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WILSON STREET SURGERY Patient Participation Group Meeting
MINUTES Wednesday 29th June 2016 6.30pm. Wilson Street Surgery
Present: SB Chair, KH, JH, Dr Komal Raj, Julie Davey, Assistant Practice Manager Apologies: JS, AH, SA Minutes: Julie Davey
Welcome & Apologies (SB) SB welcomed the attendees and stated apologies had been received from JS and AH. SB thanked Dr Raj for attending and Julie for standing in while Sue A on holiday to take the minutes.
Review of the Minutes of the last Meeting on 13/4/16 (SB) Redecoration at Chad: SB asked if there was any further update on this. Julie explained that no plans had yet been finalised re decorating Chad, but we do have a rolling redecoration process, and there may be some done at Chad. Julie explained that there are a lot of improvements we would like to make at both sites, but due to the hard, financial times we have to prioritise and put clinical improvements/staffing over redecoration. The practice is constantly struggling to acquire money to improve both buildings. Dr Raj also explained that the funding has been cut drastically, and that we are losing £200,000 over the next 7 years. He also pointed out that we have had to pay for a couple of expensive repairs to Wilson Street recently, which may impact on the redecoration process. PPG Funds: The group have purchased a small bookcase for Taddington Road at a cost of £18.00 from Ikea, not £55.00 as previously minuted. Thank you to JH’s partner who has fixed this to the wall, and also to everyone who has been involved. A further discussion ensued about how to spend money raised. It was agreed that the money raised at Taddington Road should be spent at Taddington Road, and the money raised at Wilson Street should be spent at Wilson Street. A list of suggestions had been collated from the Patient Suggestion Box, and these were discussed. One suggestion was high backed chairs for the waiting room. KH was against this suggestion as she felt chairs were something that should be bought by the Practice. Also, if only one could be purchased from the funds due to how expensive they are, it would be hard to police who was sitting in it. JH was of the opinion that the money should be left in the bank until something emerges that is useful and necessary, and then the money can be spent on this. KH suggested Where’s Wally posters for each consulting room, as a distraction for children attending with parents. Action – Julie to ask Dr Bayley how useful she finds the Where’s Wally poster in her room. Repainting the white lines in the car park at Wilson Street was suggested, but this felt to be the Practice’s responsibility. Distraction boxes for each consulting room were also suggested, but it was decided these could cause infection control problems. Julie suggested waiting until the budget for the next financial year is finalised, and then depending on if/what decoration is planned to take place at Taddington Road, the group will be in a better position to discuss this at the next meeting. Amendment of PPG Constitution: JH stated that she had never seen the PPG Constitution. None of the members present had copies of it, but all would like copies. Action – Julie to ask Sue A for copy of the Constitution, and to pass on the group’s thanks for allowing the money raised to go through the Practice accounts.
CQC Visit Wednesday 9/3/16 (Julie))
Julie informed those present that we have received the Inspection report back. Our Rating is GOOD.
Within our Report the CQC rate the following questions:- Are services safe? - REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT Are services effective? - GOOD Are services caring? - GOOD Are services responsive to people's needs? - GOOD Are services well-led? - GOOD
Re REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT is for no other reason than us having not had a legionella test on the header water tank ! This is very disappointing as some practices don’t even get asked the question. We are appealing this. There are no other actions for us to take in the whole report.
The report notes that we are OUTSTANDING for looking after people in vulnerable circumstances (i.e Homeless/Secure unit/Blue star pts/Learn Dis pts.
The Report actually reads very well - very positive but the Partners don't think the ratings match the exceptionally good comments that have been made about us.
We are appealing Effectiveness & Well Lead also because we think they should be outstanding not Good.
We get the opportunity to comment/disagree with this drafted inspection report before it becomes final. They may agree with some changes - they may not.
Dr Little has put together a really good letter of appeal saying that we as a practice feel let down based on the work we have all put in to CQC and the inspection itself - so we'll have to keep our fingers crossed.
Action – Sue A to let PPG have a copy of the report so you can read it.
PPG Promotion Week(KH/JH) KH stated that it has been agreed that the Promotion Week will take place week commencing Monday 12th September. This is to be held in order to raise awareness of the PPG, and there will be representatives from the group at each surgery throughout the week. KH and SB will be at Taddington Road all day on Monday 12th, where they will hold a tombola (20p per ticket) to try and attract people to chat. They are also planning to hold an informal meeting late morning on 12th for any patients that are present, to promote the PPG. Action – Members to provide tea/coffee. Sue A to lend PPG large flask. Members are planning to hand out PPG questionnaire to patients for completion and return, at both sites, together with other PPG handouts. It was felt that the Facebook PPG handout was especially good, and they asked if more of these could be printed to hand out. Action – Julie to ask Sue A if more can be printed. To inform AH when printed copies are ready and to send half to Taddington Road and keep half at Wilson Street so that they are ready for when AH changes the boards over. SB asked for volunteers to be present at Wilson Street during the Promotion Week. JH offered come whenever she was able to, for a couple of hours each day. KH also agreed to attend. Julie advised that the busiest times in the waiting room are 9.00am – 11.00am and 3.00pm – 5.00pm. SB offered to go to Taddington Road whenever she can during that week on the other days, aswell as on Monday 12th. AH had sent word that she will do whatever she is able to do during that week. Action – KH to produce rota. AH will decorate the notice boards to advertise the Promotion Week at both sites 2-3 weeks before the event.
Spending of Funds at Taddington Road (SB) Discussed earlier under Review of Minutes of Last Meeting
Flu Clinics (SB) SB advised that Sue A has sent her the dates of the clinics for September and October, and asked whether it was felt that a PPG presence would be of any benefit. KH said that she would be happy to come, but felt there was not much point as the patients tend to be in and out of the surgery very quickly. SB asked whether there was anything that the PPG could do, such as update patient personal detail forms. Action – Julie to ask Sue A if PPG presence required. Unless the PPG hear any different they will not attend. To be reviewed at September meeting.
Any Other Business (All)
PPG Questionnaire – AH had sent copy of questionnaire and asked if could go to print. Action – Julie to ask Sue A to print copies, some with Taddington Road on the top, some with Wilson Street on top. As with Facebook posters, please can they be left at each surgery for AH. It was agreed that these are not to go out until AH has prepared the boards/tables at both sites, which will probably be the second week of August.
Meeting with Amanda Solloway – SB informed those present that she took a day off work to attend the planned meeting with Amanda Solloway, but was not informed that the meeting had been cancelled. She felt there was a lack of communication between Wilson Street and Taddington Road.
Minor Injury Unit – Dr Raj explained to the group that he was in favour of setting up a minor injury unit at the Practice, to deal with such things as eye/ear/nose problems, splinters etc, in order to try and redirect patients away from using A&E. He advised that Derbyshire County have got this in place, but the CCG within the City are dragging their heels over funding it for Derby City.
Consultants holding clinics at GP Practices – KH mentioned that a friend of hers is waiting for a hip replacement and that the Consultant goes to her surgery to see her. She asked Dr Raj how this works. Dr Raj explained that it isn’t that common for Consultants to hold clinics at GP Practices, it is usually historical, and in places that are located far away from the hospital, such as in Derbyshire County. Dr Raj said that this was another example of unequal funding, and that the County seem to be better funded than the City. However, Dr Raj did point out that although this is convenient for the patients as they do not have to travel to the hospital for their appointment, the service is generally not as good as in the hospital as the Consultant has not got the additional services there with him, eg x-rays, scans.
Meeting closed at 7.20pm