Name: ______

All the Information in the Known Universe Website Worksheet!

Instructions: Visit an interactive website on how to do research and complete the following questions below. Step 1: Website: Step 2: Click on “Research Rocket” to begin. Step 3: “1. Plan” to begin! Step 4: Use the “back” and “next” rocket icons to advance or go back.

Questions: (K/U /85)

1. What is step #1 in conducting research? (1 mark) ______

2. Fill in the question mark with the seven components of this step: (7 marks)

3. Why do you think the question mark is a good symbol for the first step? (1 mark) ______

4. Make a list of ______. (1 mark)

5. In your own words, define “synonym.” (1 mark) ______GLE 1O1

6. Complete the following chart based on the Quest Strategy. (12 marks) a. Label the shaded areas with the FOUR resources you could use. b. Then give THREE examples of EACH resource.

7. What is step #2 in conducting research? (1 mark) ______

8. Fill in the graphic below with the six components of this step. (6 marks)

9. Define the following: (5 marks) a. Subject:

b. Author:

c. Title:

d. Call Number:

e. General: GLE 1O1

10. Name THREE frontier research planets. (3 marks) a. ______b. ______c. ______

11. Define the following: (2 marks) a. Index:

b. Key Words:

12. How many times should you use a new word in a sentence the day you learn it? ______times. (1 mark)

13. What if you can’t find anything? List FIVE tricks. (5 marks) a. ______b. ______c. ______d. ______e. ______

14. If you get a page that says ______or ______it means that the page is no longer available on the web. (2 marks)

15. a. What do Boolean words do? (1 mark) ______

b. Give three examples of Boolean words. (3 marks) ______

16. What is step #3 in conducting research? (1 mark) ______GLE 1O1

17. Fill in the graphic below with the eight components for this step. (8 marks)

18. KWL stands for: (3 marks)  What I ______ What I ______ What I ______

19. Venn diagrams tell us the ______and ______. (2 marks)

20. What are the THREE steps for note cards? (3 marks) a. ______b. ______c. ______

21. What is step #4 in conducting research? (1 mark) ______

22. Fill in the graphic below with the eight components of this step. (8 marks) GLE 1O1

23. Summarize the FIVE steps for scanning/surveying a page. (5 marks)

24. What is the point of the “Five Finger Test.” (1 marks) ______

25. The last thing to do when conducting research is ______. (1 mark) GLE 1O1


All the Information in the Known Universe Website Worksheet!

Instructions: Visit an interactive website on how to do research and complete the following questions below. Step 1: Website: Step 2: Click on “Research Rocket” to begin. Step 3: “1. Plan” to begin! Step 4: Use the “back” and “next” rocket icons to advance or go back.

Questions: (K/U /85)

1. What is step #1 in conducting research? (1 mark) Plan 2. Fill in the question mark with the seven components of this step: (7 marks)

Define Subject


What do you know?

Similar ideas

Key words and phrases

Quest strategy

Gather tools

3. Why do you think the question mark is a good symbol for the first step? (1 mark) Answers will vary. Perhaps the question mark is symbolic because the whole point to conducting research is asking questions first.

4. Make a list of what you know about the subject. (1 mark)

5. In your own words, define “synonym.” (1 mark) Words that have the same meaning.

6. Complete the following chart based on the Quest Strategy. (12 marks) a. Label the shaded areas with the FOUR resources you could use. b. Then give THREE examples of EACH resource. GLE 1O1 Library Classroom Experts Home See website.

7. What is step #2 in conducting research? (1 mark) Search for information

8. Fill in the graphic below with the six components of this step. (6 marks)

Library Virtual Libraries Catalogue

Contents Magazines and Encyclopedia Index


9. Define the following: (5 marks) a. Subject: “what a book or article is about; the topic”

b. Author: “the person who wrote (or created) something”

c. Title: “the name of something: a book, article, magazine, movie, etc.”

d. Call Number: “a special number that helps you locate a book in a library”

e. General: “not limited or specialized, referring to a whole group (such as a class of students)”

10. Name THREE frontier research planets. (3 marks) a. Grolier Encyclopedia b. Searchasaurus c. EBSCO GLE 1O1

11. Define the following: (2 marks) a. Index: “a list in the back of some books of subjects in alphabetical order (with page numbers where the subjects can be found)”

b. Key Words: “important words; they will help you find information in an index or search engine” 12. How many times should you use a new word in a sentence the day you learn it? six times. (1 mark)

13. What if you can’t find anything? List FIVE tricks. (5 marks) a. Look for new words and ideas to add; b. Put words in a different order; c. Take a word or two away from a phrase; d. Try using singular or plural form of the words; e. Ask the librarian/teacher where further research could take place.

14. If you get a page that says Error 404 or File Not Found it means that the page is no longer available on the web. (2 marks)

15. a. What do Boolean words do? (1 mark) Allow you to narrow or expand your search

b. Give three examples of Boolean words. (3 marks) “and” “or” “not”

16. What is step #3 in conducting research? (1 mark) Take Notes

17. Fill in the graphic below with the eight components for this step. (8 marks)

KWL method


Note cards

Venn diagram


Cluster method

Data sheets

Fact finder GLE 1O1

18. KWL stands for: (3 marks)  What I KNOW  What I WANT TO KNOW  What I LEARNED 19. Venn diagrams tell us the Similarities and Differences. (2 marks)

20. What are the THREE steps for note cards? (3 marks) a. Give your card a title; b. Use a separate card for each bit of information; c. Be sure to list the source.

21. What is step #4 in conducting research? (1 mark) Use the Information

22. Fill in the graphic below with the eight components of this step. (8 marks) Scan First Five Finger Test

True or Bogus? Compare and Contrast

Organize Information Your Own Words

Put in Order Your Conclusion

23. Summarize the FIVE steps for scanning/surveying a page. (5 marks) 1. Read the title and look at the pictures; 2. Read the captions under the pictures; 3. Read the first and last paragraphs on the page; 4. Look for the main idea of each section; 5. When you come to words you don’t understand, write them down so you can look them up in a dictionary.

24. What is the point of the “Five Finger Test.” (1 marks) To show you whether a book is a good one for you/for a project (appropriate reading level).

25. The last thing to do when conducting research is evaluate. (1 mark)