Kimberly Livaudais
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Kimberly Livaudais Room 230 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 919-934-2455 Ext. 1968
I. Primary Texts: Beers, Kylene, and Lee Odell. Elements of Literature: Sixth Course, Essentials of British and World Literature. Orlando: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. II. Course Description: English IV provides in-depth coverage of all skills,language usage, and conventional mechanics. The topics throughout the course are designed to challenge students who are planning for further study beyond high school. Language skills learned are applied in narrative, argumentative, and informational compositions and in literature studies. This course requires that students have strong writing and analytical skills. Research and informational skills are refined, and independent study assignments are required. The curriculum both affirms these skills and equips the students to be lifelong learners.
III. Course Objectives The learner will: ● Deepen his/her understanding and appreciation of selected literary works. ● Develop critical standards for interpreting the effects writers create by the artful manipulation of language. ● Demonstrate a knowledge of characterization, plot, text structure, author’s choice, author’s purpose ● Examine literary works in their historical context and in relation to both author’s and reader’s life and experiences. ● Compose and revise expository, analytical, and argumentative essays, focusing on the critical analysis of literature. ● Develop stylistic maturity in composition—wide ranging vocabulary, variety of sentence structure, and logical organization and will build upon and reinforce composition skills taught in English III. ● Sharpen skills in the close reading of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. ● Sharpen skills of speaking and listening.
IV. Cleveland High School and Johnston County Policies and Expectations
A. Materials Needed 1. A three-ring binder notebook or spiral 2. Google Account 3. Index Cards 4. Writing utensils (3 Highlighters of different colors for annotating text)
Grading Scale: A 90 – 100 B 80 - 89 C 70 - 79 D 69 - 60 F 59-0
Grading Percentages (English Dept. Standard): Major Assessments: Tests/Projects/Essays 50% Minor Assessments: Quizzes/Classwork/Homework: 50%
Students are highly encouraged to attend all classes, but in the event of an absence, students should make up any newly missed work within the allotted time (see student handbook for attendance policy).
Final Exam: For English IV, there will be a North Carolina Final Exam state test which will count as the final exam grade. This grade will be 20% of your final grade.
E. Class Rules/Procedures ● Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings; remain seated until dismissed by me, not the bell or announcements. ● Be respectful of other students and the teacher in both language and actions. ● Be respectful of others’ property, including school property (this means NO writing, carving, or defacing desks, boards, etc.). ● Be ethical in all your actions and be especially careful to avoid plagiarism or cheating of any kind. ● Use appropriate classroom language and speak in low voices when participating in group work. ● Keep cellular phones or electronic devices out of sight and silent, unless specific permission is given. ● Follow the school dress code. ● Be prepared—bring a pen, a pencil, paper, textbook, homework, and any other necessary supplies. ● Follow all directions and classroom procedures; do not disrupt instruction. ● All rules listed in your school handbook must be followed in this classroom.
F. Academic Dishonesty- see Johnston County School Board Policy Academic Dishonesty – taking or acquiring possession of any academic material (test information, research papers, notes, etc.) from a member of the high school staff or student body without permission; receiving or giving help during tests; submitting papers or reports (that are supposed to be original work) that are not entirely the student’s own; not giving credit for others’ work (plagiarism).Violation of one or more of these rules may result in one of the following sanctions:a) Loss of Academic Credit or Grade b) Disciplinary action
G. Absences/Make-up Policy: If for any reason you miss any NEW assignment or test due to an absence, it is the YOUR responsibility to see me at the next available power lunch. You must make-up all missed work or tests in power lunch.
H. Power Lunch Guidelines ● During the first 3 weeks of a semester, everyone will attend 1 tutorial in each class. ● After the progress reports, students with a 90 or higher do not have to attend a tutorial until the next progress report. A grade of B or C results in 1 tutorial visit until the next progress report. A grade of D or F requires a tutorial visit each week until the next progress report. ● Progress reports and report cards will note the number of tutorials attended has not been met.
I . Retest Policy ● Students are allowed to retest failed tests per CvHS policy. Students will be required to attend Power Lunch tutorials for tutoring for the failed skills assessed on the test or demonstrate corrected work to retake the test. ● All retests must be taken during Power Lunch tutorials and students will advocate for self to do this.
J. Attendance and Tardies: ● Five absences in any block equals an automatic need to fill out an Attendance Waiver. Doctor’s notes, funeral notices, court dates and pre-approved absences will automatically be waived with proper documentation. Forms still need to be filled out regardless of reason. You may obtain an absence waiver form from Student Services. ● 2 Tardies equal one absence
Kimberly Livaudais English IV Course Syllabus Sign and Return Page
PLEASE RETURN THIS PAGE By signing below we are acknowledging that you have read and understand the course syllabus and the procedures for the following Johnston County and Cleveland High School regarding: dress code, attendance, tardies, late work, power lunch tutorials, re-testing, and availability of Evening Academy, classroom expectations for behavior and work ethic.
Section One:
Student Name: (please print clearly)
Parent/Guardian name:______Cell Ph: ______Home Ph:______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Parent/Guardian name:______Cell Ph: ______Home Ph:______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Section Two: From the parent/guardian to the teacher: Here is some important information that I would like you to know about my child:
From the Student to the Teacher: Here is some important information that I would like for you to know about me:
Section Three: By signing below, I the student in this course, am indicating that I have read and understand the above syllabus :
STUDENT Name (printed) ______
Student’s Signature ______Date: ______