Huntington West Homeowners Association Annual Membership Meeting Wednesday, May 15, 2013 7 PM Gwinnett County Fire Station 18

Current Huntington West Homeowners Association President Steve Carbin called the meeting to order and welcomed members. Steve thanked the 10 members (plus Board) for attending and thanked the folks at Station 18 for allowing our HOA the use of their facility. Steve thanked everyone who voted in the recent elections and introduced the new/current Board members. Complete election results are as follows:

Newly elected 2013-2014 Board officers are: Steve Carbin – President Nichole Pasteur – Treasurer Susan Powell – Secretary

Compilation of votes received: For President: Steve Carbin – 42 votes For Treasurer: Nichole Pasteur – 42 votes For Secretary: Susan Powell – 42 votes NOTE: one write-in vote was received for each office

Steve thanked everyone who voted and expressed appreciation for the support of the Board. He reminded members that the By-Laws of the Association call for a Board of Directors consisting of at least four members. The By-Laws require elections for only the three offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, but provide for the addition of any other officers or members deemed appropriate by the Board’s elected officers. Subsequent to the Annual Membership Meeting, the Board will be selecting Mark Adkins as the fourth member to assist with the management of the neighborhood.

President’s Report Steve updated members on recent improvements at the pool: upgrades to the security system mother board and DVR, automatic door locks to restrooms. Dacula Pools will continue to be our pool maintenance contractor for the upcoming year. The parking lot has cracks to be sealed and pot holes to be filled: approximate cost will be $4000. Opening Day Celebration for the pool will be Saturday, May 18. Members were asked to sign up to help with set up, grilling and clean up for the pool opening. A new grill for member use at the pool will be purchased.

Steve reminded members that speeding issues in the neighborhood continue to be a problem. Member Chuck McCallum, who is a Gwinnett County School Resource officer, has looked into options we may not have considered. Steve again this year reiterated that the HOA will support speed bumps or any other alternative brought forward by homeowners, but a tremendous amount of work is required to obtain the approval of all affected homeowners who will be assessed by Gwinnett County for the cost of speed bumps. Any member(s) interested in taking on the responsibility for such a project welcomed and encouraged to contact the Board to volunteer. Member Crystal Balthrop mentioned seeing solar powered speed signs and will report back. . . Steve gave update for ACC Chair Todd Starr, who was unable to be present tonight. Some aging homes need paint – please remember ACC approval is required for paint jobs, even if painting the same/existing color. Remember: the ACC request form stipulates the homeowner should submit the request form 30 days ahead of planned project. The Board will look into having a stock of replacement mailbox posts made (at HOA expense) to be readily available for purchase by homeowners who have damaged mailbox posts. Cost would be in the range of $175- $200. New members to help with ACC duties are welcome – contact Todd via HOA website ([email protected])

Treasurer’s Report Treasurer Nichole Pasteur offered printed copies of the current financial reports for the HWHOA – complete financial statements are posted monthly on the HWHOA web. The current budget is based on the number of current members. Nichole addressed the fact that mandatory dues are not “pool dues” – only 10-12% of dues go to maintain the pool. There are other expenditures: playground, parking lot, common areas, insurance, landscaping, lighting, water and other utilities, trash collection, taxes, legal fees, property management fees. Even so, our pool is the focal point at the front entrance, so we do need to keep it looking nice. The deck will be pressure washed and painted prior to opening day.

Annual HOA dues for mandatory members will remain $390 again this year – another year without the 10% annual increase permitted within the By-Laws of the HOA. The Board has worked hard to keep costs down again this year. Homeowners who are not mandatory are encouraged to pay junior membership dues in order to contribute to the upkeep/taxes for the neighborhood facilities and to be able to vote on Association issues. The $90 fee for junior dues has not increased for many years – the Board has been asked to raise the junior dues amount, at least the next time mandatory dues are increased.

Nichole reported the playground has had “Band-Aids” for years and needs quite a few improvements. New sand and swings will be added, in addition to weed and fire ant treatments. A rubber spray on rough wood is needed, and planned upgrades include cedar beams. Included in our “wish list” for next year is a bike rack. Bids are now being taken for the job of cleaning the pool restrooms this summer – details on the web of tasks the job entails.

Nichole gave specific details for activating pool key cards when dues are paid - extra key cards or replacements for lost key cards are available for $10. Due to a system failure, all key cards will need to be re-issued, even for current members. Each member will need to sign for the key card at the pool. Dues will be considered delinquent as of June 1 and members will be assessed late fees. If you are unable to come to the Opening Day Celebration to sign for your key card, you will need to contact Nichole to make arrangements for picking up your key after the opening day.

Secretary’s Report Susan Powell provided a few printed copies of the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting in May 2012 – minutes of last year’s meeting and previous years are posted all year on the HOA web. Minutes were approved as written and as posted on the HOA web by membership present. Minutes of several other past meetings are available on the web and minutes of this meeting will be added when completed.

The Opening Day Celebration for the pool is scheduled for Saturday, May 18. The cookout/party will be held from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. and all homeowners are welcome. After the party, the pool will be locked and then available afterwards to paying members only. Susan asked for members to sign up to help with food, set-up, grilling, clean up etc. on Opening Day at the pool. Susan reminded members that the HOA does not actually organize the graduation sign for the front of the neighborhood – it is up to individual parents of graduates to organize and pay for the sign each year. Congrats to all our graduates!

Susan reminded members Huntington West has been at the maximum number of homes leased (per the Fifth Declaration) since July 2009. No new leases may be approved until a current lease expires – Board approval is required. Susan also updated members on the fact that there is now an active WAIT LIST for homeowners wishing to lease – the 5% maximum of homes in the Declaration has been reached and a Wait List established, per the Declaration. There are currently homeowners are awaiting an opportunity to lease when one of our current approved leases expires. The HOA’s Fifth Declaration and all governing documents are on the HOA website ( NOTE: Susan reminded members the HWHOA will hold accountable any homeowner trying to circumvent the lease maximum. The HOA’s lawyers have advised fines for any homeowner violating the protections of the Fifth Declaration will be significant – at least $25 per day.

Susan thanked Savanna Booker, who is our new Covenants Chair, but was unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Savanna is happy to have volunteers to assist, so you can contact her via the HOA web ([email protected]) Reminder: street parking is still and issue, parking on any yarded area is not permitted per covenants and Gwinnett County code. Susan thanked the Covenants Committee and the Architectural Control Committee for their dedication to making sure Huntington West looks great after 20+ years. The Architectural Control Committee has received quite a few approval requests this year – thanks to all homeowners who have followed the required procedure for approval for changes to the appearance of the home. Susan reminded members the HOA owns a pressure washer that can be rented for $10 per day for members/$25 per day for non-members of the HOA – the pressure washer currently resides at Nichole’s house – contact her to reserve the pressure washer for use.

“Yard of the Month” begins anew for the months of May through September. Four winners are selected each month (one in each phase of the neighborhood) - Block Captains (in other phases) judge each month and winners will each receive a $25 Home Depot gift card for their efforts.

Several members expressed an interest in hosting regular neighborhood garage sales. The consensus from members present was perhaps to host one Saturday only sale in the spring and one in the fall. If there is a good interest, the HOA can invest in a sign to be used regularly for neighborhood-wide garage sales.

Susan asked members to help keep pots of flowers on corner arbors watered this summer – there is no scheduled irrigation at the corners, so please keep a jug in your car and give decorative flowers a drink when you pass by.

Old Business None

New Business Nichole asked if members are still interested in having Fall Fest this year. More volunteers are needed – Nichole will organize this year’s efforts and more info will be on HOA web this fall.

Member Yvette Taylor asked about holiday flags used for decorations at pool and entrance for July 4, etc. She urged more funds spent to get better flags for display. Closing remarks/meeting adjourned

Steve thanked those who voted for the new Board officers and asked for continued support during the upcoming year.

Hearing no further business, the meeting was adjourned.