Human Body Systems Graphic Organizer

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Human Body Systems Graphic Organizer

Body Systems Graphic Organizer

Body Function Organs System Respiratory  Tosupplythebloodwithoxygeninorder  The nose, System throat, lungs, forthebloodtodeliveroxygentoallparts and ofthebody. passageways that lead to the  Breathing is made possible by your respiratory system. lungs make up The respiratory system is the group of organs that take in the respiratory system oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide

Circulatory  Your heart creates pressure when it beats. This pressure  Your heart, System moves blood throughout your body. blood, and blood (Cardiovascula  Tocirculateallvitalfluidsthroughoutthe vessels make up r) entirebodytonourishallofthebody's your cardiovascular systems;totransportblood,hormones, system whitebloodcellsandchemicalsthroughtheheart, lungsandallmajororgans.

Digestive  to break down the food we eat into  The digestive System smaller parts so the body can use tract includes them to build and nourish cells and your mouth, provide energy pharynx,  Your digestive system is a group of organs that work esophagus, together to digest food so that it can be used by the stomach, small body. intestine, large  The liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and salivary glands are intestine, rectum, also part of the digestive system. But food does not pass and anus. through these organs.  The human digestive tract can be more than 9 m long!

Excretory  Your urinary system removes waste from blood and  Kidney System regulates your body’s fluids.  Ureter  Excretion is the process of removing waste products  Urinary bladder from the body. Three of your body systems have a role  Urethra in excretion. Your integumentary system releases waste products and water when you sweat. Your respiratory system releases carbon dioxide and water when you exhale. Finally, the urinary system contains the organs that remove waste products from your blood.  The kidneys are a pair of organs that constantly clean the blood. Your kidneys filter about 2,000 L of blood each day. Your body holds only 5.6 L of blood, so your blood cycles through your kidneys about 350 times per day! Nervous  Your nervous system receives and sends electrical  Brain System messages throughout your body.  Spinal cord  The nervous system acts as the body’s central command  (specialized post. It has two basic functions. First, it gathers and structures; interprets information. This information comes from nerves) inside your body and from the world outside your body. Then, the nervous system responds to that information as needed.

Immune  Also known as the lymphatic system.  team of System  Returns leaked fluids to blood vessels and helps get rid individual cells, of bacteria and viruses. tissues, and  The increased blood flow also brings cells that belong to organs the immune system, the body system that fights pathogens. The immune system is not localized in any one place in your body. It is not controlled by any one organ, such as the brain. Instead, it is a team of individual cells, tissues, and organs that work together to keep you safe from invading pathogens.

Body System Function Organs Skeletal System  Your bones provide a Average adult has 206 bones. frame to support and protect your body parts.  Bones, cartilage, and the connective tissue that holds bones together make up your skeletal system.  Bones also help your body maintain homeostasis by storing minerals and making blood cells

Muscular System  Works with the skeletal  All throughout your body system to help your body move  When you want to move, signals travel from your brain to your skeletal muscle cells. The muscle cells then contract, or get shorter.  Protects the tissue that lies Integumentary System beneath your hair, skin and Skin (skin) nails  Skin protects you by keeping water in your body and foreign particles out of your body.  Skin keeps you in touch with the outside world. Nerve endings in your skin let you feel things around you.  Skin helps regulate your body temperature. Small organs in the skin called sweat glands make sweat. Sweat is a salty liquid that flows to the surface of the skin. As sweat evaporates, the skin cools.  Skin helps get rid of wastes. Several kinds of waste chemicals can be removed in sweat.  Skin comes in many colors. Skin color is determined by a chemical called melanin. If a lot of melanin is present, skin is very dark. If little melanin is present, skin is very light. Melanin absorbs ultraviolet light from the sun. So, melanin reduces damage that can lead to skin cancer.

Endocrine System  Your glands send out  Multiple organs chemical messages throughout your body  The endocrine system controls body functions by using chemicals that are made by the endocrine glands. A gland is a group of cells that make special chemicals for your body. Chemical messengers made by the endocrine glands are called hormones. A hormone is a chemical messenger made in one cell or tissue that causes a change in another cell or tissue in another part of the body. Hormones flow through the bloodstream to all parts of the body.

Reproductive System  Male reproductive system: • Ovaries- female produces and delivers • Testes- male  Female reproductive system: produces eggs and nourishes and protects the fetus

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