Word Within the Word Stems List #6b Do you know what these words mean? Stem Definition Examples se apart secret, segregate, select, separate trib pay tribute, tributary, contribution dign worthy dignify, dignity, indignation luc light lucid, translucent rupt break erupt, disrupt, corrupt, abrupt grat pleasing gratifying, gratitude, ingrateful medi middle median, mediate, medium soph wisdom sophomore, philosophy curr run current, currently, recurrent tempor time temporal, contemporary migr wander migrate, migrant, immigrant trans across transfer, translate, transcend gamy marriage monogamy, polygamy

HW One: Context Clues. Using you knowledge of stems, select the word that best fits in the blank. Write the letter in the margin. Do not use a dictionary for this section!!!

______1. In the US it is illegal to practice _____ or have more than one spouse. A. gratitude B. transfusion C. polygamy D. lucid

______2. Sam tried to show his ____ to his mom by doing the dishes, since she made his favorite dinner. A. gratitude B. transfusion C. polygamy D. lucid

______3. After the car accident, the woman had lost so much blood she needed a ___ when she arrived at the Hospital. A. gratitude B. transfusion C. polygamy D. lucid

______4. When balloons ____, they make a cacophonic boom. A. retribution B. attributed C. dignity D. rupture

______5. All of the men on the construction job were ___ workers from Mexico. A. mediocre B. recurrent C. migrant D. translate

HW 2: Flashcards: Write the stem on one side and its definition on the other. HW Three: Mystery Questions. Answer the following questions on your own sheet of paper and in complete sentences.

1. Complete the following analogy:

segregated : congregated: :

a. secede : intercede b. selection : predilection c. temporary : contemporary d. divided : united

2. . Complete the following analogy:

migration : transmigration: :

a. transfusion : fusion b. animal : soul c. lucid : translucent d. migrant : immigrant 3. Would you rather be given retribution or a contribution?

4. Is a lucid argument clear and logical?

5. Is monogamy legal in the United States today?