Grade 10 Science, Academic (SNC2D): Strand Or Unit Title

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Grade 10 Science, Academic (SNC2D): Strand Or Unit Title

Grade 10 Science, Academic (SNC2D): Optics

Lesson 1/ Optical Instruments Duration: 3 Classes - 3x(75 min) Key Instructional Strategies Differentiated Instruction Details 1 Individual/whole class brainstorming Knowledge of Students 2 Individual/pairs/whole class  Think/pair/share Differentiation based on student: 3 Small groups - past knowledge r Readiness  Interests r Preferences 4 Whole class internet hunt Differentiated Instruction Response r Learning materials (content) 5 Whole Class  Exit Card Ways of learning (process) 6 Whole class  Planning for Research  Ways of demonstrating learning (product) 7 Whole class  Modeling by Teacher r Learning environment 8 Individuals  Research and Presentation 9 Whole Class  Co-constructing 10 Whole Class  Presentation of 3D models 11 Whole ClassGuided Discussion 12 Pairs  Think-Pair-Share Reflection *Marzano’s Categories of Instructional Strategies **Differentiated Instruction Structure Curriculum Connections Overall Expectation(s): E1. evaluate the effectiveness of technological devices and process designed to make use of light, and asses their social benefits.

E3. demonstrate an understanding of various characteristics and properties of light, particularly with respect to reflection in mirrors and refraction in lenses.

Specific Expectation(s): E1.1 analyse a technological device or procedure related to human perception of light

E1.2 analyse a technological device that uses the properties of light

E3.3 describe, on the basis of observation, the characteristics and positions of images formed by plane and curved mirrors

E3.4 explain the conditions required for partial reflection/refraction and for total internal reflection in lenses, and describe the reflection/refraction using labelled ray diagrams

E3.5 describe the characteristics and positions of images formed by converging lenses

E3.6 identify ways in which the properties of mirrors and lenses

E3.7 identify the factors, in qualitative and quantitative terms, that affect the refraction of light as it passes from one medium to another

Catholic Graduate Expectation(s):  CGE2c Presents information and ideas clearly and honestly and with sensitivity to others.  CGE3c Thinks reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems.  CGE4d Responds to, manages and constructively influences change in a discerning manner.  CGE4e Sets appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life.  CGE5a Works effectively as an interdependent team member. Learning Goal(s): Big Idea(s):  Investigate types of optical instruments and  Optical instruments are used in everyday life describe how they work. and they are used in many work environments.  Create a working model of an optical device or 3D model of an optical device (cross sectional to show interior structure), including a ray diagrams on their function

Assessment and Evaluation Assessment/Success Criteria Assessment Tools (i.e., checklist, Thinking – rubric, anecdotal comments):  Data gathered with relevance  Rubric  A strategically action plan was developed  Marking Scheme Communication –  Self/peer evaluation  the model was labeled accurately.  Presentation was presented professionally  Orally communicates understanding of research Application –  discussed how the optical device is used in everyday life Knowledge –  information in presentation accurate.  Proper terminology from the optic unit used

Prior Learning Prior to this lesson, students will have:  used plane and curved mirrors and created ray diagrams  created ray diagrams as light passes from one optical density to another.  Use ray diagrams to predict qualitative characteristics of images formed by thin lenses  used appropriate terminology related to light and optics, such as, angel of incidence, angle of reflection, angel of refraction, focal point, magnification Materials and Resources Materials: Appendix A - Exit card Appendix B – self/peer evaluation Appendix C – Grading Rubric

Internet Resources: Space telescope science institute – May 11, 2010

Explain that stuff – May 11, 2010 How stuff works – video - May 11, 2010

Kaleidoscope Collector -- Hand of the Craftsman, Nyack NY... – May 11, 2010 eHow – May 11, 2010

Science Explorer – May 11, 2010 eye.html

Grade 10 Science, Academic/SNC2D/Activity Title/Lesson # 1 Minds On (75 min) Connections L: Literacy w Establishing a positive learning environment ML: Mathematical Literacy w Connecting to prior learning and/or experiences AfL: Assessment for w Setting the context for learning Learning AoL: Assessment of Learning DI: Differentiated Instruction EE: Environmental Education Day 1

Whole class  Brainstorming: Optical Instruments AfL: Strategy/Assessment Tool Brainstorm a list of optical devises (microscope, refracting telescopes, HUBBLE telescope, cameras, movie projector, electron microscope, fiberscope(snake camera), periscope, kaleidoscope, human eye, holograms, rearview mirrors, stage ghosts, binoculars, fibre optics, endoscope, solar oven, flip book, praxinoscope, zoetrope scope)

Small Groups  Past Knowledge L: Accountable talk

 Discuss with a partner (think-pair-share) the type of technology brainstormed above and discuss how the technology works and uses geometric optics

Individual/Pairs/Whole Class > Think/Pair/Share

Using a Think-Pair-Share Strategy, ask students to think about the criteria one would use to determine the quality of information when doing research and then share the criteria with their partner.

In their groups, students:

 Take their own notes in the format of their choice  Select a recorder to note the ideas on chart paper L: Presenting Ideas  Summarize their discussion into two or three key ideas to share with the class  List the materials needed create the product

Lead a class discussion to narrow the focus on the types of optical instruments L: Reading

Whole Class  Internet Hunt

Guide the students in an internet search on the topic discussed. AfL (self): Exit Card Students are to create an illustration on the optical instrument and label the components.

Whole class Exit card Students are to complete the exit card and complete end of class activities

Action (75 min) w Introducing new learning or extending/reinforcing prior learning w Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided à independent) Day 2

Whole Class  Planning for Research AfL: Strategy/Assessment Students: Tool

 Share their class data describing their optical instruments.  Share the history of their optical instrument.

Whole Class  Modeling by Teacher

Question: How does your optical instrument influence our society today?

Question: Where does your optical instrument use the laws of reflection and refraction to enhance the instrument?

Individuals  Research and Presentation

 Illustrate (3D model, working or nonworking model) of an optical device, including a ray diagrams on their function  Include where the laws of reflection and refraction are used throughout the instrument and label the areas where the Safety Considerations: laws are used. Students will be working with scissors, mirrors, hot glue etc.

Whole Class  Co-constructing criteria

Lead students through the process for setting and developing success criteria (look for’s) for a good model

 Make a brainstormed list  Sort and categorize the list DI: Structures  Use, revisit and revise the list  Construct model

Peer Assessment  student assess each others involvement in the activities

AfL (self): Checklist Consolidation and Connection (75 min) w Helping students demonstrate what they have learned w Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection Day 3

Whole Class  Presentation of 3D models or working models. AfL or AoL: Strategy/Assessment Tool Students work with their partner to present their model. Students discuss each other’s work in terms of the Rubric and assessment criteria. AfL or AoL: Rubric

Discuss their original ideas on how the optical instrument worked and compare it to how it really works.

Whole Class  Guided Discussion

Facilitate a discussion about societal impacts the optical device. What breakthroughs have been made using these optical devices?

Pairs  Think-Pair Share – Reflection

Students individually reflect on the choices they made and on their learning and then share with their thinking partner.

What would happen if that technology did not exist? What devices use this type of technology? Appendix 1.1 Activity Title Grade 10 Science, Academic (SNC2D) Appendix Title A Reflection Exit Card

Reflection Name:______

What application to optics were you focusing on in today’s activity?

What types of light laws does your optical device focus on?

On the following diagram draw

 Draw the normal  Incidence ray  The angle of incidence  The angle of reflection  Reflection ray

On the following diagram draw

 Draw the normal from n1 to n2

 The refracted ray into medium B

 Draw the normal from n2 to n3

 The refracted ray into medium C n =1.00 1

n =1.33 2

n =1.21 2

Appendix Title B Sample Checklist for Self/Peer-Assessment


Category/Criteria Self Peer

Thinking and Investigation -able to: research the optical device analyze the information I researched to make sure it is logical, accurate, reliable, adequate, and unbiased develop an action plan

Communication - able to document my research and action plan: clearly and accurately using appropriate language logically in the correct format of my choice (e.g. visual essay)

I am able to share my understanding through discussion

Application - I am able to: assess the impact of my chosen optical device to humans and society understand the history of the chosen optical device

Learning Skills -I am able to: approach the task with confidence, a positive attitude, and selfmotivation work cooperatively in my group take responsibility of my own share of the work to be done contribute original ideas to help make decisions and reach agreements show respect to the ideas and opinions of others in the group recognize the contribution of other group members manage and organize information that I researched seek assistance when necessary

Appendix Title C CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Thinking Research Gathers data with a high Gathers data with Gathers data with some Gathers data with degree of relevance from considerable relevance relevance from some limited relevance from a variety of sources from a variety of sources some sources sources

Strategies A relative action plan is A relevant action plan is A relevant action plan is A relative action plan is developed using developed using developed using developed using strategies with high strategies with strategies with some strategies with limited degree of effectiveness considerable effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

Communication Preparedness Student is completely Student seems pretty The student is Student does not seem prepared and has prepared but might have somewhat prepared, but at all prepared to obviously rehearsed. needed a couple more it is clear that rehearsal present. rehearsals. was lacking.

Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem to understanding of the understanding of the understanding of parts understand the optical optical device. optical device. of the optical device. device very well.

Construction - Care Great care taken in Construction was Construction accurately Construction appears Taken construction process so careful and accurate for followed the plans, but careless or haphazard. that the structure is neat, the most part, but 1-2 3-4 details could have Many details need attractive and follows details could have been been refined for a more refinement for a strong plans accurately. refined for a more attractive product. or attractive product. attractive product.

Application Application of optical Application of the optical Application of the optical Application of the optical Application of the optical instrument instrument was described instrument was instrument was instrument was not clearly. described somewhat described described clearly.

History History of the optical History of the optical History of the optical History of the optical instrument was described instrument was instrument was instrument was not clearly. described somewhat described described clearly.

Knowledge Labels Every item that needs to Almost all items (90%) Most items (75-89%) Less than 75% of the be identified has a label. that need to be that need to be items that need to be It is clear which label identified have labels. It identified have labels. It identified have labels goes with which is clear which label goes is clear which label goes OR it is not clear which structure. with which structure. with which structure. label goes with with item.

Drawing - details All assigned details have Almost all assigned Almost all assigned Fewer than 85% of the been added. The details details (at least 85%) details (at least 85%) assigned details are are clear and easy to have been added. The have been added. A few present OR most details identify. details are clear and details are difficult to are difficult to identify. easy to identify. identify.

Accuracy 95% or more of the 94-85% of the assigned 94-85% of the assigned Less than 85% of the assigned structures are structures are illustrated structures are illustrated assigned structures are illustrated accurately and accurately and are accurately and are illustrated AND/OR are recognizable. All recognizable. All recognizable. 94-85% of labeled accurately. assigned structures are assigned structures are the assigned structures labeled accurately. labeled accurately. are labeled accurately.

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