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Psychology Ch. 1 Test: History and Approaches

Directions: Choose the best answer.

______1. Which psychological approach is based on the belief that humans have the capacity for self- fulfillment and the ability to make conscious choices? A. cognitive perspective B. humanistic perspective C. psychoanalytic perspective D. sociocultural perspective

______2. Which psychological field is based on the belief that adaptive behavior patterns are learned and maintained because they help people operate more effectively? A. functionalism B. structuralism C. Gestalt psychology D. biological perspective

______3. Which psychological approach focuses on the influence that issues such as ethnicity, gender and economic status have on behavior and mental processes? A. cognitive perspective B. humanistic perspective C. psychoanalytic perspective D. sociocultural perspective

______4. Which psychological approach focuses on the importance of unconscious motives and conflicts in determining human behavior? A. cognitive perspective B. humanistic perspective C. psychoanalytic perspective D. sociocultural perspective

______5. Which of the following is an example of a cognitive activity? A. crying B. dreaming C. exercising D. laughing

______6. A person suffering from depression would most likely be treated by a(n) A. social psychologist. B. experimental psychologist. C. clinical psychologist. D. developmental psychologist.

______7. A medical doctor who specializes in treating psychological problems is a A. psychiatrist. B. clinical psychologist. C. health psychologist. D. research psychologist.

______8. In the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed that people who acted strangely A. were possessed by demons. B. needed psychological counseling. C. were gifted individuals. D. suffered from brain abnormalities.

______9. Who is given credit for establishing the social science of psychology and built the first laboratory for the scientific study of the mind? A. Aristotle B. Sigmund Freud C. William James D. Wilhelm Wundt

______10. Which of the following concepts was central to the work of B.F. Skinner A. insight B. reinforcement C. introspection D. stream of conciousness

______11. The statement that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” characterizes which of the following theories or perspectives? A. biological B. behaviorism C. social learning D. Gestalt psychology

______12. Which school of psychology breaks down conscious experience into objective sensations and subjective feelings? A. behaviorism B. functionalism C. psychoanalysis D. structuralism

______13. Who founded the school of psychoanalysis? A. B.F. Skinner B. John B. Watson C. Sigmund Freud D. Wilhelm Wundt

______14. What psychological approach focuses on the role of thoughts in determining behavior? A. humanistic perspective B. cognitive perspective C. psychodynamic perspective D. learning perspective

______15. Which of the following is the best all-around definition for psychology? A. the study of the human brain and nervous system B. the study of mental processes and behavior C. the study of personality disorders D. the study of how people remember and learn most efficiently

______16. Psychology is a science. A. True B. False 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B 11. D 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. B 16. A