Dukakis for 25 years. She will share “been there, done that” work/life experiences to provide real- life tools to conquer your own fears about speaking up. What is at stake is nothing less than your own professional and personal growth. Bonnie believes that finding your voice is the number one challenge facing assistants and she is ready to tackle it with you. Are you game?

CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING FOR ASSISTANTS Ultimate assistants not only need Plans A & B, but C and sometimes even D because, well, you just never know. So many details, so many moving parts, and so many things that can go wrong are all part of the job description of today’s assistants. In a highly interactive presentation, Bonnie Low-Kramen teaches you how to navigate the bumpy road that the most demanding employers travel on. Topics covered include utilizing resources such as colleagues, apps, and websites.


GENDER IN THE WORKPLACE 2014: THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE FOR ASSISTANTS Fact: 95% of the 4.1 million administrative professionals in the United States are women. (Source: US Dept of Labor)

Our workplace is in flux, especially for women. Women working for female executives – men working for female managers – men working for male directors – women working for male supervisors. Female admins are being increasingly viewed as a vital part of the management team. They are going back to college for certification and two- and four-year degrees in order to qualify for management positions – and it is working. It is no surprise then that this changing landscape has caused us to change how we relate to one another – as peers and with our managers and executive team.


Challenges abound -- job title angst, technology upgrades, virtual offices, globalization, 24/7 access. The good news is that times of change are times of opportunity – and there is no better time to be a female professional than 2012. So the time is now to make a difference!

More good news is that no one is better at solving problems than administrative professionals. This conference will explore ideas about utilizing those same skills and talents that you use with your employer, but on yourself and with your colleagues. Learn ways to navigate the changing landscape and work even better with your female and male colleagues.


 Factors regarding the sexes affecting today’s workplace  Perception vs. Reality – The profession’s image problem  Exploding old stereotypes of who we are and what we do  Are women really not helping other women?  What is holding women back? – The “glass ceiling” vs. a “sticky floor”  How to best utilize role models and mentors  Tools, tips, and strategies for both women and men to create the workplace we need and want

10 SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL WOMEN IN TODAY’S WORKPLACE What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook reports that this question hangs on everyone’s office wall at Facebook. She encourages women to fight the fears borne in our socialization, to speak our minds, and to own our own success. Oprah Winfrey tells women to not let others define you or tell you what you can’t do. Martha Stewart urges us to turn off the tech to improve work-life balance. Sandberg, Winfrey, and Stewart are powerful women role models who are sharing inspiring ideas and strategies that will empower women in the modern workplace.

Real-life lessons to be learned and solutions to be explored, presenter Bonnie Low-Kramen is fascinated by the ideas that help women succeed and the issues that hold women back. She discusses the dynamics in play from her own 25-year career as the Personal Assistant to actress Olympia Dukakis that apply to every assistant. Bonnie explores workplace issues and realistic solutions for women from the famous and not-so-famous women leaders in our world.


YOUR MOST VALUABLE SECRET WEAPON: YOUR ASSISTANT Here’s the given. We all only get 24 hours in a day. No matter how wealthy or successful you are, you still only get 24 hours. Making the most of these hours with the relationship between you and your assistant is the subject of this presentation. Bonnie’s first-hand experiences and knowledge of today’s workplace will show you do-it-now, realistic ways to maximize your own effectiveness resulting in more profits to the bottom-line whether your business is large or small. 4

And here’s the bonus. By fully utilizing your assistant, you’ll end up with more free time to enjoy your increased profits and have consistent peace of mind that your business is being handled that way you dreamed. What is that worth? As the commercial says, “priceless.” These are achievable and reasonable goals within your reach.

You will learn that it’s smart business to:

 Evaluate whether you and your current assistant are a good team and take action if the answer is “no.” (This probably does not involve firing your assistant.)  Collaborate with your assistant as an important partner in your business.  Clearly define your current needs and expectations for an assistant  Motivate excellence and a do-whatever-it takes attitude  Offer reasonable and effective incentives and perks  Inspire genuine loyalty and commitment to you and your business

The bottom line: It is smart business to effectively recruit, hire, and train the right assistant.

It can make all the difference for your bottom line…and your life.


TECH-SKILLS WITH VICKIE SOKOL EVANS Sessions available for Office 2010 & Office 2013 for PC and Office 2011 for Mac


TIMESAVING (AND JAW-DROPPING) PRODUCTIVITY TIPS USING Are you overwhelmed by the work on your plate that can’t be delegated to anyone else? Do you feel like it takes too long to get things done in Excel, Word or PowerPoint, but you don’t have the time to learn the shortcuts and new features? Or have you ever thought to yourself, “There’s got to be an easier way?” More often than not, you are right! There is an easier and FASTER way. In this engaging Jerry Maguire-inspired session, discover valuable quick and easy tips and tricks in Word, Excel, PowerPoint (and more) to learn.

 How to instantly format long documents in Word that just might make you cry  Secrets to adding and manipulating data in Excel  Simple ways to manage and organize content in PowerPoint to keep you from going insane, and more…

Attendees will learn how to produce professional looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations with minimal effort, while saving at least one hour per week per user.

“Awesome!!! OFF THE CHARTS!!! I texted 3 other employees - encouraging them to come because this was soooo helpful. Sooo informative. Thank you.” ~ Elaine M, Executive Assistant, The New York Times

“Vickie is wicked brilliant! I’m blown away by the extent of her technical knowledge. I can’t wait to bring her in to teach our administrators.” ~ Cindy B, Executive Assistant, S.A.P.

@growthfaculty I didn't realize we had Tina Fey giving us Microsoft tips! Hilarious #eaforum karenlcooke @karenlcooke1

SOCIAL MEDIA PRIVACY: HOW I CAN SEE YOUR FACEBOOK POSTS EVEN IF WE AREN’T CONNECTED Unless you’re part of my family, a close friend of mine, a classmate, old boyfriend or someone I’m stalking, I’m pretty sure that we aren’t connected on Facebook. Yet. But if you email me it’s quite possible (and scary) that I can see that you’re leaving for a 7-day cruise vacation (Bon voyage!), or that you were at the lake last weekend (Nice abs), or that you feel strongly – very strongly – about the upcoming political race 6

(Yikes! Did you really write that?). I can see this personal information because I’m using a tool in Outlook that collects relevant information about you and presents it to me in a very convenient way. Don’t shoot the messenger. And don’t blame it on Outlook. What gets displayed about you in the People Pane is a result of six things. Attend this eye-opening session to:

 See what tool presents relevant information about you when you email someone who uses Outlook  Understand the six things that allow the recipient to see your private posts  Know the three steps you can take to protect yourself, your executive and the people you care about


Sessions available for Office 2007, Office 2010, and Office 2013


A continuation of the Part I: Are you overwhelmed by the work on your plate that can’t be delegated to anyone else? Do you feel like it takes too long to get things done in Excel, Word or PowerPoint, but you don’t have the time to learn the shortcuts and new features? Or have you ever thought to yourself, “There’s got to be an easier way?” More often than not, you are right! There is an easier and FASTER way. In this engaging Jerry Maguire-inspired session, discover quick and easy tips and tricks in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook to learn…

• Secrets and best practices in Word to help solve common problems • Amazing Excel tips & tricks to help you manage your data better, faster and more accurately • Simple PowerPoint tricks to make you look like a graphic designer • Best practices in Outlook to communicate more effectively


Timesaving Secrets to Transforming Your Documents, Spreadsheets and Presentations Into Professional- Looking Masterpieces

Whether you're a graphic designer or you are like me – seriously lack any design skill – the last thing you want to do is spend unnecessary time getting your documents to look GREAT! Introduced in Microsoft Office 2007, Office Themes are available across all Microsoft Office applications and allow you to create


professional looking and branded documents with ease. In this session, understand what makes up a Theme and best practices for automating your work so that you can work less.

 Leverage existing themes across all applications  Customize an existing theme  Create a new theme to match your company’s brand  Save your custom themes and share them with others  Discover the #1 mistake people make when changing fonts in their document that cost them valuable time


Calling all power users! Are you ready to take your Microsoft Office skills to the next level and get certified? Or are you being considered for a new role and want to stand out among your peers? Do you want to prove that you have the skills to use the intermediate to advanced features Microsoft Office? The Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification helps you shine in your career. With the MOS credential, you will experience an increased ability to use the full features and functionality of Microsoft Office, yielding elevated productivity and performance in your work. Learn…

 The value of certification  What certification programs exist for Microsoft Office  The five steps for pursuing your certification  Suggested resources on how to accomplish your goals


STYLES 101: FORMAT DOCUMENTS IN MINUTES, NOT HOURS, USING STYLES, STYLE SETS & THEMES Discover the true power of Word styles to make your life easier and more productive when editing, formatting and managing your proposals, business plans, contracts, legal documents, employee handbooks, and more!

Level 201 | More Info

Save hours of time and enhance the professional look of your documents through the use of Microsoft Office Styles, Themes and Style Sets. You'll learn how to apply and modify them, the benefits of using styles, and how you can create or customize your materials. Not only will your materials stand out, but you'll be formatting even the most complex materials in minutes! Increase your productivity and save yourself a lot of time by taking advantage of these powerful features. Learn how to…

 Instantly format long documents


 Give your documents a professional look, with minimal effort  Easily navigate and move content



Frustrated with the amount of time you spend fixing and formatting your lists in Excel? Discover the true power of Excel 2010 to make your life so much easier when managing lists of data. If you are working with marketing lists, membership lists, inventory, or a list of employees and customers, you want to ensure that the information is accurate and easy to consume. Learn how to quickly make sense of your information and get it in the right format you need to get the job done. You'll work smarter and faster than ever before! In this session, you will learn how to:

 Use Excel tables to manage your lists  Easily find and remove duplicates  Find the right information using one-click filtering and conditional formatting techniques  Discover how to prevent Excel from dropping leading zeros in your zip codes or other numbers  Truly manage data more effectively than you thought possible


Whether you are an Excel guru or you just “get by”, learn simple and practical tips & Tricks that will help you produce professional-looking spreadsheets with minimal effort

 Use timesaving shortcuts to improve efficiency and accuracy  Manage data with minimal effort and confidence using Tables  Discover ways to fix problems with your data and reduce errors



Merging slides and maintaining consistency throughout your PowerPoint presentations is a task that often results in frustration, panic, and missed deadlines. After years of training and supporting hundreds of PowerPoint users, Vickie found that 90% of the time knowledge of Slide Masters would have reduced errors and helped deliver excellent PowerPoint presentations in no time. Learn the step-by-step process


and secret tips of how to effortlessly format your presentations using Slide Masters. The days of spending hours rearranging and formatting content in PowerPoint are sure to be over, as well as the tears.

 Structure your presentations to ensure consistency throughout  Use Vickie’s litmus test to understand what is happening with your slide  Learn effective ways to fix problem slides  Confidently merge presentations  Create slide masters and templates to automate your work


Whether you are a PowerPoint expert or you just “get by”, learn simple and practical tips & tricks that will help you produce professional-looking presentations with minimal effort

 Use timesaving shortcuts to improve efficiency and development time  Manage slides using layouts and Themes to ensure a consistent look and feel  Become an instant graphic artist with confidence



Outlook 2010 can help manage all aspects of your day so that you have more control over your time and communications. Discover ways to reduce your email volume, save time, prioritize, be in the know, reduce human error, locate information quickly, and stay connected while out of the office (if you want). In this session, you’ll learn how to…

 Triage your inbox  Organize & search for critical information  Connect with your colleagues  Be respectful of others’ time & email volume  Manage your schedule  Improve your attention to detail


Improve your response times and reduce human error. Discover ways to make Outlook work for you by automating your incoming and outgoing email as much as possible. Learn how to…


 Automate repetitive steps & manual processes  Set up boiler plate responses  Route and process email

CALENDAR MANAGEMENT: SYNCING ACROSS THE DEVICES “Wait! That meeting was here just a minute ago and it’s still on my laptop ! Why is it gone from my iPhone???” How many times have you heard this from someone you support? Having issues with syncing between your boss’ MAC and your PC in Outlook? Worse still, you have a presentation in 5 minutes and just realized that it’s NOT on your iPad but on your PC at the office! Come learn from the experts the tips and trick to make sure your devices synch properly and what to do when they don’t!

 Access Outlook on any device: Mac, PC, online, and Smartphones  Discover the features available in each of the platforms and the limitations for each  Test syncing scenarios and best practices when creating meetings  Learn about cloud-based storage options and determine the best service for your team to access the latest version of your files anywhere any time

OUTLOOK ON THE FLY Outlook has features specifically designed to speed things along, and you can take advantage of them. Learn to use Quick Steps, integrate with social media, synchronize your Outlook and Google calendars, create your own keyboard shortcuts, and more. Learn how to use advanced search capabilities and categories to minimize the time you spend searching for information. Build momentum into your day!

 Learn timesaving tips & tricks to help reduce email volume  Manage all of your calendars (Outlook, Gmail, Team) in one place  Use the Search tools and the People Pane to quickly access and attachments  Automate repetitive steps & manual processes using Quick Steps  Customize Outlook using categories, Quick Parts and keyboard shortcuts

OUTLOOK ON THE TEAM Collaborate and share with others using Outlook’s advanced features. Discover the most effective ways to share folders, contacts, calendar entries, and journal entries. Create bulletin boards and email rules, configure “Send on Behalf of,” and customize your Outlook window. Also learn to mail merge to specific contacts, how to archive, and much more. You will be the Outlook Superstar!

 Understand the various sharing features  Configure your account or a manager’s account to enable sharing  Configure your account to access other Outlook folders and set specific options  Automate repetitive steps & manual processes  Set up boiler plate responses  Route and process email using rules  Create labels and personalized emails to specific contacts



ADMINS IN THE CLOUD Trying to make sense of the Cloud? Not sure how the cloud benefits you or works with the tools you use every day? Discover the fundamental differences between the various cloud options and join us as we navigate real-world scenarios that demonstrate how “cloud computing” interacts seamlessly with Microsoft Office. Whether you’re still unsure what the cloud is or are already using a cloud service, you will finally understand the value of moving to the cloud and which service is right for you as an administrative professional.

 Understand cloud computing and how it affects your role as an admin  Discover the fundamental differences between the various cloud options, such as: Dropbox., OneDrive, Google Drive, and Office 365  Integrate Microsoft Office with your cloud account

USING MICROSOFT OFFICE IN THE CLOUD Access your work anywhere, anytime in the Cloud using the programs you’re most familiar with: Microsoft Office! Microsoft’s cloud-based solution Office Online helps business professionals work together in real-- time from any device and across any platform. And better yet, sync your important files so that you can access them even when you’re NOT online. You’ll learn how you can communicate using Outlook, Lync, and and collaborate using Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.

 Set up and access Microsoft Online for free to use on multiple devices.  Set up shortcuts to your favorite files  Share documents, spreadsheets and forms with others, and they don't need to have Office to read or edit them.  Collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, notebooks and presentations in real time  Sync your files to your PC so that you can access them even if you aren’t connected to the Internet  Discover the differences between OneDrive and OneDrive for Business

GOOGLE APPS FOR BUSINESS Google Apps for business make sense. This cloud-‐based solution helps business professionals work together in real-‐time from any device and across any platform. You’ll learn how you can communicate through Gmail, drive, and hangouts and collaborate through docs, sheets, forms, and sites.

 Set up and access your Google Apps account to use on multiple devices.  Learn timesaving tips & tricks using Gmail.  Create documents, spreadsheets and forms to share and collaborate with others in real time.  Create shortcuts to your favorite files. 12

 Discover the value in using Hangouts to collaborate with your team.  Create a team site to manage projects.

PRODUCTIVITY MAGIC ON THE GO USING MICROSOFT OFFICE How do you stay productive when you’re out of the office? Do you have all the right tools or are you limited by the functionality of your mobile devices? In this timesaving productivity session, discover how to extend your desktop office technology no matter where you are with anywhere, anytime access using the familiar productivity tools that help you get more done with less time: Microsoft Office.

 Discover how to extend your desktop office technology no matter where you are with anywhere, anytime access using the Microsoft Table (or other tablet device)  Use Office Online on any device to view and edit documents  Leverage OneNote to capture (and view) ideas and notes on the go and collaborate with others

TO THE CLOUD! PRACTICAL STEPS AND TIPS FOR USING GOOGLE OR APPLE CLOUD Trying to keep up with technology and make sense of the Cloud? Not sure how the cloud benefits you and your work as an admin? Join us as we navigate real-world scenarios that demonstrate how “cloud computing” works for Google and Apple environments. Whether you’re using DropBox, Microsoft's OneDrive, Google Drive, or Apple's iCloud, you will finally understand the value of two of these major players so that you can confidently build your cloud-based technology experience, a critical skill for the tech-savvy assistant. Discover the fundamental differences between Google and Apple's cloud technologies. Gain practical cloud tips & tricks to make your life easier.