Curriculum Map

Course Code: Name of Course:

Major Code: Name of Major:

AQF: Field of Education:

Availabilities: Location Internal ☐ Curtin Online ☐ Curtin OUA ☐ Curtin Sarawak ☐ Other offshore locations ☐ Articulation Partners:

Course Completion Requirements:

Accreditation Status:

Course Entry Requirements:

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 1 of 13 ALIGNING LEARNING OUTCOMES Course/Major Learning Outcomes Curtin University Graduate Attributes Brief description A graduate of this course can: 1.Apply discipline knowledge, principles Apply discipline knowledge, Enter Course Learning Outcomes. Each Enter Professional Accreditation Competencies (if and concepts understand its theoretical outcome is to begin with a lower-case letter; applicable) underpinnings, and ways of if a single outcome consists of more than one thinking; Extend the boundaries sentence, use a semi-colon followed by lower of knowledge through research. case. 2.Think critically, creatively and Apply logical and rational reflectively processes to analyse the components of an issue; Think creatively to generate innovative solutions. 3.Access, evaluate and synthesise Decide what information is information needed and where it might be found using appropriate technologies; Make valid judgements and synthesise information from a range of sources. 4.Communicate effectively Communicate in ways appropriate to the discipline, audience and purpose. 5.Use technologies appropriately Use appropriate technologies . recognising their advantages and limitations. 6.Utilise lifelong learning skills Use a range of learning strategies; Take responsibility for one’s own learning and development; Sustain intellectual curiosity; know how to continue to learn as a graduate. 7.International perspective Think globally and consider issues from a variety of perspectives; Apply international standards and practices within a discipline or professional area. 8.Cultural understanding Respect individual human rights; Recognise the importance of cultural diversity particularly the perspective of Indigenous Australians; Value diversity of language. 9.Apply professional skills Work independently and in teams; Demonstrate leadership, professional behaviour and ethical practices.

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 2 of 13 Course Structure Form

Insert Course Structure Form here provided by Courses Management.

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 3 of 13 AQF Specifications Learning Designer and/or Course Coordinator

Accrediting authorities and those developing qualifications for accreditation must adhere to the AQF specification for this qualification type. Please insert appropriate AQF Specifications table. CRO

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 4 of 13 First Year Curriculum Design to support retention (Kift 2009) (To be considered when issues around retention have been identified).

Dimensions Comments Transition  Orientation and transition needs coherently and relevantly mapped to crucial time periods  Management of Unit Coordinators or other teachers in the Y1 who are new to first year teaching  Students provided with opportunity to self- assess their entry knowledge, skills and attitudes against discipline expectations  Clear and consistent communication to commencing students regarding expectations and responsibilities  Information provision about programs, processes and procedures pre-enrolment clear, accurate, consistent, and sufficiently detailed for informed choice and effective action Diversity  Characteristics of Y1 cohort (diversity and their needs are determined)  Access to academic, technical and other support assistance; communication just in time  Self-assessment learning and support needs  Flexibility in curriculum design to support diversity  Exposed to a variety of learning engagement and assessment tasks Design  Y1 curriculum objectives and coherence  Intentional sequencing and integration of knowledge, skills and application of knowledge/skills  Transition mapped out and curriculum scaffolds tertiary learning  Co-curricular activities designed to support formal learning  Exposed to a variety of learning engagement and assessment tasks Engagement  Variety of engaging pedagogies  Includes collaborative learning to facilitate social interaction  Supplementary support eg PASS, JumpStart, peer mentoring  Student – staff interactions  Space and opportunity for intentional social interaction (importance of building friendships) Assessment  Coherent and integrated strategy; manageable for students and staff; variety of types  Consistency in course expectations between units  Increase in complexity over time  Early low stakes assessment where students Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 5 of 13 receive feedback (at least one by Wk 4-5)  How do students interpret and act on feedback provided? Evaluation  Review of success of program with good outcomes  Evidence based curriculum design  First year staff included in evaluation and outcomes  PD for Y1 teaching staff  Strategy for managing student disengagement eg non-attendance, non-participation, fail, non- submission of assessment

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 6 of 13 Year / Study Period: , SPK, v. Version, Title Curtin-OUA: SPK, v.Version, Title Credit Value:

Unit Coordinator: Ext. FOE: OUA Unit Coordinator: Ext. Is this offered at Miri Sarawak? ☐ Yes ☐ No Requisite(s): Enter Requisite SPK Title and Type of Requisition Equivalent(s): Enter SPK, Version and Title of any active or planned equivalents Result Type: Syllabus: The syllabus must be less than 1275 characters in length, presented in a paragraph statement not list format. It provides a concise description of broad knowledge, skills and activities. Learning Design Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) Enter Unit Learning Outcome. Each outcome is to begin with a lower case letter, if a single outcome consists of more than one sentence, use a semi-colon followed by lower case. Level of thinking Course Learning Outcomes Professional Competencies/Standards







Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 7 of 13 Unit Assessment (See Appendix 3)

Assessment Task Assessment Description % Week Due ULOs Max 3 Type Medium Role Supervision

1. Enter Assessment Task (e.g. Marketing Environment and Conditions Report). Enter Assessment Description (e.g. a meaningful description of the essay and the word count.




WIL Descriptor:

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 8 of 13 Principal Assessor Feedback Moderation Arrangements / Strategies (See Appendix 4)

Authenticity Profile

Pre-Marking Intra-Marking Post-Marking





English Language Proficiency Descriptor Indigenous Perspectives Descriptor





Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 9 of 13 5.

Additional Curriculum Elements eg. Additional comments/remarks relevant to the course.


Unit Details ☐ Yes

Syllabus ☐ Yes

ULOs ☐ Yes

Assessments ☐ Yes

Tuition Pattern ☐ Yes


Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 10 of 13 Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 11 of 13 CO URSE ANALYSIS CHARTS - LEARNING OUTCOMES

Curriculum Map Template_16Mar2016_EC Page 12 of 13 COURSE ANALYSIS CHARTS -


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