From the Pastor s1

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From the Pastor s1

St.St. John’sJohn’s MessengerMessenger Volume 90, Issue 05 March 10, 2010 From The Pastor March 4, 2010, is an historic day for St. John’s for it was the day that our official Web Site went on line for the very first time. When you open the site you are on the “home” page where there is a welcome and on the right side a list of up-coming events that will be happening at St. John’s. In the lower right hand corner are links to what is happening in the ELCA. Right now you will find links to articles on the ELCA’s activity in Chile in the aftermath of the most recent earthquake. The rotating banner at the top of that page will change at various times. Below that banner you will find the menu that will take you to every part of the site. “ABOUT US”, “WORSHIP”, “MINISTRIES”, “WHAT’S HAPPENING”, “PRESCHOOL”, “PHOTO GALLERY”, and “CONTACT US”. And each of those menu buttons will have a drop down list of other menu items when you hover your curser over them which will take you to other pages. And every time you refresh a page you will find on the right hand side a different “inspirational message” will appear. “ABOUT US” has a “Mission” page that tells the world what we believe. A “History” page that we are still adding to where maybe some of you will learn something you didn’t know about your own church and it’s past. And a “Staff” page that introduces me, the organist, the secretary, the council, and all of our former pastors. “WORSHIP” lists our services and their times. And there you will find a page of recent sermons that, if you missed a Sunday, are there for your edification, or for you to revisit if there was something you especially wanted to revisit. “MINISTRIES” has pages on what “Christian Education”, “Social Ministry”, “Evangelism”, and “WELCA” are doing. There is also a page on our “Music” where our choirs are highlighted, and you can listen to a portion of the two organ CD’s that are available for sale by our Worship and Music Committee. “WHAT’S HAPPENING” has menus that will take you to “Newsletters” where you can find each Newsletter going back to December 16th’s Newsletter. So if there is something you want to check out or you lost your newsletter, or it didn’t come in the mail, you can find it there. “Special Events”, “Bible Trivia”, and monthly “Calendars” are also found there so you can keep informed as to what is happening and when. Don’t remember when the pastor said the next First Communion Retreat will be held? You will find it on at least three of the menu pages under “What’s Happening”. Eventually there will be another page appearing on this menu list “The Lighter Side” which will report on the funny things that happen or are found around St. John’s. That page is not quite ready yet. It will be our version of St. John’s funniest moments and we hope you will send them to us to add here. “PRESCHOOL” will give you a menu that includes: “Our Staff” with pictures and descriptions, “Our Program” which tells you about our Preschool, the ages we serve, the days and times they meet, and how to contact us. And “Our Day” which highlights a typical day during the preschool time. When anyone Googles for Preschools in this area, ours will also be found. “PHOTO GALLERY” will take you to another page that will keep growing. Currently it has photo albums containing the last two Fishing Tournaments, the last two Family Camping Trips, and Youth Activities. As digital pictures come in related to Church activities more albums will appear. Getting them to the pastor on a CD or Flash drive will facilitate their inclusion. “CONTACT US” has “Directions” to find us; our church e-mail link; and a link to our web site manager, Sue Billman. To get to our new web site you can Google St. John’s or type:

Sunday, March 28 ● Palm Sunday Worship With Communion at 8:00 AM and 10:15 AM ● Palm Sunday Breakfast 7:00 AM – 11:30 AM (Sponsored By St. John’s Scout Troops)

Wednesday, March 31 ● Service of Lessons and Carols at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday, April 1 ● Service With Communion at 7:30 PM Good Friday, April 2 ● Procession Forms at St. Mark’s at 12:30 PM and Travels to St. John’s For The Ministerium Good Friday Service

Good Friday, April 2 ● Tenebrae Service at St. John’s at 7:30 PM Easter Sunday, April 4 ● Easter Sunrise Service With Communion at 6:00 AM ● Easter Service With Communion and Festival Music at 10:15 AM

Thanks to everyone for their prayers, calls, cards, visits and meals during my illness. Prayers with Pastor were always a comfort. The Lord has seen us through a very difficult time and blessed us with caring friends. Mike and Bernadette Payne

Thank you to Pastor Dale and the members of St. John’s for all the prayers for my son, Keith. Mary Rogers and Family Thanks to everyone who supported the Hoss’s Fundraiser! Even though the weather was “iffy” we made over $345.00 for the Preschool. Brenda Herbert

Palm Sunday breakfast: Sunday March 28th, 2010 St John’s Fellowship Hall Open at 7:00 AM <> Closing at 11:30 AM Benefits: Cub Scout Pack 3325 / Boy Scout Troop 325 at St Johns

Donation: (Reservation Prices below, $1.00 more at the door) $6.00 Adults (12 and over) $4.00 Youth (6 – 11) Free, 5 and under Please show up hungry!!

Menu: ● Scrambled Eggs ● Pancakes ● Sausage ● Ham ● Bacon ● Home Fries ● Hash Browns ●Toast ● English Muffins ● Coffee ● Tea ● Juices Please make reservations by completing the reservation form, or by contacting the Church office, or by contacting any Pack 3325 Cub Scout, or by contacting any Troop 325 Boy Scout, or by contacting CM Tom Propst at 473-3467, or by contacting ACM Lou VanGilder at 701-1071 Reservations due by March 22nd. Walk-ins will not be turned away; however, prices will increase by $1.00 at the door!!

Palm Sunday breakfast: Reservation Form Sunday March 28th, 2010 St John’s Fellowship Hall Open at 7:00am <> closing at 11:30am

# Adults 12 and older X $6.00 Total: $ .

# Youth 6 to 11 X $4.00 Total: $ .

# 5 and Under Free Amount Due: $ .

Name: ______

Please return reservations to the Church Office by March 22, 2010.

Easter flowers may be ordered by completing this order form. The form, along with payment may be placed in the offering plate (using a pink envelope marked “Easter Flowers”), dropped off at the church office, or mailed to the church. Please make checks payable to: St. John’s Lutheran Church. Flowers may be picked up any time after the 10:15 AM Easter Service.


______Hyacinth (1 Bloom)……………………. $3.00/each ______Hyacinth (3 Blooms) ………………….. $8.00/each

Pink _____ Blue _____ White ______March 17th

______Mums (6 ½”) …..…………………………... $9.00/each

Yellow _____ White ______Purple ______Chile Earthquake Relief ______Tulips (6 bloom) …………………………….$8.00/each (Assorted Colors Only) Your donations are needed to bring life-saving supplies to ______Lilies (5-7 Blooms) ………………………….$9.00/each those in need. Will you help today? 100 percent of your gifts designated for Amt. Paid ______Check #______Date ______“Chile Earthquake Relief” will be used for this Given By: ______response effort. Your prayers and generous gifts will make a In Memory of: ______life-saving difference. You can give at or call 1-800-638-3522 or In Honor of: ______through your congregation by using an envelope and mark it ______“Chile Earthquake”.

To the Glory of God______

The Youth Group is, once again, sponsoring their annual Egg Hunt. The date is March 28 at 2:00 p.m. at the Priestley Elementary School. If you would like to help, we would appreciate bags of WRAPPED candy for this event. Please drop contributions off at the church by March 24 th . Thank you.


THE SPECIAL [pink] ENVELOPES found in the pews during the month of MARCH is designated for Daffodil Days – American Cancer Society.

Special dates in April • Holy Week, March 28-April 3 • Maundy/Holy Thursday, April 1 • Good Friday, April 2 • Holy Saturday, April 3 • Easter Day, April 4 In Memory of Loved Ones • Administrative Professionals Day, April 21 for the Nursery School, By Deborah Bright

March 16 Numbers 18:1-7 SundayNext Presentation Messenger Openings: Deadline is March 17 Hebrews 9:23-28 th March 18 Exodus 29:38-30:8 ◊ MarchThursday, 14 – Altar Flowers, March Bulletins, 18 at 2:30 Candles, PM March 19 Exodus 30:17-21 Celebrates, Communion Wine March 20 Leviticus 24:5-9 ◊ March 21 – Altar Flowers, Bulletins, Candles, March 21 Exodus 25:31-37 Celebrates, Communion Wine March 22 Exodus 30:1-10 ◊ March 28 – Altar Flowers, Bulletins, Candles, March 23 Exodus 25:10-22

March 24 Leviticus 16:15-19 Communion Wine March 25 Luke 1:26-38 ◊ April 1 – Bulletins, Celebrates March 26 Deuteronomy 16:1-8 ◊ April 2 – Bulletins March 27 Exodus 12:21-22 ◊ April 4 – Altar Flowers, Bulletins, March 28 Exodus 12:1-6 Celebrates, Communion Wine March 29 Exodus 12:7-13 Anyone interested in sponsoring any of the above worship supplies should call or stop in the church office. “Reach up as far as you can, and God will reach down all the rest of the way.” – John Vincent

Psalm 63:1-4

1. O God, you are my God, I seek you, my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 2. So I have looked upon you in the sanctuary, beholding your power and glory. 3. Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. 4. So I will bless you as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on your name. Have you ever been desperate for a sign or word from God? Have you ever felt that you simply could not go on without God? The psalmist understands that depth of longing, and these words remind us that we, too, may discover God when we worship with others. The rhythm of weekly prayer and preaching give us stamina for the times when our lives are weary and strained. We can live with confidence and hope because God is as faithful as the psalmist proclaims. What memories of God's nearness and love sustain you this day?

God of power and glory, we thank you for your never-failing love. When we lose heart, help us to hear afresh your words of promise and hope. We pray today for all those who are in despair, those who feel abandoned or rejected and all those who do not yet know your redeeming grace; for Christ's sake. Amen.

Patricia Lull

Former Dean of Students, Luther Seminary

Lindsay Fleming Julia Tiedman April 1 April 6 April 10 Denise Litchard Jillian Hafer Tammy Eichner Judith Rohland Beth Ginck April 7 April 2 Laura McWilliams Larry Miller Corey Billman Barry Moser Louis VanGilder, Jr. Terri Dodge Erin Veronick Logan Gallo April 8 April 3 Charles Hudock Tara Amerman Robert Orr Richard Bowman Becky Connor April 9 Angela Kinsley-Chubb Barbara Eisely Aaron Knouse April 4 Jessica Miller Gwen Naginey June Reichenbach Gerald Runyan III Nicole Scholl April 11 April 5 Mary Shipe Elizabeth Kinsley Genna Feathers Carl Spigelmeyer, Jr. Miles Krouse, Jr. Thomas Stover Zachary Reed Parker Volinski April 25 April 19 Dustin Beaver April 12 Heidi Kerchoff Zachary Feaster Tret Fitzgerald Cole Lynch Grace Herrold Michael Gautsch Joseph Meehan Donna Sees April 20 Andrea Watt George Specht April 13 Gary Steiner Stephen Henry, Sr. April 21 April 26 April 14 Margaret Campbell Skyle Badman Jennifer Colchado Jason Dreese Jill Bahner Sandra Shaffer Alexa Snyder Carl Drumheller Helen Snyder April 22 April 27 April 15 Lindsay Pahl Sally Swank Catherine Broome George Stuck James Williams Allen Drumheller April 28 Charles Meiser April 23 Barbara Kiger Craig Treacher April 16 Betty Meiser April 29 Matthew Billman Gary Smith Dorothy Hechler Evelyn Ruch Carl Spigelmeyer, III James Kohler, Jr. April 17 April 24 April 30 Matthew Fasold Curtis Bickel Esther Bartholomew Kyle Bickel April 18 Nicholas Payne Brian Bingaman Terry Walker, Sr. Dean Dunkelberger OUR MEMBERS: We pray for Margaret Bright; Nancy Hendricks; Roger Miller; Dorothy Hechler; Arlet Hummel; Steve Lahr; Tina Pontius; Eleanor Polan; Virginia Rosancrans; Barb Eisely; Dave Eisely; Michelle Bowersox; Cheryl Yeager; Bob Wallace; Joyce Shearer; Erna Snyder; Romayne Hoffman; Betty Hetrick; Michael Payne; David Roush; Frances Hoffman; Debbie Karpinski; Jane Galow; Ed Snyder; Zachery Baker; Ron Rabuck; William Jacavage; Kathy Wagner; Calaina Berry-Propst.

SPECIAL PRAYERS: Keith Rogers; Jeremy Hoffman; Lauren Reitz; Peggy Patanella; Linda Ramsey; Doris Hendricks; Tim Mace; Sally Pinches; Carol Wilks; Harold Reid; Cindy Stroh; Edwin Miller, Jr.; Tina Heim; Joshua Gordon; Jodi Graybill; Brittany Graybill; Margaret Rantz; Dave Burns; Ed & Jane DeGand; John Ruane; Steve & Rose Brungard; Josh Radel; Alice Reigle; Donald Propst; Carol Watts; Len Shellhammer.

Please keep in your prayers the family of Madeline Stroh (Relative of Martha Walter) who passed away March 3.

SPECIAL MILITARY PRAYERS: Jason Bedisky; Jonathan Swank; Kale Gallo; Tom Stover.


 March 18– Chicken Pot Pie Dinner at Grace Lutheran Church, Sunbury, 4:00-6:30 PM


 March 11 – Bread of Life 5:00-6:00 p.m.  March 11 – Social Ministry 6:00 p.m.  March 15 – WELCA 7:00 p.m.  March 17 – Lenten Mid-Week at Trinity UM 5:30 p.m.  March 18 – Christian Ed/Evangelism 7:00 p.m.  March 21 – Daffodil Sunday  March 21 – Youth Group Planning Meeting 9:00 a.m.  March 21 – Deadline for Easter Flowers  March 24 – Lenten Mid-Week at Christ UM 5:30 p.m.  March 28 – Palm Sunday – Boy Scout Breakfast 7:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.  March 29 – Property 7:00 p.m.

Attendance for February 28, 2010 8:00 a.m. Service – 60 10:15 a.m. Service – 82 Average Weekly Offering Needed to Meet Budget: $3612.00 Offering Received: $2727.00 Attendance for March 7, 2010 8:00 a.m. Service – 54 10:15 a.m. Service – 69 Average Weekly Offering Needed to Meet Budget: $3612.00 Offering Received: $4115.57 ST. JOHN’S MESSENGER (USPS-515-660) is published biweekly, annually, by Periodicals St. John’s Lutheran Church, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857. Postage Paid Periodical postage paid at Northumberland, PA. Northumberland, PA POSTMASTER: Send address change to St. John’s Messenger, 300 Queen Street, Northumberland, PA 17857.

ST. JOHN’S MESSENGER March 10, 2010 Volume 90, Issue 05

Address Label St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church 570-473-3770 [email protected]

This Sunday at St. John’s March 14, 2010 – Fourth Sunday in Lent 8:00 a.m. Worship Service With Communion 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service With Communion George Groff Preaching Next Sunday at St. John’s March 21, 2010 – Fifth Sunday in Lent 8:00 a.m. Worship Service With Communion 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worship Service With Communion Daffodil Sunday Church Office Hours Mon-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Dale F. Biesecker, Jr., Pastor William J. Jacavage, Director of Music A April 2010 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

March 31 1 2 Office 3 Messenger Deadline AL ANON 7:00 PM Closed-Noon March 28 AA 8:00 PM Good Friday Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Service Boy Scout Breakfast Service 7:30 PM 12:30 PM Tenebrae Service 7:00 AM – 11:30 AM 7:30 PM 4 Easter Sunday 5 6 7 8 9 10 Worship w/Comm. 6:00 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Bread of Life 5-6:00 PM Sunday School, 9:00 AM Office Closed Senior Choir 7:00 PM Social Ministry 6:00 PM Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Bell Choir 8:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM NO Quiet Communion AA 8:00 PM

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Worship w/Comm. 8:00 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM Council 7:00 PM ChrisEd/Evangelism 7:00 PM Sunday School 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Messenger Deadline

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Worship w/Comm. 8 AM TOPS 6:00 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM Rummage Rummage Sunday School 9:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM Rummage Sale AA 8:00 PM Sale Sale Worship w/Comm.10:15 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Cub Scout Set-up Rummage Sale 8:00 AM 8:00 AM WELCA 7:00 PM Parent/Leader 8:00 AM-4:00 PM until until 4:00 p.m. 12 Noon Meeting Administrative Professionals Day Fellowship Hall Pastor Away

25 26 TOPS 6:00 PM 27 28 29 30 Worship w/Comm. 8:00 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL ANON 7:00PM Sunday School 9:00 AM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Senior Choir 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Worship w/Comm. 10:15 AM Property 7:00 PM Bell Choir 8:00 PM George Groff Preaching Pastor Away Service Assistants for April 2010 Date Lector Greeters Communion Bread Ushers Acolyte Crucifer\ Nursery Sound Assistants Torchbearer Helpers System

Bob Berry, Capt. April 1 Bob Frank Hoffman 7:30 PM Carol Derek Bonnie Berry 7:30 PM David Menges Menges Berry Judy Hoffman Diehl Maryann Berry Maundy Mary Menges Mike McWilliams Thursday

April 2 12:30 PM Good Friday

April 2 Jeff Robinson Todd Billman, Capt. Nick 7:30 PM Laurie Robinson Sue Billman Tenebrae Matt Billman Auman Service Katie Billman

6:00 AM Bud Diehl, Capt. April 4 Jena Rick Smeltz Tom Propst Teresa Emily Derek Dave Miller Greg Morton 6:00 AM Bogovich Karen Smeltz Pat Propst Bogovich Menges Menges Easter Blaine Shaffer Sunrise David Menges Jacob Hite 10:15 AM April 4 Don Ed Saxman Teresa Barb Moyer, Capt. Nick Wes Judy Bickel Mike Bill Troutman Miller Teresa Miller Bickel Zach Bickel Erdley 10:15 AM Steele Sandy Saxman Doug Manning Auman Easter Dani Erdley Jamie Feaster Jessica Steele

April 4 3:00 PM NO Quiet Comm.

April 11 8:00 AM 8:00 PM Jamie Judy Stuck Feaster April 11 Sue Billman Maundy Thursday Page 2 of Service Assistants

Date Lector Greeters Communion Bread Ushers Acolyte Crucifer Nursery Sound Assistants Helpers System

10:15 AM Laurie Robinson, Capt. April 11 David Lori Bogovich Jamie Emily Emily Jacki Bob Gail Lehman Dani Erdley 10:15 AM Eisely Judy Bickel Feaster Bogovich Bogovich Cunningham Berry Matt Billman Katie Billman Caitlin Rebecca Boyer Cunningham Erin Reigle

April 18 8:00 AM Jane 8:00 AM David Herbert Ressler Brenda Herbert

April 18 Mary Trish Long 10:15 AM Jane Lee Miller, Capt. Jacob Jacob Jen Long Dave 10:15 AM Siemsen Ginny Butler Blaine Shaffer Ressler Ken Reigle Hite Hite Owen Long Menges Easter Mike Erdley Bill Troutman David Menges

April 25 8:00 AM Catherine 8:00 AM Tom Propst Broome Pat Propst

Judy Bickel, Capt. Karen Mack Fleming 10:15 AM Catherine Derek Derek Laurie Lou April 25 Jena Bogovich 10:15 AM VanGilder Sharon Fleming David Menges Broome Menges Menges Robinson VanGilder Mary Menges Curtis Bickel Kate Kyle Bickel Billman Zach Bickel

During Jesus’ earthly life, colored cloth was very expensive. Only royalty and wealthy people could afford it. When Jesus was arrested and sentenced to die, the soldiers set about humiliating him (see Mark 15:16-20, NRSV). They found a purple cloak — the color of royalty — and put it on him. Then they placed a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head. “Hail, King of the Jews!” they mockingly cried. The soldiers hit Jesus with a reed and spat on him. They taunted him and knelt before him, pretending to honor him.

Despite what he endured, our Lord did end up a King — King of kings and Lord of lords.

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