The Translation Analysis Assignment Phase One s2

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The Translation Analysis Assignment Phase One s2

The Translation Analysis Assignment Phase One 1 Do not modify this document in any way. Simply fill in required answers in specified places. Penalty points involved here!

Name: Course: Date due: Date Turned in: Assigned Passage: Acts 4:32-37

Items to be included: 1. Parallel Listing of the Four Translations. If there is an icon by your assigned passage, then follow these steps: Save the file in the link by your assigned passage on to your computer hard drive, then bring up the file in your word processing software and copy the translations into the table below: If no icon is next to the listing of your assigned passage, then follow these steps: 1. Click on the hyperlink in the table below for each translation. This will take you to the BST Bible Concordance URL where you can access an electronic version of each of these translations. 2. Once that internet site comes up you can access your scripture passage in each of these four translations by a) Typing your scripture passage in the Search for: box. Be sure to type in the full Bible book name followed by chapter and verses. (e.g., Mark 1:10-15) b) Set the using: box to the desired translation by using the scroll arrow on the left side of the box. (e.g., using: New Living Translation). Do not change the in: box reading. c) Click on the Find button. This will bring up your scripture passage in the specified translation. d) Once the passage comes up, then highlight the passage (excluding footnotes). Either use the Copy button in the Edit menu at the top of your screen, or hit two keys at the same time (Control/ Ctl & C). Either method will copy the scripture passage to the clipboard of your computer. e) Place your cursor in the table below on row two underneath the specified translation. When the cursor is in the correct cell of the table, then either use the Paste command in the Edit menu at the top of your screen, or hit two key at the same time (Control/ Ctl & V). Either method will paste the copied text from your computer clipboard into the proper cell in the ta - ble. f) Use your delete key etc. to correct the formatting of the scripture passage into a running text with no lines or spaces between the verses. Be sure to leave the verse numbering in the text. g) Repeat this process with each scripture passage until all four translations of your passage are in place.

New American Standard Bibl e Revised Standard Version New Living Translation Today's English Version 4:32 And the con- 4:32 Now the com- 4:32 All the believ- 4:32 The group of gregationF104 of those pany of those who be- ers were of one heart believers was one in who believed were of lieved were of one and mind, and they mind and heart. None one heart and soul; heart and soul, and no felt that what they of them said that any and not one of them one said that any of owned was not their of their belongings claimedF105 that any- the things which he own; they shared ev- were their own, but thing belonging to him possessed was his erything they had. they all shared with was his own, but all own, but they had ev- 4:33 And the apostles one another every-

1 things were common erything in common. gave powerful witness thing they had. 4:33 property to them. 4:33 4:33 And with great to the resurrection of With great power the And with great power power the apostles the Lord Jesus, and apostles gave witness the apostles were giv- gave their testimony God's great favor was to the resurrection of ing testimony to the to the resurrection of upon them all. 4:34 the Lord Jesus, and resurrection of the the Lord Jesus, and There was no poverty God poured rich bless- Lord Jesus, and abun- great grace was upon among them, because ings on them all. 4:34 dant grace was upon them all. 4:34 There people who owned There was no one in them all. 4:34 For was not a needy per- land or houses sold the group who was in there was not a needy son among them, for them 4:35 and brought need. Those who person among them, as many as were pos- the money to the apos- owned fields or hous- for all who were own- sessors of lands or tles to give to others in es would sell them, ers of land or houses houses sold them, and need. 4:36 For in- bring the money re- would sell them and brought the proceeds stance, there was ceived from the sale, bring the proceedsF106 of what was sold 4:35 Joseph, the one the 4:35 and turn it over of the sales 4:35 and and laid it at the apos- apostles nicknamed to the apostles; and lay them at the apos- tles' feet; and distribu- Barnabas (which the money was distrib- tles' feet, and they tion was made to each means "Son of En- uted according to the would be distributed as any had need. 4:36 couragement"). He needs of the people. to each as any had Thus Joseph who was was from the tribe of 4:36 And so it was need. 4:36 Now surnamed by the apos- Levi and came from that Joseph, a Levite Joseph, a Levite of tles Barnabas (which the island of Cyprus. born in Cyprus, whom Cyprian birth, who means, Son of encour- 4:37 He sold a field he the apostles called was also called Barn- agement), a Levite, a owned and brought Barnabas (which abas by the apostles native of Cyprus, 4:37 the money to the apos- means "One who En- (which translated sold a field which be- tles for those in need. courages"), 4:37 sold means Son of Encour- longed to him, and a field he owned, agement), F107 4:37 and brought the money brought the money, who owned a tract of and laid it at the apos- and turned it over to land, sold it and tles' feet. the apostles. brought the money and laid it at the apos- tles' feet. FOOTNOTES: F104: Or {nations} F105: Or {as for the present situation} F106: Or {attesting mira- cles} F107: Or {Son}

2. Coding of Translation Differences (sentence by sentence in translations) in the above table. a. Follow the coding system: Red = agreement by all four translations (bold); Blue = agreement by three of the four translations (underline); Black = agreement by two of the four translations (italics).

2 If you are going to print out your assignment using a non-color printer, then add the formats list- ed in the parenthesis above to the color coding.

b. Identify all points of agreement (and thus difference by non-marking) in the passage. See the example on for illustration.

3. Listing of Translation Differences and Questions arising from them.

Insert your findings here:

4. Listing of Questions reflecting key ideas developed in each sentence of the scripture text. This is distinctly different from the above listing of translation questions, and must be listed separately.

Insert your findings here:

3 1 Due during the week of Exam 1 (both regular and summer terms). Check your class Schedule page for ex- act dates. Covers the activities of weeks 1-4. The four translations selected must come from the list of usable translations. Gradually a file is being created in the Paper Assignments page already containing the parallel listing of the translations. It is linked to the scripture text with the orange T-T-T icon. Every selected passage will contain this hyperlink once the scripture texts requests are submitted. To access in the Paper page, click on the Assignments hyperlink. No prescribed form to assignment. Counts as 25% of the Analysis Paper grade.

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