Making It Real

Think about something you would like to change or do (a habit, education, work, relationships, or even the color of your living room walls!). List that thing below (make sure it is something you are comfortable sharing with the group). Then complete the DARN-C ruler to assess where you’re at with making this change/action and where you need to spend some time in contemplation.


Goal: Lose 50 pounds

Desire: Moderate-high

Ability: Low (I work several jobs, am a doctoral student, have a family so it’s hard to get to the gym except between semesters and I often eat “on the run”)

Reason(s): Improve health, feel better mentally and physically

Need: High

Commitment: Low-Moderate – I can maybe pack my lunch one day a week but I don’t think I’ll get to the gym right now.

Goal: ______

Desire: ______

Ability: ______

Reason(s): ______

Need: ______

Commitment: ______

Rutgers University – SHRP – Dept. of Psychiatric Rehabilitation & Counseling Professions / June 2016